Mohorah, A place where studying is replaced by fighting ghosts like evil nun, Jason, pin man, sar kata, koohni pig and many more everyone have to protect them from this ghosts, leo was new to that world.
Leo lived in a small village where in a big jungle Jason lived, the village was small but the school was so big.
One day leo was coming back from his school and he saw Jason, Jason was seeing leo, Jason was hiding in a jungle and then Jason went but, it was normal that Jason or evil nun see Village from a faar jungle Then leo went to his home and called:
Leo: Mom
Mom: Yes leo your back!?
Leo: Yes mom
Mom: Ok now eat Lunch and go do your homework, you have to write about icecream rod
Leo: Yes mom I know and I saw Jason in that blood jungle
Mom: It's not rare you have to find Koohni pig that is rarer
Leo: Ok mom
Then leo went to his room and started doing his homework. At 6:00 evening leo finished his homework and leo again saw Jason seeing leo from faar jungle leo saw Jason from his window then again Jason went.
Leo abilits:
Eyesight: 70 normal
Hearing: 50 advanced
Strenth: 60 advanced
Speed: 40 normal
Black magic: 40 advanced
Leo then went to his friends house his friend was (Joe)
Joe: Hey hello leo
Leo: Hey Joe I think Jason again started doing black magic
Joe: What? How can you say that
Leo: I saw Jason 2 times
Joe: What is wierd in that
Leo: We see Jason only 1 or 0 times but today I saw 2 times Jason don't see this village first
Joe: Hmm? Do you know that Jason can target anyone
Leo: Ok ok now leave
Joe: Ok
Leo: Did you find Koohni pig
Joe: I found sar kata
Leo: Your scared of yakshini and you will go to jungle to fing sar kata pff
Joe: Yes but I found evil nun
Leo: It's not rare
Joe: Yes but- Pff
Leo: What is the most rare ghost
Joe: Pin boys dad "Sreacher"
Leo: Hmm ok
Then leo went to his home and then slept.
Next morning leo went to school.
At 3:00 pm leo came back from the school
That time leo saw granny with Jason and this was wierd, now leo was sure that they are doing black magic and they need a victim, and they were thinking that leo can became the victim.
Leo went to home and there his mom was not there, leo thought they went in farm are somewhere then the lunch was there, leo ate it and then he went to his room and till 5:00 leo was doing his homework and at 5:00 Leo fininshed his homework and then Leo's mom came back leo asked:
Leo: Hey mom, where were you
Mom: A- I went to city to buy some things, and did you fininshed your homework
Leo: Yes mom just now I finished and you know I saw Jason and granny together
Mom: Leo! Don't joke everytime
Leo: What Why? I Don't Joke
Mom: Jason and granny only come together when They do any dangerous black magic
Leo: I realy saw them together mom
Mom: Ok ok now leave that topic
Leo: Mom?!? Why you don't believe me
Mom: Leo it's 5:00 You said you have to meet your friend
Leo: Oh damn yes I forget s*it
Then leo went to his friends house his friend was Larry!
Leo reached his home and he went inside it but leo saw Ben and said:
Leo: Hey guys hello, and Ben what are you doing over here
Ben: Hello leo
Leo: You come everywhere to irritate me
Larry: Hii! Leo! You know ben
Leo: Yes he is my neighbor and he alwas irritate me
Larry: Oh, he is so good
Ben: Yes
Leo: O-Ok I think you'll soon know
Ben: Guys see I bought 3 choclate
Leo: Oh, my favorite choclate
Larry: Yea Evin mine
Then they ate choclate and then Larry said:
Larry: You guys know ice cream "Rod"
Leo: Yes, But he lives in city
Ben: You guys know I saw evil nun
Larry: Huh? Ben it's not rare
Leo: You know I saw Jason and granny together
Ben: And you think we will believe you
Leo: Why? What
Larry: Leo Jason and granny only come together when they do any dangerous black magic
Leo: Same my mom said
Ben: Because thats true
Leo: Why you don't believe me
Larry: Leo realy you saw
Leo: Damn yes
Ben: But- Yes so I think they will do any black magic
Larry: But what if Jason kill anyone for that Black magic
Leo: Guys come lets go to jungle and see
Suddenly Larrys friend "Hope" came
Larry said:
Larry: Hey, hello hope
Leo: I know him
Hope: Hello everyone
Ben: Who are you
Hope: Hello my name is hope
Ben: Hello I'm Ben
Hope: Evin Goku came with me and Evin xplo
Ben: I know them
Goku: Hello all
Xplo: Hello
Leo: Hello Xplo and Goku, long time no meet?
