/ Anime & Comics / The System: The Real Civilian Shinobi

The System: The Real Civilian Shinobi オリジナル

The System: The Real Civilian Shinobi

Anime & Comics 90 章 1.8M ビュー
作者: Version_401

4.69 (37 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Okay, so how do I put this...
I have never been the best at explaining stuff but I'll try, so the thing is have you ever felt like you are going mad, you see things that aren't there, hear sounds that are not real?
No... uhhh... hehe Me neither, h-ahah-ah...
So what do you say we get this show on the road, you're gonna go in and I'm gonna support you from behind... what do you mean that sounds weird, those bandits are not gonna clear themselves, chop chop, let's go we got this man!
We'll There's +1 for the weird introduction, now before you click off, I'll just explain in brief what this story is about, this isn't a transmigration or reincarnation fic so I probably would lose half the audience, and the main character is weakish at the start, bye to the other half.
The main character is a civilian, yes I know that there are many cool clans in Naruto world...but shush, my story, write your own then...

Well there you have it a weird into and a weirder explanation, hey do I at least get points for managing to keep making it weirder and cringier... No?

For 20 extra chapters- www.patreon.com/Version_401

  1. LLuid
    LLuid 貢献した 186
  2. Lightest_Reader
    Lightest_Reader 貢献した 172
  3. WilLightSonofLife
    WilLightSonofLife 貢献した 150


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



An easy way to cheese a 5-star review and increase your average rank! I'll take it! Plus I'll take this opportunity to tell you a bit more about this story. So what can you expect from the story? Harem!!!! Nope [img=faceslap] MC possibly not losing most fights? Yes, while he isn't OP in the beginning he will quickly become OP, at least when compared to his peers, if you want him to fight Itachi and Orochimaru after 1 and a half years, then probably not! Civilian MC! Yes!!! This is one of te things I ignored in my previous fic, the prospect of the Sharingan is a bit too tempting, but now that I have gone through that disaster one time, I'll focus on writing a character that has no bloodlines... OP perks!! Yes!! Bloodlines? Noo....

15 の返信を表示する

I think it's pretty good that mc isn't reincarnated. You never find mc's personality and behavior silly. I think he's acting his age. The novel is very pleasant to read. I suggest you read.

1 の返信を表示する

The premise is nice, the story flow is good (Till chapter 14) I hope the academy phase ends quickly so that we can get to the Chunin exams arc, because realistically, that's why everyone is here for!!!!

0 の返信を表示する

So there's nothing obviously bad about this novel, it has a constant pace which is not too fast or too slow. The cheat is balanced and practical. The side characters aren't hallow and are fledged out. Its all good except its boring. Nothing of interest happens that you havent read in 10 other naruto fanfics, the cheat isn't too special and the plot points are mundane for a lack of better words. It doesn't get your blood pumping wanting to know whats going to happen next .it makes you feel like there's no reward at the end of the story. Its bland.

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aside from the changes in some major character's personality, I think this is pretty good. It's a system novel but not an Isekai, so a Civilian shinobi suddenly have a system, which I think is a clever twist compared to the countless Naruto fic out there.

0 の返信を表示する
LV 13 Badge

Love it so far, and don't have any issue, seems pretty original too, the only issue is that there is a chance you abondon it, and you're a very talented writer with great ideas so i hope not. In the end, 5 stars for you

0 の返信を表示する

this is a good story compared to most Naruto fan fics that focus on the girls or the MC is just unbeatable and when he does get beaten once he goes into a deep depression but this one doesn't and that's very good so it has mine and Snape's approval

0 の返信を表示する

I hope the more of this!! I really liked the previous one..............I hope the more of this!! I really liked the previous one..............

0 の返信を表示する

(ch32) I must say that this book was a pleasant surprise, as always, I don't like to question things about the plot because it is the author's work, the Kenjutsu part seems good to me, but with a system it would be a waste not to include Ninjutsu, the system is an extremely useful tool to be a master of all trades, I find Fuinjutsu excellent, I know you don't want to do longer chs, but at least when it comes to training and Fuinjutsu I feel that you could extend them a little more to advance plot

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Just have to show support I really enjoy the story and I want to read more thanks to the author for real much love and appreciation.

0 の返信を表示する

I'm putting this to inform author that this story doesn't have the Naruto tag in it. Love the story. Thank you the amazingI'mfillingupthewordcount.

0 の返信を表示する

I don’t really know what to write other than go read the story it’s enjoyable and a little different from other naruto system stories on webnovel at least

0 の返信を表示する

I'll give you my hopes one more time I really liked this novel you have no idea how frustrating it was when you discontinued it, just... don't give it up pretty please

2 の返信を表示する

hello author can u please please give us other chapters , i really like this fanfic but i have no money ( student ) .

0 の返信を表示する

nice Naruto fanfic.keep up the good work author.writing quality is good.mc is very fleshed out character.

0 の返信を表示する

It's mostly training but it is a fun read for me and i hope mc learns 4th hokage teleportation jutsu or something like raikage special lightning with his wind element giving him fast movement speed

0 の返信を表示する

Good fanfic. would recommend for something to read when your bored. One of the few issues is the low word count per chapter. Still good tho.

0 の返信を表示する
LV 14

Although at the start i feel this will be meh novel due to info dump! After chap 3, my experience with this fan-fic has webt up through the roof!! Give it a try and i promised you will not be dissatisfied ❤️

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作者 Version_401