/ Games / The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Games 28 章/週 これは過去30日間の平均実現リリース率です。 翻訳者のスケジュールは--章/週です。 700 章 794.3K ビュー

作者: The Heavenly Dog that Sees Beyond


4 (65 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Nobody knew at the beginning of "Heaven" that the game itself would be awakened and gain complete self awareness to forid paying for game credits. After 10 years of development, Heaven's game credit has become the only currency interchangeable between reality and virtual reality. Inside the room, a player raises a pistol and points it at his very own head. Previously, he led a comfortable life as the son of a rich couple. But now, he was in a state of misery and destitution because of Heaven. He travels 10 years back in time and returns to the point in time when Heaven was to begin in a week's time. Being reborn, what was Chu You going to decide this time... P. S. The storyline is toxic and the protagonist is hardly sane. He is consumed by vengeance and acts wantonly. For entertainment solely. Read at your own risk.

  1. Christopher_Roby
    Christopher_Roby 貢献した 6852
  2. comonerStafford
    comonerStafford 貢献した 6210
  3. Gunnerboo
    Gunnerboo 貢献した 5198


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    *this is god tier cover art I tell you author better not change the cover* and so yeah from what I've read it is indeed about mc transmigrating into the past and a game ai pretty much takes over the world like skynet from terminator but luckily it's a game system and not a defense system like skynet so the game system makes all currencies obsolete exept online currency of its game wont spoil too much guys just go and read it

    19 の返信を表示する

    *coughs for attention* Ladies, gentlemen and otakus( I swear I'm not discriminating , it's just my way to talk to those people who love novels as much as their lives) I'm giving 5 stars for this novel as the first reviewer. *Bows* *Claps*

    2 の返信を表示する

    The usual VRMMO novel, Only differences being how an AI takes over the game just to make sure people can’t exchange Real world currency into gold coins, It has done nothing else as of yet. Second The Gaming world is kind of a Chinese cultivation world and not the western fantasy kind. Author loves to exaggerate a lot, And a ton of mistakes with numbers. Reincarnated MC, Who is hell bent on revenge, And is extremely OP from the start. Its goon enough read because of The MC main focus of revenge and he doesn’t back down. Personally the down point for me is the lack of MC’s guildmates and the over exaggerating of everything. There are too many holes. Still a fun read. Great cover bdw. There is so much going on but it seem more like the author is trying to keep up with all the events than actually setting them up.

    12 の返信を表示する

    Interesting premise, but the execution... It's just... Unsatisfactory. Every chapter the stats names change, the numbers change without any reason. The protagonist is supposed to be a crazy bastard, but except for the first chapters, he acts like a normal game reincarnator main character (except some few moments). Not only that, but he act like some degenerate version of the others mcs of the genre, because is more dumb than they and has much less charisma on him. That novel just isn't for me, even though I like the genre.

    0 の返信を表示する

    I’m sorry but the translator is just awful. Extremely poor and inconsistent word choice is a constant when reading and absolutely ruins any sense of immersion. This resembles MTL more than regular translation.

    1 の返信を表示する

    A good novel but the translation is not smooth. There are many terms that are changed(ex: nightmare mode <-->dream mode?!) and conjugation mistakes are common(ex: were instead of was) .

    0 の返信を表示する

    I'm only 5 chapters in, but I'm already enjoying the concept of the story. so I'm going to leave this review, read it so far I haven't been disappointed, well, besides the tiny mistakes from editing that occasionally occur, everything else is great. ill reply to this review as I read on to show if my opinion stays the same or if it's changed.

    5 の返信を表示する

    Translation quality is my biggest issue. The Translation keeps getting worse with every chapter and the word choices made by the Translator are awful. For example, the Translator uses Blood level instead of health and Strength level instead of stamina. This is just one of the few examples. This happens throughout the novel with it getting worse as it goes on.

    2 の返信を表示する

    Excellent story, but the translator’s inconsistencies make the book almost unbearable in the first 39 chapters. It gets better afterward, but any time gaming terms or quantities are mentioned you should ignore the whole thing because there’s a mistake somewhere.

    0 の返信を表示する

    I like the story background and MC. But the translation quality is not good. I reads like a machine translation. You can understand I, but it isn't a enjoyable experience.

    0 の返信を表示する

    So as of the current date, 5/9/20 (9/5/20 for you Euro types) the translation is in serious serious need of an editor that has more than two brain cells rubbing together in their head. That said, while desperately in need of an editor the story itself is still readable, the grammar, while bad, is not MTL-bad. The story itself, the characters so far, the world, the premise, they're all great, power levels aren't broken as of yet, MC isn't OP just reborn with memories and hella rich. No system or goldfinger. I enjoy these deep dive VRMMO type stories and this one is a nice take on it.

    0 の返信を表示する

    After reading the first 15 chapters it is becoming more and more painful to read this sloppy machine translated novel with minimal editing I hope that the quality will improve in the future but I see that as unlikely.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This novel is good,Concept Was good. But i Have one damn Question why the hell u Give this Good Novel to This Damn Translator to do the rubbish Work. When i reading this book i feeling like i am this book on MTL WEBSITE Or Some Raw Google Translator site. So i humbly Request to Webnovel , Plz Change the translator of this Novel..... I Requesting this as a Fellow Writer and Novel Lover........ So Plz...

    0 の返信を表示する

    After reading the rest of the free chapters I no longer have any interest or hope in this novel and it quality and it chances to improve the translation quality. I probably could edit better than this

    0 の返信を表示する

    letsssssssssssssssssszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo comnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn XD

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 4 Badge

    quite interesting nd also I do love time travel with vr games in it so it's a good novel for me. So I really loved this one 🤩😍😍🤩🤩😍😍🤩

    0 の返信を表示する

    De la grosse merde,je m'attendais a rien et j'ai quand même été déçu. PD

    0 の返信を表示する

    PLEASE PICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 6 Badge

    What an magnificent and amazing cover. Even more so is the absolutely fabulous disclaimer at the bottom. Surely this author must be an exalted supreme being that we must fall to our knees and solemnly shout with all our soul. Praise Be! Blessed be us readers!

    0 の返信を表示する

    作者 The Heavenly Dog that Sees Beyond