20.68% The Way We Were / Chapter 6: Hot an' Heavy

章 6: Hot an' Heavy

It was finally Friday night, and the raven headed teen was lying in the middle of the bed thanking all that was above that the week was over. Her blue eyes traced the small fissures spread throughout the white ceiling and began to contemplate the last few days.

After Sesshōmaru had dropped her off Tuesday night, she eventually heard from her absent friend. Apparently, the Sensei had taken both Miroku and Sango's cellphones, so they wouldn't get distracted and goof off. That was why Kagome hadn't been warned ahead of time not to wait and just go home.

As for the reason the gym had to be cleaned; well, Sango had mentioned something about Miroku groping her ass once again, causing the brunette to blow her top. Like normal, she chased the Houshi around the room, but this time, the angry teen started to chuck whatever was in reach. In the end, the gym was a disaster, Miroku was unconscious, and they both were in trouble.

A humorous laugh had bubbled forth after the tale which in turn did not make her best friend happy; She cried about the horror of the situation, and it only caused the other woman to quip about real horror. That got the bemoaning teen's attention, and Kagome had to explain all that had gone down in her absence.

Slim hands reached up to cover her face as she groaned into them. Just thinking about the dog demon got her all flustered and confused. It made it much worse since the said yōkai had been giving her wide berth after that night. Of course, that was what she had wanted, but why was it bothering her so much that he finally listened? It shouldn't, but it did.

She flipped onto her stomach and buried her face into the warmed pillow. Maybe she was tired, and that was the reason why she was feeling like this? Sleep deprivation could make you think crazy things. 'Maybe I should go to sleep early?' Thought the flustered woman as she closed her tired eyes and felt her body start to relax.

Just as she began to drift off to a deeper slumber, music blared from the nightstand beside the bed. Her eyes popped open and narrowed at the rectangular device before reaching out to accept the call and placing it on the speaker. "You better have a good freaking reason for calling me!" Snapped Kagome loudly so the person on the other line could hear the annoyance in her aggravated tone.

A very chipper voice sprang from the receiver and greeted the irritated woman. "Well, hello to you too. Kagome that is one hell of a way to greet someone. You should make that your voicemail message. People would love to know how upbeat you are."

Kagome huffed at her smartass friend while her body bounced against the mattress as she flipped onto her back. "Sango, what do you want?" She was in no mood to joke, and only wanted to go to sleep for the night not talk on the phone.

Ignoring the snappy tone, Sango continued to happily address the moody female. "I called to see if you want to come out with us. We are going to the Demon's Den. You want to come?"

Kagome groaned aloud and declined the offer. "No." All she wanted to do was sleep, not to go out and party. Plus, her mama had taken Souta and Malakai to visit her Aunt, so she could destress for the night. Kagome had told her mama that she didn't have to take Malakai, but the older woman insisted saying that it would do Kagome some good and may help her clear her muddled mind.

Sango's happy tone transformed into a whine, and Kagome knew that the brunette was pouting. "Awe, come on Kagome, it will be fun. Plus, you need to get your mind off of stuff anyway." Pointed out the teen while she continued to bellyache softly.

"Nope, I'm not interested," Was Kagome's quick response. Once again, sleep was what she needed, and not some hot and sweaty club.

"Pretty please," Begged the brunette on the other line.

"No!" snapped the young mother while pinching the bridge of her nose tightly.

Sango said nothing in return as if she were thinking of another way to try and convince her. Even if she did come up with something, it wasn't going to work. Nope, not this time.

Silence hung between the duo until Sango's shrill voice cut through the stillness and began to beg. "Please, please, please, please, pretty please!"

"Uggggh!!!" A frustrated cry sprang from Kagome, and a hand moved to rub at her furrowed brow. How could they go out anyway? It was pointless since there is the curfew for anyone under the age of eighteen to be indoors by eleven. Plus, places like that like to card hardcore. It would be unlikely that they would get in and it would be a waste of time.

