1.51% The Overpowered Gamer (Harry Potter) [Completed] / Chapter 1: The First Gamer
The Overpowered Gamer (Harry Potter) [Completed] The Overpowered Gamer (Harry Potter) [Completed] original

The Overpowered Gamer (Harry Potter) [Completed]

作者: Percypendragon3

© WebNovel

章 1: The First Gamer

Chapter 1: The First Gamer

Harry Potter woke up to find a translucent blue screen hovering in front of his face. A female monotonous voice spoke up inside his head as he sat up.

Congratulations! You are selected to be the first gamer in your world. Please select your race.

[Race] : ?

Harry frowned in confusion, staring at the screen dubiously. What the hell was going on? Was he still sleeping and having some weird dream? Before he could get more confused, the content on the blue screen changed.

Perk Gained:

[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

– Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Grants Immunity to psychological status effects.

Perk Gained:

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

– Grants a body that allows for the user to live real life like a game.

Perk Gained:

[Observe] (Active)

– Provides information on the target.

Suddenly, Harry felt all the confusion and nervousness leaving him as the [Gamer's mind] worked. He quickly accepted that he now possessed a very special power called Gamer Host. He decided to make the best of it. He was fortunate that he was selected to wield such amazing power.

'Let's see what this is about.' he thought calmly as the previous screen popped up again.

[Race] : ?

He clicked on 'Human' since that was the only option.

Race 'Human' selected.

[Class] : ?

There again was only one option. He clicked on 'Mage'.

Class 'Mage' selected.

This is your character sheet. It shows all your stats and special skills. Just think about it to go on this screen.

Character Sheet

Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 10 (0%)

HP: 500 (1 per minute)

MP: 1000 (10 per minute)


[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

Harry nodded to himself and then willed the screen to disappear. Apparently, now he was a gamer, chosen by an omnipotent being for the sake of its amusement and entertainment. Though he was a bit suspicious about it. Was it god or something? Whatever, thinking about it won't help. Still, he wasn't going to look in the gift horse's mouth.

He let out a small bashful smile when he realised he hadn't played many games in his life. He was quite inexperienced. At least he knew one has to level up and finish quests in games. Right?

'What is your name? What is the purpose of this game?' he thought, hoping that the weird voice would answer him.

My name is Isis and the purpose of this game is... nothing. The creator is just trying something new. You are free to use this system however you want.

'Eh, okay. Thank you Isis. I should start levelling up, shouldn't I? Also, are you going to give me quests?'

Yes, you should start becoming stronger. I will be a total waste if you just ignored it all and went back to your normal life. And yes to your second question too. I will give quests when some specific events are triggered.

'Okay. I should get up for my usual morning run or else mum will brand me as lazy.' Harry thought to himself.


– Run 2 kilometres without any break.


– Perk [Peak Body]

It makes your body fittest and healthiest.

Harry grinned excitedly as he received his first quest. He quickly changed into his jogging clothes and went out of his room. He entered the living room to find his mother waiting for him.

"Good morning, mum." Harry said, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning, sweetie. Let's go." she answered with a smile, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the Potter Manor. She was wearing her exercise clothes. A pair of pink yoga pants and a tank top.

Harry had started going out running with her since he turned 9, which was just last year. He saw how good the daily exercise made her look. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Maybe he was a bit biased but whatever. She really was that beautiful. She barely had any fat around her stomach and her body would put a model to shame. And all it took was just a little jogging for her.

It was a bit embarrassing to say it out loud but he too wanted to look good like his mother.

He used [Observe] on her.

Name: Lily Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 51

HP: 2550

MP: 5100

Affection: 100

Obedience: 10

Thoughts about you: Love, Pride

'Wow, mum is strong and she really loves me and is proud of me.' he thought, his cheeks warming it. It was one thing to frequently hear her say that she was proud of him and another to finally see proof of that. He squeezed her hand happily. She gave him an amused look and squeezed his hand back.

"We will run on the regular path." she said, stopping in front of the entrance of a small forest which lay behind the manor. A well trodden path led into the forest. The path then went deep inside the forest and curved around until it opened again on the western side of the Potter Manor. The distance was approximately 5 km long.

"Yes, mum." he agreed.

"And don't try too hard. I am already proud of you that you wake up early every morning to give me company. I don't want you to pass from exhaustion because you wanted to impress me." she smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Sure, mum." he replied, pushing her hand away from his messy hair. His bed hair was bad enough and he didn't need her help to look like Medusa.

"Let's start." she said and ran inside the forest at a sedate pace. Harry followed her and kept up with her. He hoped that jogging counted as running, otherwise his first quest was doomed to fail.

Jogging is counted as Running, Harry. You don't need to worry.

'Thanks, Isis.'

