77.85% The Wizard called Oz - HP / Chapter 106: Presenting the Product

章 106: Presenting the Product

"Master, if I may be so bold... Why is there the need to create another identity as 'Lee Oswald'? Surely bringing more attention to Oz 'The Descendant of Merlin' would be better in the long-term?".

A couple days had passed since Oz had made a working version of the Magi-Cast. In that time he had fine-tuned the product to work much better with less runes and now it was at a stage ready to be presented to the world. As Oz was getting ready to leave for diagon alley with Alfreda, Alfreda felt the need to ask her master a question.

"You certainly have a point Alfreda however fame is something I already have an abundance of... For this journey across the world we will find ourselves entangled with not only different wizarding communities but their governments as well. Whilst being the descendant of Merlin is indeed something that would garner me respect in many societies that still doesn't forgo my identity as a '14 year old boy from Hogwarts'. I need an identity like 'Lee Oswald' so that mingling with these governments is a lot easier. With the launch of the Magi-Cast the product should find itself spreading throughout the world due to how revolutionary it is. 'Lee Oswald' will allow me entrance into the more 'adult' wizarding societies in the world whilst 'Oz' will allow me into the schools of the world. It's just a case of switching between identities like masks. Also having two identities always helps when needing to mask myself if say one identity becomes notorious in a country...".

Alfreda's smile froze on her face as she heard her masters explanation come to an end. He had certainly seemed to have planned ahead however planning for an event in which he is a wanted man in different countries... What did this master of hers plan on doing in his travels if that was actually a scenario that could happen?

"Anyway Alfreda you explained to me a while back that your transfiguration magic was much more powerful than the common witch and wizard correct?".

"Y-yes master. I'm not much in regards to offensive magic however my charms skills along with transfiguration are two in which I excel at~".

"Good. When the time comes I'd like for you to transfigure me into an adult male, I'll leave the appearance of said male up to you. I'd do it myself however your magic is far greater than mine in terms of transfiguration so there's no risk in exposure...".

Alfreda smiled and nodded at her master.

"That'll be no problem for me master, just say the word when needed~".

"Oh... How goes making the clothing for our journey as well? I was so caught up in making the Magi-Cast that I neglected to check in on how you've done".

Alfreda walked off from the main room and arrived back after a couple of minutes with clothing in her hand. Placing the clothing on the table she began to present them to Oz.

"I'm finished with the main clothes as you can see here... The hood and cape are taking a tiny bit longer as I wanted to make something special for them... How about you try the clothes on whilst we make the trip for Diagon alley?".

Oz nodded as he took the clothes into his room. Stripping down he starting to dress himself in the clothing Alfreda had made. The material felt soft yet also allowed for a nice amount of movement within them. The outfit was mostly black with some accents of purple here and there. As Oz looked at himself in the mirror he had to admire Alfreda's craftsmanship when it came to clothing, the stitching, the design and the softness all were top tier. The final piece to put on was a belt which had a buckle in the shape of a dragon's head. The design was incredibly detailed with the eyes of the dragon buckle having small purple jewels inserted in.

'That elf really is a jack of all trades... I guess living for so long allows you to pick up different talents'.

As Oz exited his room he entered back into the main room of the hideout now in the clothes given to him by Alfreda. Whilst he was changing Norberta seemed to have entered into the main room as when he walked in he saw both Alfreda and Norberta sat at the main table. The both stared at Oz as he walked in, Alfreda gave an approving nod whilst Norberta seemed to give a proud look.

"I was right in choosing black, it really suits you~... Are the clothes uncomfortable at all master?".

"Not at all Alfreda you really smashed it out of the park with this one".

{That's how my papa should look!}

Oz smiled at Norberta's comment as he walked over to her giving her a pat on the head.

"It's best we get going now Alfreda... The sooner we get this deal done the better".

Alfreda nodded at her masters request as she approached the fireplace. Inside the hideout there was a complex charm that didn't allow apparition so whenever she had to travel she needed to use the one-way floo network first to get out of the hideout and then she'd apparate to where she wanted to go. In coming back she'd have to apparate above the hideout and enter through the door that was locked to all but herself and Oz.