The other teen continued to plead loudly over the speaker. "Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease."

Kagome sighed in defeat. The only way Sango would shut up is if she went along or hung up on her. If she did the latter, Sango would just come over in person and continue with the harassment. "You're not going to stop until I say yes, are you?" questioned the young mother dryly.

Sango laughed boisterously and agreed. "You got that right."

"If I hang up right now, you're just going to come over, aren't you?" asked the tired teen.

"Damn straight." Came the confident response from the cell phone.

Her eyes scrunched together for a second before flipping onto her stomach and conceding. "Fine but do we have to go to Demon's den?" It was a place she knew that a lot of demons liked to frequent quite often, and Sesshōmaru was no exception. She didn't want to risk running into him.

"Yes!" Sango's squeal of triumph echoed through the phone before she settled down and answered quickly, "Unfortunately, Inuyasha refuses to go anywhere else."

'Wonderful,' thought Kagome as she glared at her pillowcase. "Inuyasha is such a Baka," she grumbled aloud and kicked at the mattress.

Babbling excitedly, Sango was apparently no longer listening as she informed the young mother on what they would be doing. "I'll be at your house in an hour, so be ready. We should be able to catch the bus on time."

Kagome sat up and swung her feet over the edge of the bed, so she could grab the phone to bid her friend goodbye for the time being. "Okay, I'll be ready. See you in a little bit. Bye."

"Sure. See you then," said Sango before ending the call.

Sighing, the teen stood up and stretched her limbs then tossed the phone on the rumpled covers. 'Well, I better get ready.' Ugh…Why was she doing this again? All she wanted to do was sleep. The things she does in the name of friendship.

Kagome scurried to her closet and began to go through the various clothes hanging in the small room. She knew she wanted a dress but wasn't sure which one since she had quite a few. Maybe she should wear the one her cousin got her for her birthday? It had never been worn and was very pretty. She had always wanted to wear it but never had a chance. This would be a perfect time to pull it out and wear it. Retrieving the black lace high-lo midi dress, the teen admired the lace pattern and scalloped trim before hurrying to her dresser to grab a set of clean undergarments. She laid the items on the bed before making her way to the bathroom to take a shower.

Soon Kagome rushed back into the room with a towel wrapped around her body and one around her head. She unwound the one entangled in her hair and let the other towel drop to the floor as she reached for her undergarments. She slipped them on then grabbed the lace dress and stepped into it.

Turning to the floor mirror, she was pleased to note that the dress fit her perfectly, and the V-neck and spaghetti straps showed just enough skin to be sexy but tasteful.

The teen twirled a few more times before hurrying to the vanity to put on some light makeup then blow dry her dampened locks. Once done, she went to her closet to find a matching pair of strappy heels and a clutch to throw her phone and keys in before heading out of the room and down the stairs.

The doorbell rang just as she hit the landing and sauntered to the front door, dropping her heels and clutch on the bench as she went. Kagome flung it open, revealing her brown-eyed bestie. "Hey, Sango. Come on in." She ushered the woman in and sat down on the bench to slip on her heels.

Sango stepped through the threshold and whistled loudly. "Hey look at you, don't you look perdy."

Kagome buckled the straps then stood up so she could do a little turn and pointed at the other teen. "I could say the same for you." She eyed her best friend's magenta cotton V-neck playsuit; it had spaghetti straps, cinched at the waist and wide leg pants accompanied by a pair of kitten heels. Sango looked awesome in it, and if Kagome wore stilettos, she could even borrow it. "I like it. Now when can I wear it?"

The brunette snorted and turned towards the door. "It was expensive so when hell freezes over."

Kagome clutched at her chest in mock hurt and cried out. "Sango you would deny your best friend a cute outfit like that. How could you?" She tossed some money in the small purse and grabbed out her keys before following Sango out the door and locking it.

