55.55% The tale of Sasuke Uchiha / Chapter 10: He is a guardian angel

章 10: He is a guardian angel

(Sasuke`s POV)


The air trembled and the very solid ground we stood on quaked in the wake of our clash. His eyes bore down on mine and my eyes challenged his.

It`s not obvious but I saw his hair flutter in the aftermath of the clash while my hair remains the same.

'Of course my eyes are superior in every way.' I thought to myself, satisfied.

The sound of our clash woke up the others and they quickly made their way towards us. Knowing this, Toneri gave me an annoyed look before the platform they stood on, flew away from us.

"Wait Hinata!!" Naruto shouted as he watched them leave. He turn to me for some kind of help but I just said, "She`s your girl, not mine. Go."

He nodded with a determined face and leap towards them and followed their tail. He uses a shadow clone to somehow maneuver in the air. I also saw the others riding an eagle flash in the sky to support Naruto.

I was not being a dick by not joining them. I knew I would not be useful anyways since Almighty Push had a cooldown and I honestly wanted them to get away.

I really wished I could use more than one Path at a time when I am controlling the puppet. But then it would be too OP I guess.

I watched the short fight take place in the sky before Naruto fell down towards the ground, defeated.

Obviously Naruto was greatly distracted and surprised to come out defeated in the clash but who could blame him. I think I saw Hinata telling him, 'to not misunderstand and to stop bothering her' , ouch.

I knew Hinata was doing this to infiltrate Toneri`s castle but damn, that was a violation.

I made my ways towards the crash site and found Naruto laying unconscious on the ground with the others surrounding him.

"What happened?" I asked as I observe his body, I saw the Tenseigan chakra inside his body, supressing his own chakra.

"Toneri attacked him with with a weird energy." Sakura pointed at his chest and said, "Hit him right at the chest."

I crouch near him and carefully watch his chakra pathways. His chakra and the Nine tails chakra was quickly pushing out the Tenseigan chakra. A night`s rest and he should be fine.

"He`ll be fine. Lets take him to the camp." I said as I picked up his limp body and put him on my shoulder.

We then went to our camp and lay down Naruto inside a cave to rest. The others were outside, discussing the situation while I stayed inside the cave, keeping an eye on Naruto.

Then Sakura walked inside the cave and silently looked at me from the entrance. She stood there for a while with a thin smile - an expression of someone who is worried but tried to stay positive.

"What do you think happened to Hinata." Sakura asked me as she walk towards me. She sat down on my side and gently rest her body on mine. Her face shows her worry and confusion.

She had not been nearly as clingy as she used to be around me. Maybe she did not consider me as actually being with her since it's a puppet.

But it seems right now she needed support. This was a time for a man to become an emotional support for his woman.

The world was ending, Naruto was unconscious and her friend had just went away with the enemy, it must be hard on her.

"I think she will fine, she is strong." I said to her in the most reassuring way I could.

She tear herself away from me and look me right in the eye as she spoke, "That is not what I asked."

"What do want to know?"

"I want to know what happened? What made her leave like this?" She said, "Do you think Toneri is holding her against her will using Hanabi?"

She is asking me as if she was sure I had the answer, as if I know what Hinata's objectives are.

"Maybe." I said, I reach out and pet her head once, twice. Her hair feels smooth in my hands so I did not stop and instead pulled her to my chest.

She just looked at my eyes for a while before she blushed deeply, a healthy crimson hue grace her face and she squirm under my hand.


"Don`t worry too much. Everything will be fine, I will make sure of it."


[3rd POV]

Nothing was fine back on Earth, it was absolute chaos. The people of Earth were rushing to the underground bunkers made by the shinobis. The village of the Hidden Leaf cannot protect only the people of the village, they have to make sure every people from the Land of Fire was safe.

It was the same for other shinobi village as well, they not only have to worry about the village but also the entire country as well. It was the whole world that was under threat, not just the shinobi village.

Millions of people came to the shinobi villages in search of protection, making the whole ordeal chaotic. The shinobis worked tirelessly, guiding the people while the stronger ones were guarding the people from falling meteors.

The sky was falling down, meteors as big as a house were falling on earth with unstoppable momentum, crashing, exploding and destroying whatever was unfortunate enough to meet them.