{We will only be a bit Norberta... When I come back I'll play with you in the den for a while}.

Norberta's mood lightened as Oz promised to play with her in the den on his return. Hearing this she ushered them off quickly towards the fireplace. Alfreda zoomed off first to diagon alley followed soon after by Oz.


As the duo of Alfreda and Oz arrived in diagon alley they both walked down the streets swarmed with witches and wizards. Alfreda just before leaving transfigured herself so as not to stand out as much, mainly hiding her 'elven ears' that stuck out like a sore thumb. Even with that though both Oz and Alfreda gained a lot of attention as they walked through the street.

"These clothes may be a bit too good Alfreda...".

"I'm sure the majority are looking due to your fame master~".

As Oz listened to the whispers of the witches and wizards as he passed by he heard them mentioning him along with something about OWL results along with the phrase 'Hogwarts Representative'.

'Those governors... I'm not surprised'.

News had spread since the end of last year at Hogwarts about Oz's results with his OWLs. Considering he got perfect results two years earlier than normal the governors probably spread the news far and wide so as to increase the reputation of Hogwarts as a school. It's reputation of course was already great however more reputation would never hurt them.

After a long walk the two arrived at the front of Gringotts. Oz took a look at the 'warning message' on the side of Gringotts as the two walked in.

"Follow my lead in here Alfreda... There may be some resistance from the head goblin so I'll need you for backup and maybe even some 'persuasion' if necessary".

Alfreda nodded calmly as she followed beside Oz. The two walked through the Gringotts foyer attracting the gazes of the goblins present. As they noted who had arrived, they started to get agitated. Whenever Oz had arrived in the past, something big had happened. Arriving at the head desk Oz looked up to the goblin who smiled down at him.

"Mr Ambrosius, it's a pleasure to see you again. To what to do we owe the pleasure?".

"I'm here to speak to the head goblin, bring him out".

"Certainly sir...".

After the situation with Lucius and the goblins they started to treat Oz with the utmost respect essentially giving him VIP status in Gringotts. Goblins respected heritage as well as money and they were well aware of Oz's pedigree along with his funds. All of this combined led to their service towards Oz being the highest. After some waiting the head goblin came out from one of the back rooms.

"Ah, Mr Ambrosius! It's been some time since I've seen you... Come with me".

Oz and Alfreda followed behind the head goblin into the back rooms of Gringotts. Taken upstairs they arrived at the head goblins personal office. Walking on in they sat down opposite the head goblin at his desk.

"I assume your presence here is business based correct?".

Without responding to the goblin, Oz silently took out the Magi-Cast prototype he had finalised earlier in the day and put it on the table. The head goblin looked intently at the device before feeling the need to ask.

"What is this contraption sir?".

"Considering you allow stocks to be bought in the muggle world I assume you know about muggle television correct? This here is a device that I've created that can record real life and cast that recording onto a screen or even project it from the camera itself. Unlike the muggle version however, mine uses a combination of magic and technology to function allowing for ease of use".

Oz picked up the Magi-Cast and recorded the stupefied expression of the head goblin for a few seconds before then projecting that image back to him. The goblin watched on in shock as he saw himself projected from the camera.

"T-This is incredible Mr Ambrosius! What a remarkable invention you have made!".

"I'm sure you're aware how important this is to the wizarding community if we were to release it to the public...".

Oz saw the head goblins eyes turn into galleons as he stared at the device.

"This... this device could only be referred to as revolutionary Mr Ambrosius! Media, Marketing, Entertainment this product would allow all these sections of the wizarding community to receive a boon!".

The head goblin started to shake with excitement as he looked at the device Oz had brought forward to him. As a goblin obsessed with making money he knew how incredible this device would be if it were to be released.

"I'm glad you're aware of how important my 'Magi-Cast' is... So how about I give you the condition under which I want to sell this product?".

"I'm all ears Mr. Ambrosius, all ears!".

Oz smiled as he took the Magi-Cast from the table and placed it back in his pouch.

