
A New Flame

Eldengard, once a beacon of light and hope, had become a grim testament to humanity's struggle. The city, now the last bastion against the Xenos, bore the scars of a four-year war. Its steel walls, once gleaming and impenetrable, were now dented and punctured, testaments to relentless alien assaults.

The great Iron Gate, a marvel of engineering that had stood for centuries, lay broken and useless. The once vibrant sky, a canvas of endless blue, was choked by an eternal gray shroud, a constant reminder of the devastation wrought by the invaders. The green landscapes that had cradled Eldengard were a distant memory, replaced by the scorched and ravaged battlefields that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Yet, a sliver of hope remained. As long as Aionos, the fourteen-foot titan who wielded a blade that brought doom to the Xenos, still stood, Eldengard held its breath, its citizens clinging to the belief that their hero would shield them from oblivion.

Aionos stood in front of the broken gate, awaiting whatever dangers might befall the already grim city. Aionos has now fully matured, he felt that he wouldn't be growing any larger. The city now stands on it's last leg, fragile as it could be.

Aionos knew, this day would be the day this city falls. But he wouldn't give up on protecting it, it was after all his home of 4 years now. It was the least he could do.

And his thoughts held true, as with his enhanced eyes he saw, the largest army of Tyranids he has ever encountered. Millions of them could be seen, multiple Hive Tyrants were also present.

Aionos tightened his grip on his blade. The sword he was wielding was something he created himself, with his limited resources he managed to create a blade that could rival even Power Swords. His flame ignited with flame as he held the pendant that was on his neck, it was something Lily made for him.

"Ah, Lily should be 12 now." Aionos remembered the girls age, she and the rest of the citizens were currently positioned inside the cities bunker. There they should be safe.

As the Tyranids approached, Aionos looked at the sky, the brilliant blue was nowhere to be found. Only a gray shroud. Aionos was saddened as he loved it's beauty, now it was lost.

Aionos dashed towards the Tyranids as his psychic energy flared, his connection to the Warp grew as explosions rang out in the battlefield. The explosions were great enough to decimate tens of thousands of Tyranids with each explosions, the explosions caused by Aionos performing spells.

Each swing of Aionos's sword killed dozens of Tyranids, their attacks not even reaching him as a barrier was around him 24/7.

Aionos roared as he slaughtered through the Xenos, hours passed. Only Hive Tyrants were left on the battlefield but they were all on the ground as their connection to the Tyranids on the battlefield went off, so Aionos managed to kill them with a single swipe of his blade.

Aionos rushed towards the city, reaching the Bunker in mere seconds. What met his eyes were countless Tyranid corpses, as well as human corpses.

He walked towards the entrance of the bunker, the entrance was breached. When he entered the smell of blood and corpses entered his nose. He walked as he viewed the mountain of corpses of the Humans.

Aionos killed the remaining Tyranids in the bunker before reaching the final corridor, he tore down the door that was already broken that served as the final wall.

There he saw several corpses of the elderly, and the children. He walked towards a particular pair.

He kneeled down as he reached the corpses of Lily and her mother. Lily's mother had her lower half missing, guts and blood still flowing out of her body. Despite that she still had Lily in her arms.

Lily had half of her head missing, brain matter flowing out of her skull, her body was a mangled mess.

Aionos felt his heart ache, he touched the other half of Lily's face before reaching down to pick up a piece of bloodied paper.

A drawing of a man carrying a girl and raising his sword could be seen, at the side words could still be read. "Humanities Hero, Mister Gentle Giant!" Aionos grit his teeth, his hand clenched, clumping the bloody piece of paper.

A single tear ran down Aionos's cheek as he stood up and went outside. As he walked and took in the rest of the corpses, he saw familiar faces on them. Chris, had someone held in his arms, he died holding the female officer who flirted with Aionos when he reached this city.

He knew everyone in this bunker, the citizens who revered him as a hero were no more. Only he was left in this god forsaken world.

He took one last look at the entrance of the bunker before he raised a finger. A wisp of purple flame formed on his finger before it reached the entrance of the bunker. A purple flame flared up, it grew stronger and stronger. Before it engulfed even the surroundings.

Aionos, the last ember of humanity in this desolate world, trod the cracked asphalt path of what was once Eldengard. Smoke stung his nostrils, and an unnatural purple fire licked hungrily at the city's remains. This was his city, his heart, protected with every ounce of his being for grueling years.

Now, it was just another casualty in the Xenos' relentless war. Grief, a suffocating weight, threatened to cripple him, but Aionos slammed it down. He wouldn't succumb. In the smoldering ruins, a new vow ignited within him, a vow hotter than the flames that consumed Eldengard. He would wipe the Xenos from existence. Every burning building, every lifeless husk that was once a citizen, fueled his resolve. The fate of humanity, now resting solely on his massive shoulders, spurred him forward.

Once, his eyes, vast and luminous, held the swirling beauty of a distant galaxy – a reflection of the hope and wonder he held for humanity. But now, as the flames danced a macabre waltz across the ruins, a chilling transformation unfolded. The celestial glow within them sputtered and died, replaced by a singular, burning ember. It pulsed with an intensity that rivaled the inferno raging around him. It wasn't the cold, distant fury of vengeance, but a desperate, all-consuming fire – the fire of a man who had lost everything, but whose resolve to destroy the Xenos burned brighter than any star.

He stood at the entrance of Eldengard. Still watching as the purple flame consumed the city. A flash of white flickered behind him, as his eyes that was a burning star changed again, it returned to that once spiraling galaxy, it returned to that calm cycle.

That flash of white formed a wheel, a wheel of white light formed on his back representing his status as the Perfect Being.

He was Aionos the Blank, the God of Void and Limitless Potential. And he swore to liberate this planet of the Tyranids that ravaged it.

"Filthy Xenos.." Aionos's voice, once a rumbling baritone that inspired courage, now scraped like glaciers grinding against rock. It was cold and merciless, a stark contrast to the warmth that used to emanate from him. Innocence, a quality that had somehow persisted through years of war, had finally been extinguished. In its place burned an inferno of rage. A fury fueled by the loss of Eldengard and the unwavering desire to see every last Xenos eradicated from the face of the planet. The hero had hardened, his humanity honed into a singular, unyielding purpose: vengeance.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


