87.5% The Rejected Soul / Chapter 6: Chapter Six: First Day

章 6: Chapter Six: First Day

Dark Souls 2 is SUCH an amazingly designed game, U'know? I mean who looks at an area and says, Ya know what this place is missing? Poison-shooting statues that cover the entire area's edge, from head to toe. Not like the player has already gone through a poison-filled area. ᇂ_ᇂ


Mael gazed around his room with an approving nod, having finally settled in. A faint smile played on his lips as he realized the perk of being a one-man team – no need to share the room with anyone else.

"It's a bit small," he remarked, running a hand along the pristine white sheets of the bed. The room, while small, had a certain charm to it. Certainly more spacious than some of the hospital rooms, besides it wasn't like he had a lot of stuff anyway. 

He turned to the mirror, looking at the school uniform outfitted to him. The sleek black suit was accented with gold trim, and paired with a crisp blue vest. He wore a bright red tie that felt tight around his neck - he never liked ties too restricting for his taste. 

"Whatcha got fashion guru?" Mael asked, raising his arms out questionably. Sticking a pose for the bird, like he is a French girl being painted. "It suit me?"

The crow cocked his head to the side, appraising Mael's appearance. "Not bad, not bad," he conceded, though he still had a grinning gleam in his eyes. "You'll be the best-looking hobo out there."

"You're so funny Cayde" Mael rolled his eyes, reaching up to loosen the red silk tie. "Ugh, I never did like these things," he grumbled, the fabric feeling too restrictive around his neck. "Always make me feel like I'm being strangled."

"Lose the tie, then" the crow squawked, hopping closer and eyeing the fabric with disdain. "Bowties are where it's at. You'll look much sharper."

He shot Cayde an unamused look, his fingers already moving to loosen the tie. "Not a chance, Cayde," he retorted, the fabric slipping through his fingers. He felt a sense of relief, as the tie fell. "There, that's better," 

He knew he should probably care more about the dress code, but in the end, Mael couldn't be bothered. If he was going to be Ozpin's one-man team, he might as well stand out. After all, the main character's gotta stand out. 

As Mael glanced at the clock, the hands pointed to 8:30. With nothing else to do in his dorm, he shrugged, before turning to leave for his nine o'clock class. "Come on, Cayde, we might as well head out," Mael said, adjusting the collar of his uniform as he made his way out of the dorm. The crow perched on his shoulder, letting out a caw.

The one-man team walked around campus, leisurely as he talked with his crow friend. Their leisurely turned soar as Cayde had to bring up a forbidden topic: Pineapple on pizza. 

"What do you mean, 'abomination'?" the crow squawked. "Pineapple belongs on pizza, It's a heavenly combination!" 

"You wouldn't even know!" Mael exclaimed as looked at the bird, his face painted with contempt. "You've even had regular pizza before! You can't even eat!"

"I can just tell," The bird said with a smug look on his face, matching snobby levels comparable to Weiss. Mael could only look at the bird with an open mouth, appalled by the claim. 

Before Mael could retort to the outrageous claim from the bird, he suddenly, felt himself bump into something – or someone.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" she snapped, her brows furrowing behind the tinted lenses. Mael blinked, his gaze falling on a brown-haired woman wearing dark sunglasses.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," he apologized, with a half-hearted grin. The woman opened her mouth to continue her reprimand, but then she paused, her eyes widening as she pulled her sunglasses down slightly. 

"Wait a minute..." she murmured, as she studied Mael. "aren't you a sight," she murmured, a smile spreading across her face. "You could give Yatsuhashi a run for his money, that's for sure."

Mael furrowed his brow, his gaze sweeping over the woman in confusion. "I'm... sorry, do I know you?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. He couldn't recall ever seeing her before, but there was something oddly familiar about her. 

"Coco Adel, second-year," she introduced herself "And no, I don't believe we've had the pleasure. I gotta say, I'm liking your style, not a bad look with that long hair." The woman flashed him a confident smile, pushing her black sunglasses up onto the bridge of her nose. [Image]

Name: Coco Abel 

Semblance: Hype

Aura Level: 150

Strength: C

Agility: C

Endurance: B

Intelligence: A

Potential: B

Cayde only rolled his eyes, clearing in a disagreement on Mael's hair. "Coco Adel, huh?" he murmured, casting a quick glance at Cayde, who was already eyeing the woman with a hint of suspicion. "Well, it's nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand for a greeting only to be greeted by the open air. 

