45.16% The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister / Chapter 13: 13. The Goldroad Pt 1

章 13: 13. The Goldroad Pt 1

It was day 21 of our journey and I was fed up of life on the road. I missed modern amenities the most, such as flushable toilets, hot running water, firm mattresses. It had been 5 weeks since I woke up in this body and more than 3 of those weeks had been spent on the road. I had been too busy with plotting and scheming against the Frey to really appreciate my surroundings. 

It was only after we left Casterly Rock, that I truly felt as if I was in a completely different world. No cars, no planes in the sky, no noises from modern technology, just the sounds of nature, and the people around you. It was a beautiful world, but I had enough of nature to last a long time. Yes, we had occasionally passed several villages, we had even slept in one, near the start but it hadn't been a comfortable experience. It finally hit home how fortunate bi was to be a Lannister.

The weather was its own issue, when it was sunny, it wasn't bad, but the weather was prone to sudden showers. Because it was the start of winter, which in this world could last between 3 years to more than a decade, the rains were cold. Not freezing, but you could get extremely sick from exposure to it. Fortunately, the showers did not last more than a couple of hours at a time.

The Goldroad was actual in pretty good shape as many merchants and small folks used it to travel from the Crownlands, Stormlands and parts of the reach to the Westerlands. The various houses whom lands that the road passed through was responsible for maintaining the road, and often profited from goods and people moving through their lands.

In this time, I had done a lot of things on the contrary. I had increased quite a few of my skills.


Name; Tywin Lannister

Age; 10

Blessings; Divine Guidance

Titles; Heir to Casterly Rock, Tytos Lannister's Son, The Young Lord of Casterly Rock

Bloodline; (Inactive)



Vitality- 7/15, Strength- 7/15, Stamina- 9/15, Agility- 15/15, Mind- 12/15, Will- 8/15, Charisma- 9/15, Luck- 10/15

(Free Attribute Points 0)

Skills- Sword Proficiency (moderate-5/20), Dagger Proficiency (basic-7/10), Shield Proficiency (moderate-1/20), Ridding Proficiency (moderate-7/20), Archery (moderate-1/20), Handwriting (basic-2/10), Reading (moderate-1/20), Arithmetic (basic-6/10), Observation (moderate-10/20), Inspire (moderate-3/20), Sexual Performance (basic-6/10), Controlled Breathing (moderate-7/20), Striking (moderate-1/10), Spatial Awareness (basic-9/10), Intimidate (basic-8/10), Climbing (moderate-2/20), Fine Motor Control (basic 8/10), Deception (basic 6/10)

(Free Skill Points- 5)


*Slay 10 opponents in battle. (0/10) (rewards- 5 free AP on completion)

*Gain knowledge by reading 25 books. (1/25) (rewards- 1 AP to Mind)

*Increase 5 skill to the proficient level. (0/5) (rewards- 5 free SP)


From riding almost 8 hours a day, to getting to hunt small game when we made camp. I also got to practice my 'Observation' and 'Controlled Breathing' and raised them by quite a bit by simply focusing on observing my surroundings while holding my breath. When I exhaled, I will try to regain control of my breathing rhythm and hearth rate.

It was amazing what you could figure out when you had time to just think. I hadn't even considered this as a viable training method until day 5 on the road. It had happened while riding, I had closed my eyes while trying to use the time to review my 'Status Screen' while on horseback and using my hearing to pay attention to my surroundings.

I had gotten the idea that by actively using multiple skills in synergy, that the increased difficulty should cause them to grow faster. I was correct, my 'Observation' that had been halted for some time slowly increased again while my breathing and riding also improved noticeably until they got into higher numbers.

I had also had some time to bond with Ser Jason Lannister and had come to understand him a little better. He was a competent enough noble but had a major flaw; he lacked ambition. He was content to let Tytos rule so long as it hadn't interfered with his bottom line, which was not to be inconvenienced, which was now happening frequently as of late.

Despite his lack of ambition, he was a decent enough field commander and capable warrior. This was why he was the primary troop commander for House Lannister. It was fortunate that he was fond of his older brother and that they had shared an amenable relationship growing up. If a more ambitious brother had been in his position, House Lannister may have been under new leadership by now.

