36.36% The Unthinkable / Chapter 8: A Glimpse Of Death And Fear

章 8: A Glimpse Of Death And Fear


The first thing Draco Malfoy notice once he became aware of himself early in the morning, was that he was holding something warm under the covers. He felt that say something was also holding him back as he felt the same warm over his waist and chest. It was a new sensation to him, but it felt so good that he didn't want to let it go. Then, while feeling something equally warm mixed with his legs, everything that had happened the night before hits him like a bucket of cold water and he open his eyes while a rush of emotions run him all up, with one of them ruling over the rest.

Panic, that was the word that would perfectly describe what Malfoy was feeling at the moment he fully wakes up. Her mother's magic -as she had called it- have worked wonders on him as he had the best dreamless night of his entire life. When he was a kid, his father had brought home a dark artifact for his collection and the thing had scared him at first sight. No matter how much he had tried, the thing just keep popping up on his mind, like it was watching him from the distant and he had gone to their parents room to ask to stay with them and although his mother had said yes, his father had refuse to let him stay.

He had told him that the Malfoy's can't look like weaklings, so he sends him back to his room and he manage to bottle up his fears, so when she holds him during the night to prevent his nightmares like a mother would, it felt like heaven once his worries had shot down. However, now such an innocent act had risen a new problem. Granger was still asleep, but her body was tangled with his in a way that it was impossible for him to untangle himself from her embrace without waking her in the process.

"Oh hell, she is going to kill me for sure..." He whispers to himself while looking at her sleeping body. She looked cute and peaceful resting parallel to him, while holding him close. One of her hands was around his waist, the other was holding his black shirt almost over his heart, while her head rested over one of his arms, her hair was falling over it and his heart raced like crazy in a flash at such intimacy. If he inclined his head a few inches, he would be able to kiss her and that thought alone make him panic even more.

"Damn it… this is her fault… I just knew this was going to happen." And although it was her idea to treat him like a little kid in return for saving her for which he was very grateful, at the end when the magic was gone, he wasn't a kid anymore and the last thing he needed was falling for a girl who will never love him back. He already had enough problems without adding a romantic drama to his already complicated life.

"Granger… wake up." He whispers in her ear in a hope that when she wakes up, she remembers that it was her idea to hold him during the night, not his. It was still early in the morning as the tent was still a bit dark, but it was better for them not to be seen sleeping together by the others. He was the new guy there and he was sure that if Potter for example sees them like that, even if it was (must likely) a totally merciful act of pity from her part, Potter will probably misunderstand it anyways.

"Mmmm..." She whispers back holding him even closer, perhaps it was because he removed the comforter covering them. "Warm… so warm..." She murmurs, still asleep and he sighed. Come on Granger this isn't fair, you are going to be the death of me. He thought while his heart raced even faster.

"Granger, I know it's warm, but you need to let it go. You are not holding Ron Weasley, it's just me, Draco Malfoy." He said in a hope that hearing Weasley's name will wake her up.

"Draco… I… hold you…. like mom… rest." She mumbles in her sleep. Great, she was still in her 'mother's spell' mode.

"I assure you I did rest quite well, but it's already morning, you can let go now." He said trying to move away, but she just pull him back to her.

"It's obvious she likes it there Draco, just let her have what she wants." A new voice said by them and Malfoy tensed instantly. Just great, this is getting better and better. If Potter wakes up too, I'm dead.

"Lovegood, just help me this once. Just do something to wake her before Potter does." He pleaded to the small blond girl.

"But she likes it there..." Luna repeated tilting her head like she didn't understand why he wanted her to let him go. The girl had always been weird, so he didn't have any idea what was crossing her mind while looking at them.

"Come on, please..."

"Well, if that's what you want. You two look cute together, but I will try anyways. Hermione, the Death Eaters are coming for us..." Luna calmly said and the effect was instantaneous. Hermione jumped out of the bed falling from it on her hands and knees, but that didn't stop her from trying to reach her wand in the back pocket of her pants, which of course was no longer there.

Luna laughed without holding back, Hermione looked at her in confusion sitting in front of Malfoy's bed, at the loud sound of Luna's laughter Harry jumped out of his bed as well, Mr. Olivander just whined on his and Malfoy wished that the earth could swallow him there. Yeah, Lovegood had woken her up alright, but everyone else too along with her. What a way to begin a morning.

"Luna, what's going on?" Hermione asks at the still laughing girl.

"Draco was trying to gently wake you up, but you just didn't want to let him go, so I help him a little." Luna manages to said.

