I jolted up, my phone buzzing on the dresser next to me. I groggily moved over and turned it off, my mind still clouded from last night's few experiences.
I lifted the covers and saw something between my legs.
It seemed someone was lively today.
I sighed and rubbed my eyes, maybe all of yesterday was just a dream. I mean the room looked identical to mine except for the luxurious grey carpet and the tan walls. Hell somehow the window was in the same spot. I moved the blinds apart and stood looking out of the window. I could see Grand Dobi just a few miles north sitting neatly on the base of a huge mountain. I even saw the wall that surrounded it.
Would I really be attending such a nice school?!
I could also see Wonder park, the tip of the shrine poking over the leafless trees. It was a beautiful view. A tear rolled down my cheek, or I pretended if one did.
This was the start to my new life as a Grand Dobi student, the richest and snarkiest, oh and don't forget out right assholes, and fuck bois, and girls who will belittle me daily, awaited my presence. Im not even sure how many commas I just used but I mean, all of those were spot on.
Was I going to have to learn proper etiquette and stuff?
A slight knock hit my door, "Hey Im headed to work and so is Veronica, we decided to have dinner after so we won't be home till nine. Also your uniform is in the closet."
"Thanks Dad!" I called out as I shut the blinds and headed to my closet. I opened the double doors to expect the same small one I came to know and love. Instead, a closet about half the size of my room was present. My uniform was laid neatly on a table just on the far side. It took me a few long steps to get there, damn I was living good.
Marcus: Ready fo school fuck face?
My mind went blank, I totally forgot about my friends from Josi High School. All my freshman pals entering my mind.
You: I'm attending Grand Dobi, not a joke either dipshit, I'll explain after school.
I sat in my computer chair and drew out a long sigh.
I decided that typing would ease the stress, I had plenty of time anyways.
I opened my laptop and typed in my password, the loading bar taking longer than usual to fill. I opened word and clicked on "New Story" to see were I left off. If I remembered correctly I was storming up some step sister stuff that would be frowned upon as of right now. Actually who was I kidding, such work would be frowned upon in any situation. I shed a fake tear again and looked at my screen.
I know who you are. |
My eyes focused and I read the text several times. I felt my body shake and my mind start to falter. A lump formed in my throat and goosebumps slid down my back.
I looked around to make sure no one was around, going as far as to get up and lock my door.
Someone read my story, they even deleted all of it. Someone in this house knew I was Sex King, the man whose name would live in infamy. I slammed my fist on the desk, the story I wrote before being tossed into oblivion by an unknown enemy.
Who could it have been?!
Who out of the six people capable would snoop in my room and go as far as to check my personal stuff. If it were my father, he would of saved it to a usb for later. If it was one of the sisters, the conversation would have came up in the bathroom.
Unless, it happened while I was asleep.
No that was next to impossible, I literally woke up to every little noise, the definition of a light sleeper. Then it could have only been two people.
The white haired, big boobed witch of a step sister Arid. Or.
It was Veronica, my new mother and the one to have become fond of my dad.
The lump in my throat grew as I closed the laptop. I would have to observe and see if anyone was different.
I jumped in my chair.
"Waaaarrreeeennnn, we all used the bath already so you can go."
It was Autumn's sweet and upbeat voice.
Why did she go up an entire floor just to tell me that, did Fey notify them of what happened last night.
Why was I freaking out, I need to stay calm and collected.
"Okay thanks, be there in a sec."
I cracked my knuckles in annoyance, it seems this new family was already posing problems.
Which one, Arid or Veronica?
Wait a second...
Did they use the bath again, or was double bathing a thing girls do.
Autumn has entered the game*
I put on the black and red uniform as I dried my hair. The brown locks seemed to be getting out of hand, maybe I needed to get a haircut soon. I looked in the mirror that took up the other side of the changing room. My light blue eyes looking already dead as usual. I smiled, maybe my average looks will help me fade to the background, making friends was not my idea going to Grand Dobi, first I needed to understand who to trust.
A flash of each of those deep blue eyes that looked like the Ocean fled back to me. Even if their eyes looked so similar, it was as if they each told a different story.
I sighed, man I do that a lot.
I headed downstairs into the kitchen area, I grabbed one of the apples on display.
I put it back embarrassingly and decided breakfast wasn't as important. Fey sat on the couch playing a mobile game on her phone. Autumn was making eggs with a pink apron on. Arid and Olivia were talking as they sat at the dinner table, smiles spread across their faces.
As soon as I put one step in the living room, four sets of eyes locked onto me for a split second before going back to what they were doing.
My body was shaking slightly, one word in my mind.
That shit was scary.
Well that was four.
I kept my pace and made it to the door, not a single word or attention thrown my way.
"The limo isn't here yet Warren, it usually comes around seven thirty," Olivia said.
I looked at the time, still forty minutes till the limo got here.
I hid my excitement and calmed myself, "Thanks but I'm good."
A limousine sounded amazing but at the moment, distance was important. If I wanted to observe, I could not be distracted. I also had to deal with the fact they were going to "test" me somehow. The more space, the harder it would be for them to catch me at a bad time.
I shut the door without another second to spare. I looked at my smartphone and headed toward Grand Dobi, the high school that will probably be the death of me.