"Are you excited about your 10th birthday party?" Lily asked, turning her head to the side as they kept running.

"Yes. It will be good to see all of my friends again." Harry answered with a soft smile. He wanted to see Neville, Daphne, little Astoria and Tracey too.

"I am glad. Look forward to receiving my gift. I am planning something very special for you." she said with a secretive smile.

"I will." he grinned back.

At one time, the Gamer screen popped up, announcing his success of the quest. He closed it quickly, deciding to check it when he reached home.

They stopped in the middle of the forest to take a much needed break. Lily and Harry both panted as they leaned forward, putting their hands on their knees. They then walked to a broken trunk of a tree and sat on it.

Harry thought of revealing this new gaming thing he woke up with to his mother. She was an adult and far more experienced than him. She might be able to help him. And it wasn't impossible that she might be a gaming nerd. Probably.

You are forbidden from doing that, Harry.

'Oh, I guess I can't then.' he frowned, not putting up much fight against the order.

He looked up when his mother put her hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, love. It's time to go."

He nodded and they again went off.



– Run 2 kilometres without any break.



Perk Gained:

[Peak Body] (Passive)

– It makes your body fittest and healthiest.

Harry stood naked in the bathroom, in front of a full mirror, marvelling at his improved physique. He was taller now by a couple of inches. His shoulders were a bit broader too. He still looked like a child. Just a very fit and healthy child. He also didn't need his glasses anymore. It seemed since he gained this new perk, his vision had corrected.

And finally, Harry realised how broken this game was. He now had a perfect body(for a 9 year old) just because he jogged 2 kilometres. He let out an excited laugh.

Unaware of him, the bathroom door opened, his twin sister Iris entered and froze on her spot, her mouth agape as she stared at her naked brother.

"Fear me, everyone. There's no need to wonder where your god is! 'Cause he's right here! And he's fresh out of mercy!" he chuckled, recalling this line from somewhere.

"Mum, Harry is acting weird!" his twin sister yelled loudly and ran out of the bathroom, her cheeks red from accidently seeing his pp.

'Eh...when did she come here? Whatever! I was busy laughing.'

'Isis, is there any other way to get powerful quickly?'

Yes. It is an optional part of the game. You can choose two flaws for your character and the system will give you two extra perks for that. Would you like to spin?

'Why not?' Harry shrugged and clicked on 'Spin'.

Trait Gained:


– You are a cold and calculating son of a bitch who would not blink an eye while lying to others or backstabbing newborn puppies if it means that you can achieve your goals.

'That's cool, right? I always hated how morally uptight Batman is. Only if he had the nerve to end the villains quickly then so many casualties could have been avoided.' he thought, trying to put a positive spin on this flaw.

Perk Gained:

[Skill Create] (Active)

– It gives you the power to create skills if you have enough imagination to make it work.


– Make 5 new skills.


– 1000 XP.

'Wow! I can make my own skills. My own superpowers. Flying, invisibility, laser eyes, I am coming for you.'

Would you like to spin one last time?

'Sure!' Harry thought and pressed the spin button.

Trait Gained:


– You are incarnate of Lust. Be drawn to opposite sex and sexual acts.

This trait will start acting when you turn 13.

'Eh? Whatever. I will leave this to the future me. He can deal with it.'

Perk Gained:

[Teleportation] (Active)

– Gives you the power to instantly travel from one place to another.

Note: You must know the place you are hoping to travel to or at least have a clear image of it.

'TELEPORTATION! Talk about super cool powers.' Harry was overjoyed as he now knew how to use teleportation.

"Harry! Why are you taking so much time in the bathroom? Are you alright? Iris is yelling gibberish down here."

"I am fine, mum. I will be down in the kitchen in a minute." Harry yelled back, hurrying up to his bedroom.

'Why not try it now?' Harry thought with a grin and teleported directly to his bedroom.

'It is way better than Apparition or side-apparition.' Harry smirked as he landed inside his room without the usual vertigo attached to side-apparition.


"Harry, what happened to you? Where are your glasses?" Lily asked as he sat at the breakfast table. She was mesmerised by the change. His body was now taller and fitter than it was just an hour ago. And he looked so cute without the glasses, not that he wasn't cute with the glasses. But now he was just too cute. Then again, for her, Harry and Iris were the most beautiful beings on earth.

"I had a growth spurt. And my eyes got cured by... magic." he smiled weakly. Iris snorted a laugh while Lily just gave him a suspicious look.

"Harry?" she started seriously, her voice full of worry.

"To be honest, I really don't know what happened to my body." Harry lied, matching her stare. Lily sighed and nodded.

"Okay. We will go to Saint Mungo's to see if there is any problem." She announced sternly. Harry's brows furrowed in consternation.