"Huh? Let him go? What do yo mean?" Hermione asked in confusion looking back at Malfoy sitting on his bed paler than usual, his hair was a mess and his shirt was particularly wrinkled around his heart, like someone was holding it for dear life and then it hits her. It was her the one holding it and she blushed like crazy once she realizes that she had clung to him all night long and even when he was trying to convince her to release him. Her heated face only make Luna laugh more and Harry couldn't help but snicker alongside with her.

He had heard them talk last night when they enter together. He himself had some troublesome dreams that night too, so he didn't mind Hermione trying to help Malfoy sleep by staying with him. He had secretly smiled when he heard Malfoy trying to convince her otherwise. He was a man too, so he understood why he wanted to refuse having her so close when he probably liked her. If he was in a similar position with Ginny, for example, he would have tried his best to refuse it too, but once Hermione was set on doing something there was no helping it and he goes back to sleep wishing Malfoy good luck for the longest night of his life. Still, while he seems a little shock he looked a lot better than last night, so perhaps her charm had worked for him at the end.

"Oh stupid me… they are all incomprehensible idiots." Malfoy say to himself laying down on his bed in defeat, while his heart begin to slow down again. He had wake up in panic, fearing Potter or Granger herself will get mad at him, but Potter was trying to hide an obvious laugh and Granger just go back to been shy. If he had known that none of them would mind their closer contact, he would have enjoyed more a once in a lifetime experience. Stupid me, indeed.


Once they had some breakfast, it was time to do some planning. Kragkor had come back from the Malfoy's manor with the latest news. Apparently, after they had found the disappearance of the 'prisoners', inside the manor was a state of confusion as they were not sure of how Luna and Olivander had escape. The manor was protected by charms and no outsider (which means no one without Voldemort's mark) could find it, even by coincidence, so it was unlikely that Harry had been the one taking them.

They had suspected a traitor among them and Narcissa Malfoy had elaborate a plan with her house elf's to avoid any suspicions falling over his son. She knew that sooner or later someone will name his son as a suspect, so she needed to give the Death Eaters a culprit that could have access to the house and wanted to take out the prisoners. Dobby had offered himself as a culprit, he had contact Nurnott last night to know about Draco and seen their current problem, he had given them the perfect culprit.

Later, that night Narcissa had told the Death Eaters that Dobby had found out that Luna was missing in Hogwarts and he suspected she had been brought to the manor. Then he had dared to come back to find them, freeing them from their captivity when they were busy dealing with Greyback. She had come to know it when one of the house elfs had seen him and had told it to her when they were looking for culprits. Nurnott himself had told them what he 'saw'. Bellatrix already knew of Dobby's betrayal to the family and his obsession with Potter, so the story did fit inside her mess up mind.

Malfoy had looked proud of his mother while Kragkor had told them what she did and he had been once again surprise of Malfoy's mother actions. Maybe her, like must mother's around the world wanted nothing more than the safety of their sons and daughters and Harry find himself missing his. Still, Bellatrix was sure that Dobby will contact Potter and once he knew that the girl's father was in danger, he will try to rescue him.

"Just like I said last night, Mr. Lovegood is to call them the moment Harry Potter cross the door, otherwise they will badly hurt the girl. After all, they may not have his daughter anymore but he doesn't know that. Bellatrix will be the first one to be send for, so whatever you do, you need to be careful." Kragkor said to his listeners.

"Oh daddy, he must be so worry..." Luna said with sadness.

"Master Draco can not be seen inside the house or even near it and we will not be able to aid you there for his sake. If any of us help you with Mr. Lovegood rescue, the Malfoy family will become a traitor to the Lord." Kragkor added, hoping that his young Master will stay away from that rescue.

"Sorry Kragkor but this is something I need to do. I think this is where I'm suppose to save Granger from Bellatrix. Dumbledore didn't write many details, but somehow I feel it fits what he wrote to me in the diary." Malfoy said and Hermione unconsciously shivers in her chair.

"The diary! I'll see if I can find more details there..." She said moving away in search for the book, but Harry could tell she was nervous.

"Be very careful, Master." The house elf repeated.

"Hum… Malfoy, I agree that you can't be seen. It will be best if you use the Invisibility Cloak or hide somewhere no one will be able to see you." Harry said.

"Actually Harry, he can go as someone else. They will be expecting three of us and there is still enough Polyjuice Potion left. He can go as Ron." Hermione said while holding Dumbledore's diary.

