So, it's been about a week since Alicia saw me return into her life, I must say it has been interesting to say the least, finding out that she doesn't really fit well with her family and is having issues with Nick and her mother,
Nick well what can I say he's a fucking mess, in all honesty, it's ridiculous how far they have let the poor kid go with this, addiction, though I do get it just eventually giving up hope on someone after so long can take it out of you.
And then there are the stupid assholes locking the place down, thinking they are doing these people some good with their "Protection" when all they are doing is slowing the inevitable cascade of the dead that will slowly encroach on the place and destroy everything they hold dear, I suppose it's a good thing I have been able the get out and about to see the area for myself.
-------------------- 2 days ago----------------
Looking back at the closed off area that I am supposed to be lockdown in, making my way down the street, taking in the somber silence around apart from the odd dog howling or groan around the area, not entirely looking for anything specific just...looking.
Turning down another street that seems to be a business area as it has local deli stores, convenience stores etc. I make my way down the street calmly as I know it's still in the early days of the outbreak so things won't go as bad as I know they can for a little bit, besides I have my trusty blades with me.
Entering one of the local shops, one of those shops that you see in nearly every area, a fairly medium sized shop does a bit of everything.
Hearing the tell-tale gran of the infected, or should I say Walkers, by the sounds of it there is three but can be entirely sure, walking over to the cashiers area I get up on the checkout area and have a quick look around, as I thought three of them.
Quietly getting back down I begin to walk towards the first one while taking in my surroundings to make sure I don't alert them, as the first one comes into view, I stop for a second as its facing me giving it time to turn around, I make my way over to it while grabbing a coconut at my side, walking up behind it I reach around and place the coconut in the vicinity of its mouth and hold it there so it can't bite me, grabbing it from the base of the neck I lower it onto the floor and pierce one of my blades through the base of its skull and jerk upward to pierce into the brain, then I clean my blade on its clothes, I then make my way and deal with the other two.
After dealing with the other two I decided to grab some necessities while here, some food, water, the usual stuff, throwing the stuff in a bag and making my way out I look around the local area to see if there are any people looting and what not, currently there isn't, I decided to head back.
------------------current time------------------
Walking out my house I see Alicia, Madison and Travis in a heated argument regarding I assumed Nick again as it's been a rolling theme lately, walking over to them I ask is everything alright, It has to be said I have a more intimate relationship with their family as I am a friend of Alicia from when we were both younger and with the way I carry myself they seem to have a more mature aspect and seem fine talking to me with more mature subjects.
"Hey, guys, everything ok over here?"
"Oh, Andre, hi, yes it's nick again, honestly I'm at my wits end even more so with everything going on around us...," said Madison.
"You know I do have a method that could potentially snap him out of what he is doing, BUT, Madison you would have to trust me, completely, with no exceptions and it would be just me and nick no one else."
"Honestly Andre, if you genuinely have a way to help him, I am all for it, whatever it is at this point he needs a serious wake up call." Madison replied.
"Alright, give me some space, and most importantly no interference from any of you, I'm sure you know my situation Madison, with you knowing my father before he died and what I've been through...when I had to leave" Glancing at Alicia when I said the last part.
"Yeah..." Madison just sighs
I jump into my place first and grab my blades.
Walking into their house as they all begin to walk away, I see Nick lounging on a deck chair in the back yard, walking back I grab him by the base of the neck and drag him with me.
"What the Fuck Andre, let me go man..." Nick screams.
"Shut up and fucking follow me, I Cannot believe you don't have the common sense to see around you, with everything that's going on, Nick you were never an idiot, why are you being one now."
Dragging him out the lockdown compound to the area that the military takes Travis to in the series that full of walkers, dropping him on the floor in full view of the walkers all shambling around, some eating people that have died fairly recently, some just wandering.
"See Nick this is what the world is becoming, and it's only going to get worse and worse, what do you think people will be like when the food starts to run out, when medication and your precious drug run out, when people start seeing others as more of a resource rather than the humans that they are, things are going to get really fucking bad Nick do you think people are going to carry your drug riddled ass through all this shit that's coming, you're going to be nothing but dead weight, and people will drop you without a second thought."
"Now watch what it takes to live in this new world that is going to form right before your eyes."
Unsheathing my blades, I begin to walk over to the walkers, as each and every one comes into contact, I swing one of my blades taking top of the head clean off destroying the brain, one after another I go through roughly 25 walkers.
Walking back to Nick, Covered in blood, "do you understand Nick, you NEED to get clean, or you Will die in this coming reality where the dead are upon us."
As I begin to walk away from nick, I let it settle on his mind for a bit as we are more than safe for the time being, but I hear crying coming from down the hall where the walkers were, a little girl is sat at what I can only assume is her father's body slumped up against a wall with a bit mark on his throat,
I really didn't think they would add these into the world Aswell, I wish I had gotten here sooner, I know I can't take this decision from her as it was pivotal moment in her life, I'll be there to pick up the pieces with her though.
I look at Nick as if to say look even an 8-year-old know the world is changing, he just stares in complete bewilderment.
*Bang* and tears again, as I begin to walk up to her.
"You did, the right thing, kiddo, He is in a better place now, you gave him something only a few will get now.... Mercy, So what's your name?"
Looking up to me with tears in her eyes,
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