Xplo: A- these days I went to Gloriya
Leo: Nice
Goku: And I was with him
Larry: Yes Evin I went
Leo: Nice
Larry: Will you guys come we are going to jungle
Xplo: Damn yes
Goku: I'm always ready, but let's Evin call Tapzee and abs
Xplo: Yes your right
Goku: I will go and call them bye.
Leo: Then it will be 7 people
Ben: Yes
After that they went to jungle and there was so much blood, leo was in front that time and then leo saw all the things which is needed to do jayga type black magic
That time ben said:
Ben: Hey I know this, it's things to do that dangerus black magic
Tapzee: Yes
Abs: I think it's going to be night we have to go home
Leo: Yes
Xplo: Huh? See Evin rain started
Then all ran towards their home, and then leo reached his home and then leo went to his room, and he sat infront of his PC and then he played free fire game.
Next day leo went to that jungle alone but leo found nothing. At 6:00 evening leo went to his home because he realy dint find anything there, in his way back home he saw his friend max, That time leo said:
Leo: Hello max
Max: Hey leo, long time no meet
Leo: A- I Acculy was little busy these days
Max: Oh, I understand
Leo: Where is Zack your brother
Max: He Acculy has Fever
Leo: Oh, sorry to hear that
Max: Where is Tapzee
Leo: Tapzee is Acculy at ground
Max: Oh, ok
Leo: Ok Acculy I have work bye
Max: Bye leo
Then leo went to his home, next day xplo went to meet max but leo saw livi
Livi is Leo's old friend
Leo said:
Leo: Hii livi
Livi: Hello leo
Leo: Where were you going
Livi: Oh, nothing I was just bored
Leo: Hm!?
Livi: Come let's go to that ground
Leo: yes come
Then leo and livi played in ground, at 7:00 Leo came Back to his home.
Next day leo was going to school that time leo saw Jason, Jason was infront of him leo ran but Jason was also Fast leo climbed a tree but Jason hit the tree with his sword and leo fell down, Jason tried to hit him with the sword but leo escaped.
Leo ran with full speed but granny came infront of him and hit him *Das*.
After a long time leo eyes opened, he saw leo was in granny and grandpa house.
Leo saw that in basment, where Jason was protecting that place.
And Evin Pinman was there.
Leo went from the vent and it opened in punishment room leo went from window and grandpa was there grandpa came to kill leo but leo escaped and leo ran but granny came there, there was a short gun, leo took that and shooted granny, but grandpa came and tried to hit leo but leo shooted grandpa also but there Jason came, Leo's ammo was 0 so leo ran, Jason chased leo but leo saw the door was open so leo ran from there, leo Hided In A Tree, and then leo ran but it was a weird place and leo dint know his way to home, leo was just waking in that place, and suddenly leo saw Koohni pig, but Koohni pig dint saw leo, so leo ran from that place.
Leo reached a village and it was already night so leo called:
Leo: Hello, is anybody there I'm in a big trobule
Villager: *Yawn* Oh, so many people come
Here for help, Now say what you want
Leo: Acculy I am from Gahuha village
Villager: Ok ok my name's TaDu
Leo: My names leo kun
TaDu: Acculy what's your problem?
Leo: Acculy I was in my village but suddenly Jason came I ran but granny hit me and Blablablablabal!