"I would let you, but you have a habit of losing things." Retorted Sango as she made her way down the path to the stone stairway.

Kagome screeched and flailed her arms about as the duo carefully descended the steps. "Oh, come on! I lost something once, and I told you I'd find the shorts one of these days."

Clucking and sending her a sharp look, Sango's tone held a large amount of exasperation. "That was two years ago and even if you do find them, I sure as hell won't be able to fit in them anymore."

"You're still the same size." Remarked Kagome with a flick of her hand.

The brunette cocked her derrière in her friend's direction and pointed at it. "My ass is considerably bigger than it had been two years ago. I definitely have more junk in the trunk."

"Well, you are doing those squat thingies, so it is expected." Quipped the young mother before coming up with a compromise of sorts. "Okay, if I find the shorts I'll donate them then buy you a new pair."

"You could just buy me a new pair now." Offered Sango as she sat on the bench to wait for the bus.

Kagome plopped down next to her and swung her heeled feet to and fro. "But I could still find them."

A sigh left the other teen as she shook her head at the woman. "Yet you're still going to have to buy a new pair."

"Not the point." Retorted Kagome with a shrug.

"So the point," Was Sango's response causing her friend to roll her blue eyes and huff loudly.

"Whatever." Grumbled Kagome under her breath then said nothing else as the bus rolled up and the duo stood up to get on.

Sometime later had the two women exiting the large transport vehicle and making their way down the last few blocks to Demon's Den.

When the nightclub came into view, the raven headed teen realized that she never asked her friend how they were going to get in if they were carded. "Hey, what are we supposed to do if they card us?"

Sango's gaze widened in surprise and paused in step. "Oh yeah, I forgot." She dug through her purse and pulled out what appeared to be a card of some kind then passed it over. "Here."

Scanning the card in her hand, Kagome noticed that it was an ID and it had all of her information on it. The thing looked legit, and she couldn't help but wonder where Sango had gotten it from. "Where did you get this?" Ask the teen with a cock of her brow.

Her friend smiled slyly and began to walk slowly in the direction of the guarded doors. "Houshi. He owed me one."

If you asked her, Miroku owned Sango more than fake IDs for all the times he had grabbed her best friend's assets, but it was a start. At least it didn't look like a fake and hoped it fooled whoever was bouncing tonight. "Wow, Miroku makes fake Ids and good ones at that."

Sango laughed wholeheartedly and turned around to walk backwards as she spoke. "Surprising isn't it. He has a talent with his hands other than grabbing ass."

"You mean your ass." Responded the Miko cheekily and a snort ripped from her.

The smile wiped away from Sango's features and was replaced with disgust. "Unfortunately." She sneered before turning around and marching to the big bronzed bouncer waiting outside of the club's entrance.

Kagome laughed some more than eyed the man as they approached. She watched as his green gaze slid over their bodies as if he were trying to decide if they were legal or not. His huge hand came up to stop them while he smiled toothily and spoke. "IDs Ladies."

Both women held out their new identifications for him to see. He looked from the IDs to the girls then back to the IDs. He must have thought they were real because he stepped back to let them through.

Kagome fluttered her lashes and flashed the bouncer a sexy smirk; he winked in return as they passed. She silently thanked Miroku for having another talent other than just being a pervert. Yep encouraging illegal activity is always good. Kamigami, they were all fucked up, weren't they? At least she wasn't the only one with issues.

Bass thrummed throughout the enclosed space and people were scattered in many directions causing the pair to wade through the crowd to search for their waiting friends.

Kagome shimmed closer to Sango to talk to her. "You see them?" she asked while scanning the vast room.

Sango shook her brown head and yelled over the pulsing music. "Yeah over there." She pointed toward the right side of the room.

