77.77% The Seraphic System / Chapter 49: The Greek King Of Gods

章 49: The Greek King Of Gods

The Seraphic System

Chapter: 49

Disclaimer: I don't own High School Dxd or any other universe used in this story. 

Pa/ t reon details below the chapter if you're interested in seeing some content in advance. I'll keep posting regardless. If you have any suggestions you would like to see added, I will try to incorporate what I can :)

(The Greek King Of Gods)

With a flash of warm orange light covering us, the scenery around us shifted. The sounds of screaming and police sirens fading into silence as we appeared in a large room. 

As the orange light died down we found ourselves stood in a comfortable-looking room with marble pillars rising toward an arched ceiling adorned with flickering firelight that danced across gilded accents. 

Tiamat immediately took a step in front of me somewhat defensively as her eyes quickly took in our new surroundings while Hestia next to us smiled serenely. Her eyes were a blur and I felt that if anything attacked it would be destroyed in moments. 

Pictures decorated the walls, each depicting scenes of flames, hearths, and family gatherings. I began to understand where we were as I looked at the clear depiction of the goddess of the hearth herself on the wall. 

The gentle warmth of the room felt welcoming and a soft glow radiated from soft fire set along the walls, the flames flickering a gentle orange.

"It's nice to have some visitor for a change." Hestia announced happily. 

I glanced around, taking in the surroundings with some appreciation. "Nice place." 

Hestia flushed a bit at the compliment, her expression turning a bit bashful. 

"Thank you. Not many people visit me these days. You two are actually the first to step into my home in centuries." She looked away, almost shyly.

"Their loss." I muttered and she perked up with a bright smile.

I turned back to the room she had teleported us into. I noted that this place had a warm feeling. I felt oddly relaxed and I attributed it to Hestia's domain. I was sure there would be a Hearth somewhere within her palace. 

Underneath us was a thick carpet and the extremely well-designed architecture which was obviously made to impress was countered by Hestia's personal touches on her palace. 

Small ornaments covered what should be intricate carvings that were the height of architecture and art. 

It gave me the feel that this palace had been made originally to impress and impose anyone who entered only for the owner to ruin that effect by deciding to make it more comfortable. 

Which wasn't surprising since that was basically a reflection of Hestia's personality from what I had come to know of her. 

Tiamat on the other hand didn't look all too impressed. Considering she had probably seen and even been offered such castles or palaces wasn't that surprising either. 

"As much as I'm sure Kai would love to look around, can we get to the situation at hand." Tiamat neutrally interjected. 

Hestia nodded next to us, her face becoming more serious.

"My brother will be in his own Palace as of now. I think it would be prudent to visit him there instead of calling a meeting for all the Gods. Considering how important the subject of the matter is." Hestia said seriously. 

I wasn't too worried, considering I had a Dragon king protecting me. Which was why I easily nodded in agreement with Hestia's statement. Not a single shred of concern within me. 

The biggest concern had been whether Zeus would smite me on the spot but I should be fine. Especially with his elder sister's favour. 

It was finally time to finish this quest, despite all that had happened in such a short amount of time and the sheer chaos that had been left in the wake of the quest. 

I was excited. 

The system had told me the rewards would be worth it and it never lied. Hopefully I would be glad that I had gone through with this at the end of it. 

Hestia smiled comfortingly at my silence. My mask still concealed my expression from her sight so she mistook my silence as nervousness.

"Don't worry Kai. My brother has his moments of being unreasonable but he isn't as bad as people have set him out to be." Hestia attempts to comfort me.

Tiamat let out a snort of amusement next to me.

She knew me a little too well. 

Hestia simply sent her an amused glance.

I could feel her amusement. She knew something. 

"I'll be there to protect my belo-Kai so he won't need to worry about anything." She quickly amended.

Hestia nodded, a smile on her face. I could sense she was worried about Tiamat escalating things into a fight but I gave her a comforting head pat.

"Let's get going shall we?" I questioned.

Hestia nodded once more with a faint blush on her cheeks. 

She quickly led us out of her palace, out into a gated wall. Which I assume was to isolate the Goddess from Olympus. We passed the gates and I faintly saw a golden shimmer pass through the golden bars. 

As we fully stepped outside her seats, the sight of Olympus appeared before me. I took only a single moment to take in the sight. I had known Olympus was going to be amazing. It was a city of the gods after all. 

The city was breathtakingly large, with tall columns that lined wide marble streets chock full with all different types of creatures. Statues of the gods and creatures from myths stood in various corners, standing proudly and towering up into the sky. 

I didn't appreciate the large city's beauty for long, I wasn't the type to normally do that but Olympus was definitely impressive. 

