7.69% The Void Inside (Void stiles) / Chapter 1: Preface
The Void Inside (Void stiles) The Void Inside (Void stiles) original

The Void Inside (Void stiles)

作者: Wolfysstories

© WebNovel

章 1: Preface

A 16 year old girl stared at the wall in front of her. The room she was in was dark, yet she could see everything perfectly. She had no idea how or why.

She shivered from the cold and winched when she felt the cold biting in the wound on her left arm. A bite mark. She didn't know how she got it. She also wasn't sure if she wanted to know, all she did was getting out of there.

'Scott... I miss you. I'm sorry, I should've listened....'

She brought her knees up tho her face and wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to get a bit warmer. She suspected to be in some abandoned building outside, the floor was from stone just like the walls and the little source of light there was came from a very small window high up. Just big enough to get a glimpse of the full moon.

Keylee tried hard to hold back her tears. Scott warned her not to hang around with the twins. She recalled the memory. He hadn't spoken to her for a year, she never knew why and stopped asking after 4 months of ignorance. He always came up with an excuse when she wanted to talk and just avoided her so she was shocked when he came to her. He had told her to stay away from the new kids, twins. The only people who willingly talked to her.

'I trusted them. I didn't believe my very own brother but I trusted two complete strangers to be good...' Keylee buried her face in her hands ashamed.

The twins turned out to only be around her to keep her away from Scott. To be friends so they could easily lure her into a trap. She scoffed and mimicked their words to convince her. "You don't have to go alone in the woods at night Kels, wé are with you."

As if. The did came with her, not that it helped. As soon as they were deep enough Aiden had pushed her against a tree. She just stared at him in horror when his eyes started to glow a vibrant red. He was pushed away by Scott, who's eyes held a golden yellow color, and someone she didn't know but seemed very grumpy. He had also red eyes and was soon followed by Isaac.

Keylee didn't understand it. Ethan and Aiden merged together to one giant monster and Keylee was pulled aside by some blind guy who she later on learned was called Deucalion.

That's all she remembered before she got knocked out to wake up in this place with a freaking bite mark on her arm.

Keylee shivered again. The cold walls weren't helping much. She heard a door open behind her and quickly turned around. She stared in fear at the man in front of her. He was very big and looked very angry.

'Deucalion wants to speak with you.' Before she could do something he pulled her up at her arm, her wounded one. Keylee winched but bit her tongue, not wanting to scream and let him know how much it really hurt.

They walked through the building and to Keylee's surprise, she could see every detail perfectly while the only light was the little moonshine now and then through a broken window.

They arrived at the top of a staircase where Deucalion was waiting with his back towards them. His cane was folded and he held it with both hands behind his back.

The man tossed Keylee on the ground where she didn't even try to stand up. Deucalion turned around, slowly. He unfolded his cane.

'Ennis. Please leave us alone, and be a bit more careful with her the next time, she's a precious asset.'

Ennis nodded and walked away.

Deucalion knelt down right besides Keylee. Her breath hitched in her throat and she felt her heart speed up at how dangerously close he was. Deucalion smirked knowingly and moved his hand forward until he toughed Keylee's face.

Keylee closed her eyes and just wished for it to be over soon. The claws they all had didn't go unnoticed. First glowing eyes, now claws. What was gonna come next?

'My apologizes, Keylee. I told Ennis to be gentle with you but I don't believe he is aware of the meaning of that word.'

'What do you want?'

'What do I want?' Deucalion smirked. 'I just want to get to know you a little better Keylee. I'aware you probably see me as a monster. Your heart beat betrays you. But I'm not. I'm not some crazy lunatic like some... others. I'm a man with far more vision.' Deucalion trailed his hand down from her shoulder to her lower arm. Keylee winched when he touched the biting mark but felt the pain quickly fading away.

She stared at Deucalion. 'H-how do you-'

'We are werewolves Keylee. And you are one of us.'

It was like those two sentences brought her back to reality. Keylee jumped up and stumbled away from him. 'No I'm not!'

'Yes you are, I bit you Keylee, and I'm an Alpha. We all are. To be honest, I expected you to change already by now. So I'm curious, what is keeping you in control?'

'Nothing! Cause there's no control to be kept. You're crazy. I wanna go home, if you don't let me go then I'm gonna- I'm- I'm gonna scream! Really, really hard!'

Deucalion raised his eyebrows. 'And then? You think someone will miraculously come to safe you? No one will Keylee, your own brother wanted nothing to do with you while we like you enough to bite you and get you in our pack. The bite is a gift, you owe me Keylee.'

'No I don't! You think I'm stupid? Scott is a terrible liar. I knew all along! I don't know why you want him in your pack but I don't wanna be used by you. I'm leaving!'

'Alright. But you are gonna come back to me Keylee. You are special. And I am the only one with answers. You WILL come back...'