The teen mom followed her friend's finger and spotted a glint of silver among the crowd. Her heart seemed to stop beating for a second at the sight of the familiar tresses and groaned. 'Oh god.' Her mind flashed immediately to Sesshōmaru and Kagome scolded herself for it. What the hell was wrong with her? Why did she automatically think of him? Who she saw was not the arrogant Inuyōkai that she couldn't stop thinking about but his younger brother. After all, it was Inuyasha's idea to come here.

Shaking away the troubling thoughts, Kagome followed Sango to their friends. She rolled her unusual colored eyes towards the ceiling when she heard the brash tone of the half-demon.

"Fuck." Inuyasha barked sharply. "What the hell took you so long?"

Kagome pulled out the chair next to him and plopped into it while setting her clutch on the tabletop. Her features pinched together in mild vexation as she glared at the dog demon. Not everyone had a car and a license; that shit was quite expensive. "Inuyasha do shut up. I had an hour to get ready, and we had to take the damn bus. If you wanted us to come sooner, then you should have picked us up."

"Keh," He scoffed loudly, and his amber eyes trailed slowly down her form. "It shouldn't have taken you that long." He thumbed at her and sneered. "Look at your fucking outfit."

She peered down at her dress then back to the dog demon; her teeth ground together while forcing out a response. "What's wrong with my outfit?" It was just a freaking dress, and there was nothing the matter with it. What the hell was he seeing? Was he losing his sight or something? Maybe he needed to get his eyes checked? Do demons even have eye problems? That was a thought for another night.

Inuyasha snorted, but his eyes dropped to her lower half. "Look at it. There's nothing there. If that dress got any higher, you'd see your ass."

There was something in his tone that made Kagome wonder if he wanted it to be shorter. She tugged at the hem and protested hotly. "There's nothing wrong with my dress! It's not that short."

His amber eyes met hers and took a swig of his beer then used the neck of the bottle to point at her legs. "It's short enough to see that small birthmark you have in your inner thigh."

If he had seen her birthmark, then he had to of been looking up her dress. She fought down the flush that wanted to deepen and failed completely when her mind drifted to another issue. Did he see her panties? Oh god, she hoped not. That would be incredibly awkward since they were friends after all. Eyes now bugging and cheeks flaming red, Kagome went to tug at the hem some more. "How the hell would you know that unless you were checking me out?" cried the embarrassed teen.

Nearly choking on his beer, Inuyasha began to sputter while his own face turned a tinge of pink. "W.w…what?" He looked like someone who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Dark brows disappeared beneath her bangs, and the embarrassment she had been feeling diminished some as she eyed the nervous Hanyō squirming in his seat. Fighting the twitch of her lips, Kagome realized that she was thoroughly enjoying the half demon's discomfort.

"You heard me, were you checking me out?" teased the amused woman.

The dog demon's cheeks flamed with even more color, and his gaze darted away from her person. "Keh." Inuyasha scoffed loudly and shrugged while trying to play it off with that dismissive attitude. "You wish wench."

Kagome smiled sweetly and flipped her hair over a shoulder. "Sorry," Her blue eyes slid down his lean body as he had done to her. "but you're not my type." That was a big fat lie-well sort of. Inuyasha was one of her oldest friends, and it's not like he's wasn't eye candy because he was. The Hanyō was hot, and he knew it. Unfortunately, personality wise he wasn't someone she was romantically interested in. His brother, on the other hand, was an entirely different story. Ugh. She was supposed to be forgetting the Inuyōkai and having a good time. Stupid dog demons.

His gaze found its way back to hers and narrowed sharply. He curled a clawed finger in her direction and cooed brazenly. "Come here wench and let's see if I'm your type or not."

Kagome realized that he was serious and swallowed the lump that materialized in her throat. Pink lips parted though no words came. She should have known better than to challenge a dog demon. You would have thought she would have learned this lesson by now. The flustered teen continued to stare wide-eyed at the hanyō while he waited for her to say something. She only broke eye contact when Sango cleared her throat.

Her best friend smiled and lifted a pink colored glass. "Since you were busy I went ahead and ordered you a drink."