After a few minutes of walking I came to a empty street. It was actually quite nice and it seems the crosswalk was painted recently. The wall that followed the side walk grew in feet and the cracks and dirt disappeared from it. I was making my way into something all of us feared.
A rich neighborhood.
As the street came closer, a row of limousines zoomed by. My mouth quivered as I watched them pass. Not that far after, a row of bentleys slowly cruised by. All of the windows tinted black.
Jeez were they escorting the damn president. I ignored the next row as I crossed the street.
"Hey you."
I stopped and turn, a few black jeeps stopped in the road just behind me. I smiled as I saw a beautiful fair lady peeking over a half rolled downed window.
She mumbled something under her breath. I raised an eyebrow and took a step closer. As I did, one of the other doors opened quickly and a man the size of a fucking tree, not literally, stood beside her window. He had a black tux and shades to hide his features. He put a hand up to stop me, he also slightly leaned over.
"What the misses is trying to say is why is someone walking to Grand Dobi?"
The girl peaked over and whispered more things. "She also asks, are you new to this school?"
I smiled and bowed, I'm guessing it was polite to do so in the face of someone with an entire row of very expensive black jeeps at there leisure.
"Yes I am new to Grand Dobi, I'm walking because I feel that walking helps me understand the importance of distance."
On everything I owned, I was lying. The only reason for me walking because being in a car with Fey and Arid was a death sentence. My heart would simply not take it.
Also for those who have followed my perils, if there were one thing I was good at besides writing very um...obscure novels, was that I was an outstanding actor. I had to be, after being almost a emotionless ghost when I was a kid, I pretended to be happy and joyful. It sounded sad but after I found my passion and I could smile for real, It really wasn't needed but now.
Now is when it would bloom.
Act like a generic main character, Act Like a generic main character, Act like a generic main character.
The man shifted his shoulders, "Miss Amaris has graced you with the chance of a lifetime, she would like you too ride with her to school."
I almost cried, was she really going to grace me with something so amazing?!
My face narrowed as I took a seat in a empty jeep except for the driver. I was situated five jeeps back, at the second to last one of the escort. I mean I guess it works for now.
"You are blessed that Miss Amaris even considered doing this for you, she usually never bats an eye at any male."
The driver had a British accent but the same secret agent get up like every one else in the other jeeps.
"Why do you say that, I'm sure you can tell I don't look the part of being rich?"
The man chuckled, "You are in for a rude awakening, um?"
"Warren King."
"Well Warren King, your life is about to get very interesting..."
My shoulders slouched,how much more "interesting" could my life get. Getting a ride from a kind person is nothing out of the ordinary, right?!
We came to a stop as the GOLDEN GATES to the entrance swung open. A fountain depicted a naked woman and man dancing as clouds swirled around them, the stone mist covering certain parts. I froze as hundreds of students in uniform hung outside of a huge grass courtyard.
My eyes slowly gazed upward as an almost castle like building loomed above them. Some windows were even tinted a certain color to help the sunlight reflect the beautiful rays of the rainbow.
I stepped out of the jeep and kept my eyes locked on the building, well what can describe this better than building...
A fucking row of mansions made up the six story brute of a private school. Why was I here? My poor presence only seem to stain the perfect image of this school, damn you.
Damn you father, why couldn't you have been hot?!
I felt a tug on my right sleeve. I turned around quickly, the amazingly pretty girl who offered me a ride stepping back a few steps. I raised an eyebrow as I noticed her startled expression. I rose the other as I saw the jeeps were completely gone. Talk about being professional...
"Yeah what's up?"
The girl tapped her toe on the stone sidewalk.
"Mhhh nhhh is haylhh."
She talked so low that I barley made out is.
"Sorry I didn't quite catch that?" I looked at the frail girl again, her body actually quite wel-
I shook my head. Damn you Pedo-man. Wait did I just insult myself unwillingly?!
I almost fell on my back as she yelled out, completely crushing the shy character she was going for. Tears started to well up in her eyes and she turned and ran off toward the Manor.
Huh, interesting?
"What are you doing making girls cry already?" I turned around to see the same four deep blue set of eyes I came to fear.
"Oh I-"
Arid held up a hand, the rest of the three girls continuing toward the school.
"Listen Warren, maybe we should of told you in advance but your average looks and commoner attitude will do little to help you in this school."
Arid kept her eyes elsewhere as she spoke,
"For some reason Fey gives me the cold shoulder when I talk to you so casually so look. Most of the girls at the school have only seen stuck up pricks with wads of cash so your always sunny character will make women interested."
I soaked up her words and nodded slowly. I wasn't sure if she was warning me or insulting me but I took the gesture with out a second thought. "So what your saying is I should be a prick like all the others guys?"
Arid smiled, "precisely!" She patted me on the back, "Just don't draw the attention of the upperclassmen and you will be fine. In the month we have attended this school we learned a thing or two so be safe."
I almost cried, it felt like Arid was the only person who like actually cared about me, Autumn just being the lucky go happy type not really helping me.
She started toward the school as the church bell rang out of the courtyard. Arid stopped and looked over her shoulder, her white hair flowing in the wind.
"My sisters and I may be stubborn but eventually we will open up, just show us your good sides and everything will be alright."
My eyes glistened as I watched her walk away.
Dad: Hey my coworker Johnny has a smoking hot sister about your age. Interested?😇😋😳
I put my phone away and sighed.
Oh Lord why me?