ToDu: Ok come to my home
Villager: Oh *Yawn* what happend
Leo: Acculy-
TaDu: Don't explain full story now and his name is Clau
Clau: Ok come stay here for a while and then go, because Jason will be here at night
Leo: Ok
Then after going to thier home leo explained them all story. At morning 6:00 leo woke up and TaDu siad:
TaDu: Good morning leo
Clau: You woke up come we will drop you in Gahuha village
Leo: Thanks I'm coming
Then leo went to his village and after going to his home he saw Leo's mom and his friends were searching for leo and ben saw leo and said:
Ben: Everyone see, leo is over there
TaDu: Acculy he lost in jungle
Mom: Leo! Where were you
TaDu: Acculy he lost in jungle<2
Larry: Leo You know how much did we got scared
TaDu: Acculy leo is saying that granny hit him and Blablablablabala
Mom: Leo why do you alwas lie
Leo: Mom leave that why you think that I lie
Tapzee: Leo come to home now
Max: Leo I believe you
Xplo: Guys first-
Leo: Guys leave that for now damn
TaDu: Acculy I'm going, I have work
Leo: Thanks for the help
TaDu: It's ok
Mom: Leo now say the truth, where were you
Leo: Mom granny and Jason kidnaped me
Mom: No leo it's lie
Leo: No mom!
Xplo: Leo for now come to my home we will talk there
Then leo went to Xplos home, there xplo said:
Xplo: Ok, now I saw what happend
Tapzee: What
Xplo: Leo, when Jason came infront of you, that time you screamed and I saw everything but I saw still granny hit you only
Leo: Xplo you saw it
Xplo: Yes
Leo: Then you believe me
Larry: If we dint saw that then also we believe you.
Leo: Thanks a lot guys
Then after taking leo went back to home and Leo's mom said:
Mom: Leo! Welcome now say what happend
Leo: I said you mom granny kidnaped-
Mom: Say the truth
Leo: I don't know mom this is the truth!
After saying that leo went to his room angryly. Next day leo went to school, and after coming back to home leo put the bag and then went to xplos home.
Leo went to xplos home and said
Leo: Xplo are you there
Xplo: Yes leo yesterday you said your coming
Leo: Come let's go to jungle
Xplo: Huh?
Leo: I know the way of granny house now
Xplo: Are you mad or what
Leo: We have to go xplo, or I will go alone
Xplo: Ok come lets go
Leo and xplo went to jungle coz leo wanted to raid granny's house.
Leo and xplo saw Jason suddenly!
Leo hit Jason with his stick but jason was so strong, but xplo ran and said leo to run
Both ran but suddenly they saw that Jason
Was not there so they again started thier journey for granny's house, at 4:00 They reached granny's house and then they went inside it and saw there was a dead body lying in the floor, but leo dint focus on that, and went to besment, leo wanted to catch granny, so leo had an mobile so he called police:
Leo: Hello natafight police is that your number
Police: Yes sir what happend
Leo: Send your number
Police: My number is 527*****80
Leo: Ok now I'll send you a location come here sir!
Police: yes sir
Xplo: Nice idea leo
Leo: Thanks xplo
Xplo: So now what's your plan?
Leo: Ok so now I called police and send them the location so police can be here anytime, so now we have to go and police will come and arrest granny, Ok!
Xplo: Damn, very good idea
Leo: I can hear some notice hurry up!
Granny: Where are you, I see you
Xplo: Granny is behind that door, let's use that vent
Leo: No police come *Hit*
Granny hit 1 police officer and another offer shooted granny But jason came there and hit another officer, 9 Police officer was shooting Jason and Jason fell down, And then they both were arrested
Leo ran to his home with xplo. And it was like 7:00 evening when leo reached his home.
Leo went inside his home but his mom said:
Mom: Leo, you know the time, where were you
Leo: I was at Granny- No no I was in Larrys home where livi was also there
Mom: Ok now go and do your homework
Leo knew that his mom will not belive leo
So leo dint say anything to his mom. At 3:00 night leo finished his homework, and then he slept. Next morning leo went to school. At 3:00 Leo came back from his school, after coming back leo saw the TV news, in news they were showing:
News: Today a miracle happend, we all know that granny is so dangerous but yesterday our police team caught granny we still don't know who gave granny's location to cops now main news!
Leo: Wow, they don't know I gave them the location, but if I say also no-one will belive me, huh!
After sometime leo went to Gary's house
Gary is Leo's school friend.
When leo reached Gary's house, leo and Gary were just talking about Mrmeat.
Mrmeat is a very rare ghost, which you can see in city.
At 9:00 nug
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