I followed behind Hestia who looked around with a calm smile. Funnily enough no one seemed to really give much attention to the fact the oldest of the Greek Gods were casually walking among the various creatures roaming around.

We moved further into the city, trailing behind Hestia as she navigated the bustling streets of Olympus. 

The marble pathways extended wide enough for chariots. Creatures of Greek myth and legend mingled that hadn't been forsaken or cursed by the gods walked around with the occasional minor god or goddess which my appraisal helped identify. 

It felt joyous and carefree, despite the war that was brewing between the three brothers. How strange. 

Did they really not care? It was kind of annoying considering I was on the one cleaning it up for them but strangely enough. Something clicked inside me at the selfless act. Something new in my body shifted slightly before going back to being dormant. 

I ignored it for now. Like I had been a great many things. In favour of focusing on what was happening right now. 

The thought had occurred to me that Olympus didn't know of Ares' betrayal yet and as such he could be here, waiting to strike when I'm about to pass the finish line. 

Then again, I had the slightly crazy but kind of hot Dragon king protecting me. So that worry lessened. I had a bigger fish to worry about. One that I would be going to talk to at this very moment. 

Hestia led us toward a section of the city walled off with enchanted gates shimmering faintly with layered wards, clearly meant to deter any uninvited guests. 

Without hesitation, Hestia passed through the barriers while Tiamat and I followed closely. Tiamat was cautious as she passed through the barrier, her body tensed. 

My appraisal told me of the sheer defence the warded off section of the city had so I found it hard not to be wary, especially with my track record of chaos. 

Behind the walls everything was quiet. The streets were empty but I was exposed to the sight of massive castles on multiple mountain cliffs. It didn't take a genius to guess where I was, especially considering there were twelve castles. 

Dark clouds gathered in the sky. Flashing of silent light flashing every now and then. My eyes trailed towards Tiamat, who was noticeably looking a lot more tense.

Activating my chakra eyes, I flinched back. The sheer amount of divine power in the area was blinding. I looked up at where the clouds were swirling around unnaturally and finally, I got a view of Zeus' castle that predictably stood at the highest peak. 

The castle towered up into the sky, its walls a polished marble, with carvings tracing tales of ancient battles and victories. Massive columns framed the entrance of the castle, each possessing symbols of thunder and lightning engraved within the marble. 

Statues of eagles and thunderbolts were on the outer edges. 

It almost seemed like a complete opposite to Hades castle. 

After a moment of silence. We began walking to Zeus' massive castle in silence and I started forming what I was going to say to him within my mind. 

I noticed the smell of ozone become stronger the closer we got to the large looming castle. 

The air was swirling a bit chaotic while the light clouds gathered above it. 

The smell of ozone was strong in the air as we arrived at the bottom of the path leading up into his castle.

A woman that was in the process of walking past, spotted the three of us. A questioning stare sent our way. 

The first thing I noticed was that she looked young probably wasn't the case. 

Her dark hair cascaded down over her shoulders. Two curious green eyes looking at our arrival. She obviously didn't know who me or Tiamat where judging by the interest that passed through her emotions at the fact we were being led into Zeus' castle by Hestia. 

She was wearing a traditional white chiton that flowed down to her ankles, tied at the waist by a simple cloth. 

"Lady Hestia?" The woman called out softly.


[Name: Hebe}

{Title: Goddess of eternal youth, prime of life, forgiveness and marriage,

Cupbearer to the gods}

{Race: God}

{Current Power level: 9,600}

{Power level: 13,200}

A minor goddess. 

If my calculations were correct, that meant her divine form had abouts eight hundred and eighty stat points in total spread among her stats. 

To think I had risen to a point in power that I could be considered a minor god was something I was going to celebrate later on. It may not seem like much to the ambitious but when considering I had been a normal human a few years ago it was insane. 

Then again, this Goddess was a simple cup bearer for the God I was going to meet. Seriously, how had I gotten in between a feud with Gods like that. 

It was easy to read about in my old life but in reality the sheer audacity I had shown to what was essentially a bunch of ancient powerful Gods would land me a spot next to Percy for the sheer amount of balls and recklessness I had shown. 

"Hello Hebe." Hestia greeted her warmly.

"Lady Hestia, what are you doing here? Father is not expecting you or at least he hasn't let me know if he is." Hebe replied, starting to seem slightly embarrassed.

Hestia giggled lightly. Though I found it was very different to the laughs she gave me. 

"No need to worry, I would be surprised if he was expecting us. Would you mind taking us to him? We have important matters to discuss." Hestia questioned. 

Hebe looked bashful.

"Father is rather busy so one second please." She replied politely.

The minor goddess turned away, a glow surrounding her briefly as she seemingly contacted Zeus. The Goddess waited for a moment and nodded back in confirmation.

