50% The Wishes Of The Chosen / Chapter 1: A Door Closes, A Window Opens
The Wishes Of The Chosen The Wishes Of The Chosen original

The Wishes Of The Chosen

作者: BreathlessWriter

© WebNovel

章 1: A Door Closes, A Window Opens

The night air was thick with tension as Harry Potter walked to his death. It was funny, in a way. He had never taken the time to consider his future, too busy focusing on staying alive. Yet, treading along the fresh dew path that led to his end, like a lamb to the slaughter, it was all he could think about. What would he have done if there was another way? What could have been after this war for him?

He could see himself becoming an Auror. Why not? After all, he had been fighting for so long just to stay alive. Always one battle to another year after year. Although the idea of working with the Ministry made him chafe. Perhaps, a professor? He was surprisingly good at teaching. He could have even taught at Hogwarts. The first place that had ever felt safe. His first home. That way he would have never had to leave it behind again.

He tried to picture it. Sitting at the high table welcoming the little firsties. Smiling down at the other students he'd already come to know. He would be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Who better to teach the subject than him? The man who didn't die. Teaching the tips and tricks he learned over the years. There would no doubt be plenty. Who knows? Maybe after a couple of decades, he would have become the head of Gryffindor. The thought made him feel warm.

Then there was Ginny, of course. Harry ached at the thought of never seeing her again. He could picture a lifetime spent with her by his side. She would be a professional quidditch player like she had always dreamed about. She had the talent and the drive. After a while, they would get married. Have a family. Raise their children alongside friends and family. He would have liked to grow old with her. With Hermione and Ron. The golden trio together til the end. Thinking of them hurt, knowing that they could be dead. That he would be dead without getting to saying one final goodbye.

The battle for Hogwarts raged on, with spells and curses filling the night sky, as the fate of the wizarding world hung in the balance. The stench of death and the sounds of screaming filled the air. Harry's heart pounded in his chest as he prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, knowing it was the only way to even have a chance of defeating Voldemort once and for all. Before he knew it, he stood at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, facing his greatest adversary.

Looking at Voldemort for what would be the final time, he could only summon up pity for the beast, shaped as a monstrous mockery of a man. He wondered if a part of Voldemort realized what he had become or if the megalomaniac was such a fool that he truly believed shedding his few lasting remains of humanity made him greater somehow.

As Harry pondered, he noticed the rage in the beast's eyes intensify, causing him to practically foam at the mouth. The diva didn't appreciate the fact that Harry would rather spend his last moments doing anything but pay attention to the standard villain monologue. Blah blah inevitable, blah blah I am god, blah blah die.

As the green light of the Killing Curse erupted from Voldemort's wand, it raced towards him. There was a momentary battle within him as a part of himself wanted to do what it always had done. Fight. Survive. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the outcome this time. It couldn't be. As the curse struck his body, he felt nothing as he slipped away from the world of the living. The world around him faded, and a profound sense of peace washed over him.

Harry found himself floating in a sea of darkness, yet he still felt like himself. He had never considered what came after death, but he couldn't help but feel that there should be... more, or at least have someone to greet him. Where were his parents or Sirius? Anyone. After what felt like a second and an eternity at once, don't ask, he appeared in a familiar room.

The Gryffindor common room looked as it always had. The cozy, round room was covered in its usual red and gold. It emanated a comforting ambiance, bathed in a gentle, warm glow from the crackling fireplace. Confused, he first walked over to the bulletin board hoping for a clue. Looking closely, the board showed the exact school notices, ads, and lost posters it had the last time he bothered to look at it. He glanced out the window to see nothing but a black void. What in Merlin's name was going on?

"Hello?" He called.


Harry spun around to face the fireplace. There sitting in an armchair he saw the back of a woman facing the fire. "Uhm, I think there's been some mistake," he awkwardly began. "Oh, you think so? Sit. Tell me what the problem is," She said. He could hear the smile in her voice. With no other choice, he went and sat across from the woman. Taking a good look, he noticed the woman was hauntingly beautiful. Her presence commanded attention while making the hairs on the back of his neck stand.