Everything was a mess. The world was ending.

The Kages of each villages were busy destroying meteors before they reach the ground. They struggled, they managed to destroy many of them but they were only humans, they also missed many meteors.

No village was left unscratched, they all suffered various levels of destruction.

That is, except for Konoha.

The Village Hidden in the Leaf was unharmed because it had a guardian angle.

A giant figure made of pure purple energy flew around Konaha. A flap of its wings was enough to disrupt the atmosphere, creating a hurricanes and a single swing of its sword was enough destroy mountains.


The sheer size of this human-like figure made the endless expanse of the sky look small. Its form tells of power, strength and invincibility.

The people of Konoha and even the shinobi would watch it from time to time. The sight filled them with a sense of peace and awe. It was the end of the world but the thing in sky made them feel safe.


That was the thing which was protecting them from harm. The Susanoo of Sasuke Uchiha.


Meanwhile, Kakashi with the higher officials and some scientists were on top of the Hokage Mountain and they overlook the situation of the village

"A massive one is coming!!!" warned a scientist that was observing the sky through a telescope.

"Roger." Kakashi said as he gaze up at the sky where he could see a giant meteor - probably bigger than a mountain - make its descend towards the village.

Kakashi talk through his ear piece, "Sasuke.". But even before he informed him of the incoming meteor he heard a reply, "On it."

With a flap of the giant wings of the Susanoo, Sasuke took to the sky.


The shockwave could be felt throughout the land, the tress were bending at the pressure sent out and the crowd moving towards the shelter grab onto each other to not get blown away,

They all look towards the sky above the village and saw the gigantic Susanoo flying up in the sky.

The Susanoo float infront of the meteor and its hand reach for the sword at his side. It unsheathed the sword and gave a huge swing towards the mass falling towards the village.


The whole world shook uncontrollably and the bright light of the explosion blinded all that have eyes. The sky was frantic and the layers of air in the atmosphere were in absolute chaos.

It was instantly cut in half, the thing exploded and was reduced to rubble. Next, with a flap of its mighty wings, it sweep away all the remaining fragments, blowing them apart.

The people below got goosebumps all over their body at such a display of power. They screamed and shouted in excitement, claiming that it was the power of a God.

Everyone that was present to witness such a scene would not be able to forget their gratitude and admiration for the person nor will they ever forget the power he holds.

A name was permanently carved in their heart.

Sasuke Uchiha.


{The castle of Toneri Otsutsuki}

[3rd POV]

Toneri was laying on his bed. The room was dark and the bluish glow of his eye was the only source of light.

He thrash wildly on the bed, his hand covered his eye as he groaned in agony.

His breathing was rough and erratic, but no matter how much pain he felt the smile on his face could not recede. He felt euphoric and accomplished.

"hehehaha.." A chuckle escaped his throat and before long, this chuckle burst into a full blown laughter.


He opened his eyes, they were blue and had a beautiful flower like pattern on it. His eyes sees so much, he could see everything.

"The Tenseigan...." He said as he grab his hair in excitement. The space infront of his eye twist and trembled, the fabric of reality welcomed the return of a lost power.

"..has been revived."


{Team Shikamaru camp}

[3rd POV]

The day is approaching noon and it has been quite some time since Naruto had woken up. But the guy refused to leave the cave, he was sulking - heartbroken.

Shikamaru and Sakura had talked to him but nothing seems to work. Naruto was hurt emotionally, his spirit was broken and he doesn`t know how to react to the situation.

The group was sitting by the fire, there was silence as everyone was busy with their own thoughts until Sasuke suddenly stood up. 

"This is ridiculous," He said as he turned and head towards the cave Naruto was in.

Shikamaru and Sai looked at him, a little hopeful that Sasuke might be able to talk some sense to Naruto.

"Don`t be too rough on him." Saskura said and sigh as she saw him disappear into the cave.

He didn`t say yes.

Sasuke walked inside and he soon came upon Naruto, sitting on the ground while facing his back towards the entrance. "Naruto." he called out.

Naruto just turn his head to the side to take a brief glance at him, "Sasuke.." he said, his voice did not carry the usual strength and sunshine, it was weak and almost timid.

"What do you think your doing?" Sassuke asked as he stop a few meters away from him.

