8.33% The Witcher: Aethan of Cidaris / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Final Journey of King Ethain the Magnificemt
The Witcher: Aethan of Cidaris The Witcher: Aethan of Cidaris original

The Witcher: Aethan of Cidaris

作者: TheRagFromTheCrag2

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1: Final Journey of King Ethain the Magnificemt

Here we go, the rewrite! This chapter does contain parts of the OG first chapter, but for the most part, it's a complete rewrite except for those parts. Now for like the first thousand or so words, there is no dialogue, but following that is a good mix of dialogue and no dialogue.



(Cidaris Castle, Cidaris Province, Kingdom of Cidaris, Northern Kingdoms, Witcher World)


(Year: 1266)


The First Northern War was long since done and gone, but King Ethain was dead, done in by an Assassin, now the Role of the Cidarian Kingship fell to his eldest child and only son, Aethan.

Aethan was far from unremarkable, being an accomplished duelist and warrior as well as a shrewd and diligent administrator, but he was often overlooked as relatively lackluster compared to his younger sisters Atthis, Elliana, and Margaery.

But Aethan's mind was especially sharp and was not of this world.

He planned to forge an Empire in the fires of War, sinews of Marriage, and bones of Alliances. Through his mother, he had a direct claim on Cintra and an indirect claim on Lyria, albeit both of those claims were very weak ones. Only two Kingdoms stood between Cidaris and Cintra, Kerack and Verden. Now coincidentally because of his strong ancestral claim on Cintra, he also held one on Verden as it was once Cintra's vassal, much the same as Brugge and the southern part of Sodden. But there was a way to get them that didn't involve a culling.

If he Conquered or annexed them he'd have a clear path to Cintra and would be able to facilitate his formation of an Empire. From there he'd have completely unified his portion of the coastline, and following that he'd target what was once upon a time the Kingdom of Emblonia. Of course, he'd only target the Temerian aspect following Foltest's death.

The trouble is that although his coffers are full and slightly overflowing, he has no interest in a protracted war since war bleeds the coffers the longer it drags on.

There was also the need to select a suitable bride. Typically a large dowry or mighty army at their back would be important, but Aethan was looking instead for a bride who had multiple claims on certain Territory. There existed three candidates that bore considerable consideration. Adda The White of Temeria, Gisele of Lyria and Rivia, and of course Ciri. Each required consideration, and each had their pros and cons. Now for an example, if he were to take Princess Adda the White to wife he would have unified some of his claims with hers, specifically those on Brugge and Sodden, and would have been able to lay claim to Mahakam, Ellander, and even Temeria itself through Foltest's Titles, and Ancestry following his death.

But then there was another matter, Aethan didn't have the manpower to take the Kingdom of Verden. He could absorb Kerack quite easily, and in fact, the simple matter of a direct siege and cutting Kerack off by sea meant they could only flee south to Verden, or east and risk offending the Dryads.

The Dryads wouldn't take your head unless you tried to go too deep into their forests. They occasionally made exceptions for elves so long as they didn't try to push into the territory. Like say, go right through the middle. Skirting the edge was acceptable, but cutting around too far from the edge inside Brokkilon was not.

Actually, it was more exact to say that the manpower in troops for Cidaris compared to Verden was actually relatively equal. Aethan specifically did not have the men to be able to win. He could drag it on for a couple of years, but unless he made use of a specific strategy, one Emhyr made use of, he likely wouldn't be able to win.

Anyway, as things stand, if he wanted to, Aethan also could take advantage of his sisters, each of them was strong-willed and had a good head on their shoulders. Margaery in particular was the most capable which was partly why Aethan considered his youngest sibling his favorite, but was also another reason why he'd been considering a suitable husband for her specifically. In fact, all three of his sisters had been of serious thought for him, but mostly Margaery.

He hoped to marry his twin Atthis to Prince Villem of Lyria and Rivia since ultimately Adda of Temeria was his own first choice. Elliana would be given an option, to be offered as a bride to Tancred Thyssen of Kovir and Poviss, or the heir to the Hengfors League. His dear youngest sister, Margaery would be arranged to marry King Demavends only son, Prince Stennis, with the instructions to push for Stennis to arrange for his own sister to marry the man Elliana didn't choose.

Together the four of them would bind Cidaris to Lyria and Rivia, Aedirn, Temeria, and Hengfors or Kovir and Poviss with Atthis and Margaery binding their own husband's families to Hengfors/Kovir and Poviss and Redania.

He didn't expect all of his sisters to so easily be married, or even himself for that matter, but it was well worth putting the offers on the table nevertheless. Kovir was especially worth trying to tie his realm to considering the Kingdoms of Cidaris and Kovir and Poviss shared a highly profitable trade route with Ofier and Novigrad. That was a small part of the reason he hoped to absorb Kerack and Verden, because if he managed to do so he stood to be able to fortify it and consolidate significant wealth in a unified Dragon Coast.

Kerack's small size and roots in piracy made it easily the poorest of the Northern Kingdoms. And if Aethan was able to take it he would be able to make it a stop on that trade route. But then he could also use Adda in order to pressure Foltest and the other Kings to accept to cede Brugge and possibly sodden to him when the coming Northen War II occurred.

The marriage would benefit both Kingdoms and renew their ancient bonds. But more importantly, it gave them both significant allies in the North, which could only benefit them against Nilfgaard.

Strictly speaking, he could marry one of his sisters to Radovid, but knowing the madman he'd become, Aethan was extremely hesitant to do so. But having said that, the political and economic benefits were quite a bit more beneficial than Aedirn or even Lyria and Rivia. What's more, is that the fact he had at least a year to prepare for the next Nilfgard invasion was as good a time as any to begin planning and preparing.

Princess Adda was his first choice bride despite her minor intellectual disabilities, but he did have other options. But for the moment those options had to wait, for Aethan had to preside over his father's funeral as well as his own coronation.

Coincidentally though, King Vizimir II, King Demavend III, King Foltest and Princess Adda, King Viraxus, King Esterad Thyssen, King Niedamir, and Queen Meve were in attendance, giving him a great opportunity...but his main concern was first laying his Father to rest.


(King Aethan Jaenerys POV)


Aethan approached his father's ship. As was Cidarian tradition he would be laid to rest in the Ship he'd had constructed at the start of his reign, also Cidarian tradition. The ship, known as Mathen's Lament, was a magnificent piece of work, but the time had come to send it upon its last voyage.

As it sailed into the sunset the Court Mage would use his magic to set it aflame, signifying the start and end of King Ethain's final journey.