"No way Granger..."

"Then you don't go at all. Ron is currently at Hogwarts trying to find the Horcrux inside the castle, but if the Death Eaters find out he is not with us, we could put him and everyone in Hogwarts in danger. Besides, we need to get inside Gringotts to find ours and it's inside her vault. Can we enter Bellatrix vault with only you Draco?" Hermione asked and Malfoy looked at her a little surprised. Did she just call him Draco?

"No. I can get access to my father's vault, but not hers and her vault have even more protective spells than ours." He admitted.

"Then we need to get something from her to use it in the potion." She calmly said sitting back on her chair.

"And where did you get that idea? Have you guys been using it all this time?" Malfoy asked already knowing the answer.

"Well yeah, we use it once back when the Chamber of Secrets was open. Harry and Ron disguised themselves as Crabbe and Goyle to get some information from you. Back then we thought you were the heir of Slythering." She said with pride on her voice.

"Of course, I shouldn't be surprise, you guys just love danger..." He said ignoring Granger's glare. Luna simply smiled.

"You guys are so cute. I think you like each other. So, are you dating now?" Luna asked.

"NO!" Both of them responded at the same time, which make her laugh.

"An immediate strong refusal only means 'yes' in the secret language of love. Did I tell you about the time..."

"Luna, not now. We have more pressing matters, like rescuing your father. Let's focus in what needs to be done." Harry intervenes before Luna could be carry away and Hermione and Malfoy could start a heated argue about what it begins to be obvious. Her interest for Malfoy was beginning to grow a bit at the time and Malfoy's already liked her, of that he was absolutely sure.

"Oh, sorry Harry. Go ahead, let's rescue daddy." She said smiling at him.

"Good. We can start by going under the cover of the Invisibility Cloak and when Luna's father open the door then we show ourselves. We can ask him a few questions about the Hallows to give him time to call the Death Eaters. I think we must let them see us as we are not supposed to know they knew Dobby had free Luna and Mr. Olivander. Then we fight our way out." Harry said seriously.

"What's needed for the potion? What do you need to take from her?" Malfoy ask Hermione, momentarily distracting her for her reading. She looked a little distressed, so he wonders what Dumbledore had written for her.

"Hum, anything should be fine, but it works better with hair." She said and Malfoy felt disgusted.

"You are going to drink her hair?" He stupidly asked in horror.

"As you will drink Ron's. The potion dissolves it so don't look so disgusted." She added giving him a hard look.

"I don't mind Weasley's, but she is… mad and plain evil..." He keeps up.

"I will not turn into her Draco, just look like her and it's the only thing we can do. We don't know anything about how Gringotts security works, so our only option for now is to go inside the vault as she would." She explained.

"Dear boys, you will not make it with such a bold plan. Gringotts security is unbreakable if you don't know how it works. You should find someone who works there to help you get inside. Bellatrix Lestrange is very hard to portray and the goblins will probably notice that you are an impostor the moment you walk in. She had an aura of madness and cruelty I don't think you can match, gentle girl." Mr. Olivander said from his bed.

"I will learn if I have to." She said with conviction.

"Even so, you will not make it without the help of someone from the inside." Olivander assured them.

"Didn't one of the Weasley's worked at the bank?" Malfoy asked.

"No, we will not involve Bill in this." Harry protested.

"He doesn't need to come with us, just give us the information we need to get in." Malfoy pressed.

"No. No more Weasley's will be involved in this." Harry said with a last word.

"I have a friend who used to work there and didn't have good memories from the place. I think that he may want to assist you with your quest, but a price must be pay. That's the way of the goblins." Olivander offer.

"Well, I have more than enough money for that." Malfoy offer but Olivander shook his head.

"I'm afraid he may not want money as a payment. He had enough of that working in the bank." He was sure of it.

"Then what?" Harry asked.

"That I don't know dear boy. It's something you need to discuss it, when the time comes." He said.

"Right… we can discuss what we are going to do with the Gringotts problem later. It seems it will take a lot of preparations for it to go well. Let's just rescue Lovegood first." Malfoy said going back to their current problem. An hour later, Hermione had a disgusting looking potion for him to drink. He had already changed into Ron's clothes and wasn't to pleased with them. Even though he had change for the most part, he still has some traces of his former self left.

"Go on, drink it." Hermione pressed.

"Will it hurt?" He asked taking the potion.

"Don't be such a coward and drink it. We all have done it before." She urges him.

"That doesn't reassure me. I'm not a mighty Gryffindor." He said looking at the potion like it was poisoned.