He couldn't quite explain, but she made him nervous without even sparing him a glance. She felt more dangerous than anyone he had ever met. Then Dumbledore and Voldemort combined. Her long, ebony hair cascaded down partially covering her face like a shroud. Concealing much of her features in shadow. Her eyes were completely black, deep, and bottomless. Just like the void outside the windows. They were devoid of any discernible emotion. Draped in a flowing, charcoal gown that seemed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding darkness, she exuded an aura of both melancholy and acceptance.

When she gazed at him, Harry felt as if she was peering into the very core of his being. The words that begged to be spoken got stuck in his throat. As the silence reined she just smiled softly, "Tell me what seems to be the problem, Harry." The woman's voice was a soft, soothing murmur. "I died," Harry said slowly after catching his bearing. "You did," She confirmed.

Harry blinked, "Then, why am I here? In the Gryffindor common room. Where are my parents? Sirius?" The woman smiled sadly, "You are here because this was your first home. The place you felt the safest. I found that people respond best to such environments. As for your parents and Sirius, well they've moved on." Harry froze feeling heartbroken. "What," he said weakly.

"Allow me to explain. Firstly, you are in a unique position Harry Potter. An exemption from the rule shall we say. Usually, when a person dies they follow the rules of the afterlife from their respective religion. In regards to your parents who didn't follow any religion. Neither did Sirius. I am responsible for such souls. No mortal is perfect. You weren't made to be. So, provided one doesn't commit great evil I have their souls wiped of previous memories and send them to be reborn. Voldemort one who did commit great evil on the other hand well," She smiled wickedly. "I take such souls and wipe them from existence...after a little fun of course."

Harry sat gobsmacked. To learn that his loved ones were gone. Had been gone since they died. It hurt. It hurt so badly. He had spent his entire life hoping to see his loved ones in death. He would never meet his parents. Would never get the chance to get to know them. Though that thought hurt, it wasn't nearly as devastating as never seeing Sirius again. He knew Sirius. He loved Sirius, but Sirius was gone. Had been gone and he would never have him back. No longer able to hold back, Harry began sobbing. Unfortunately, his being dead meant he had no tears to cry with. That fact just made him sob harder.

The woman wrapped him in her arms. Even if she was the one responsible for causing his pain, Harry clung to her. For whom else could he receive comfort from? There was no more Hermione. No more Ron. He had died and she was just doing her job. He didn't know how long he sat there being held, but by the time he calmed down he noticed two things in particular. Their positions had changed with his head in the woman's lap as she played in his hair. Yet, he didn't remember laying down and the woman was humming a tune that sounded eerily familiar. He couldn't guess why. He couldn't pinpoint ever hearing it.

The woman seeing the question in his glance smiled. "When I wipe the memories from souls, I absorb them. They are too precious to just throw away. Especially since I will never experience anything like them myself. Humans live such short lives, but you feel so strongly because of it. Every moment is so much more," She mused. "The sound I was humming was your mother's favorite lullaby to sing to you. I thought it...fitting in a way." Hearing that caused him to cry all over again.

After what felt like an eternity, Harry finally calmed down again. Drained he asked quietly, "What about the battle? Was Voldemort stopped?"

"Yes. Voldemort was vanquished. He was struck in the back by Ron in a moment of rage as he gloated over your death." Harry smiled at that. Pleased to know Ron was still alive at least and that Voldemort would no longer be a problem.

"What are you," He couldn't help but ask.

"I am the personification of what you humans recognize as death," the woman explained.

"..." Silence reined for a moment as he was given time to process the weight of that statement before Death continued.

"As for why you are here, that requires a bit of context and so I will explain. You will not interrupt me. I will answer any questions you have afterward," She said sternly waiting until Harry nodded. She began, "What you're here for essentially begins with my hallows. Instruments with small drops of my powers. When I encountered the three brothers on that fateful evening, each was bound to die in that river."