''We stand here today, to remember, to honor, and to give peace to my father. King Ethain the first. My father was a patron of the arts and ushered in a golden era for Cidaris. Behind me stands the Kings and Queen who knew him, who respected him, and they are here in person to honor him, they did not send representatives or ambassadors, they came in person....how can we do any less? As my father takes his final voyage, allow me to make this solemn promise; Cidaris will remain true to the virtues and reforms of my father... however, I too will have my own reforms and policies. You may not like them, but they will be necessary. But that can come later, for now, let us sing, let us dance, and let us remember my father...let us honor King Ethain The Magnificent!'' Aethan says to the assembled Kingdom of Cidaris.

''Mellio? Send him on his final journey. Let us be silent as King Ethain takes his final journey.'' Says Aethan as the assembled crowd watches the ship burn as it sails away.

'This is my era now, my reality, my story. Time to make it one worth remembering.' Aethan thinks silently.


As the ship burned and sailed, it, at last, was unable to be seen.

''From this day forth, in the years to come, I declare a public holiday and celebration, in honor of my father. Though this day is a solemn one, let us ensure that the next year's one is a joyous one.'' Says Aethan as he turns his back and leads his sisters away.

''Now we begin the grand game, dear sisters.'' Aethan says, leading them and the Kings and Queen to the Castle. The nobles have already arrived, and it was time time to make his appointments and arrange a feast. Especially since of all the monarchs he had invited, he most urgently needed to speak with King Foltest. And honestly marrying Adda wasn't just the reason.

''I thank you all for joining me here. Truthfully I only expected Foltest and Vizimir to make the trip, I'm grateful to have been wrong.'' Says Aethan.

''When a King dies, it falls to his fellows to honor his memory as much as it does his successor, as my own late father would say.'' Says King Niedamir of Hengfors.

''I appreciate the sentiment, King Niedamir.'' Says Aethan, before gently guiding his sisters ahead. ''I have matters to discuss with each of you, but for now, allow me to treat you to Cidarian hospitality, I must also ensure my sisters are alright. Give me some time to speak with them, but when I am sure that they are alright I shall speak with each of you individually.'' Says Aethan as he follows after his sisters.


(POV Shift: Queen Meve of Lyria and Rivia)


''He's a good family man, first honoring his father, now checking on his sisters. Reminds me of Calanthe.'' Meve notes.

''Aye, he's dedicated. The question is how much? And how far he's willing to go for his people.'" Says Foltest.

''Or his ambitions.'' Demavend adds, giving a sideways glance at the spaces where the absent King Henselt and King Ervyl would usually occupy among them were empty. King Aethan had made a point of inviting many of the North's rulers, the only ones without an invitation were King Henselt, Ervyl, and the Kings who swore loyalty to Emhyr.

''What do you suppose he wishes to discuss? From what I've heard of him King Aethan has studied at Oxenfurt extensively and won significant acclaim at the Grand Tourney of Toussaint, but good scholars and good warriors seldom make good kings...present company excepted of course.'' Vizimir says, before amending his statement at the frowns of Demavend and Foltest, not to mention Meve herself.

''From what Ansèis tells me, Aethan has never been defeated in a fight. The Knights who take part in the Grand Tourney, frequently challenge him to duels before, during, and after the Tourney. They all end up defeated. He's become such a hot topic at court that Duchess Anna Henrietta even handed him a prestigious vineyard as compensation for the previous owner trying to have him killed to win a bet on the tourney. Though from what my spies tell me, the reason was far more personal.'' Meve says.

''In any case, let us enjoy ourselves, Ethain would insist we enjoy ourselves, even at a funeral.'' Says Viraxus.


(POV Shift: King Aethan Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan sat with Atthis, Eelliee, and Margaery as he placed various reports before them gathered by the Cidaris National Intelligence Service.

''We need alliances and I would see each of you with a betrothal before the year is out.'' He says passing Atthis the files of Prince Villem, Elliana the files of Tancred Thyssen and Reidar of Hengfors, and Prince Stennis and Prince Radovid to Margaery.

''Each will benefit us very well in the long run. Margaery, I am considering either Prince Stennis or Prince Radovid for you. Radovid is heir to Redania, and a mutually beneficial trade agreement could see us reap immense profits ferrying Redanian Grain and Goods. There are rumors though, about Radovid, not good ones.'' Says Aethan.

''Define not good ones?'' Margaery asks of him.

''They claim he's quiet and cold, rarely enjoys the company of others, and that he's got a burgeoning hatred for the Mages and Sorceresses.'' Says Aethan.

''And what of Demavends whelp?'' Margaery presses him after a few moments of considering Aethan's words.

''Hehe. He's going to be a bit of a challenge sweet sister. Proud and arrogant, feeling stuck in Demavend's shadow, and desperate to prove himself. No doubt he'll be less willing to take advice from a woman, even his own wife. He'll need to be humbled before he's able to prove himself or be molded into the right kind of King.'' Says Aethan.

''And what benefits does Aedirn get us?'' Says Margaery.

''Aedirn borders Lyria and Rivia, Mahakam, Temeria, Redania, Kaedwen, and Ard Glass. Their industry will be useful, especially if Temeria plays ball, and agrees to my offer. We will be able to lock down significant territory and with the help of Aedirn and Atthis, we'll pose a significant threat to Nilfgaard.'' Says Aethan.

''And where do I fit into this dear brother? Who do you expect me to marry?'' Asks Atthis.

''Prince Villem is Queen Meve's eldest son and heir apparent and is of a similar age to us. Marrying him will help us secure the territory between the Yaruga and the Pontar, and go a long way to securing us.'' Says Aethan as Margaery gets a look of realization.

''Hehe, Aethan you sly dog, you're after Cintra!'' Says Margaery.

''No. I'm after Kerack, Verden, Brugge, Sodden, AND Cintra, my darling sister.'' Aethan's honesty brings his sisters up short.

''You mean to declare war?'' Elliana asks nervously, war has never appealed to her.

Where his sisters were concerned, Margaery had an equal interest in Intrigue and War, Elliana had an equal interest in Higher Learning and Diplomacy, while Atthis favored Intrigue and Stewardship. They'd all studied at Oxenfurt and had graduated with the highest honors, in fact, Elliana was the only woman to ever achieve a professor's degree, which was why although Margaery was his favorite, he was proudest of Elliana.

''No, I seek to absorb Kerack and annex Verden. Kerack lacks the means to resist. Their kingdom has been basically beggared by Viraxus trying to pay off his debts, but their history of piracy makes traders rarely willing to stop in Kerack. As for Verden, while Princess Cirilla remains missing, I am able to exercise our grandmother's claims on Cintra and the former Cintran Territory through her. With alliances made to Aedirn, Lyria and Rivia, Kovir or Hengfors, and Temeria, we stand to inherit much.'' Says Aethan.

''You plan to marry Foltest's bastard? A former Striga? Now a dim Princess?'' Says Margaery with a light scoff.