Returning the smile with one of gratitude, Kagome ignored the heated gaze the half-demon was shooting her and asked about the drink, "What did you get me?"

Sango handed Kagome the cold beverage before speaking. "Peach Chuhai. I hope that's okay?"

Her mother when she did drink preferred Ume flavored Chuhai and occasionally let Kagome have a nip. Ume was okay, but she wouldn't mind trying something new, and peach was one of her favorites.

Kagome took a small sip from the pink glass and let the carbonated bubbles hit her tongue. The refreshing taste of peach was nice on the palate, and the coolness of the ice was a must in the crowded room. "Mmmm…Tastes good to me." She said as they clink their glasses together then took another sip.

For some time the group sat at the table just drinking and talking about various things. Kagome took a swig of her drink and out of the corner of her eye, watched Miroku slowly scooting closer to an unaware Sango. The teen knew that whatever the Houshi was planning would not end well if he continued to act like a perverted creeper. Plus, the dreamy look on his face was a little unsettling as he slithered nearer and reached over to grasp Sango's hand.

Her best friend's focus immediately snapped to the monk. She quickly yanked her hand from his hold and suspiciously narrowed her brown eyes. "What do you think you're doing, Houshi?!" snarled Sango harshly.

Miroku raised the hand up and batted his violet eyes innocently. "I was only going to ask you to dance, my dearest Sango. No funny business."

Sango rolled her eyes and snorted in disbelief. "Yeah, right, Monk. Those hands tend to go where they are not welcome."

Miroku moved his hand over his heart and protested. "I swear to you, my dearest that I will keep my hands from wondering if you will just dance with me this once." He gave her the saddest look that made even Kagome root for Sango to say yes.

Like everyone else, the young mother waited on bated breath as the brunette considered the monk's words. Kagome was sure Sango was going to tell Miroku no but to her surprise, her best friend did the opposite.

"Sure. Just make sure to keep your hands to yourself or this will never happen again. Got it?"

"Yes, my dearest Sango." He said as he stood up and held out his hand to lead the woman out to the dance floor.

Kagome watched the monk lead her best friend into the crowd and disappear. Holy shit. Hell must have frozen over, or Sango was slightly inebriated? Kagome thought the latter was very possible. As for her other friend, it seems that Inuyasha was being pulled onto the dance floor by a very attractive fox demon.

Peering around the empty table, she sighed deeply then took the last sip of her drink. Damn. First, her friends leave and now her drinks gone. Wonderful. What else could happen? Her fingers circled the rim of the glass but stopped when the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Someone was watching her. Kagome turned slowly around to see if she could find the perpetrator but to her surprise, she found no one. She had a sense of déjà vu and could have sworn this had happened before. Fuck. If she was going to deal with this shit she was going to need another cocktail.

Kagome left her seat and hoped no one would snag their table by the time she got another Chuhai. Squeezing through the crowd, she made her way to the bar and smiled at the cute bartender when he came to her section.

He directed a sexy grin she was sure he used on every woman he met and leaned on the bar as he spoke. "What can I get for a pretty little thing like you?"

The bartender was indeed hot, but he had one thing in mind, and it wasn't for her body; it was for the tips. Kagome raised an eyebrow and smiled even more. Her finger rose to her pink bottom lip and tapped it. "Hmmm… A peach Chuhai." She batted her cobalt eyes coyly. "please."

"Will do Babe." Said the bartender with a wink and another saucy grin.

Leaning against the bar and tapping her fingers across the glossy top, she watched the man start to make her drink. Out of the corner of her eye, Kagome spotted someone sidled up next to her but paid no heed to the stranger as she waited.

When the bartender was finished, he slid the glass in front of her with another tip-earning grin. "800 yen."

800 yen for a drink. Geesh, there goes some of the money she earned from helping with the shrine. She paid the man then took a sip of the drink as the bartender counted her hard-earned cash and moved on to the next customer.