"Antioch, the eldest brother, had proposed a contest to decide who was the cleverest and most talented brother. He wanted each of them to split up along the river and make their way across. Cadmus, the middle brother, eagerly agreed and would have been the first to die. Ignotus, the youngest brother, tried to convince his brothers to work together to make their way across and his brothers would have denied him as they did at first. Both would have failed halfway across the river for one reason or another and drowned. Ignotus would have drowned himself trying to save both his brothers.

Instead what happened is that Ignotus announced my presence to his brothers being an incredibly powerful necromancer. Antioch and Cadmus hearing that I was watching them readily agreed. They all worked together and made it across. That on its own was nothing but a minor inconvenience. Many slip from my grasp from time to time. All find their way to me in the end. One way or another. But, I found myself..." Death paused.

"Drawn to Ignotus. Necromancy is a rare, misunderstood branch of magic that few dare to dabble in. Even back when magic wasn't as regulated. It is not only a form of magic, but its own religion in a way. A form of ideals. A way of life. He possessed a natural talent that I have yet to see again since his death. That was why I was there. I had been watching him for quite some time from my realm. It was the least I could do to witness the death of someone I can admit to being fond of in person. That was my mistake. Even I underestimated his sheer ability and sensitivity towards death. So much as to detect Death personified. It was my being there that saved their lives. Irony at its finest. In return, I decided to reward Ignotus. Unfortunately, he wouldn't have lasted the night if I only rewarded him. His brothers would have killed him.

So I rewarded all of them. Even if Antioch and Cadmus escaped me at that time, I could still sense their deaths would be soon. The eldest brother asked me for a powerful wand. Which would become the most powerful wand to ever exist. I complied with a branch off a tree next to the river. The middle brother asked for the power to bring loved ones from the grave. He sought to humiliate me and usurp his younger brother. Whose talents in necromancy always left him feeling inferior. Again I complied with a stone from that very riverbed. The two brothers rushed off with their prizes both seeing me again later that very year for the final time. At last, It was just Ignotus and I. We spent the entire night conversing." Death paused wistfully.

"Finally, he asked for the ability to be able to hide from anyone even me. I complied. I gave him the cloak I was wearing created from my very essence. He thanked me and went on his way. He used it sparingly throughout his life. To help get himself and loved ones out of trouble."

Death grinned, "He passed it along to his eldest son to pass down along their descendants, before meeting me for the final time. But, the physical instruments with drops of my power were left untamed in the mortal realm, causing sheer chaos that disrupted the balance of this reality. It would have eventually led to the destruction of this world, far too soon, I might add. So, I set conditions that I thought were simple enough. I made it so that collecting all three hallows and then dying would be the key. I planned to reward the person who did so. Harry, you are not only Ignotus' last descendant, but through you, my hallows were finally collected and returned to me. This doesn't make you that 'Master of Death' of course, but you will be rewarded."

"How so?" Harry couldn't help but finally ask, his confusion evident. He was genuinely unsure about the course of events unfolding before him.

"You were not religious in life, so you will be incarnated. I am willing to offer you three wishes to carry with you to your next life. One for every hallow. As well as an extra one for being the last descendant of the one human who I claim as a friend and for being so alike him," She explained.

"Alright," Harry said, his voice filled with contemplation. "Will I still have my magic in the new world? And what about my memories? Will I be allowed to retain them?"

"Only if you wish for either or both," Death's responded.

With a heavy heart, Harry contemplated the unknown world he would be entering. What did he want? What if there was no magic? What if he was powerless and vulnerable? The thought of being unable to protect himself or those he cared about filled him with a sense of unease. What if his next life was filled with the same hardships he had faced before, with loved ones consistently meeting tragic ends?

Taking a deep breath, Harry steeled himself for what he was about to ask of death itself. "What if I wished for transversal immortality?" He flinched as Death's laughter filled the room. "Then, I will give you a type of transversal immortality. Make no mistake Harry Potter this isn't the last time we'll meet. I would just take away the majority of options that could kill you. There would be very specific recruitments before you see me again. Such as not aging or getting ill. If that is what you wish for." Harry paused to consider his choice of wishes.