''Adda is as much a princess as you are sister, perhaps more. Besides, marrying her unites her claims on Brugge and Sodden with ours, and gives our house a future Claim on Temeria and Ellander.'' Says Aethan, though his tone is initially harsh at Margaery, it does soften, though Aethan is clearly still visibly agitated by Margaery's words.

''Enough of this! Elliee and Margaery, you two make your decisions. I meanwhile will make the rounds and make offers to Meve and Foltest.'' Aethan decides before turning and departing.


(POV Shift: Princess Atthis Jaenerys)


Watching her twin depart, Atthis observed Margaery chuckle dryly.

''Even now, despite his patience and calm, you still manage to rile him.'' Elliana notes with disapproval.

Elliana had always been the peacemaker, and despite the fact that Aethan doted more on Margaery than the rest of them, Elliana had the distinction of understanding Aethan best.

Despite the facade he put on, they all knew that at heart Aethan was lazy and content, but that he'd never trust his fate to anybody but himself. He had no desire to lead, but he would because no one else was worthy in his eyes.

Except perhaps Margaery.

''I wanted to see how serious he was about Princess Adda. Now that I know, and what we know of his plans, I'm more confident in my choices. If my brother is correct about Prince Radovid, and we know his spy networks knowledge is usually correct, then tying my life to a madman is not a good idea. It may indeed be in my best interest to marry into Aedirn. Besides, there is not much else as fun as having someone challenge you again and again.'' Says Margaery as she tosses the copy of the report on Prince Radovid into the fire.

''And what of us Atthis? Are we so sure of his plans? This could mean a war that destroys us.'' Elliana asks her. ''Tancred or Reidar? They both seem like good men.'' Elliana mutters quietly, showing her somewhat indecisive nature.

''It comes down to who you feel is the best fit Elliee, Brother will not force you,'' Margaery says.

''Don't call me Elliee!'' Elliana snaps at Margaery.

''You let Aethan call you that.'' Margaery points out.

''That's different.'' Elliana replies.

''How?'' Atthis asks curiously.

''Because it just is.'' Elliana insists.

''Anyway, let us table this for later, we must be seen with Aethan.'' Says Atthis chuckling at her younger siblings' antics.


(POV Shift: King Aethan Jaenerys)


Aethan stood with a Goblet of Bloody Falka in his hand. It was a wine that had a dry but slightly Spicey taste to it. It was a wine made at his personal Vineyard in Toussaint.

The two leading beliefs of why he received such a prestigious Vineyard were both true. The previous owner had debts and bet a lot of coin that Aethan would lose. Now at that point, he had won two times consecutively and each time with a near-perfect score.

So the owner tried to sabotage him. Now Aethan let him do it too and did that in order to gather evidence and witnesses. When the man finally tried to kill him, well... at that point, he'd already started bedding Duchess Anna Henrietta. In between the sheets and pillow talk, he made a few mentions of sabotaging and trying to murder him.

The Duke was still alive at this point, and Anna Henrietta whispered in her husband's ear about gross misconduct. The Duke despite being somewhat tyrannical held the Grand Tourney in high esteem, and as a two-time consecutive winner, The Duke liked him because Aethan was a big draw.

And to quote Tyrion Lannister, the Duke promptly went Heads, Spikes, Walls. Simply put the former owner was promptly beheaded and Anna Henrietta suggested that as compensation and in the spirit of competition, the winner receive the Vineyard. Obviously, she expected him to win, and the placing of it as a reward for the Tourney's winner was just a formality.

Of course, Aethan like the last few times won, and while the Duke rewarded him with the Vineyard, Annarietta...well she was most rewarding...

At any rate, Aethan refilled his goblet and took a Goblet filled with Catriona's Whim, another Wine from his Vineyard. This Wine was a little sweet, but it was also quite bitter.

He approached King Foltest and passed him the Catriona.

''Catriona's Whim, a little sweet, but more bitter than sweet. From the first batch ever produced. Your Daughter, she's quite remarkable. Despite her difficulties, she's overcome them rather well.'' Says Aethan.

''If only I'd known about the curse, it could have been I'm done before the labor.'' Forest laments.

''Maybe, but not all Witchers are as honorable as Ser Geralt. Take my own teacher for example, when my training was complete, he tried to kill me. A Noble wanted me dead in order to marry one of my sisters and rule a puppet kingdom with a puppet queen. I killed him instead, buried the Noble alive, and thus began my interest in Witchers. The Diagrams, I collect them. I have the Armor forged and made for my Elite troops. You should consider tracking down some Cat School Gear Diagrams for your Blue Stripes.'' Says Aethan.

''Perhaps, now what do you wish to discuss with me?'' Says Foltest.

''Direct and to the point, I can respect that. Very well then, I'd like you to consider a marriage for your Daughter. Her and me. I would renew our ancient bonds, and would see your line preserved.'' Says Aethan.

''Adda is my only child.'' Says Foltest, but Aethan chuckles amused by the statement.

''Please Foltest, don't lie to me. I have spies EVERYWHERE. I'm aware that Anäis and Boussy La Vallete are in fact your bastard children. Don't give me that look, I have no desire to blackmail or expose you. Though I suspect it will soon spread regardless. Meve for instance is aware you love Lady La Vallete, but not that you're the father, though she doubtless suspects. In any case, so long as we're on the subject of bastard children, you should know, I too, have my own bastards. And just like you, few are aware of their true parentage. I care little for the stain of bastardy and even less for incest Foltest... sometimes we can't help who we love... sometimes it just happens and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. I lost my love long ago, same as you.'' Says Aethan.

''And her curse? What if it rears its head again?'' Asks Foltest.

''I'll lift it or die trying. And like you, I know a good Witcher. Though in my case... I know four.'' Says Aethan.

''And what of the Princesses? Who do you envision for them?'' Foltest asks.

''I plan to try and talk Meve into letting Atthis marry Prince Villem, my younger siblings have been given their options as well. More than that I cannot say, I will not say more until I'm sure of you and where we stand together.'' Says Aethan.

''If I did agree, what would be the benefits?'' Asks Foltest.

''For starters, the Cidarian Merchant Navy would ferry goods to and from Temerian ports, including up the Pontar, our military ships would also protect your merchant ships.'' Says Aethan.

''And what of the Dowry?'' Asks Foltest.

''I will accept a smaller dowry on two fixed conditions. You help me press my claims on Cintra, failing that former Cintran Territory is an acceptable compromise. Mind you this is in the event we can force Nilfgaard to the Peace Table.'' Says Aethan.

''There will come a time when I'll ask you for help with one thing. You must help me get it, and if these two conditions are met, any debts you owe will be considered paid in full.'' Says Aethan.

