87.5% The saiyan Brother of Superman / Chapter 6: 6. The search for Saiyans

章 6: 6. The search for Saiyans

POV Bulma Brief

(Date July 21, 1996)

I walked out to the launch pad the Saiyan shuttle now stood in the open warm summer air its four landing legs out and ladder opening leading inside open and waiting by that ladder was who I consider a little brother Samuel Kent now stood looking up at his ship.

He wore the modified Saiyan armor that let his tail sway free his long lion main he called hair went down to past his shoulders.

I couldn't help but reminisce about the young boy who use to look up at me every time we talked now only two years later I was looking up to meeting his eyes and I couldn't help but look at more than just his eyes.

Shaking my head of any weird thoughts I walked up to Sam and saw the sad look in his eyes.

"You can always go back and we can forget about doing this," I said and for a moment I saw the idea worm its way through sam who shook it away "No it's time I leave beside it's you who should reconsider," he said looking to me I laughed at the idea.

"And miss out on a chance to go into space, not a chance," I said but then I took a more serious tone "Are you sure you want to leave things like this though," I asked and Sam's face changed from neutral to sadness but he nodded.

He had come to my father two years ago wanting to get the Saiyan ship flight worthy again worried my father told the Kents which later turned into a somewhat heated argument between mother and son.

Sam wants to go and reclaim his throne and learn about his race and Ma Kent a worried mother not want to see her son disappear into the unknown vacuum of space.

For a long time, it was a tense standoff between the two both still loved each other but nothing could bridge the gap between mother and son making things tense.

"If I go back now it will just be another excuse and more arguments no it's time," he said resolution in his voice I nodded and we boarded the ship.

POV Dr. Brief's

As I drank my tea I watched as they boarded the ship and after a few minutes watched as it took off into the sky leaving a smoke trail behind before disappearing from my sight even then, I looked up to the sky watching.

"Dear the Kents are here looking for Samuel," my wife said and I nodded.

(10 minutes later)

"YOU JUST LET HIM LEAVE!" Martha Kent screamed next to her was a wincing Clark Kent and a saddened but calm Jonathan Kent.

"What could I have done to stop him," I asked which was true enough I could have disabled the ship but Bulma would fix it and would leave anyway.

"Here have some coffee and pastries," my wife said walking out of the kitchen with a player of small cups and a plate full of muffins and French toast.

"He's now out there alone what if something goes wrong," Martha rambled to herself Jonathan put a hand on her shoulder "You don't need to worry my Bulma went along with him," I said causing Martha to look up at both of us.

"You allowed Bulma to go with him," she said and I nodded "I know my girl like you know your son once they want some they'll do anything to get it," I said getting an affirmative nod from my wife.

"Martha we knew from the beginning our boy's we're special and would leave to do incredible things," Jonathan said comforting her and giving Clark a soft smile.

"I'm sure he's fine Ma he's the strongest and most stubborn guy I know," Clark said getting a dry laugh from Martha who smiled "I suppose your right it's just. . .hard," she said hugging him.

POV Samuel Kent

Location: planet Cialea

(6 months later)


I sheathed my sword on my back and grabbed the head of my target I place it in a preservation pod that goes from the size of a large ball Immediately to the size of a tennis ball before placing it in a bag full of other pods.

"Bulma I got the last bounty," I said leaving the small warehouse that my target had used as a base walking over the dead bodies of his guards "Great that should be enough to refuel and last us another month," she said and unconsciously nodded my head.

Killing was something I thought I would be averse to I thought I would hesitate, but it was the exact opposite it was easy and disappointing and after a while, I figures out why.

There was no challenge hunting killers, theirs, gangs, and other tasks were nothing to me a simple task for someone who can track ki was child's play.

'No wonder Gohan quit being a hero,' I thought the idea of holding back so much that you don't kill anyone sounded so boring and tedious to me that being a bounty hunter was only marginally more interesting.

Once outside the building I flouted up and then flew to the guild hall as I flew I passed by many building some more rundown than others some streets crowded others empty in the distance a large futuristic city surrounded by giant walls and a shimmering field.

After a few minutes of flying, I landed in front of what looked like a hotel but once entering the double doors looked more like a wild west bar tables full of many different kinds of creatures some looked human other not at all.

But I simply walked past making my way to the desk on the opposite walking up to the counter a hologram of a female face appeared.

"Welcome to the hunters guild what is your business today," it asked in a feminine but monotone voice "Just want to turn in a few bounties," I said placing the pods in a basket on the counter.