My chakra eyes briefly activated and I could see something travelling through the winds, which I assumed was Zeus using his domain to carry his voice to Hebe. 

We weren't able to hear anything she said with our enhanced senses due to the barrier around her.

The glow dissipated and she turned back to us with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Father says he is busy. War preparations." She replied, the two simple words giving us what we needed to know. 

"Oh but it is important." Hestia replied firmly.

Hebe sighed helplessly.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do, Father was quite insistent-

Yeah, no.

"The Lord Of Olympus doesn't want his Bolt back? That's fine. I'll come back at a time that is more convenient." I suddenly spoke up. Making a show of sighing tiredly. 

Hebe looked at me in bewilderment while Hestia turned to me slowly, her beautiful flaming eyes flatly staring at me. 

I hadn't been rude on purpose. I know what intended effect I would get and pissing off a powerful God wasn't something I wanted to add to my list of mistakes. 

The sky filled with power, clouds darkening and rumbling violently shaking the air around us. The peaceful air turned harsh and I knew I had gotten his full attention. 

Lightning sparked to life in the sky, multiple bright flashes of blue streaking through the sky before a thick bolt descended down in front of us. Bright blue bathed the area. 

Divine power suddenly surrounded me and I felt myself being pulled. It was akin to what Hades had used to teleport me and I instantly connected the dots. 

Instead of that weird questioning feeling that had happened that allowed me to accept the teleportation this was more forcible. My power flared out instinctively in an attempt to fight back.

Momentarily succeeding as the far more powerful power seemed to actually struggle before it succeeded with difficulty, the sky rumbled and just as I was teleported away I felt Tiamat's power just about to wrap around me. 

A flash of blue and I found myself transported into some sort of throne room. Smoke briefly obscured a shadow that set on a large throne. I regained my bearings and remained calm even as the light fully died down to reveal a tall muscular man wearing a white toga with golden trimmings, who sat on a throne. 

The God's golden hair shone just as bright as the two glowing blue orbs of lightning that replaced his eyes.

There was silence as I found myself in front of the God I had been looking for. 

He silently observed me. 

"Boy." His voice rumbled. 

"You have my weapon?" He asked. 

{Name: Zeus}

{Title: King of Olympus, Skyfather, God of the skies, weather, lightning, thunder, justice, kingship, law, and order, Advised & influenced by Metis}

{Race: God}

{Current Power level: 48,065}

{Power level: 60,665}

My eyes quickly scanned through his titles but went back to it as I spotted the 'Influenced by Metis' title. 

Was she literally just stuck in Zeus' head? 

I removed my mask and inclined my head, not enough to seem submissive but a small sign of respect for his power. 

"Yes, I have it." I kept my tone even and calm.

The bolt appeared out from my inventory and I couldn't even register as it appeared within his hands, he looked at it closely. His eyes softened and he let out a sigh.

[Quest Completed!]

My mood improved dramatically at the sight of the system notification, even if I was still in a dangerous situation. 

Zeus grunted, his stance relaxing slightly as he let out a low chuckle. "Hmph. A well-mannered brat at my doorstep, a nice change. I suppose it makes up for your abrupt arrival along with my Bolt of course." 

He glanced back at me, an odd glint of approval in his gaze now.

Before his eyes turned sharp and a pressure surrounded me. 

"Tell me, why does an Angel of all creatures have my weapon?" He questioned.

I kept my stance relaxed. 

"I was able to retrieve it for you as a favour to Percy Jackson. I imagine you'll be quite curious to hear about how and who you'll be wanting to punish for this insult?" I worded carefully, playing on his pride.

Zeus raised a brow, clearly intrigued. 

The slightest hint of a smirk seemed to creep up on his stoic face. The lightning in his gaze softened, and the hostility that had first marked our meeting began to fade.

Then again, like a switch he changed. His face turned serious and he leant forward in his large golden throne. 

"Then tell me who had the courage to steal my weapon." Zeus said, his voice rumbling slightly.

I nodded calmly. 

This was my chance to get a bit of payback on the annoyances who had attacked. 

"I believe there were multiple parties involved but the one of most interest would be Ares. He planned to frame Percy in order to start a divine war between you and Poseidon." I said, letting my words register as truth to him.

Zeus' face was cold, while I could feel that the myths of his arrogance and pride were true; he was still an ancient being. 

He let me continue.

"He was in league with a Faction I encountered called the Hero Faction along with another God from your pantheon. Hercules." I continued, hesitating slightly at the mention of Hercules. 

I had felt there was something more to the reason he had fought me but at the end of the day he had still followed through. 

Zeus's face tightened slightly at the mention of Hercules but he leaned back, his expression turning mildly resigned.