''And what's to stop that one thing from being Temeria's crown?'' Says Foltest.

''Then let me tell you now, the thing I want is people. Not a noble, royal, or kingdom. Nilfgaard has some individuals they'll use in wartime, and I want you to back me getting them when we inevitably beat back Nilfgaard.'' Says Aethan.

''Two requests that are big ifs? You've given me something to think about King Aethan. I'll give you my answer in the morning.'' Says Foltest, as a guard approaches them.

''My King, there's been a development. Your presence is necessary.'' Says The guard.

''Go, see to your business. I have to take a piss.'' Says Foltest.


Exiting the Hall, Aethan and the Guard enter a small room and enter a hidden passageway.

Following the passage they enter a dimly lit room where two others stand, the Medallions around their necks in the shapes of a Bear and a Griffin are shown prominently. The Guard who led him reveals his own Medallion, a Medallion of a Viper.

''You have news?'' Asks Aethan.

''Our agents in Kerack, Verden, Cintra, Brugge, and Sodden await orders.'' Says the Viper.

''Continue spreading our network, and work towards placing men at the side of the leading Generals of Kerack, Verden, and Lyria, and Rivia. I want to assume control as bloodless as possible. When war breaks out kill Kerack's Queen. Leave the King and Princeling alive though, and make sure that the Queen dies in the King's bed, slit her throat for good measure.'' Says Aethan.

''I don't like this, but if it sees the School Restored...'' Says the Old Griffin, trailing off.

''It will, I will create a new School for the Witchers. Together we will rebuild. Four Witchers, four different Schools, to create one new one... Hmm, speaking of which, where is our Cat?'' Asks Aethan.

''Still fulfilling his mission. It isn't as easy as you'd think tracking down our lost brethren.'' The Bear replies.

''Help yourselves to a bottle from my reserves, you've earned it. For now though, your payments.'' Says Aethan as the Viper places two bulging pouches of Coins on the table.

''I must get back to the party, but be prepared to act in the next two years.'' Aethan reminds them.


(POV Shift: Queen Meve of Lyria and Rivia)


As the light entered the room, Meve approached the window opening it.

She was still nude, letting the light and small sea breeze wash over her.

''Come back to bed.'' Her companion called to her.

He was scarcely older than a boy, the same age as her elder son Villem, or somewhere close to it.

Despite that gap in age between them, they'd somehow ended up sleeping together.

''How did you convince me to do this?'" Meve asked as she felt her lover behind her. He was strong for his age, and big in all the right places.

''Don't you remember?'' Her lover asks, even as she feels his girth against her backside. He wrapped his arms around her waist, playing with the sticky mess between her legs.

Her silence must've spoken volumes because her companion parts from her and sighs.

''I don't remember a lot, combining several cups Catriona and Falka tend to do that to people. Something about the ingredients mixing and melding in your gut.'' Says her companion.

Meve turns to face her companion, finding King Aethan.

''What of your offer? You said you had one for me?''

''My sister, she needs a husband. I'd like you to consider your eldest son Prince Villem for her.'' Says Aethan as he dresses.

''Cidaris is quite far from Lyria and Rivia, how do you expect us to benefit?'' Asks Meve.

''The Yaruga. I'm planning to expand our navy and build ships specifically designed to travel up rivers, carrying cargo. Those ships will carry Lyrian and Rivian Goods to our merchant ships. Bringing your goods to a wider market.'' Says Aethan.

''What else?'' Meve asks.

''Naval support in wartime, and the support of the Cidarian National Intelligence Service.'' Says Aethan.

''The Cidarian National Intelligence Service HAS been on the rise lately. I'm told that's your doing. Superior training and equipment, enough that every spy trying to infiltrate ends up sent back in pieces.'' Says Meve.

''Do you want to know why my spies have superior training and equipment? Because of the Diagrams that I used to have their armor and weapons forged. The designs are from Witcher Diagrams. As for their training? I suppose if you are willing to accept my sister as your daughter-in-law, I can give you a glimpse.'' Says Aethan.

The offer is tempting, because depending on what it is, it may be applicable for the Lyrian and Rivian Army. And Nilfgaard's wartime ambitions are an ever-present concern. Letting her see even a small part of the training could be a powerful asset with a new war with Nilfgaard still on the horizon. Even if the war didn't happen it would still be a powerful asset.

And the cost was not a very big one. In fact, King Aethan was paying more than she with the Dowry, and the concessions.

''No desire to marry my daughter? Or me?'' Meve asks, more out of curiosity than anything.

''No, I made an offer to Foltest for Princess Adda. I don't particularly care about the curse resurfacing or her learning difficulties, and I have experience with such things in any event.'' Aethan replies. ''Besides, any marriage between us would be symbolic. Don't get me wrong, the sex IS great, but I need to continue my line, and though your childbearing years are from over, Adda and I are only three years apart in age. I've got a higher chance of several children on Adda than I do you. And then there's the matter of succession. The proximity of Cidaris and Temeria is just a better deal all around.'' Says Aethan, and though his words did sting just a little bit, they weren't wrong, and Meve at heart WAS a pragmatist.

''And when do you expect to show me the training?'' Asks Meve.

''As soon as you agree to the marriage. Why would I reveal secrets to someone not yet bound to me by blood and a common cause, an ally you may be Sweet Meve, but we are not family yet.'' Aethan says as he departs the room.


(POV Shift: King Aethan Jaenerys of Cidaris)


The first thing Aethan did after leaving Meve was bathe, He'd invited King Foltest, Princess Adda, King Demavend, and King Esterad to a late Breakfast, while Meve had previously been invited to join him for a late Lunch together with King Niedamir and Viraxus. So the last thing he wanted was to smell like sweat, sex, and wine, and wear clothes with a lingering hint of the light perfume used by Meve.

Though the idea of using modern real-world methods to produce and distill Alcohol was appealing.

And the idea of using real-world techniques and innovations was appealing. For instance in farming, fishing, mining, building, and war.

Like, say building windmills and using them to produce flour and other such things, or even working in conjunction with a watermill to help with the forging of Weapons and Armor. It would be better to not skip straight to the advanced stuff, and build several tier-one windmills and watermills before moving to the Panemones.

Basically, Panemones are vertically positioned windmills, with one-half of the windmill shielded from the wind. This ensures that the upwind sails are not pushing against the turn. Additionally with a bit of ingenuity in the design, returning sails rotate swiftly against the wind through Rotating Wind Sails. The gains wouldn't be obvious at first, but within a few months to a year, they'd start producing profits.

Of Course, the Second Northern War with Nilfgaard would kick off next year at the earliest. So, forging these Alliances, and building up his fleet would be very critical. Which was why he'd called on Elliana and Margaery after he'd dressed.