"Processing. . .Processing. . .Processing confirmed your bounties have been turned in and payment will be sent to your account," the hologram said the pods disappearing in a flash.

I nodded and made my way to the door only to be stopped by two large aliens both looked like if you took four arms from Ben 10 a Cyclops and a Machoke from Pokemon.

"Sam Li'ze wants a word," the bigger of the two said and I nodded letting the two escort me to an industrial elevator but still only one could fit inside without creating me between the two.

"What does the guild master want with me?" I asked and the thing shrugged its multiple shoulders "you'll know once he tells you" it said not even looking at me and sighed.

After 2 minutes the large gray doors opened and we were in a dance and clean hallway walking to the large ornate double doors I opened them to see a fancy office with a fake view of the city in the middle of the room was a desk and sitting behind it was the guild master Li'ze.

Li'ze looked mostly like a female human except for the extra purple eye on her forehead and razor-sharp teeth and retractable claws she called nails otherwise a solid 6/10.

"Sam if it isn't my favorite rookie how's Bulma doing," she asked and I simply shrugged "She's doing fine so what did you call me for," I asked and she gave me a curious smile.

"So I heard you're interested in any information about your species correct" I nodded "well I happened to hear about a tournament that happens to be being held on Xanov fighters from across multiple sectors will be there," she said and I couldn't help but smile at the news.

After a quick talk and thanks I hurried out and flew towards the outskirts of the city where the huge ball-sized ship could be seen land amongst other landed ships.

Floating down the hatch opened and I flouted inside the hatch closing behind me "Welcome back," Bulma said, and looking to the living area bulbs waved at me wearing a tight small grey shirt and panties.

"Seriously Bulma I told you to warn me if you're not going to wear anything before I come in," I said and I saw the familiar smile that told me she did this on purpose so she can get a kick out of my reactions.

"Oh grow up were adults here besides it's not like we haven't seen each other naked," she said which was true accidents happen even in a space ship sized bowling ball "first of all I'm 16 your 18 and so let's have some decency," I said looking away trying to be courteous even though a part of me wanted to keep looking.

Ever since we left earth after seeing me train Bulma decided to take some initiative and it shows as she still couldn't use ki but she could last a few minutes against me in 0.5x earth's gravity.

"So how much did those bounties earn you," she asked not moving from the coach I sighed and sat down a space between us, and just before I answered bulma whistled and showed me a screen.

[345,000+ credits]

(A/N: 1 credit = 20$)

"So what's next," she asked and I gave her a data pad grabbing the pad she scrolled through the data and smiled before a worried look crossed her face "What is it?" I asked having never seen bulbs worried.

"Are you sure this is our best option I thought you wanted to keep a low profile this is going to have an audience and cameras" she said but I shrugged my shoulders "What else is there we haven't found anything about the saiyans since we came here," I pointed out.

After leaving earth I wanted to keep a low profile to figure out how other races saw saiyans but it turns out I didn't need to worry as no one had ever heard of them.

'Turns out the Universe is a big place who would have guessed?' I thought and just as I returned to reality did I notice bulma was now really close to my face "ah something on my face?" I asked trying to keep eye contact.

After a few moments of being stuck like that, she sighed and moved away "fine well do the tournament besides for you it should be a landslide and a lot of credits maybe we can get an actual ship," she said getting up and stretching 'seriously right in front of me!?!' I thought.

She went to the empty side and after pressing a few buttons on the console and her living quarters came out of the wall and walls separating the rooms appeared.

'God I need to get myself together come on she's basically your sister' I thought trying to calm my body down breathing in and out.

Ever since coming into space bulma had been teasing me none stop I had to start putting up the wall when I train using the gravity chamber because I would become aware of Bulma starting causing my instinct to haywire but I have no idea why.

'Is this just a puberty thing for saiyans or maybe an Lssj thing or it's just being a powerful male next to a hot girl,' I thought trying to clear my mind but the thoughts just kept coming.

I don't remember Goku or Vegeta ever having this problem but to be fair Goku didn't even know what marriage was when he was a teen and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Vegeta had some alien bastard children around the galaxy.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder I looked to see Bulma wearing her Namek arc outfit "So this tournament is in 13 day's if we leave now we'll arrive a day ahead of schedule," she said and I nodded.

"Alright looks like we have a plan win the tournament and see if we can find any information about the Saiyan race," I said feeling the early excitement of space travel reemerge inside me.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