"Just drink it Malfoy, now!" She yelled rising her wand toward him and he swallows a good part of it in one go. He bent down in pain a second later as the potion took its effect and soon after it was all over.

"Granger, you will not force me to drink this a second time. I rather let you kill me instead." He said while looking like a perfect copy of Ron Weasley.

"You must call her Hermione. Ron will never call her Granger, remember that." Harry said making sure he had everything they need.

"Then you must remember I'm Ron, not Malfoy. If you mention my name even by accident you will give me away. Now, let's get going." Ron said with seriousness and Hermione just find it odd.

"Luna, stay here and make sure no one comes. We will be back soon, take care of Mr. Olivander, okay?" Hermione instructed.

"Sure thing. Be careful, all of you and please bring daddy back." Luna said hugging them one by one. They got out of the tent and Harry covers them with the cloak and then they disappear.

The Lovegood's Household

Once they have reappeared they looked everywhere for possible dangers but everything seems normal… well everything except Luna's house. If they were called odd, their family house was just that. It looked like an oversize chest rook with an overgrown garden full of strange plants. Closer to the walls of the house were a lot of green bushes with a kind of fruit that seem to float, the so-called dirigible plums. Luna had warned them to stay away from those as they were highly explosive.

"Well, we already had enough material here to blast the whole thing if necessary." Malfoy said trying to break the silence and tension, but he only manages to make Hermione elbow him on his ribs. "Come on Granger it was a joke. Didn't he joke a lot?" Damn it, that hurt! He thought rubbing himself where she had hit him.

"I'm Hermione, Ron and that was a very stupid joke." Oh, how I miss the real Ron. Harry internally thought.

"Come one guys, this will soon become a battle field." Harry remind them and they open the creaking gate to the zigzagging path leading to the front door. "Keep your wands ready at any time, we don't know what we will find inside." Harry said as he knocks on the door with 'The Quibbler' sign and almost immediately Xenophilius Lovegood came to meet them.

It was safe to say that he didn't look well, nor that he should when his only daughter was taken hostage by the most dangerous Death Eaters around and Harry felt both guilty and sorry for him. The man was one of the few that support him, even if he was meant to betray him at the end for his daughter sake, he didn't mind nor blame him.

"Who is it? What do you want?" He asked a little nervous and Harry moved closer for him to clearly see him.

"Mr. Lovegood, I'm Harry Potter. We meet at Bill and Fleur Weasley's wedding. Can we come in? We would like to ask you a few questions about an old legend. Is that alright with you?" Harry asked.

"Of course Harry Potter, anything to help you out on your journey. Will you like some tea?" Lovegood asked, letting them in.

"No." Hermione and Malfoy answer at the same time. Lately they were fully synchronized.

"Yes." Harry said, giving the other two a hard glare.

"What, it can be full of sleeping potion." Malfoy whisper, although it wasn't necessary as Mr. Lovegood had moved away to prepare the tea, going up the spiral staircase leading to the second floor.

"He wouldn't do that." Harry firmly said.

"He is a desperate father that can do anything for her sake. If I were in his place, my daughter's life will also come first. What about you? Will you do anything for your girlfriend sake?" Malfoy refuted and Harry couldn't deny the reality of his words. There was nothing he wasn't willing to do for Ginny's life, even if it cost him his own. Hermione however was a little moved by his words. Who would have thought that Draco Malfoy was a fatherly type of man.

"Well, lets just sip it." Harry insisted sitting on the closer chair. While Mr. Lovegood was busy making their tea upstairs, they have a better look at the inside of the house and it was as mess up in the inside as on the outside. The where piles of books everywhere, rows and rows of them and some more strange things. Hermione took a particular interest in a gray spiral horn which had been mounted on the wall.

"Is he mad?! That is the horn of a Crumple-Horned Snorkack. It can explode at the slightest touch." Hermione said in shock.

"Well another explosion we can use..." Malfoy said sitting as far as he could from the thing.

"Seriously, this isn't a joke. That thing alone could blast half of the house away."

"Which could help us to escape if the worse case scenario comes to happen." Malfoy insisted.

"It will probably kill us all first." She refuted back.

"Well, to be honest I rather die before they torture me again." He seriously said looking at her and she avoided his gaze, going back to look at the extremely dangerous thing.