He needed to know now who they wanted for their Husbands. Elliana was his greatest concern, but Margaery might be the most critical.


''Have you decided? Or must I make the decision?'' Aethan asks, having just made the decision to meet his guests an hour at a time so as to not have to lump all potential alliances into one meeting together with those who get nothing.

So it was pretty important for the decision to have already been made now, especially considering his first breakfast was with Foltest and Adda, he wanted to go into that knowing where at least Margaery stood, whereas Elliana likely would be an extended discussion.

''I can't speak for Elliana, but I'd like to meet the brat Stennis for myself at least, before making a decision.'' Margaery replies.

''Hmm...'' Aethan ponders his youngest sister's words. ''It's not an unreasonable request.. .'' Aethan concedes slowly.

''But?'' Margaery asks.

''But I'd rather not tip our hand and reveal the goal so suddenly. Prince Stennis is nine years old and approaching his tenth birthday next month, he'll be considered a man grown in six years unless Demavend dies suddenly. Prince Stennis, by all accounts, has the makings of a fairly decent warrior, but shows a distinct lack in desire to acquire the necessary skills to ensure he will become a Great General and greater leader.'' Says Aethan as he strokes his growing stubble thoughtfully.

''And I'm thirteen - what of it?'' Margaery snaps, getting impatient.

''I could offer Demavend a fostering. If I offer to mentor Stennis in warfare and tactics, as well as leadership... '' Aethan trails off, trying to let Margaery connect the dots herself.

''I not only have an opportunity to meet him but potentially mold him to my liking.'' Margaery replies, much to Aethan's satisfaction.

''I'll likely have to mention I'm considering a match between you two to bait him a little, but it's worth trying. My only concern is whether or not Demavend is amenable to it.' Says Aethan, before turning his attention to Elliana.

Of all King Ethain's children, Aethan knew Elliana was the most gentle, and though she was considered by many to be the most beautiful of all Aethan's sisters, she was also the most indecisive. Having said that though, there were exceptions. Elliana would always be the first to leap to the defense of one of them. She was also the first to try and settle disputes, which was why he'd pushed for her to study Diplomacy and Higher Learning at Oxenfurt. The fact it gave him an excuse to be in the same room as another young and delightful student he ended up taking to his bed a number of times was just a lucky break.

Aethan was always careful with who he fucked, he had about four people he'd bedded long enough to get children off of. And one who regularly aborted it, which would probably now be counting Meve, so he has about six lovers overall.

He wasn't one to fuck, impregnate, and fuck off either. He supported and protected three of them, sending money and keeping a twenty-four-seven guard on them.

But back to Elliana...


(POV Shift: Princess Elliana Jaenerys)


Observing her brother, as she often does, Elliana notices he's mentally debating something, and waits for him to finish it

Aethan often got carried away mentally, he'd focus on something, but his mind would just wander along to one particular branch of the topic he was mentally discussing. He's a brilliant strategist, a skilled warrior, and a veritable genius, but he's never really been the same since his teacher tried to kill him.

Their father - may his soul find some peace - spared no expense for Aethan's education when Mellio declared his mind, body, and beauty would each be at their pinnacle. Oxenfurt and Lan Exeter graduates taught their brother much, but father wasn't satisfied, so he hired a Witcher and an Elven Sorceress to teach Aethan Combat and Alchemy respectively.

What none of them, least of all their father counted on, was Count Ebland of Ebeltoft hiring that very same Witcher to eventually murder Aethan. Aethan was ten at the time and Elliana was watching her brother train as she oft did, when the teacher began fighting him with intent to kill.

Her brother, sensing the danger screamed for her to run. And run she did... straight to father.

She wasn't allowed to go with Father and the Royal Guard to help her brother, but she saw the aftermath in her brother's wounds and heard things. Witness accounts say her brother - badly beaten, bloody, and tired - thrust his own sword through his gut and into his teacher.

The move surprised the Witcher just long enough for Aethan to cut off the mutant's sword arm and demand a confession in exchange for a quick death. What followed was the downfall of House Janwelton, Count Ebland was the last of his line, his brothers, cousins, uncles, aunts, sisters, wife and children had all died already. Aethan forced Ebland to publicly confess his crimes, before executing him via being sealed inside a sepulcher. Aethan eventually had the Sepulcher dropped into the Sedna Abyss.

Her brother was never quite the same after that, he was still brilliant but his mind wandered and he was no longer as relaxed and easygoing as before. He eventually traveled to Oxenfurt, studied for two years, then went to Toussaint and won the Grand Tourney three years running before returning home and alternating his time between his home and the Villa he'd earned in Toussaint.

A sad smile was working its way across her lips when Aethan spoke up.


(POV Shift: King Aethan Jaenerys)


''Elliana, where do you stand?'' Asks Aethan, frowning a little at his sister's sad small smile.

''Well, both are good options and both have their merits Aethan. But Kovir and Hengfors are both so far away from Cidaris, I want to be able to come to visit and not take a month for it.'' Says Elliana.

''Well then, I guess it's a good thing I'm headed to Thanedd Soon.'' Aethan replies.

''Why Thanedd?'' Margaery speaks up curiously.

''Mellio is not long for this world. We've discussed it, and decided it's time to seek a new Court Mage, Mellio determined he's got maybe a year before he kicks the bucket, so if I seek out a Sorceress now, they can begin to take on some of Mellio's responsibilities now.'' Aethan replies.

''And Sorceresses do so love their portals.'' Margaery notes. ''Their famous for it.''

''So I'm a portal away if you want to visit.'' Aethan confirms to his sister.

''Well... I guess if I have to pick one, it would be Hengfors. Someone needs to box in Kaedwen if they try to hurt Atthis. Someone also needs to keep Kovir honest with its neighbors.'' Says Elliana.

''I'll make the arrangements with King Niedamir, and discuss with King Esterad about making Hengfors a stop on the Trade Route to Novigrad and Ofier, if nothing else the promise of increased trade and prosperity should sway him. Freya knows I'm already nearing the end of how many times I can offer up the fleet and CNIS. I'll need to offer up a fair bit of Gold and Silver soon as a dowry.'' Says Aethan, watching Margaery roll her eyes at his goddess.

Margaery was a devotee of the Eternal Fire, Atthis believed in Melittle, and Elliana in Lebioda. They each held a different faith deep in their hearts, but they weren't zealots, if anything they were cynics. Though Aethan did slightly believe in Freya, why shouldn't he? She was a legitimate mythological figure in his last life and existed here? Why the fuck wouldn't he believe?


(POV Shift: King Foltest of Temeria)


Foltest sat at a table with Adda and King Aethan.

He watched as King Aethan motioned the servants carrying a Parchment forward.