Suddenly, Coco's hand brushed against the back of his head. "It's so soft," she murmured, her fingers gently caressing the strands. "What conditioner do you use? I need to know the brand." 

"Well- ow" He winced as Coco's hand had accidentally plucked a hair strand out. Cayde let out a furious squawk, flapping his wings in Coco's face. 

Coco's lips curled into a coy smile as she gently twirled the strand of hair between her fingers. "Oops, my bad," she said, her tone dripping with feigned innocence. "I didn't mean to pull it out, I was just... admiring it, you know?" She didn't sound fully convincing 

He slowly nodded, as he took a slight step back, not fully believing her. Coco, on the other hand, was already envisioning different styles she could create with Mael's soft hair. "Have you ever considered trying out a messy bun? Or maybe a sleek, pulled-back look? I bet it would look stunning." she mused, her gaze sweeping over Mael's form.

Cayde, however, was having none of it, his feathers ruffled in irritation. He was Mael's resident stylist, not this fashion-obsessed harpy. "That's how I know you have horrible taste! sleek back?! What is this the 90s!?"

Mael couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Coco's enthusiasm, a bemused smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Well, I appreciate the compliment, Coco," he said, gently patting Cayde's head to calm the agitated crow. "And the style suggestions, though I think I'll stick to my usual look for now."

Coco let out a dramatic sigh, briefly pouting before her lips curved into a coy smile. "Ah, well, suit yourself," she said, waving a hand dismissively. "But if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." With a wink, she turned on her heel and sauntered off, leaving a perplexed Mael and a still-ruffled Cayde in her wake.

"I... don't really but oh well," Mael thought with a shrug, before turning and continuing with his walk. Cayde let out a frustrated caw, flapping his wings in Mael's direction.

"I don't trust her, Mael," the crow grumbled, his eyes narrowed. "There's something fishy going on, I can tell by her sunglasses." 

Mael couldn't help but chuckle, reaching up to gently pat Cayde's head with a smug grin. "Nah, you're just jealous. Are you scared I might go to her for fashion advice?? Hmmm?" He blinked questioning and teasing the crow. 

Meanwhile, Coco made her way across the Beacon campus, she discreetly slipped the strands of Mael's hair into a small pouch hidden within her jacket. Her steps quickened as she approached a familiar figure who stood waiting, sipping a steaming cup of coffee.

Coco and the man, Professor Ozpin, exchanged a silent nod before she presented the pouch to him. "Here you go, sir," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just as you asked."

Ozpin accepted the pouch with a solemn nod, his gaze never leaving the crowd of students running by clearly late for class. "Excellent work, Miss Adel," he murmured, pulling an unmarked envelope from the inside of his coat and handing it to her. "I trust this will suffice?"

Coco's lips curled into a triumphant smile as she accepted the envelope, feeling the weight of the money. "More than enough, Professor," she replied, tucking the envelope safely away. "It's been a pleasure doing business with you."

The two then parted ways, neither one daring to look back as they disappeared into the bustling crowds of Beacon, leaving the mysterious transaction in their wake.


Striding into class with five minutes to spare, Mael was greeted by the boisterous voice of his professor. "Ah, Mr.Quinn! Right on time, I see," the mustachioed professor exclaimed, a hearty laugh rumbling in his chest. "I am Professor Port, I'll be teaching this class on Grimm. And speaking of which, might I add that your display of strength and strategy during the initiation was quite remarkable!"

Professor Port stroked his impressive mustache, "I haven't seen such raw strength from someone your age since I was a lad myself!"

"Glad to impress professor." Mael couldn't help but chuckle, nodding his head in acknowledgment. He couldn't help but think that this is what it felt like to be in high school, to be normal, or at least somewhat. 

"My dear boy, you haven't simply impressed me – you've reminded me of my own youth, back when I could toss a Beowolf over my shoulder with not but a thought!" Port let out a hearty laugh, slapping Mael on the back with enough force to make the young man sway slightly

Mael was surprised by the man's sudden strength, he was a lot stronger than he thought. A quick look at the man's stats, and it was easy to tell why.

Name: Peter Port

Semblance: Veteran's Fortitude

Aura Level: 125

Strength: C+++

Agility: C+++

Endurance: B

Intelligence: A+

Potential: D

Without realizing it, Mael listened to the Professor's stories of his upbringing, as he boasted his feats and his talents. The mustache must match the size of the man's ego. After what felt like forever, he finally released Mael from his grasp and ushered him to his seat. "Now, take your seat, and let's see what other wonders you and your fellow students have in store for me today!"