Soon after, Mr. Lovegood came back with a tray full of hot tea cups. He gives them one cup each with trembling hands and they took it with caution. 'Ron' looked at his cup with distrust, Hermione tried to focus in anything else but the cup and Harry resigned himself for whatever comes next. He took a sip of the hot liquid and the others follows his example, but it was plain obvious that the taste wasn't anything good.

"Awful..." Malfoy said under his breath and put the cup over a near table, following by Hermione and finally Harry who could no longer insist on drink it. Even he has to admit that it tasted horrible.

"So, how can I help you? You mention a legend, right? May I know which one?" Mr. Lovegood asked also taking seat in front of them.

"Well, we would like to know about the Deadly Hallows, sir. You were carrying a necklace of it at the wedding if I'm not mistaken." Harry said going ahead with the plan. They were not sure how Mr. Lovegood was supposed to contact the Death Eaters, but just in case they need to give him some time. They all have agreed in one thing, they needed to show themselves to the Death Eaters before taking away Mr. Lovegood, so they will not suspect a traitor among their rank.

"What a curious legend to ask for. What do you know about the Deadly Hallows?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

"We only know about the children's tale, but is it true? The legend I mean, is it real? Does the Deadly Hallows really existed?" Hermione asked.

"Of course they existed. All legends had facts behind them. The Deadly Hallows are as much real as you and me. Ignotus Peverell and his bothers Cadmus and Antioch are thought to be the original owners of the Hallows. The Elder Wand, which is the most powerful wand ever made, along with the Cloak of Invisibility and the Resurrection Stone made the Deadly Hallows and a Master of Death when united." Mr. Lovegood said with satisfaction and Harry was now sure that Voldemort was after the Elder Wand and that all those visions he had about the thief, were product of his search for it and he was sure Voldemort was a step behind to find it.

"So if they are real, it's possible to trace them, right?" Harry asked and Mr. Lovegood look at him with surprise.

"Yes, that will be correct. The Elder Wand for example is the easiest to trace as it must be gain from its previous owner, many had been killed for its power. Her story is a bloody one as it had brought death to his possessors, but why would you want to trace it Mr. Potter? Do you also seek power?" Lovegood ask him back.

"It's not me the one who looks for power, sir. We all know which one would want the Elder Wand the most." Harry suggested and he knew that Mr. Lovegood had understood the message. "Thank you Mr. Lovegood for the information. One more thing, where is Luna?" Harry ask him standing up and the others follow his example.

"Luna? At Hogwarts of course." The man said while looking more nervously at the window.

"Are you sure? Wasn't she taken by Death Eaters last night?" Harry asked in defiance and Mr. Lovegood make a sudden move, probably to take his wand out, but they were faster than him.

"You knew?" The man said a little impressed.

"Yes, we rescue Luna last night from the Malfoy's manor and..." Harry admitted.

"Blast them all! Cursed family of cowards..." Lovegood interrupted.

"Hey! That's not..." Malfoy begins with a little anger.

"Ron!" Hermione warn him.

"Did you hear, Mr. Lovegood? We rescue her, she safe now." Harry repeated. "Did you call for the Death Eaters?" Harry asked.

"Yes… they should be here any moment. I'm so sorry, but they took her and I fear the worse. I didn't know where they took her, just that they have it and if I keep supporting you, they were going to hurt her or even..."

"Please don't say it, she is fine now." Hermione interjected.

"We should go upstairs and prepare for the coming battle." Harry said not really waiting for the others as he rushed up to the second floor.

"Harry wait!" He heard Hermione call behind him and they reached the second plant in seconds. Mr. Lovegood moved closer to Harry which was going to have a look outside coming near a window, but just in that instant some figures flay past the windows and they barely have time to get down before the blasting begins. The Death Eaters didn't hold back as they cast spells on each window blasting everything that it touched. Harry had thrown himself into the floor by Mr. Lovegood side, while Malfoy was covering Hermione with his body, as the broken pieces of glass among other things fall over them.

"Protego." Harry cast over both Hermione and 'Ron' in a hurry, just in case a spell could reach them.

"Let's go now!" Malfoy yelled removing himself from over Hermione, so she could crawl along with him toward Harry.

"Mr. Lovegood, come on here!" Harry yelled, but in that moment a huge blast from below, probably the horn Hermione warned them about before exploded, taking with it half of the second floor. By chance, Hermione was barely away from where the floor collapsed and when she tried to move away, the remaining unstable floor below her begins to give in under her weight.

"Ahhhhhhh." She screamed as she begins to fall, but Malfoy took her hands just before she could completely fall.