Finally, he decided, "My first wish is to keep my magic," Harry began. He couldn't fathom a life without magic after he's had it for so long. "Secondly, I wish for immunity to all mind abilities in this new world." The mind arts had given him enough hell in this life. No more. He wanted extra protection against it. "For my third wish, I want to have the form of transversal immortality you mentioned," Harry expressed, he wouldn't have to go through with losing anyone again. He had enough of that. "Finally, I wish to be incredibly talented and knowledgable in all forms of magic as well as being magically powerful," Harry concluded. What was magic if you didn't know how to use it or had too little of it to begin with?

"Hmm, very well. In the world, you are going to some humans are born with an ability known as 'gifts' or supernatural talents. There are also supernatural beings. There are vampires very different from the ones you are used to. The werewolves are the same as the ones from your world. Shapeshifters are a species that descended from werewolves that have become something completely their own. Hybrids are a species that are half vampires/half humans. These are the only supernatural beings to be found in this world. Each is deadly with its species' weaknesses and strengths. Which will be up to you to find out," Death explained.

"Not that I'm not grateful for this information, but won't I forget about it when I'm reincarnated," He asked confused. "Yes, you are correct. I just wish to converse with you a bit," She admitted smiling.

"The ability behind these gifts is specific humans harnessing chaos energy and it manifesting into unique gifts. Very rarely will humans come along who can channel the energy beyond a specific gift. None of them last for very long. They weren't made to use it in such a way. Usually, humans have no control over what gift they receive, though it tends to be appropriate for each individual. The chaos energy is the energy that caused and came from the big bang. I will give you the ability to be able to harness and manipulate said energy without consequences."

"Won't that make me incredibly overpowered though," Harry asked confused.

Death simply laughed in response, "Only you Harry would say that as if it was a bad thing. Besides, you did ask to be incredibly powerful and talented in all forms of magic. I'm just fulfilling your wish. Trust me. This ability might make you powerful maybe even the most powerful being in the world, but the kind of supernatural beings you will come across are each powerhouses in their own right. Especially, compared to humans or even witches and wizards from this world." Harry was shocked hearing that. Just what would he be facing in this new world?

"You will unlock your gift at age 3. To allow your body a chance to get used to such incredible power before you start using it. The ability to harness chaos energy will not be hereditary, though your children will probably each inherit a gift of their own. You will start your creature inheritance with puberty. Finishing your transformation and unlocking the full abilities of your species after your maturity. During puberty, you will unlock fangs that will produce a venom that will create others of your kind. You will be able to transform humans, vampires, and shapeshifters."

"Why not werewolves?"

"Werewolves, much like the ones from your old world, have a highly contagious venom. It is just as powerful as yours will be. If you tried to turn a werewolf, your venom will try to overpower its own as end up killing it. That also works vice versa. Werewolf venom will be one of the ways you could die as it's venom tried to overpower your own." Right. In other words, he needed to avoid werewolves like the damn plague. Got it.

"I see. And about the protection from the mind arts? Surely some gifts allow one to invade or manipulate another's mind."

"They do. You will have the ability to block all gifts that affect the mind from birth."

"Good," Harry said relieved. "Will I know anything about the abilities of my gift? What about my species?"

"No, in regards to your gift. That will be up to you to figure out as you go along. As for your species, you will instinctually know about what you are, and what you are capable of when you begin going through your inheritance."

"Thank you," he said willing to take whatever he could get.

Death smiled sadly down at him, "Now, Harry, we say see you later."

"Oh, I'll see you later then," he said surprised it was over. "It was lovely meeting you." And truthfully it was.

"See you later, Harry Potter. I do so look forward to next time," She said before pressing a kiss to his forehead right where his scar was. Then, nothing.

BreathlessWriter BreathlessWriter

Hey, I'm back!

I still own nothing of the Harry Potter or Twilight franchises. Hope you enjoy. Sorry for any grammar mistakes I might have missed.

next chapter
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