''Tell them what it is you want from what's listed, and they'll run it down to the kitchens and bring it back. I'll have some Venison Stew, eggs, bread, and a Goblet of Est Est. Cook the Venison like I usually have it, with some Erveluce for ten minutes before putting it into the Stew.''

''You have Everluce with your meat?'' Asks Foltest, a brow raised.

''Six Spoons, no more or less. I keep the Royal Hunting Grounds stocked with Deer, Boars, and Fish. I also keep an extensive garden, every piece of meat in my supplies has been caught by me during a hunt or fishing trip. Every bit of vegetable from my personal garden. I like to eat things I've grown and caught myself. I also maintain a homestead within the Royal Hunting Grounds where I have some animals separate from the grounds.'' Says Aethan.

''And the Erveluce? Where does that come into play?'' Asks Foltest.

''In my stew - which I usually make myself - I have a bottle, inside is half a bottle worth of Erveluce. I have got a deal with the Duchess, she gives me an annual supply of about fifty bottles of half-Erveluce and half spices and seasonings. I have about a hundred and fifty bottles or so in my Cellar. The storage serves two purposes, increasing the quality of the Alcohol and while also allowing the spices and seasonings to mix and spread throughout the wine. My court Mage places an enchantment around the spices and Seasonings so that the two and the wine don't become basically sediment in my wine, they soak up a little wine and improve the flavor before cooking. In the weeks leading up to my next hunt, I order three bottles drained into Dragon Glass vials, which I take on my hunt.'' Aethan explains, as one of his servants brings his eggs, bread, and Venison Stew.

Picking up a piece of Venison with his hunting knife, which Foltest only just now realized that not only was Aethan carrying, but was a hunting knife that was made of some kind of a tooth, Aethan chewed on a piece of the meat.

''Doesn't taste the same as when you cook it yourself in the wild. But I didn't call you both here to discuss wine and food. Have you considered my offer Foltest?'' Aethan asks, cutting right to the chase.

''I'll need more than what ifs for a dowry, it needs to be something material.'' Says Foltest.

''As you like, I'll accept thirty five thousand Novigradian Crowns. I'll also accept a small portion of Velen. I need the extra territory just to shut up one of my dukes, plus the land will help me supply my workers and troops.'' Says Aethan.

''Twenty Five thousand, and you get White Orchid and Velen, in exchange for access to your fleet.'' Says Foltest.

''I'm not splitting my Fleet Three Ways. I can offer you an escort Fleet however. For your Merchants. I can also have my traders ship Temerian Goods at cost. In exchange however, I Want the Temerian Half of Emblonia from. You can keep Anchor, Dorian, Vallweir, and Caeli but I'll get everything else.': Says Aethan.

''Why would I split it that way?'' Asks Foltest.

''It may interest you to know there's an obscure cult in Velen. Three very old and very powerful witches are in Crookback Bog, they are more demons than people, but they nevertheless rule as the gods of this cult. They demand a gruesome sacrifice for their favor, a sacrifice from which only a Witcher could hope to recover. Killing them will not be easy but it will heal Velen. Destroying them will no doubt be of interest to that Witcher of yours given their connection with his sworn enemies.'' Says Aethan.

''Why?'' Asks Foltest suddenly very suspicious.

''The Witcher has a child of surprise. A girl he eventually adopted as his own daughter. These Witches are subservient to the group that hunt her like a dog. The fact this group's goal succeeding would mean the annihilation of my Kingdom and yours makes it all the more important these witches die quickly.'' Says Aethan.

''How dangerous are they?'' Foltest asks, his alarm rising.

''I'll put it to you this way, we'll need a lot of powerful Mages, A couple of Witchers, and at least a hundred crack troops if we hope to survive.'' Aethan says, and Foltest steels his expression.

''If they truly represent the threat you claim?'' Foltest begins.

''I wish they didn't believe me.'' Aethan interrupts.

''Then if your willing to help me deal with this threat my own spies have apparently missed for years, then I'll give you Gors Velen and part of Velen as the Dowry.'' Says Foltest and Aethan turns his head somewhat confused.

''I'm not asking for all of Emblonia.'' Says Aethan carefully. ''But you can keep la Vallete and Acorn Bay.''

''Call me superstitious, but I want as little to do with witches and foul sorcery as much as possible. However, in exchange for Gors Velen and Velen, I need you to funnel Temerian Goods at cost to other markets, in exchange for twelve percent of the sale price, as well as receiving fifteen thousand Novigradian Crowns.'' Says Foltest.

Foltest observes King Aethan carefully. The young king is silent, thinking it over.

''Gors Velen and Velen, Fifteen Thousand Novigradian Crowns, but I need twenty five percent of the sale of goods to foreign markets if I'm going to ship Temerian goods at cost. Your not the only one with a merchants guild to satisfy after all. I will also need your help purging those witches, but I will let you keep Acorn Bay, Anchor, Caeli, Dorian, and Vallweir. That's my final offer. No more, no less.'' Says Aethan.

''It's a tough deal to swallow, but I'll take it. Adda? Are you willing to take King Aethan as your husband?'' Foltest asks his daughter.

Adda looks at Aethan, scrutinizing him.

''Yes, Father. I am.'' She decides.

''Then let me return home and have the contract drawn up. But for now, tell me more about what you know of these witches.''

''For starters, their known as the Ladies of Crookback Bog, though Crones....''


(POV Shift: King Demavend III Vengerin of Aedirn)


Demavend sat in King Aethan's Solar at the table with the Cidarian Monarch. The young King was enjoying the remnants of his stew and eggs and bread.

As for Demavend, he was enjoying some salted pork and eggs. His drink of choice? Pomino.

''How old are your children?'' King Aethan asks.

''Stennis is nine, approaching ten. Dianera is thirteen.'' Demavend answers.

''My sister Margaery, is without a betrothal. I would like to see her safely married into Aedirn. Knowing Emhyr, he'll try to bind the North in a ring of steel. The Dragon Coast won't be safe. But I would first know the man I'm entrusting her to.'' Says Aethan pushing a document to Demavend.

''You seek to foster Stennis? I'm not without interest. But this betrothal? I'll need a significant dowry given the distance between our nations.'' Demavend answers.

''And I'll need to be sure the boy will treat her right. So five years of guardianship. If it goes well I'll give you forty five thousand Novigradian Crowns for the dowry.'' Says Aethan.

''Sixty five thousand Crowns.'' Demavend barters.

''Fifty thousand, no more or less. Aedirn is far and the Fleet of Cidaris will never reach Aedirn. Don't forget, I've two other sisters in need of husbands. I'm not giving you more than fifty thousand Demavend.'' Says Aethan, causing Demavend to hum.

''Good answer. I'll accept the five year guardianship. The betrothal will depend on Stennis.'' Says Demavend.

