9.09% The Villain King Little Kitty / Chapter 1: prologue
The Villain King Little Kitty The Villain King Little Kitty original

The Villain King Little Kitty

作者: Tsukikage0202Lily

© WebNovel

章 1: prologue

A black little cat silently climb a tree branch in the dark before jumping to a balcony. It blue eyes stared at the moon before walking inside the room through the open balcony door.

The night turns to day as the bird chirps happily and the big manor was alive with sevrvants walking around preparing for the day. A brown haired petite old maid walked through the hall on the first floor while rolling a trolley with a teacup, a cup of milk, spoon, sugar and a teapot filled with hot tea. She arrived to a blue themed grand room with a queen-sized bed in the middle, a large wardrobe, a vanity table, a changing panel, an area with a cat tree and a round fluffy bed and cats stuffs near the balcony door and another door.

The maid smiled fondly as she saw the sleeping figure huddled in the blanket. Her raven haired splayed around her, almost covering her face, a content smile was present at her face as her hands hug a pink teddy bear. Anyone saw the scene would think she was a sleeping angel. The maid pour the tea to the cup and add a considerable amount of sugar and milk while saying in a soft voice "wake up milady, the birds are up and the town are bustling with people..it's time to start a new day my dear".

The girl stirred as she heard the familiar voice and whine softly as she blearily open her eyes, trying to wake up completely. The old maid just smiled and pour the remaining milk to a small bowl and tap the bowl with a spoon creating a "cling" sound each time. A white and gray persian cat came out from the top of the cat trees and stretched before jumping down gracefully and head to the maid, looking at her waiting.

"Here you go Persi (percy), your breakfast milk" the old maid said as she put down the bowk of milk. The persian cat meowed in thanks and lap on her milk gently.

The girl sat up and stretched before turning to take the cup of milktea from the old maid "thank you Aunt Nina" she thanked the maid with a soft smile.

The maid curtsy and replied "your welcome milady. Now I'm going to prepare your clothes and bath, you're going to have a busy day today young miss Aella. Madam Louis is coming to test your violin skill and your friends are coming for tea in the afternoon". She walked to the wardrobe and pull out a pastel blue dress with white accents and a corset and innerwear making the young miss Aella grimaced as she sees the corset, covering her expression with the teacup and nodding along to what her maid is saying. Persi the cat meowed and jump up to Aella's lap making her pet his head adoringly.

Two hours later, Aella was standing on a pedestal in the music room playing a tune with her violin while a lady in red smiled proudly at her as she watched her play. Persi the cat sitting beside the lady on a fluffy cushion, also enjoying the song. The lady in red claps her hands as Aella finishes playing "bravo Aella! beautifully played my dear" she praises her.

Aella curtsy "thank you Madam Louis, I made the piece myself..I hope its okay? " putting the violin back in the case.

Madam Louis smiled "its very well written and played, the name is also beautiful. You just need to work on smoothing the tune..it's a bit stiff but nevertheless you got full score, well done! ".

Aella squeeled when she heard it but managed to stop herself, blushing in embarassment as her music tutor smiled at her in amusement. She dissmissed herself and went out of the room with her cat following. They walked back to her room to rest and prepare for her friends arrival.

Tea time came around and four girls with light coloured dresses sat on a medium sized round table in the garden gazebo. Aella approached and apologizes to them "I'm very sorry ladies, my cat was playing with one of my gloves".

The girls just giggled and a blonde haired one speaks "it's okay... my cat Micha are also like that... one time she even managed to took my hat.. we found her with my hat behind the changing panel and we don't even know how she bring the hat there so fast". All of them laughed at that and a brown haired one spoke "that cat of your are really silly Katie, when I visited you last time she came to me and give me one of your gloves as present" this causes another round of laughter. Another blonde haired girl next to Katie spoke "Persi once jump and sit on my head for few minutes before".

Aella nodded at this "yes I remember that, Persi was mad at me for taking him down from Gwen's head for days.. I have to gifted him salmon for three days for him to forgive me"

They all laughed again and the brown haired one speak up again "Good thing Ginny, Gwen and I did not have a cat... it sounded like a really hard work".

"I had a puppy though which is twice as crazy and very loud, we buy it from Lynn's uncle who is a dog breeder" a red haired one, Ginny spoke up.

Lynn, the brown haired girl nod her head in agreement "a cute little golden retriever". Aella and the other girls cooed and giggled, making a plan to have the next Tea Party in Ginny's manor so that they could watch her puppy.

It was hours after the tea party and night had set. Many residents of the manor had fallen asleep. Persi the cat was sitting leisurely on a table on the balcony looking at the night sky and less bustling town ahead.

"Enjoying your view my dear kitty friend?" Aella giggled as she came out and pat his head affectionately. The cat meowed a response. Aella tilted her head as she saw the time on the big clock tower before going inside. A few minutes later, a black cat with the blue eyes came out of the semi-darkness of the room and meowed at Persi which he meowed back. The unknown cat stretched her limb before jumping gracefully on a tree branch and climb down the tree while Persi continued sitting leisurely, disappearing into the night.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


