It's extremely toxic. For your own good, it's best not to delve into it. Besides being toxic, it's quite superficial, with a lot of filler content, purely for self-entertainment. The protagonist is Carl, but he has changed significantly compared to the original story. There will be many contradictions in the settings throughout, and many previous elements have been abandoned or downplayed. Additionally, expect some mental issues to arise in the later stages.
レビューを書くit would of been a good fic if it wasn't for so many bad spelling and how the story is need a good amount of work
Hello, I love reading through your story, i enjoy the energy you gathered together but it has low engagers I would like to discuss something with you that will help the engagement of your book
Eine der wenigen aber beste Fanfiktion von The walking dead jeden Tag warte ich auf ein neues Update. Wow eine Mega Story ein echt und logisch denkender MC und eine gute nicht zu schnell gehende Story bitte mehr🤗. One of the few but best fan fiction of The Walking Dead every day I wait for a new update. Wow a mega story a real and logical thinking MC and a good story that doesn't go too fast please more🤗.
this is a good story, yes the editing could use some work but the translation quality is ok. Trying to be constructive. ## One easy thing that would massively improve the reading experience is getting the names right, I mean Merle and Shane are 2 of the most mentioned characters and I don't think there names have been correct once so far, its really takes me out of the immersive experience
couldn't get past the first chapter. Li Mo, MCs name is repeated in every paragraph at least once. TWD characters aren't even correct. Shane is Sean. Merle is Moore/Maul. Dale or Daryl is Dell. Grammar is horrendous. The original story maybe is not bad, but this translation is fucking trash. Translator doesn't even make an effort, just probably told AI to translate it to English, copy paste here and uploaded it. If you don't care about the grammar, at least make enough effort to correct the names.
No puedo jusgar aun tiene fallas pero me entretiene , sigue subiendo más partes por favor y para rellenar los que me pide el comentario lo llenare con ......................................... .... .......
ネタバレを明かすOne of the few but best fan fiction of The Walking Dead every day I wait for a new update. Wow a mega story a real and logical thinking MC and a good story that doesn't go too fast please more🤗.
作者 DaoistCjmElH
It’s good only for the fact that this is based off my favorite show. Other than that this is shit, T-boy for Tdog, Moore for Merle and the Moore brothers instead of the Dixon brothers. Like I’m dead serious Derle Dixon name in this is Moore Moore.