She jumped when she felt a hot breath of air hit the shell of her ear and a husky tone washed over her. "Would you like to dance?" the stranger asked.

There was an inkling of familiarity that tickled Kagome's subconscious, but she pushed it away as she contemplated the stranger's offer. Dancing with someone she didn't know wasn't something she would normally do. Though the whole point of coming here was to have a good time and to forget about the complicated and stressful week. 'Should I? I haven't danced with anyone since…' Her raven locks swished about as she chased away the thought of the Inuyōkai. 'I came out to forget about him, and that is what I am going to do. Screw him. What better way to do that then to dance.'

With the decision made, the young woman turned to the unknown man to tell him yes when her mouth floundered as she recognized the imposing figure lounging off to the side. "Sesshōmaru!?" Squeaked Kagome faintly. He wasn't supposed to be at this club. Why was he there? Why couldn't she just get any form of peace from this Inuyōkai? Granted he had left her alone the rest of the week, but it seemed to have changed once more.

A rare smile was etched onto his normally harsh features and was so out of character for the Inuyōkai. He greeted her in that rough tone that she had not recognized before. "Kagome."

She could smell the traces of hard liquor on his breath and noticed his golden eyes had a glazed over appearance. 'Oh god, is he buzzed?' wondered Kagome as she eyed the Inuyōkai some more. It took a lot to get a demon buzzed; hell, it took a lot just to get a demon drunk. It also lowered their control, especially with their beasts. A shiver slid down her spine, and her heart jolted rapidly at the thought of Sesshōmaru's beast.

Raising a slim eyebrow and grinning cockily, he leaned in closer to whisper to her. "See something you like."

Those words tore her blue eyes away from his and caused a large dose of sarcasm to roll off her sharp tongue. "Yeah, I like my men drunk and stupid." How much exactly did the demon have to drink? Why did she care? She did not know but found herself feeling concerned anyway. "Kami Sesshōmaru, how much have you had?" asked Kagome as her eyes trailed back to the demon with apparent concern.

He either ignored the apprehension or didn't notice it as his golden gaze heated considerably and that grin became wider. "Not nearly enough." Cracked the demon as he reached over to tuck an unruly piece of hair behind one of her ears and chuckled lowly.

For the Inuyōkai to smile and laugh was rare, but when he did, it made her heart skip some more, and her legs want to turn into jelly. As Kagome watched Sesshōmaru carefully, she realized that Malakai had that very same smile. The young mother loved her son's toothy grin because it made her heart swell with joy while making her feel incredibly loved. Did that mean she felt that way about Sesshōmaru as well? It would be a lie to say that she didn't. There was something about the demon that seemed to draw her in even though he had hurt her terribly. She tried to play off the way her thoughts were going by acting outraged by his unexpected recklessness. "Sesshōmaru this is not funny! You know what can happen if you get carried away. Why are you…"

A finger rested against her lips to silence the words that were about to come next. "Dance with me." He softly asked while dropping his hand to her wrist and tugging her small body into his arms.

Surprised by the sudden movement, Kagome stared up at the demon wide-eyed and couldn't help the shiver that ran down her spine as he leaned in to whisper tenderly into her ear. "Please, dance with me."

The alcohol must have gone to her head because the teen found herself agreeing to his request. She grabbed her forgotten drink and took a large gulp of the fruit beverage before letting the yōkai lead her through the crowd and onto the dance floor.

They made their way towards the edge where the lights were the dimmest and began to dance. He pulled her close and wrapped his muscular arms around her petite waist while maneuvering his thigh between her legs.

The music pulsed with life dragging the couple into the sensual motions as they began to rock in tandem with the sound.

Kagome's teeth buried into her bottom lip, stopping a moan that almost escaped when his thigh accidentally brushed her sex. 'Oh Kamigami.' It seemed like a Fire moved through her bloodstream and straight to the juncture between her thighs. She fought another groan and could have sworn that the club had gone up in flames by the way the sweat ran down her neck and over the swell of her breasts.