'Will the healer be able to know about you, Isis?'

No. There is no power greater than the Creator's. No one other than you will ever know about me.

"If that's what you want, mum." Harry agreed with his mother, now relieved that Isis was well hidden.

"And Iris, why are you blushing?" Lily questioned her daughter curiously.

"What? No, nothing happened. I didn't see Harry's pp in the bathroom. Honest." Iris babbled quickly, her cheeks red as tomato. Lily's lips twitched in amusement. She wasn't sure whether she should laugh or reprimand her for entering the bathroom without knocking.

Harry didn't hold back and started laughing, staring at his twin sister. She pouted and turned her head away, pointedly not looking at him.

Name: Iris Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 7

HP: 350

MP: 700

Affection: 70

Obedience: 30

Thoughts about you: Annoyance, Embarrassment, Fondness

After breakfast, Lily took Harry to the hospital, but the healer found nothing wrong in his body. Lily and Harry returned home after that. Lily was still confused about the strange growth, but was relieved that Harry was not in any danger.

"Harry, if you feel sick, even a little bit then immediately come to me. Okay?" she requested, leaning forward and putting her hands on his shoulders. Harry smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

"Yep. You don't need to worry, mum. I am absolutely fine. I am going to my room now."

"Sure. Be back in the living room at noon. Today you and Iris are going to do Maths and English." She said, caressing his hair. Harry nodded and left the living room.


Harry then spent the next couple of hours tinkering with the game and trying to make skills.

Skill Created:

[Ray of Light]

– Sends a concentrated ray of light at the opponent.

10 MP/second for use.

Deals 5 HP/second damage.

Skill Created:

[Death Arrow]

– A black arrow which always pierces the heart of the enemy.

500 MP to use.

Deals 1500 HP damage.

Skill Created:


– Gives the user power to fly without any equipment.

10 MP/minute to use.

Skill Created:


– Create an impervious shield which protects the user from all physical damage.

100 MP/minute to use.

Skill Created:


– Absorbs the remaining HP of defeated enemies, killing them to regain the user's HP.

100 MP to use.


– Make 5 new skills.



– 1000 XP.

Harry beamed in joy as he started on the path to become the strongest being on Earth. He opened the character sheet.

Character Sheet

Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 15 (0%)

HP: 750 (1 per minute)

MP: 1500 (10 per minute)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)


[Ray of Light]

[Death Arrow]




Harry hummed as he plopped down on his bed. He was satisfied with his skills for now. 'Skill Create' was going to be the best feature of this game. It had the power to make him strong too quickly.

You are limited in creating skills. You can use this feature only once every six month from now on. And if the system thinks that the new skill you have created is too absurd then it won't be created.

'Ah! I see. So this feature is not like an unsigned check. Still, it will be too useful even with the limitations. Are there any more limitations on skill creation?'

Yes. A last one. You can only have a total of 20 created skills. You have to delete your old skills to make space for new ones if you have reached the maximum number.

'Okay. 20 is still enough, I guess.'

Harry pondered about his current skills. 'Ray of Light' was the first and the weakest skill he created. It was going to be deleted in the future. At his current level he could use the ray for 150 seconds without any break, dealing 750 HP damage. Whoa! Now that he did the math, it didn't look too weak anymore. But still it wasn't instantaneous. It would take time to inflict that level of damage.

Then there was 'Death Arrow'. His strongest skill. It used 500 MP to deal 1500 HP damage. With his current level, he could cast this spell three times, dealing 4500 HP damage. It was an overpowered skill. He could kill anyone with its one use. But if he used the three 'Death Arrow' then his MP would be 0 and with the recovery rate 10 MP/minute, it would take 150 minutes to fill his MP bar back again. It would take two and half hours to recover all his MP if it hits 0.

The 'Flying' skill was going to be fun.

The 'Shield' was also an important skill. It would protect him from all physical damage. Hmm, he needed to create a skill to protect from all spell damage. Spell damage was more frequent than physical damage in the wizarding world after all.

'Leech' was a dangerous skill. It would take all the remaining HP from the defeated opponent, killing them and filling his own HP bar.

He needed to create a skill which would increase his MP recovery. He needed MPs for all his skills. So if there was no limitation to his MPs then he would be able to use all his skills without any worry.

"Harry! Iris! Come down. It's study time." Lily yelled from downstairs.

'I will practise my new skills later.' he decided and went down for homeschooling where his mother was the teacher for all the subjects.


The four hours in the afternoon passed too slowly for his liking. He loved his mother, he really did, but even she couldn't make the studying easier or enjoyable. Throughout the class, he and Iris made funny faces at each other when Lily's back was turned towards them, trying to make each other laugh.

