A soul was wandering in the great infinite univers. It was going as fast as the light but it didn't seem like it. Everything changed by the second, the blue univers became purple and the soul was getting succtioned by a black hole that appeared under him.
Once it was completely suctioned the soul continued to fall deeper and deeper. A blinding might shone at the bottom of this unending black hole. It took an eternity to reach the light, it was so warm and appeasing.
The light devoured the soul and exploded with great force. A force so great that it destroyed the black hole it was in. The soul that had been deprived of sight, hearing and everything else could sense all of it once more.
It fell down even faster than light until it finally found a new body.
"AAAAAAAAHHHH!" he was startled and screamed in horror. What he had live was a nightmare, a long nightmare at that. A sharp pain struck his chest. When he looked down, he saw bandages filled with blood.
"What is the meaning of this?" the young man looked around. He was in what seemed to be an empty hospital room with many beds. The sun was rising and the sunlight was piercing through the windows of the large room.
The young man tried to cover his eyes but couldn't because of how sore his arms were. His body in general was extreme sore. From looking at his body, he noticed that it wasn't his. His hands were bigger, his body was larger and his hair was much longer.
"I- I'm confused. Wasn't I changing the lamp of my bathroom? This doesn't make any sense." before he could think of anything else. Incoming footsteps could be heard. A man guided by two identical women was coming his way.
"Oyakata-sama!" he was in shock. To see an important character of his favorite anime in blood flesh, he just couldn't believe his eyes. Things also slowly started to make sense. His new body, his strange condition, this weird nightmare, he had transmigrated.
"Dear Sagara, no need to be this courteous. You shouldn't shout like that, it will only bring you more harm than good. Help me sit next to him." the two girls guided Oyakta-sama near Sagara's bed. He gently sat down.
"You were brave in the face of death. Thanks to you, none of my children died last night. I should've sent a Hashira as the circumstances were indeed suspicious. I genuinely wish for your forgiveness." silence ensued.
Sagara had his mouth wide open. He just couldn't believe it and he had yet to process all what Oyakta-sama just said. Since Oyakta-sama was blind, he took this since for anger. He could understand.
"I can understand if you don't wish to forgive me. I'll be-"
"You shouldn't ask for forgiveness. It's our duty to fight against the demons, we are humanity's protectors and we'll die happily for the cause." Oyakta-sama smiled and gently nodded while closing his eyes.
"I see, then you set me at ease. I will leave you to rest, it's already a miracle that you survived. From what I heard your wound is something even a Hashira could die of." Oyakta-sama and his entourage left the room leaving Sagara all alone.
"So I truly transmigrated. It's so crazy. My life has turned out like those novels, it's so freaking cool!" Sagara managed to stand up although with great difficulties. He got closer to the window and saw the demon slayer headquarters, that was were he was at the moment.
"My reflection..." Sagara had a normal looking face. His nose was sharp and his black eyes were slightly closed which gave him an angry appearance. His lips were big. His long black hair was tied in a bun.
"This body must at least be twenty, I think. What's sure is that I'm no kid." Sagara flexed in front of the window while enjoying his new appearance. But the nurses that were outside were thinking something else.
"He suddenly doesn't look all that hurt. To think that he would have the strength to stand up and flex in front of the window after that big of a wound. He's truly impressive I must say it." the nurses all nodded togheter.
"Look, what's that face he's making?" Sagara's face turned red and he squinted his eyes. Not one second later, he fell to the ground. The nurses all looked at each other and ran upstairs to help Sagara.
"one, two, three, lift!" they struggled to life this unconscious big man. He weighed at around ninety kilograms and was one meters and eighty tall. They had to do it all very slowly unless they wanted to open back the stitches.
Once they successfully placed him back on the bed they gave him his medications and put natural lotion on the wound so that it could scar better. Even though the sun had risen not so long ago, it was sleeping time for Sagara.
"Boy, what do you think of my gift?" Sagara suddenly woke up. Not in the hospital room but somewhere not in his current world. Everything was white and a light stood before him.
"You're still confused aren't you? Or perhaps, you aren't satisfied with my gift? It doesn't matter! I will make it so that you'll have the best experience possible." Sagara was now even more confused.
"Are you the light from my nightmare, didn't you explode?"
"I'm the light, yes. Before you died like a stupid bastard while changing the lamp in your bathroom, you always read novels and dreamt of transmigrating into another world with superior talent and whatnot. So guess what?" the light said excitingly.
"I've granted you that wish! Aren't you going to thank me? But don't worry like I said I will give you the best experience possible! I've already placed your soul in the body of a demon slayer with a great physic and outstanding strength. You're even part of an ancient demon slayer clan, you'll learn more about it. Last thing before I let you go, I granted you with superior talent so you'll always be better than the others."
"Will I see you again, light gramps?" he didn't know why he asked that, it just came out of his mouth.
"The day you defeat the demon king and save this world from the demons, I will come to you myself. Good luck, Sagara.....Tokugawa."