The dog demon dipped her backward and roved over her still firm body before bringing her back to him. His golden eyes gleamed with hunger, and his chest rumbled as he spoke. "Beautiful." He whispered against the side of her head.

'Did he just call me beautiful?' Thought the flustered teen and ducked her flushed face into his clothed chest. Kagome couldn't believe what was coming out of the demon's mouth.

His finger slid underneath her chin and tilted it up, so she was staring into his golden gaze. He gently stroked her cheek and whispered once again. "So beautiful."

Kagome's cheeks flamed at his words and her blue eyes enlarged when he bent down and quickly seize her lips. Her body tensed at first under the assault but then relaxed when she threw her arms around his neck and started to kiss him in return.

She felt him take in her warmed flesh into his hot mouth and drag his fangs lightly over her bottom lip, causing a shiver of delight to race throughout her trembling form. He carefully stroked her soft appendage earning him the same attention as she began battled back with the same earnest.

Unbeknownst to either of them, the couple was rapidly making their way in the direction of the back of the club sliding between one entwined couple after the next toward the dark.

The distracted priestess jolted when her back slammed against the cool wall and her dress bunched up over her thighs when her legs instantly came up to wrap them around his waist.

The dog demon's hand cupped her lace clad ass to keep her upright, while his other rested against the wall. He leaned over the surprised woman and forcefully took hold of her swollen lips once again.

A muffled moan erupted between the two when the yōkai rolled his hips and rocked his hardened member against her heated core.

The pleasuring movements caused the fire within the tiny priestess to burn even hotter and her back to arch off the wall brushing her full breasts against his firm chest.

Kagome released another low moan, her hips meeting his rolls with ones of her own. The tight feeling began building in her lower belly. She was so close just a little more, and bliss would be hers. She couldn't think straight; her mind was a jumbled mess of wanton thoughts.

Abruptly, his hips stopped moving, and the teen whimpered from the loss. Sesshōmaru's lust filled voice whispered to her. "I need you, Gome."

'Gome?' A sharp pain shot through her, and she felt each stitch holding the cracks of her heart together pop open one by one. She snapped out of her lustful haze, and her soulful eyes flew open.

'What the fuck am I doing? I can't do this again.' Thought Kagome painfully while her legs fell away from his waist and she struggled out of his embrace. She brought up her hands to push him away and cried over the music. "No, I can't."

Sesshōmaru snatched up her wrist, his honey eyes burned with hurt and anger, as he spoke. "Do not run away."

Kagome glared up at him coldly and pulled her arm from his grasp, then snarled sharply. "Do not lecture me on running away, Sesshōmaru. Not when you did it first." She fixed the hem of her dress and whipped around to make her way to the last place she had seen her friends. She didn't bother to look back to see if Sesshōmaru were following or not, right now she simply wanted to get away.

The upset woman pushed her way through the crowd, scolding herself for being so stupid. 'I can't believe I just did that! After all that has happened, I end up making out with him.' Hell, she had done little more than just make out with him. Her body still tingled from the passionate moment.

Approaching the vacant table, she had hoped to encounter her friends, but alas they were not there. 'Wonderful!' Reflected Kagome as she stared at the table in considerable annoyance before turning away and stomping to the bar. She needed a stiff drink; something very strong; something that would numb the pain and make her forget.

Kagome strolled up to the bar and squeezed in between two customers reaching out to flag down the bartender. The man that came was not the flirtatious one from before but someone new. She tried to smile as friendly as she could and requested the liquor of choice. "Two shots of Awamori, please."

The bartender eyed her tiny form and hesitantly questioned her. "Are you sure, Miss?"

She ran a shaky hand through her raven locks and ground her teeth together. "Yes." She carefully bit out the words and tried her hardest not to take her frustration out on this innocent bystander. The bartender had no idea how badly she wanted to forget what had happened minutes before.