Ironically, it was probably because of Jason Lannister that the Westerland Lords hadn't openly revolted until they did in the books. This was why I was trying to cultivate a good relationship with him. I had started off discussing the readiness of the troops as well as the Lannister fleet.

He had whole heartedly engaged in these topics, as Feastfires; the seat of House Prester where he with his wife Lady Marla Prester and children currently resided, was always under threat from Ironborn raiders. This was something Garrand had brought to my attention some time back so I knew it was an easy ice breaker.

The Ironborn had been a constant threat to the Westerlands so it was easy enough to convince him that the troops should be regularly trained and kept in a state of close to readiness to move at a moment's notice.

The topic eventually moved on to the recent dissatisfaction of the lords over Tytos recent decisions. Jason refuted this, stating that there had been no rebellious lords in the West in recent centuries, but all it took was for me to point out that if Walder Frey, a lord from the Riverlands, could sense Tytos' weakness, it would only be a matter of time. They would be like lions smelling blood.

This got him deep in thought, so it wasn't too surprising for him when I next mentioned that he would need to curb Tytos' money lending habits. He had reluctantly agreed, but felt that it would be difficult to dissuade Tytos. He eventually, agreed to keep an eye and try to get Tytos to make wiser choices for those who he would lend money to.

Apart from Jason Lannister, I also spent time with the others in my party. In totally our convoy to King's Landing was around 50, I had 13 people in my party; Garran, Robar, Brayan, Mya, Delia, Darcey, my 6 guards and myself.

In Ser Jason Lannister's party, was himself 5 knights sworn to house Lannister, which included Ser Clegane the son of a certain kennel master who had saved Tytos some time back. He also had a contingent of 25 Lannister troops such as squires, men at arms, guards and crossbow men. Also, Ser Forley Prester who was acting as a guide and the remainder were small folk laborers who would take care of tasks such as cooking and caring for the horses.

Delia and Darcey had been the 2 girls that Helena had introduced me to. They were aged 16 and 14 and had come from Old Town with their Merchant father who fell on hard times some 5 years ago. He had lost a ship full of merchandise and when his health declined, he was unable to pay the money lenders. He had sold everything to repay the debt but eventually died leaving his daughters to repay his debt.

Rather than leaving themselves to the mercy of the money lenders, the older sister; Delia had approached Helena and began working for her. The only thing they had going for them was their looks and the little bit of the merchants trade they had picked up from their father, nut that wouldn't be enough to get them out of debt. Helena wasn't stupid nor was she generous, the longer they remained in the debt the longer they would work for her.

In total they had owed, approximately 27 gold dragons at the point. There was also the 5% interest they would have to pay each month. It would have taken them years to pay it off even with both of them selling their bodies at a high-end brothel. Even if they could seduce some rich noble, chances were, they wouldn't have been let off easy as smallfolk's, they would be trading one debt for another.

Helena had only known them a few months and was willing to had them off to me. The offer I made them was simple; I would pay off their debt in full, they would receive a reasonable salary and all they had to do was serve me for the next 10 years. They would still have to make use of their bodies while in my service but I had specific targets in mind. In the end, they would receive a generous retirement package and even a small property in Lannisport when they left my service. They readily agreed.

They both had dirty blonde hair, fair skin, were slim and had pretty faces. Darcey was already slightly taller than her sister. Under the right conditions they will grow to be great beauties in the future and make excellent honey traps. I will personally see to their training, something I looked forward to.


We stopped in a clearing at the side of the road, it was midday and we had been on the move since just after dawn. We usually stopped twice a day before we made camp, but since the last couple of days we were out of the hilly range of the Westerlands and now on the Northern flatlands of the Reach. It was still heavily forested but the terrain was leveled. This allowed us to cover more ground and we only needed to stop to take a break once for the day. 

We were about 2 days away from where the Goldroad met with the Balckwater Rush and from there, another 2 to 3 days to King's Landing. My party sat together and we were having a light lunch, some rabbit and squirrel stew, that we had reheated from the night before.

Garrand had shot the squirrels. Of all the archers and crossbowmen, he was the only one I saw capable of hitting small game consistently without missing. I had repeatedly tried but only hit around 2 out of 5 times. He was always on the lookout for game and had his bow close the entire trip.