"You speak the truth. I would expect nothing less from someone who hails from the race you were spawned from. As much as it pains me to admit, my Pantheon is far from perfect," he began, voice deep and measured.

I had to call upon my charisma to keep my expression steady at his words.

"Hearing Ares involved is less surprising than I would like to admit. He's always been a troublesome brat. I am not oblivious to the fact that something more is at play but I had not been able to discern what that was. You have done a good service bringing this to my attention boy." He praised me.

"As such you will receive a boon-"

The ground started to rumble and air around us began to shake, Zeus' head snapped to a certain direction, his eyes narrowing as if he had finally noticed something. His eyes widened a moment later and the rumble grew more powerful.

He stood up in alarm, his bolt sparkling with powerful bolts of lightning. 

A familiar aura blanketed the area and I frowned in alarm. 

The wall exploded, a wave of blue flames turning the immediate area scorching hot. Smoke poured out from the hole in the wall, the stone edges turned into molten rock.

Smoke covered the hole, revealing only two draconic eyes that glowed with power. 

"A dragon..? No. I recognise you." I heard Zeus speak slowly.

"I had missed your well-concealed presence before since I hadn't been focused on you." Zeus spoke.

The two glowing eyes narrowed.

He swiped his hand lazily, the window blowing away to reveal Tiamat. Whose face was set into a deep frown. Hestia was with her. 

"Tiamat please calm down." She pleaded.

"Khaos Karma Dragon. It's been a few centuries. Explain yourself immediately." He spoke in a much more tense manner.

He was prepared to fight. The smell of ozone slowly filling the area and covering the scent of the burning marble. His bolt was clasped tightly in his hand. 

Tiamat went to speak but I cut her off. 

I didn't need this escalation. No need to enrage the powerful God who was about to reward me. 

"I believe there's been a miscommunication. Tiamat is here with me and I believe my prompt disappearance has caused her to assume the worst." I calmly interjected. 

His narrowed eyes trailed back to me.

"Oh? An Angel and a Dragon King? A strange duo. Is this true?" He directed the last question towards Tiamat.

She coldly regarded him before sending a look towards me.

I made eye contact with her. Trying to push my intention through my gaze.

She nodded. "Yes, I do believe there's been a miscommunication. I do hope the cost of the damage won't cost you too much." 

Her intention was obvious and I nearly sighed aloud. 

She wouldn't be paying for any damages. 

Zeus' face twitched but he remained calm. I had expected a bigger reaction but then again, he had thousands of years of experience. 

"Very well, I will write this off a misunderstanding. Will there be any other problems?" He questioned, his presence becoming heavier.

Tiamat matched him. Her calm facade was unchanging.

"Not on my end." She replied coolly. Her wrist flicked and the remaining blue fire promptly ceased to burn. 

I sent her a look. 

Tiamat sighed, reigning in her presence. Zeus followed suit a moment later. 

Tiamat gave me a nod before she turned around and retreated further back with a relieved Hestia in tow. 

Zeus's expression shifted, his face taut with controlled tension as he watched Tiamat retreat. His eyes scanned her thick thighs before coming back to me. 

He cleared his throat. 

I could see Hestia sigh and nearly facepalm. She could see the lustful gaze too. 

"I suppose I can find it in myself to let this go for the beautiful and powerful Dragoness." He spoke charmingly, a smile on his face. 

He turned back to me. 

"As I was saying before our interruption. You will receive a reward for your loyalty and as a gesture of good faith, I will allow you to ask of me one boon," he announced. "So long as it is within reason, I will grant it."

I thought about it. 

Nothing came to mind.

"Would it be okay for me to withhold this boon? I'm afraid I can't think of anything." I asked.

He looked amused.

"Normally people wouldn't have to think much when a powerful God gives them the honour of asking for anything within his power." He replied. 

I scratched my cheek somewhat embarrassedly.

"I can think of something if there's a time limit on it." I responded.

He laughed. 

His eyes occasionally flicker to Tiamat. As if putting on a show for her which he totally was.

"You've done a great service to all of Olympus, preventing the war and shedding light on the actual culprit so you shall be a friend of Olympus and always be welcomed in the Olympus and in my Pantheon" Thunder rumbles as if he has made a decree.

He was sincere about that. It wasn't just a show to impress Tiamat. Not all of it anyway. 

I could see the thoughts and surprising amount of calculation he was going through to try bed the Dragon King.

How was I going to go about this? It was time for a quick departure now that I had received my quest rewards and Zeus was informed of what was going on.

I just needed to leave without Tiamat ripping the Gods head off.


if you wish to read up to sixteen chapters in advance among my stories and other things please visit pa/t reon * / Snipez818, I appreciate all the support!

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C49
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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