As he finished his words, the classroom door suddenly came crashing down, as a team of four girls fell onto one another accompanied by a chorus of surprised yelps.

"Gah! Ruby, watch where you're going!"

"Eep! Blake, your elbow is in my side!"

"Oof! Yang, get off me!!!!!!"

"Weiss, please stop yelling!"

Mael blinked in surprise as Team RWBY scrambled to their feet and hurried to their seats, faces flushed with embarrassment.

Professor Port let out a hearty laugh, as his mustache jiggled. "Ah, and here we have our first wonder of the day!" he exclaimed, gesturing towards the disheveled team. "Punctuality, my dear students, is a virtue that should not be taken lightly. However, I can't help but admire your... unique approach to making it to class on time."

The members of Team RWBY exchanged sheepish glances, with Ruby offering a meek smile. "Uh, sorry about that, Professor," she said, rubbing the back of her head.

Port chuckled, waving a hand dismissively. "Not to worry, not to worry!" he declared. "Now, then, let's get on to our lesson, shall we?"

Professor Port's booming voice echoed through the classroom as he launched into his lecture. "Monsters, Demons!" he exclaimed, his mustache twitching with excitement. "Creatures of the night, Grimm have many names but I merely refer to them as Prey Ha-ah!"

He was met with an awkward silence... 

As the professor's lecture began, Yang, who was seated next to Mael, leaned in close, a sly grin on her face. "So, Mael," she purred, her voice barely above a whisper. "As a one-man team, does that mean you get a dorm all to yourself?" She batted her eyelashes, a coy smile playing on her lips.

Mael glanced at Yang, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Mhmm, as a matter of fact, it does," he replied "Plenty of... privacy."

Yang's grin widened, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Maybe you could give me a tour sometime and show me around your private little dorm"

"I'd be more than happy to," he said, his voice low. "Though, I can be a bit of a... demanding host."

Before Yang could respond, a loud sigh from the seat in front of them drew their attention. Weiss was glaring back at them, her brow furrowed in annoyance. But her gaze soon shifted to Ruby, who was struggling to keep her eyes open, her head bobbing precariously.

The heiress let out an exasperated sigh, leaning over to jab Ruby in the ribs. "Ruby, for goodness sake, at least try to look like you're paying attention," she hissed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ruby jolted upright, her eyes wide and her expression sheepish. "Huh? What? Oh, right, the Grimm," she stammered, hastily straightening in her seat.

"And so, my young students, the Beowolf using its keen senses to track its prey, stalked me, with the patience and grace of a true predator!" Port declared, his voice booming through the lecture hall.

Yang giggled softly, "Sounds like someone else I know who's good at stalking his prey," she murmured, her hand "accidentally" brushing against Mael's thigh.

"Is that so?" he murmured back. "Well, then, I suppose we'll have to put those skills to the test, won't we?"

As the flirtatious exchange continued, Weiss gritted her teeth, her fingers drumming against the surface of her desk. She glanced over at Ruby, who had tried drawing to keep herself awake.

Weiss huffed, shaking her head in exasperation, before turning her attention back to the front of the classroom, her gaze occasionally drifting towards Mael and Yang, her lips pressed into a thin line.

As Professor Port continued his lecture, regaling the class with tales of his younger, more adventurous days, Ruby struggled to keep her eyes open. In a feeble attempt to stay alert, Ruby began doodling in her notebook, drawing a fatter and rounder Professor Port. Weiss's teeth gritted in annoyance. 

"Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was quite wise... Yap Yap Yap" Ruby attempted to balance a book on the tip of her pencil much to the dismay of Weiss and the amazement of the rest of the team. 

Weiss, seated next to Ruby, watched the younger girl's antics with growing irritation. Her brow furrowed deeper with each passing moment, her fingers drumming restlessly on the desk. Especially as she heard the flirting going on behind her. 

"Honesty, strategy, and wisdom," Port declared, his chest puffed out with pride. "These are the hallmarks of a true Huntsman, my students. And I ask you, who among you believe themselves worthy of such a noble calling?"

Reaching the boiling point, Weiss's anger thawed and her hand shot up. "I do, Professor!" she exclaimed, her voice cutting through the momentary silence

Professor Port's bushy eyebrows rose in surprise, but a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Well, then, let's find out, shall we?" he said, gesturing towards a large cage in the corner of the room.

The cage contained a restless Grimm, its red eyes gleaming menacingly. "Step right up, Miss Schnee," Port said, "and face your opponent."