He got no answer.

"Are you gonna give up. Just like that?"

Only silence was his reply.

"I see, give it all up. Being Hokage, your girl. I am sure you don`t even love Hinata."

That got a reaction from him. Naruto leap towards him and grab him by the neck. Then he pushed Sasuke to the wall, the wall cracked under his strength.

"Are picking a fight Sasuke?!"

Sauske then launch his palm and hit him in the chest. A great amount of repulsion force erupted out, throwing Naruto on the other side of the wall.


Sasuke dash forward and pin Naruto on the wall. "Listen up loser!!!"

"You don`t give up on what you love!!" he shouts and Naruto looked at him in the eye. "Do you think its fair for Hinata? Once and you already gave up?"

Sasuke headbutted Naruto, causing his legs to buckle and kneel on the ground. Sasuke had the higher ground, he looked down on him and said, "I will tell you who you are."

"You are the most persistent and stubborn living creature I have ever met. You travel through the five great Shinobi village just to bring me back, no matter how many times I try to push you away you wouldn`t give up."

"And even Sakura, how long have you chased after her? She rejected you countless times yet you keep on doing the same thing over and over again."

Naruto was shaken, his eye shook before he said with a pained voice, "But Hinata left me, to be with that guy-"

"Oh PLEASE!!" Sasuke groaned.

"Did you see her face? Does she look happy? Hinata have loved you forever, a feeling that strong do not change overnight." 

He pulled Naruto even closer as he said, "Listen here, you are going to stop whatever it is that you are doing and you are going to save Hinata. You are going to suck it up and fight for what you love and believe, as you always do."

He let go of Naruto and he walk towards the exit.

"Until then, don't even call yourself Naruto."


Naruto pondered on the things he had just heard and can`t help but laugh at himself.

He was acting so pathetic.

Sasuke was right, Hinata have loved someone like him all this time. As a man he can`t just give up on her. There was something he needed to say to her.

But first he needed to save her.

He got up and walk outside the cave. He saw the the others smile when they see him, he smiled back. Then his eyes cut to Sasuke`s, seeing his determined look Sasuke smiled too.

Naruto continued walking until he was far away from the cave. He looked at the artificial sun in the sky - a place where Hinata was taken.

"I'm coming Hinata." He whispered as he reach out to grab the sun.

"So, what's the plan?" Naruto asked when he feel Sasuke coming behind him.

"Plan? You don't do well with plans." Sasuke shook his head with a smile. "Just charge in through the front door."

"Simple, I like it." Naruto said as he bent his knees and concentrated.

He joined the palm of his hands and a huge amount of chakra exploded out from him. It was large and potent, nearly suffocating.

The air around hummed as a golden cloak of chakra covered his body. The yellow chakra began flowing out of his body like a broken dam.

Strong, heavy and nigh endless.

The chakra twisted and slowly shaped itself into a humongous fox with nine tails. It's size eclipsed mountains and reach the sky.


"RAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" It lets out a ear splitting roar when it finished forming. The whole jungle shook and the clouds in the sky were blown away with just its roar.

Nine of its tails move towards its mouth, the fox opened its maws and along with the tips of the nine tails they build up a huge black ball of destruction.

Space trembled due the sheer mass of the black ball, until that compressed itself infront of its open jaw.

Then, the Nine Tails leaped into the sky. The air made way as his huge form flew towards the artificial sun.

Shikamaru and the others followed behind him and they all move towards the Castle of Toneri.

The artificial sun opened up it's barrier and countless amount of puppets riding on a hawk flew out, trying to stop the approaching enemy.

But they were unable to bear even a fraction of Naruto's Power.

All they could do was to be completely destroyed as Naruto got closer and closer to the barrier.

"Kurama, release!!" Naruto yelled as the super charged Tailed beast bomb amplified by nature chakra shot forth.

It shot forward at blinding speed and the atmosphere whined - unable to resist its power. It's momentum was unstoppable, and the power was unimaginable.

The barrier stood no chance and completely shatter when it came in contact with the attack.



Toneri was not ready for the calamity he invited.


*knock* *knock* *knock*

Hello, it's the Author. I am here to deliver a chapter.



Your welcome. That would be a power stone.

Thanks for reading.


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