Ser Jason Lannister, Ser Forely Prester and Dorian Prester; Ser Jason's Squire came over and sat with us. As they sat, I had already notice Ser Jason's eyes were inspecting Darcey and Delia. I already knew what he was thinking, but I had already warned the girls to avoid any of the men we travelled with. This was an opportunity for them to start fresh, I didn't need any unwanted attention on them. So, they obediently avoided small talk with Ser Jason's party.

"Tywin, when we get to King's Landing, I will be showing you to the property that we discussed. Even if its just a large house, it should more than be sufficient to keep more than 20 comfortably. If I remember correctly, there is around 4 bedrooms and 2 large barracks style rooms that can sleep 8 each. Also, a small court yard that your men can use to train. Are you sure you don't want me to arrange some more men for you? From what I have seen you're more than capable."

"Yeah, I am certain for now. Let's see how my things work out and I'll send word if I need any more man power."

"Good, let me know when if the time comes. Also, I'll introduce you to some of the nobles at court. I'll let you know who you can go to if anything happens and you need assistance. I doubt that might be necessary, your more than capable that both me and your father when we were your age."

"Thank you, Uncle, your words mean a lot, but with my people I brought, especially Ser Garrand and Robar. I don't think I should have much problems, but still, it's always good to have acquaintances in high places. Also. Ser Forely, have you figure out what you intend to do when you get back to King's Landing." I redirected the last question to the stout knight next to Garrand.

 Apparently, they were first cousins but I didn't see the resemblance. Where Garrand was taller than average, solid built with a handsome face. Forely was only average in all those aspects. He was average height, stout built and average looks, the only thing he exceeded Garrand in was his sharp tongue and his socializing skills.

Over the last weeks, he had become well acquainted with everyone in our convoy. From the other knights, to the soldiers and the smallfolk. He had even tried to get close to Mya and the sisters but they knew better and gave him the cold shoulder. He didn't press his luck because Garrand had warned him against it. Garrand had put in a good word for him and now I was considering asking him to come work for me in King's Landing.

"I was eyeing a post in the Gold Cloaks as a captain, if Ser Jason would so incline to put in a good word for me. I intend to spend some time in the Capital. If opportunity presents itself for me to make a name for myself, if not, I may return west in a few years' time." Forely responded to my question.

"Well come see me if nothing catches your eyes, by the time I settle in and see what opportunities there are, I may need good men in my service. I'll only be able to say definitely after I've had some time."

"Thank you, Young Lord, I will come see you if things don't work out."

 With that we finished our meal. As I sat, I had been practicing my breathing in an almost meditative manner when I heard an distinct (Snap). I quickly opened my eyes and scan the woods to the North but didn't notice anything. Everyone else seem to have not noticed as the soldiers and the smallfolk went about their business.

It was then Garrand grabbed me by the shoulder. "Listen." He spoke. I focused on the sounds around us and I didn't hear anything. It was unusually quiet for this time of day. Something was wrong, something or someone was in those woods.

The sentries around the convoy didn't seem to be aware until suddenly, an arrow struck one of them in his eye and he begun to scream. With that all hell broke loose as more arrows came flying out of the Woods.

"AMBUSH!!!", "TO ARMS, TO ARMS!!!" shouts went out around us but it was already too late for the sentries as 3 lay covered in arrows. All of us including the women had already made it to cover behind a carriage. Garrand had his bow and took no time to string it.

Both Robar and I had our long swords out. "They're targeting the crossbow men, when I tell you to go, get shields from the wagons, both of you stick together and watch each other's backs. Be ready for when I give you the word."

Just like that my first encounter with bandits in a fantasy world, it seemed almost cliché. I was ready to move until we saw an arrow shot up into the air over the convoy. It was a signal for something I though as I saw Garrand had followed the arrow with his eyes as well.

It only took a few moments before we heard them. The sound of horse from the east, we were about to be hit from 2 sides. These weren't simple bandits; these were professional and they had been prepared for us. This was going to be a bloody fight I thought as I hear Ser Jason shouting. "RIDERS COMING FROM THE EAST." This was it, for the first time I would truly be in danger.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