''Well, that was easy, what aren't you telling me?'' Aethan asks.

''Hehe, you'll find out, don't worry.'' Demavend tells him in amusement.

''For the record I know the boys arrogant.'' Aethan responds dryly.

''Oh, he most certainly is arrogant, and proud too, but that's not what you'll have to look out for. But that's all I have to say on the matter.'' Says Demavend.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Getting through each meeting was quite exhausting, and Aethan was pretty full up with food by the end of it. But what continued to bug Aethan was Foltest's willingness to part with such a vast stretch of land as a part of a dowry.

It wasn't just because of superstition surely?! Which meant there was something wrong with the land probably or the Lord's were problematic. Whatever the case it was going to be a pain to deal with paperwork wise, as the bureaucrats loved to make unnecessary amounts of paperwork after all.

Which reminds Aethan, he had some ammended laws to apply and new laws to make. Starting with more strongly regulated banking and commerce laws, followed by various tax and import and export laws.

The dowry's would be a big cut into his Treasury, meaning he needed ways to bring it back up. That wasn't even taking into account his planned military reforms and architectural projects.

Shrines to Freya would be placed throughout the land and in certain valuable and strategic locations. They would serve as dead drops for the Cidarian National Intelligence Service. But Aethan would also have relay points stationed across his territory serving as a place where Guards amounting to numbers between twenty five to fifty would rest their heads and patrol the roads regularly.

But there were seven grand projects Aethan planned to complete. The Cidaris Royal Palace would be rebuilt according to his specifications. But perhaps the greatest architectural and engineering project would be the construction of a Great Wall around Cidaris, though four other projects would have to be built first. The Great Harbor, Grand Lighthouse, new Royal Palace, and of course a Great Fortress.

Those four would be built into the Great Wall of Cidaris. Though to protect the Harbor a Harbor Chain would be erected as well.

Thus it was critical that he bring in more coin, which meant expanding his Kingdom's industry and ability to export more quality goods. He'd have to meet his Council first though. Get an idea of what he'd completely inherited. He might have the Crown, but that didn't mean that everybody was him. He had after all killed the Count Ebland of the County Ebeltoft.

That - however justified - would undoubtedly cause him some issues. But for the moment his greatest in-kingdom concern was policy and council.

He had to reorganize certain things after all, because with the new territory came new problems.

Still...why did Foltest part with so much territory, it didn't make a lot of sense. It just didn't.


(POV Shift: General Aider Aep Vigo)


General Aider Vigo had spent a lot of effort smuggling himself into the event of King Ethain's Funeral. He was attempting to sow chaos and discord.

Cidaris would be crucial in taking the North for the Emperor. Their ships were second only to Kovir, and they had a Cavalry unit that served as the Royal Guard. The Vartaburg 1st Cavalry had been the brainchild of King Mathen, King Aethan's Grandfather.

When Aider learned king Aethan was negotiating with Foltest, he used some of the tools aunt Fringilla had given him to turn the discussion in favor of Aethan. It was an attempt to both overwhelm the small nation and sow suspicion and distrust with the other Kingdoms. Make other rivers think that King Aethan had manipulated Foltest.

It was the best he could do given the time he had to get in and out was slim, and the fact that he had placed the tools in the wrong drinks was just happenstance. How was he to know that King Foltest would mix the drinks ordered? He wasn't told what the effects of the potions would be if combined. Such a scenario just shouldn't have happened.

Still there was a chance this wasn't the worst case scenario, so there was a modicum of hope for Aider there. The worst case scenario was if someone died. The Imperial Intelligence Brigade was very specific in that they didn't want anybody of import to die. One or a handful of guards were acceptable provided they were killed in a way not deemed suspicious, but Aider wasn't keen to press his luck any further.

Which was why he had begun his exit strategy, there was a merchant Caravan that would take him to Nazair, and from there he'd head back to Nilfgaard proper.

He just needed to slip away quietly and without incident...


(POV Shift: Carthia van Canten)


Carthia van Canten watched from the upper floors overlooking the ballroom, she was the deputy commander of the Cidarian National Intelligence Service. She was recruited by Prince - now King - Aethan while on assignment at Oxenfurt.

It wasn't easy by any stretch betraying her nation, but Aethan was quite the Golden tongue. He could charm anybody if he wanted to, he certainly charmed her. It wasn't even him just being persuasive. The King was a skilled Orator and spoke in an elegant and melodious voice, and yet he could be Authoritative and stern when me needed to be.

His rhetoric could be especially persuasive.

When Aethan recruited her, she'd expected to end up in his bed. But Aethan didn't see her like that, he enjoyed her beauty certainly, but King Aethan enjoyed her value as an asset more. His eye for talent certainly helped. Through him, they had recruited several skilled individuals, the most notable being a highly talented Dwarven Demolitions expert known as Casimir Bassi, a skilled if arrogant sorcerer called Moritz Diefenthel, and got two leaders in a traveling circus on their payroll.

What's more is that Aethan took a vested interest in the training and outfitting of the organisation. Not to mention it's organization. Witchers were brought in to train some of the brighter students. And many of those very same students were orphans and street urchins Aethan had had taken in to join the service. Aethan paid for their education, gave them a roof over their heads and meals to spare. The only thing he asked in exchange was a return on his investment and their loyalty.

As the deputy leader, Carthia was in charge of training the female operatives in seduction, infiltration, and acting. But through Aethan they also made use of the novigrad based Mummers under Lady Irina Renard. Which provided the students a mole opportunities to practice their acting and subterfuge skills.

But King Aethan had had her coordinate with the many agents within the palace to be on the lookout for infiltrators. And it was a good thing he did, because Carthia quickly recognized Colonel Aider Aep Vigo in the Crowd.

He'd killed two guards to get in, and slipped some things into King Foltest's drinks. Thankfully the Court Alchemist was able to determine the drinks were not poisoned after Foltest went to meet the King leaving a half empty goblet.

But the King's orders were clear, detain anyone they catch, but do not kill them.

Thus Carthia gave the order for Aider to be detained, she would stay out of sight, but Aider would be Detained.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys)


Aethan, Foltest, Vizimir, and Meve stood in the Castle Cells.

They watched as the gaolers threw cold water on the prisoner, waking him up.

''I trust you know who we are?'' Aethan says standing beside Meve.

''Aye.'' Came the resigned response.

''You're lucky whatever was fed to Foltest proved non-fatal. But your still a Nilfgaardian General in here illegally and you killed at least two of my guards to get in here to start with. I can hang your ass easily.'' Says Aethan.

''So why didn't you? Do you mean to torture me for information?'' Asks Aider.

