What does she mean by that? Why is she sorry? For what?
I'm pacing back and forth. I can't forget what Grandma said. I'm waiting for the physician to inform me about Grandma's condition.
As soon as I saw them step out of the room. I quickly approached them.
"How is she? Why did she suddenly faint?"
"Well since she's not eating any food. Her blood sugar levels dropped which resulted in a sudden bout of dizziness causing her to faint"
"If she continues not to eat, she can have slurred speech, confusion, fainting, and what's even worst, she can have a seizure. For now, she's okay, we injected a dextrose," he added.
"Thank you doc"
Since visiting hours are over. I went home. The nurse said that she will inform me about Grandma's condition through text.
I decided to stop by the grocery store before going home. So mom would scold me less because I brought groceries hehe.
I got a big push cart and proceed to the meat section first. I can't choose what to get because the color of the meat is different. I don't know if it's fresh or not.
"You should get this one. It's fresh" I glanced at who it was. It was the guy I saw in the village when I was strolling.
He smelled the packed meat. "Here"
"I didn't ask for your help"
"Well you don't want to have an upset stomach do you? " I took the meat he handed.
"Do you only need one pack?" he asked
I left him there and went next to the vegetables. I just put whatever vegetables I see in the cart. They won't sell it if it's not fresh right?
"Uhhh don't buy a veggie that is bruised and damaged. Also, give it a light squeeze and smell it. Also, pick the vibrant and colorful one" It's him again.
" Are you following me?" he just chuckled at my question.
"No, It just so happened that I'm going to buy veggies too," he said.
"Let me help you"
One by one, he replaced the fruits and veggies that I took. Well, he looked like he knows what he was doing so I let him.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't amazed. I'm a woman but I don't know anything about that.
Now that I'm looking at him now. I noticed that he was good-looking. I didn't glimpse at his face when I first met him.
His hair was Achilles-gold and coiffed to perfection. His eyes had the same startling clarity as a mountain stream and the lineaments of his face were in perfect proportion to each other.
He seemed molded from a different cast as he had an androgynous look uncommon to most people. His mountain peak cheekbones appeared chiseled into shape by a master craftsman. They were of such sharp contours, it looked as if they were sculpted and paired to perfection. With eyes as bright and spellbinding as lode stars, they switch all those who fell under his steady gaze. They were a sparkle with mirth and shone like two eternity-blue jewels enwrought in snow.
I snapped back when I notice his hands waiving at my face.
"Are you okay? You've been staring at me for a long time"
"Huh? I..i-i'm not staring at you! I was...I was daydreaming!" what the f am I saying? Daydreaming? In the grocery store? Funny Becca!
"About me?" I saw him smirking.
"No!" I quickly left there and went to the counter. I even heard him laughing as I walked away. Gosh! That's embarrassing! Did I just gape at him? And why did I describe his looks that way? I can just simply say he's handsome.
"Hey wait up!" he said following me.
"Stop following me!"
After I paid, I went straight to the car. I don't want to see him again. I'm still ashamed.
I was putting the bags in the trunk when I spotted him walking towards me. Seriously what's wrong with this man? Why can't he just leave me alone?
"I'll help you put those in the trunk. The other bags are heavy" Well, it is indeed heavy for me.
He closed the trunk when he finished putting the bags.
"Thank you," I said.
"Ahmm, can you tell me your name now?" he said. Is that a new reply to saying thank you? Well, he does help me a lot today.
"Rebecca" I saw his cheeks reddened a bit. Did he just blush? Cute
"Rebecca....what a lovely name. I'm Zayne by the way" he offered his hand for a handshake so I accepted it.
I got into the car and started it. He just stood on the side watching me drive away. He's nice but a little bit weird.
"Why did you buy a lot of groceries? We still have plenty" Mom asked.
"Well I happened to pass by the grocery store so I decided to shop"
"Still, this is a lot, sweetie"
"They have a lot of fresh fruits there so I bought a bunch"
She smelled the fruits and squeeze them a little. Just like what that guy Zayne did.
"It smells sweet. You said you don't know how to choose the fresh ones?" Mom asked
"Someone helped me, Mom," I said.
"A stranger"
Hi, is someone reading my story? Can you please leave a comment so that I know that you are reading? It will be a big help to me in boosting my confidence in writing and in wanting to update more.
I'm new here in we novel so I'll gladly take any suggestions. And if I have a wrong grammar please do let me know. Thank you.
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