"Ghandi is a furry??" jos cots pantscould not keep up with how many cheese and pesto pasta packets he was stuffing into them, to which reec became angery and popped down to the local bakery to buy some out of date bread that was baked like that!
unfortunately, as he was searching for busses on the way back from the bakery that sold out of date bread he instead a booked a bus that takes him to the business 'my simple funeral' and so he was cremated.
unfortunately, as he rose from the ashes of himself and his suits from toys r us, he realised that his identity, in his lanyard was missuing!!!11!!!!!! this was the 2nd time, and he began to panic as he popped out of existence instantly.
who is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
at this moment, jos cot was drinking some colonised indian water when he fell off his space spacker spunk ship and got mauled by piranhas, reec was like what andbwouldt sit next to him in the rotunda and he peed in a well spoken fashion causing Jos cot to scream into his bag "where are you??"
godamm fcsht