
章 6: Four Years Later

The four years Ethan spent preparing for his journey were marked by intense, solitary training and meticulous experimentation.

While most of his peers focused solely on battles and collecting badges, Ethan delved deep into the often overlooked aspects of Pokémon care –

particularly nutrition and well-being.Ethan's obsession with Pokémon food began shortly after he received his Eevee from Professor Oak.

He understood that proper nutrition could significantly enhance a Pokémon's performance, health, and even temperament.

With access to the Professor's extensive library and lab, Ethan immersed himself in studying the dietary needs of different Pokémon species.

A Study in Pokémon FoodEthan began by gathering ingredients from the forests and fields around Pallet Town.

He meticulously documented each plant, berry, and herb, noting their properties and potential effects on Pokémon.

His evenings were spent in the lab, grinding, mixing, and testing various combinations.Eevee became his willing test subject, eagerly sampling the different recipes Ethan concocted.

Some mixtures boosted Eevee's energy, while others enhanced its agility or fortified its defenses.

Through trial and error, Ethan discovered the precise blends that optimized Eevee's abilities without adverse effects.

"Eevee, how about this one?" Ethan said, holding out a small bowl of a new mixture.

"Eevee~!" Eevee chirped, hopping onto the table to sniff the bowl. It took a cautious bite and then its eyes lit up.

"You like it?" Ethan asked, smiling.

"Eevee, eevee!" Eevee nodded enthusiastically, finishing the bowl quickly.

One memorable experiment involved using Sitrus Berries for their restorative properties. Ethan combined them with Leppa Berries, which helped restore a Pokémon's Stamina Quickly.

He carefully balanced the flavors and nutrients, creating a blend that both tasted good and provided significant benefits.

Eevee's performance in practice battles improved noticeably, reinforcing Ethan's belief in the power of nutrition.

Despite the successes, Ethan kept his findings to himself, preferring the solitude of his work over the attention it might bring.

Only Eevee knew the full extent of his dedication and the improvements that came from their unique diet.

Inspired by his success with Pokémon food, Ethan turned his attention to Pokéblocks –

concentrated treats designed to enhance specific traits in Pokémon.

He researched traditional recipes and then began experimenting with variations, adjusting the ratios and ingredients to create superior blocks.

Ethan's process was methodical. He tested each batch on different Pokémon, meticulously recording the outcomes.

He observed how certain berries influenced a Pokémon's condition, beauty, or intelligence.

His goal was to create Pokéblocks that not only enhanced a Pokémon's attributes but also provided a balanced nutritional boost.

"Eevee, let's try this new batch," Ethan said, holding out a brightly colored Pokéblock.

"Eevee~," Eevee responded, taking the Pokéblock gingerly in its paws and nibbling on it. Its eyes widened with delight as it savored the treat.

"Good, huh?" Ethan chuckled, watching Eevee's reaction.

"Eevee, eevee!" Eevee nodded, licking its lips.

One particularly challenging project was developing a Pokéblock that could simultaneously enhance multiple traits.

After countless trials, he formulated a unique blend that improved Eevee's speed and special defense without sacrificing flavor or nutritional value.

The breakthrough came after incorporating Chesto Berries, known for their resilience-boosting properties, and Lum Berries, which aided in overall health.

"Eevee, try this one," Ethan said, offering a newly crafted Pokéblock.

"Eevee~," Eevee responded, eagerly nibbling on the treat. Its fur seemed shinier, and its movements became more fluid.Again, Ethan kept his work under wraps.

To his classmates and even to Professor Oak, Ethan appeared to be an introverted, diligent student, not revealing the extent of his expertise and the countless hours spent perfecting his techniques.

Nutrition was only one part of Ethan's comprehensive approach to Pokémon care. He also delved into physical conditioning techniques, including Pokémon massage.

He learned that proper massage techniques could relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and accelerate recovery after battles.

Ethan studied anatomy charts and practiced on Eevee, refining his touch to target specific muscle groups and pressure points.

He observed how Eevee's performance improved with regular massages, becoming more agile and resilient.

This holistic approach ensured that Eevee was not only physically fit but also mentally focused and emotionally balanced

."Eevee, time for your massage," Ethan said, patting a soft cushion on the table.

"Eevee~," Eevee said happily, jumping onto the cushion and lying down.Ethan began with gentle strokes along Eevee's back, feeling the tension melt away under his fingers.

"You like that, Eevee?"

"Eevee, eevee," Eevee murmured, eyes half-closed in contentment.

One day, Ethan observed a noticeable stiffness in Eevee's hind legs after a particularly intense training session.

He decided to try a massage technique he had read about, which focused on deep tissue relaxation.

Using gentle yet firm strokes, he worked on Eevee's muscles, carefully monitoring its reactions.

By the end of the session, Eevee seemed rejuvenated, its movements fluid and free of discomfort.

"Eevee~," cooed Eevee, stretching comfortably after the massage

Ethan had developed a reputation, albeit a quiet one, as a master of Pokémon nutrition and care – at least in the eyes of his Eevee.

His recipes and techniques were unmatched, the results evident in Eevee's exceptional condition.

Yet, he preferred to keep his skills a secret, focusing on his personal growth and the bond with his Pokémon.Ethan knew that these skills would be his greatest asset as he embarked on his journey.

While battles and badges were important, the true strength of a Pokémon Trainer lay in understanding and nurturing the bond with their Pokémon.

This bond, built on trust, care, and mutual respect, was what Ethan valued most.

"Eevee, are you ready for our big adventure?" Ethan asked, kneeling down to look Eevee in the eyes.

"Eevee~!" Eevee replied, hopping up onto Ethan's shoulder.

The final day of school was buzzing with excitement and anticipation.

For most students, it was a time to celebrate, but for Ethan, it was a day of mixed emotions.

He was set to begin his journey one month earlier than his friends, a decision influenced by his extensive preparation and his desire to carve his own path.

During the lunch break, Ethan found a quiet spot under a large oak tree, away from the clamor of the schoolyard.

He was soon joined by his closest friends: Gary, Ash, Green, and Pink.

Gary, always the first to speak his mind, sat down beside Ethan. "So, you're really leaving early, huh?"

Ethan nodded, his gaze steady. He wasn't one for lengthy conversations, preferring to let his actions speak for him.

Ash, never one to hide his feelings, looked a bit disappointed but quickly masked it with a smile.

"Well, we're going to miss you, Ethan. But I know you'll do great out there. We can always keep in touch the old-fashioned way."

Green and Pink exchanged glances, their expressions mirroring a mixture of sadness and understanding.

They had spent four years with Ethan, getting to know his quieter nature and his deep dedication to his goals.

"Take care of yourself out there, Ethan," Green said softly, her words carrying more weight than she could express.

Ethan nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. He appreciated their concern, even if he didn't always show it.

With that, Ethan and his friends spent the rest of the lunch break reminiscing about their time together and making plans for the future.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, they exchanged heartfelt goodbyes and promises to stay in touch.

As Ethan walked away, Eevee by his side, he felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