Without a word, she left the room to change into her combat attire, ready to prove her worth as a Huntress. The rest of the class watched in anticipation, the air thick with tension. Yang and Mael's flirtatious exchange had been momentarily forgotten, as all eyes turned towards the cage, waiting to see what Weiss would do.

Weiss walts back into the class, now clad in her combat attire – her pristine white jacket and skirt, her rapier gleaming in her hand. She stood before the growling Grimm cage, her posture straight and stiff. She seemed more ridged than before. 

Team RWBY erupted into cheers, with Ruby and Yang pumping their fists in the air and Blake waving a Team RWBY flag. 

"Go, Weiss!"

"Fight well!"

"Yeah, repertsent Team RWBY!"

Weiss only responded by shaping at Ruby, "Will you be quiet?" she snapped. "I'm trying to focus here."

Mael, sitting beside Yang, let out a loud boo, drawing a withering glare from Weiss. She rolled her eyes in exasperation before turning her attention back to the cage.

Professor Port stepped forward, his weapon in hand. With a swing, he brought the butt of the weapon crashing down on the cage, the metal bars rattling as the Grimm inside let out a ferocious roar. The Boarbatusks charged out of the cage, aim for the first person it saw: Weiss. 

Sidestepped the charging Boarbatusk, she swung her rapier trying to slice through the thick, white armor-like skin of the Grimm. The Boarbatusk let out a loud snort, its momentum carrying it forward as it struggled to regain its footing.

Professor Port let out a booming laugh. "You weren't expecting that, were you?" he said, his mustache twitching with amusement.

"Hang in there, Weiss!" Ruby called out, her voice laced with concern.

Ignoring her teammate's encouragement, Weiss charged forward, her rapier poised to strike. But as she lunged, the Boarbatusk's tusk caught the blade, wrenching the weapon from her grip and sending Weiss tumbling to the side.

"Show it who's boss, Weiss!" Ruby shouted, her eyes shining with determination.

"Ah, a bold approach!" Port commented, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

The Boarbatusk tossed Weiss's rapier aside, leaving the Heiress unarmed and facing the enraged Grimm. Weiss's eyes widened as she realized her predicament, and she quickly scrambled to her feet, searching for a way to regain the upper hand.

The Boarbatusk charged at Weiss, its hooves thundering against the floor. Thinking quickly, Weiss rolled out of the way, allowing the Grimm to slam into a nearby desk, losing its footing.

Seizing the opportunity, Weiss sprinted towards her discarded rapier, sliding across the floor and scooping up the weapon. "Go for its belly, Weiss!" Ruby called out, her voice filled with concern. "There's no armor there!"

Weiss whirled around, her eyes flashing with annoyance. "Will you stop telling me what to do?" she snapped.

The Boarbatusk, having regained its footing, curled itself into a ball and charged at Weiss, its spinning form a blur of white and black.

Weiss acted quickly, summoning a series of glyphs to block the Grimm's attack. The Boarbatusk ricocheted off the glyphs, landing on its back with a heavy thud.

Without hesitation, Weiss used her semblance to launch herself forward, her rapier poised for the kill. With a swift, precise thrust, she plunged the blade into the Boarbatusk's exposed belly, the Grimm's pained squeals filling the room.

Professor Port stepped forward, a proud smile on his face. "Excellent work, Miss Schnee," he said. "We are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress."

Weiss straightened her shoulders, a hint of a satisfied smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Well done, everyone," Professor Port announced, addressing the class. "That's all for today. Remember to complete the assigned readings and stay vigilant. You never know when the next threat may arise."

As Professor Port dismissed the class, Weiss shot a glare at Ruby, her brow furrowed in frustration. Without a word, she turned on her heel and stomped out of the classroom. "For someone so cold, she's got a short fuse." 

Ruby shot Mael a troubled look, then hurried to catch up with her teammate. "Weiss, wait!" she called, her voice echoing in the hallway.

Only moments later, Weiss's voice could be heard yelling in the hallway. Yang quickly left, feeling bad for her sister. That left Blake and Mael alone in the now-empty classroom, the former casting a sidelong glance at the latter, her expression unreadable.

"Well, this should be interesting," Mael said, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest. Blake simply sighed, already dreading the confrontation that was unfolding outside.


I didn't mean to miss Friday's chapter, but being an adult is hard man + I had to show the Old Iron King my Iron rod so

Anyway, pretty obvious I'm leaning toward Weiss's pairing at the moment, but Blake is quickly catching up so anything can happen. Voting will be open until the end of Vol 1.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