"I have three conditions in regards to releasing this product through Gringotts. Firstly, the split for this product will be 95/5, the 95 being me and the 5 being you. Secondly, This product will be unveiled publicly via a press event outside of Gringotts that you will all organise for me and finally me and you will undergo an unbreakable vow with the conditions being that you will not sell the blueprints to my 'Magi-Cast' to anyone else underhandedly, not do anything that could bring harm to me and most importantly keep my identity as the enchanter 'Lee Oswald' tight-lipped from now on. If you've already told anyone then obliviate that knowledge".

As Oz went through the clauses that came with Gringotts being able to distribute his product the head goblins face grew colder and colder. As the unbreakable vow was mentioned, the goblin flipped out.

"Mr. Ambrosius don't you think your conditions are a bit too harsh?! 95/5?! We will barely be making any profit! Your second condition is something that is fine for us to do but your last one, an unbreakable vow!? Do you think me crazy in offering me such a ludicrous deal with such conditions!?".

Oz and Alfreda both looked at the angered goblin coldly. Oz leant forward as he emitted pressure causing the goblin to break into a cold sweat.

"Need I remind you goblin you sold my identity out the Lucius Malfoy 2 years back now, if that deal never occurred my identity as Merlin's descendant might have stayed under wraps longer... Such a business dealing made me lose all my faith in you. The third clause of the contract is solely so I can trust you from here on. As for the 95/5 split, you should be grateful I'd even offer you any considering all you've put me through here".

The head goblins expression flinched as Oz mentioned the deal that they had with Lucius Malfoy. Although it was a 'faction' of goblins from Gringotts that enacted the deal it was still something that happened under the head goblins nose.

"Well if you're that opposed to it then I can always approach other businesses to sell this product under. Such a revolutionary device... any place would want to distribute it even if they make hardly any profit. After all that business will be heralded for centuries to come as the ones who revolutionised the wizarding world".

Looking at the goblins expression it was apparent to both Oz and Alfreda that he was beginning to crack. Oz let out a long sigh as he stood up from his seat.

"Well I guess that this negotiation is over now. Apologies for wasting your time...".

As Oz stood up so did Alfreda and the two proceeded to the exit of the office. As Oz reached for the door the goblin called out.

"W-Wait Mr. Ambrosius... the deal... I accept".

Oz smiled as he turned back around walking back to his seat. Alfreda smiled alongside him as they sat opposite the goblin.

"Well then, let's get this contract fully underway".


"A 95/5 split, you are certainly devious master... I'm surprised that money loving goblin even accepted such a deal~".

Oz and Alfreda had just exited from Gringotts after a successful negotiation with the head goblin. After smoothing over the details and forming a myriad of magical contracts about how the 'Magi-Cast' was to be distributed, Oz and the head underwent an unbreakable vow that was overseen by Alfreda. The head goblin promised Oz that he would keep Oz's enchanter identity (Lee Oswald) a secret, that he wouldn't sell the blueprints for the 'Magi-Cast' underhandedly and finally that he would never do anything or let anything happen that could endanger Oz. With this vow enacted, the head goblin was under Oz's thumb.

"The head goblin understood the weight of the product I had made... Even though goblins are a prideful bunch they value money equally so too. It was a gamble whether the head goblin valued his pride more or if he valued his pockets more, thankfully it was the latter. With this we should find ourselves well funded in the future. The goblins will also push the product as far as possible to ensure they at least make some profit from the 95/5 split meaning that their labour becomes my cash. I can comfortably say I've made them pay back for what they did to me a few years back...".

As Oz left Gringotts the head goblin notified him that the 'press conference' would be held in a weeks time outside Gringotts. Oz told the goblin to push information about the conference as far as possible so to attract as many people as possible.

'The more the better. When 'Lee Oswald's face spreads throughout the world the wizarding governments of other countries will welcome him with open arms as a revolutionary magi-inventor. That gives me access to not only the schools of the world but also the governments too...'.

Walking a bit away from Gringotts Oz and Alfreda found a corner where they could apparate. Alfreda held out her hand to Oz which Oz grabbed onto. Alfreda smiled as she apparated them both back to Stonehenge...

BoiGeorge BoiGeorge

Powerstones be like brrrrr.

Oz finally getting proper payback after what happened with gringotts all that while ago...

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C106
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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