''No, Torture I've found is a poor method of interrogation when blackmail subterfuge is a subtler tool. Even though you dropped two bodies to do it, you showed remarkable skill to get in here, and you're far from the first Nilfgaardian Intelligence Officer I've met. Way I see it, you've a choice to cooperate and maybe you'll see your homeland again.'' Says Aethan.

''And if I don't?'' Asks Aider.

''I stick your ass in a room of Cintran refugees. Seriously though, if you don't cooperate my intelligence service shall let it leak we've captured an Imperial Military Intelligence Brigade General and he was very cooperative before we released him. It will get back to Emhyr, who if by some miracle doesn't have you executed, will never trust you again.'' Says Aethan.

''That would mean the death of my family, my wife and daughter.'' Aider responds.

''Yes, it would. Which is why I propose a trade. My Forces will journey to Nilfgaard and get your wife and daughter out. In exchange for a conditional pardon.'' Says Aethan.

''What kind of conditions?'' Aider asks suspiciously.

''To start with? You would join the Cidarian National Intelligence Service, and together with my deputy commander would train an elite unit of Nilfgaardian speaking operatives. Your Daughter would have to marry into a Cidarian bloodline, and in exchange you will receive a minor title, and an estate for which your wife and daughter, and your daughters children will stand to inherit when you pass. Lastly, upon a completion of service of twelve years, your life and the lives of your family are your own.'' Says Aethan.

''You expect to be able to break the impenetrable intelligence shroud over the Nilfgaardian Capital? You're either naive or just too arrogant. No, I won't bend to such empty promises.'' Aider says.

''Hmm, we shall see.'' Says Aethan as he and the others leave the cells...


Aethan, Foltest, Meve, and Vizimir all sat at a table as Aethan signed the necessary forms to greenlight the option to take Aider's wife and family.

Aider would receive Ebeltoft for switching sides, his daughter would have to marry one of the sons of his two dukes. Preferably one of the younger sons, they'd marry matrilineally, the family wouldn't like it, but if this got him a unit to raise hell in Nilfgaard then that was something that they would just have to swallow. Additionally, Cantarella would be given the task of building contacts in Nilfgaardian territories as well as Verden and Kerack. Make Aider's missions easier.

The real issue would be delivering on his promise however, which meant he needed to accelerate his plans for a new Court Mage, and there was but just a little bit over a dozen he'd accept.

Kiera Metz, Margarita laux-Antille, Ida Emean aep Sivney, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold, Philippa Eilhart, Assire var Anahid, and Sheala de Tancarville.

But of those eight Sorceresses his top targets were Triss, Margarita, Ida, or Kiera. Now There was a number of issues all around. First, Assire served Nilfgaard, eliminating her from contention. Second Triss, Eilhart, and Sheala were already assigned Kings. The third issue was that Margarita and Ida who were his absolute top two picks were bound to Aretueza and their own realm respectively. The fourth issue was Yennefer was god knows where doing god knows what. That left Kiera Metz, who although on Foltest's council was not his Court Mage.

And since Metz was in his Top Four, that worked out quite well, even if he'd have preferred Ida, Triss, or Margarita before Keira. But Kieira was far from useless, the fact she was described as a nymphomaniac was of little consequence to him.

''That was interesting.'' Aethan says finally.

''Do you really mean to rescue his wife and daughter?'' Vizimir asks.

''I do, it's not an impossible assignment, just a near-impossible assignment. I have the men who can pull it off, as well one of Emhyr's top operatives under my employ.

''And if you fail?'' Asks Meve.

''I won't, my men are even less likely. Have a look out that Window and tell me what you see.'' Says Aethan.

''I see children playing on the roofs.'' Foltest says dismissively.

''What you see is the next four generations of Cidarian Assets. I don't just have them outfitted with Witcher Gear, I have them trained byWitchers in Witcher Techniques. What they're doing right now is a practice in balance and skill. They're to traverse the fortifications and do so in a short amount of time. We have them do this as a precursor to the wire tests.'' Aethan says and Meve quickly grasps what he's inferring.

''The men your sending are Witcher's.'' She answers.

''Indeed, ones on assignment however and another is ill suited for such a high-risk mission. Leaving me two choices who are very well suited for this. I'll likely need a Sorceresses help however, which means I'm going to have to travel to Thaned.'' Says Aethan as he sips from his wine.

''You and I still have business to discuss.'' Meve notes.

''And I still have business to discuss with Foltest.'' Says Aethan.

''Do we?'' Foltest asks.

''Whatever agreement you and I made is tainted by what Aider Vigo put in your drink, and in any event I was only asking for less than half what was originally agreed upon. I suggest we we make a new one. In fact I suggest we all agree that Nilfgaard remains a threat that needs to be dealt with. We call a meeting in a years time, all the Northern Kings and Queen.'' Says Aethan.

''And where do you propose we hold this meeting?'' Asks Vizimir.

''Brugge.'' Was Aethan's only response.

''It borders Cintra, as good a place as any to discuss Nilfgaard.'' Meve says in agreement.

''I'll discuss it with Demavend and Henselt.'' Vizimir agrees.

''And I'll discuss it with Venzlav. Though I can't help but feel as though Hagge is more suitable given the various precedents.'' Foltest says.

''Kings and Queens have met there in ages past, though think of the message it'd send Nilfgaard.'' Aethan Concedes, albeit reluctantly.

''Brugge is less of a signal of intent, though it would doubtless be far more suspicious.'' Meve admits.

Aethan doesn't need a mirror to know he's not fond of gathering at Hagge, but he doesn't want to be the only dissenting one in the discussion.

''And it's less of a journey for all of us.'' Aethan says, not bothering to tone down his bitterness.

''I'll go speak with Demavend then.'' Vizimir says.

''I will see you before I leave.'' Says Meve curtly.

Closing the Door behind her, Meve goes. Leaving Aethan and Foltest in the room alone.

''Clean slate Foltest, we've a lot to hash out and discuss. And this time, no drinking until we're finished.'' Aethan says, draining his goblet and sealing the room until their discussion is over.

''Agreed, shall we begin?'' Foltest asks Aethan as he takes his seat and looks at Aethan in agreement.


Author's note:


Holy shit!

Ten Thousand and Four hundred and fifty words? That's quite easily my largest chapter ever!

And rather fittingly...Witcher was word number 10,000. Here's the pic to prove it!

On to the subject at hand, this took me about a month and a half to complete. And the next few chapters won't be the same, I just don't have that in me.

As I said in Last Alteraci, this is one of three stories I'm working on. But I also have a fourth, it'll catch a lot of interest I promise. The title alone will do that. And no I'm not going to tell you what it is.

I can't do three medieval/historical fics without getting burnt out.


TheRagFromTheCrag2 TheRagFromTheCrag2

This was so much work

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