"It might be best to have it on the rocks instead." Stated the bartender clearly uncomfortable with the idea of giving her the shots of the high grain alcohol.

Kagome ignored the appeal and changed the subject. "Can I ask you a question?"

Taken back, the bartender shrugged his shoulders and spoke. "Sure."

"Have you ever run into an ex? One that had torn out your heart and left you there to bleed?" asked the teen.

Recognition lit his dark eyes as he answered. "Yeah, I have."

"Then you know what I am feeling right now. I need this, please." Her voice shook, and she blinked away the unshed tears. "Please."

The bartender's eyes softened at the saddened plea and give in. "Sure sweetheart."

He set two shot glasses in front of her and grabbed the dark bottle to fill them, then went about filling another glass with water. He set that one down and made note of it. "You might need this."

Shaking her dark head, Kagome thanked him and passed the bartender the needed yen. She slipped her hand around the smooth glass and brought it to her parted lips to slam it back quickly. Her stomach churned from the strong-tasting alcohol, but she shook it off and moved to the second glass. She downed that one swiftly as well then took a drink from the glass of water to chase away the robust taste.

Minutes passed as she listened to the loud music and the soft chatter of those around her. Her mind wandered back to Sesshōmaru. She shouldn't have left like that, but it felt like two sides of herself were warring; one that wanted to forgive him and the other that was so hurt that she wasn't sure if she could. It was so fucking confusing though it didn't help that the alcohol was beginning to make things a little bit fuzzy.

She jumped when she felt a hand rest on her shoulder and turned around to find her best friend watching her.

"Don't do that!" snapped Kagome with a hot glare directed at the other woman.

Sango smiled and held up her hands, apologizing softly. "Sorry. I have been looking for you everywhere. Where the hell have you been? I'm ready to go if you are. I just have to hail a cab."

Kagome stepped away from the bar and swayed slightly. "Yes. I'm ready to go."

Sango eyed her carefully and grabbed an arm to steady her. "You okay?" asked the concerned woman.

Kagome shook her head and straightened out the hem of her dress while still wobbling slightly. "I'm fine."

Sango didn't seem so sure but said nothing as she helped Kagome walk towards the exit. Outside, the sober woman flagged a passing cab and assisted her friend inside. Kagome pressed her forehead against the cool glass as Sango gave the cab driver the shrine address.

Sango sat next to her for a few minutes before eyeing her quiet friend. "Okay Kagome, what did you drink?"

She didn't even open her eyes as she responded. "I had one and a half peach Chuhais' then two shots of Awamori."

"Why the two shots of Awamori?" asked her curious friend.

Kagome didn't want to talk about it. She was so confused right now and all she wanted to do was forget. "I don't want to talk about."

Sango didn't press her as they traveled down the road. "Okay."

The grain alcohol began to take effect, Kagome's head started to spin, and her stomach began to gurgle and churn. 'Oh boy, I don't feel so well.' Thought the woozy priestess as she tried to push the feeling away by rolling down the window. She took in a few deep breaths and the wooziness seemed to dissipate.

Sometime later, the cab stopped outside the shrine steps. Sango paid the cabbie then helped Kagome out of the vehicle and up the stone steps.

The drunken teen fished out her keys and attempted to unlock the front door. Unsuccessful and getting frustrated, Kagome shoved the keys into her friend's hands. "I can't get. Herre you try dit."

Sango seemed to get the door unlocked quickly and ushered the drunken woman inside. Kagome staggered to the bench and tried to take off her heels. It wouldn't have been so bad if she weren't seeing two of everything. Sango came to the rescue again and helped her out of the heels.

The double vision had her stomach churning once more and she turned to her friend looking a little green. "Eyes don't eels so goopd." A hand slapped over her mouth as the drunken woman flew up from the bench and stumbled to the bathroom to give the porcelain god an offering.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