"Hang on!" Malfoy said to her, while trying his best not to let her fall. Then someone appeared below and Malfoy cursed when saw his aunt looking up at him with an evil smile on her mad face.

"Go now Harry! Go!" Malfoy yelled to him and Harry moved his way, but Malfoy knew that an extra weight will only make them all fall. "Don't, it will make us fall! Just go." But of course, Harry would not accept a retreat while his friends were in danger.

"Confringo!" Harry cast down near Bellatrix, which was thrown back by the blasting spell that sends all kinds of things that were near, from piles of books that sent hundreds of pieces of paper flowing everywhere, to pieces of wood that braked under the spell. Malfoy tried to pull Hermione up again while the Death Eaters were busy with Harry who keeps casting spells at them and he almost got her half her body up, but the floor give in a bit more, almost making Malfoy fall too.

A second later Bellatrix directed a spell at Hermione, but as Harry had cast Protego on them, the curse rebounded almost hitting Bellatrix, which only make her mad. She directed a curse at Harry next, but he manages to avoid it. Still, the blast from her curse close to Harry, only make Malfoy's hold on Hermione loosen.

"Damn it!" Malfoy yelled trying again to pull her back when something unexpected happen. All of a sudden another big blast from the outside, probably from the dirigible plums that surrounded the house, shake it all like a tremor and the floor beneath them give in completely making them all fall below among the ruble. A great deal of pain make Malfoy dizzy on impact and he could feel blood under him. He knew he was injured and so he looked at his side in hope to see Hermione or Harry near and to his horror, Bellatrix had come closer to Hermione, smiling like a maniac.

"Oh, I got you filthy mudblood. I wonder what should I do with you." Bellatrix said as the other Death Eaters come closer to him and Harry, who looked as in bad shape as he.

"Leave her alone!" Harry yelled trying to get up, he took his wand to cast another spell, but unfortunately his wand had broke in the fall and a Death Eater use Immobulus to completely immobilize Harry, pushing him back to the floor.

"This one will probably bleed to death." Another Death Eater said looking at 'Ron'. Malfoy felt his strength diminish and it begins to be hard to breathe.

"Let him slowly die as he watches his friends been torture right in front of him. They all deserve some pain to have a taste of what will come for them when I summon Lord Voldemort. Now, filthy one, I will begin with you… Crucio!" Hermione screams filled what was left of the Lovegood house, making both Malfoy and Harry's heart sink.

"Stop it, you monster!" Malfoy barely manage to yell, fighting with his own pain and Harry tried to regain mobility again, but failed. Mr. Lovegood was unconscious near him, so the man was no use to help them. Bellatrix laughed like a manic, taking pleasure of the pain she was inflicting on the girl.

"No, that's not enough… yeah, you deserve more pain. A filthy creature like you shouldn't be defying Lord Voldemort. Oh, yes, I will make sure you remember it for life..." And sitting over Hermione's trembling body, she uses her wand to cut her skin in one of her arms.

Malfoy watched in horror as words begin to be engrave on her skin. Harry yelled for her to stop, Malfoy felt something inside of him snap. With a kind of force he didn't know he has, he moved his hand to reach his wand. The others Death Eaters were distracted by Hermione's torture. Fortunately for him, the ones who came with Bellatrix had her same disgusting pleasure in torturing others so none of them saw him hold his wand.

"Perhaps we don't need to show all of you to Lord Voldemort, we can certainly get rid of you..." Bellatrix said standing up while laughing and they all knew she was going for the kill.

Malfoy ignored his pain and moving his body so he could hit only Bellatrix he yelled "Sectumsempra" and he saw with relief as she falls backwards half cover in blood. His spell was weak, but still inflicted a great deal of pain in her. One of the Death Eaters raised his wand probably to kill him while the other two came to aid Bellatrix and Malfoy closed his eyes expecting his end when unexpectedly Dobby, Luna and Mr. Olivander shows up in of him. The sudden distraction gives the new comers time to throw them away with blasting spells and Dobby's own magic.

"You will not hurt them anymore!" Dobby said and Luna hurriedly moved toward his unconscious father and Harry, while Olivander moved closer to the badly injured Malfoy and Dobby quickly hold the crying Hermione. A second later, they were all gone leaving an injured and enraged Bellatrix behind. She had lost her battle at the end, but so do they. The last thing that came to Malfoy's mind before he loses consciousness was that he had failed… again.

AN: A little crazy, but... oh, well. I think that now Hermione will have something in common with Malfoy, an undesirable mark that will bond them in the future.

next chapter
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