/ Anime & Comics / The superior DC Spider-Man!
In the year 2000, a mysterious shockwave is unleashed in Central City, spreading throughout the entire planet and unleashing MetaGen in that world. In the midst of this event, the consciousness of Raymond Reilly, a billionaire scientist from the future, is sent back in time, but upon awakening, he realizes that everything has changed. Now he finds himself immersed in a fictional world where superheroes are unknown. Although there are currently no recognized heroes, throughout time there have been events that clearly point to the existence of beings beyond human. Now Raymond must adapt to this new world and discover his place in it, while wondering if his futuristic knowledge and abilities could make a difference in this altered reality.
- English isn't my mother tongue!
- I'm going to change many things in the chronology, but I'll take important events from series, movies, and comics.
- I'm a highly distracted and exuberant being, so don't expect this novel to be finished. It all depends on how long my hyperfocus on DC lasts.
Spiderman is most dangerous when he's not holding back after the flash.