Keylee shook her head and quickly ran away from that place. She wasn't gonna come back. she refused to. Only it did make her life a lot harder.

As soon as she came home she saw Scott and Stiles and quickly ran towards them. Scott had quickly wrapped his arms around her and tried to comfort her, giving Stiles a death glare when he was about to point out that she was bitten.

Both boys couldn't understand why she hadn't changed. It was, after all, a full moon. They figured it had to be the next full moon, this one didn't count. Yet they didn't tell Keylee yet. They didn't want her to stress.

Keylee went on with her life. Ignoring the changes. The roles were turned around as she was ignoring Scott now most of the time. Just as she was ignoring the twins, Scott's friends and actually everyone. Except Allison and Lydia, she stayed friends with them but refused to talk about what happened.

She refused to tell them about the things that changed, how she would suddenly feel where someone was in pain. How she would take the pain, how she would hide it from others. She didn't want anyone to know about anything. she just pretended to be normal, to be okay. In reality it always hurt, feeling everything from everyone wasn't easy. Especially when she couldn't control it. Now and then her eyes would turn green but she made sure to wear sunglasses and cover it with her hair or a pet.

Keylee refused to trust anyone anymore. She couldn't remember the last day that nothing had hurt. It always hurt somewhere. She just learned to live with it.

Scott noticed something was wrong with his sister but couldn't help her when she kept pushing him away. It was killing him inside. He didn't only have to fight an Alpha pack but it also turned out there was a darach. A dark druid.

It wasn't until that one day in class. Keylee stared at her note book without really taking notes. Everything hurt, she didn't know what pain belonged to her and what belonged to someone else by now, she only knew she had to hide it. She swallowed thickly.

Then she suddenly felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. 'Keylee?'

It was miss Blake. She looked worried at Keylee. 'Are you alright?'

Keylee smiled. 'Y-yeah. Of course...'

Miss Blake stared at her note book. There were no notes but there was a drawing. She paled. 'W-why did you draw this?'

Keylee looked confused. 'Drew what- oh. I- I don't know.'

She looked at her drawing. It seemed like the creature had a human shape but... different. There were claw marks over it's face, the eyes seemed a little sunken in and it had no hair. The creature had white eyes and apparently no lips. Keylee was actually a little scared of her drawing but brushed it off.

When she looked up at miss Blake she screamed and fell backwards with her chair. Miss Blake had turned into the creature of her drawing. 'For fucks sake! If you're with them just kill me already! I'm not a part of your stupid pack and I never will be so piss of!'

Keylee stared at the creature as it slowly took the appearance of miss Blake again. 'With them? You mean the Alpha pack? They bit you. You need to explain me everything Keylee.'

'NO! I'm sick of it. I'm just a normal girl with a normal life so piss of!'

Normally she would never talk to a teacher like that but she was so done with it now. Miss Blake took a deep breath. 'Keylee, you saw just saw me in my true form. The Alpha pack did that to me. trust me, I'm not with them. I just want to help you so you aren't forced to joint them. Please, I don't ask you anything but to stay away from them which you are already trying.'

Keylee slowly calmed down, perhaps she was right. Perhaps miss Blake could really help her. 'I feel other's pain.' She told her teacher. 'And my eyes glow green.' She looked away. 'And I see dead people sometimes.'

Miss Blake let out a sight of relieve. 'Then you are no werewolf. I don't know what you are but we'll figure it out. For now, I want you to go to this address. It's in England, a friend of mine lives there and she will help you. I'll make a note for you that this is for your study.'

Keylee looked at her teacher in disbelieve. 'T-thank you miss Blake.'

'Please, call me Julia. Now, you go talk to your mother, I'll take care of everything else.'

And so it came that Keylee eventually convinced her mother to let her go to England for "school things". Miss Blake had made a fake assignment for Keylee alone because she had top marks in everything.

Stiles brought Keylee to the airport with Scott. They didn't speak for a while until Keylee decided to break the silence. 'I'm not going for school stuff. I promised you I would never lie so, here's the truth. I'm going because something's wrong with me. I'm not a werewolf like you Scott, yes I know, but there is someone in England who can help me. Are you mad I'm leaving?'

Scott looked at her. 'No, I could never be mad at you Keylee. I just wished I could have made you feel comfortable enough to tell me sooner. I actually think it might be good for you to leave since I can't keep you safe. Just, please, keep in contact.'

Keylee smiled and hugged him. 'Yeah, thanks for not asking things Scott. I'll see you later!'

She gave Stiles a quick hug too. 'I'll miss you but Scott's right. You're too young for this.'

Keylee gave him a fake slap on his arm and then quickly ran off to be on time for her flight. Finally things were gonna become better.


Things became better indeed. Almost half a year had passed when Keylee finally returned. Unaware of everything that had happened. Unaware of the events with the Nogitsune. No one bothered to tell her, they wanted to spare her the pain they went through. Thinking it didn't matter since Void was beaten anyways.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