One scolding later, they resumed studying.

After finishing the class, Harry went back to his room, deciding to verify his powers. Just as he locked the door of his room from inside, he teleported in the forest where he could freely use his powers.

First he tried using his 'Ray of Light'. A golden beam shot from his hand. He also realised that he could use his both hands for it, dealing more damage and using more mana. He pointed his hands to a thick tree. Two beams of light struck the tree, damaging it quickly. He stopped after a couple of seconds.

His 'Death Arrow' was powerful enough to fell the tree in one strike. The trunk of the tree was blasted from its root.

He didn't have anyone to test his 'Shield' and 'Leech' on. So he happily spent his time flying. And even though it wasn't the strongest skill in his repertoire, it was his most favourite. Flying was hard to beat after all.

He couldn't help but let out an excited yell as he rocketed towards the sky, cold winds tried to push him down and yet he persevered. After reaching a certain height, he stopped moving and just hovered in the air. The orange sun in the west, dipping in the horizon, casted a warm light on his face. The chilling winds struck him gently, like the waves of an all powerful sea. His house was just a tiny dot from this distance. He loved this feeling. This freedom, this power.


Isis' monotonous voice woke him up at midnight.


Defeat the three Death Eaters and save Lily Potter and Iris Potter.


– 1000 XP

– 10 obedience with Lily Potter

– 10 affection and 10 obedience with Iris Potter.

– Perk [Inventory]


– Kill the three Death Eaters.


– 3000 XP

– Perk: [Increased HP regeneration]

Harry quickly closed the game window as he heard heavy footsteps nearing his room. If he was the normal Harry of before then he might be scared and confused, but thanks to [Gamer's mind] his brain was working in overdrive to achieve his goals. His cold rage was churning inside him at the thought of someone hurting his mother and sister.

Finally a plan was formed and Harry acted on it. He silently teleported outside his room, to the end of the hallway, giving him enough space to use his weapons.

A man in black robe and white mask, unaware of his presence, was silently advancing towards Harry's room. The man discreetly opened the door.

[Death Arrow]

The black arrow shot at a blinding speed towards the man in the mask. The man didn't even get a chance to scream as his whole heart and lungs were torn out of his body. His body violently splashed against the opposite wall with a sickening crunch.

A normal 9 year old would have thrown up seeing so much gore and blood but Harry wasn't normal. Not anymore. He didn't bother giving the body another glance and quickly ran towards the living room from where the sounds of fighting were coming from. He stood at the threshold of the living room. His eyes widened in surprise and anger.

Iris was lying behind the two death eaters. She was bound and gagged.

"Put your wand down Potter or else your daughter will die a painful death." One of them yelled at her, pointing his wand down at Iris. Lily looked fierce even though she was in her cute pink pyjamas. Her crimson hair was flowing behind her, her green eyes glowed eerily, no sign of fear in them. But she lowered her wand slowly at the threat. Her eyes narrowed and a scowl marred her face.

They all were so focused on each other that Harry's arrival was still unnoticed.

"Don't touch my daughter, scum. And how did you illiterate pieces of shite break the ancient wards of Potter Manor?" she said coldly, an aura of rage surrounding her.

The two death eaters laughed.

"The Crimson Witch still lives." one of them mocked.

"You took our sons from us in the war. You will regret the day you killed them. The wards around this manor were powerful. Too powerful. But not enough to stop our revenge. We will bend you like a whore you are mudblood, we—

Two black arrows shot towards them and killed them instantly, piercing their hearts, raining blood and pieces of flesh in the living room. Harry wasn't patient or tolerant enough to listen to their degrading comments about his mother.

A strange silence enveloped the room after that. Lily stared wide eyed at Harry who was leaning against the doorframe, sporting a grim visage.

"So...why is Iris still bound and gagged?" Harry asked blankly, hiding how angry and scared he was behind his emotionless facade. That broke the spell and Lily quickly freed Iris.

Iris' cheeks were wet with tears as she cried loudly. Lily ran towards them and engulfed both of them in a tight hug, pulling them against her chest as she herself shed tears of relief and grief. All of them were silent for the first five minutes, just pressing each other in a group hug, trying to forget the deathly ordeal, taking comfort in their shared embrace.

"Harry, what was that?" Lily questioned him as they pulled back. Iris was still scared as she attached herself to her mother's side.

"Acting cool. Saving my family. Killing bad people. Which of them?"

"Harry! It's no time for jokes. How did you do whatever that you did just now?" she asked sternly. Harry sighed tiredly, his body was feeling lethargic. All of his mana was spent after using the three [Death Arrows]. It was regenerating but not fast enough.

"I think I am blessed by Mother Magic. I have weird dreams in which a regal lady sometimes teaches me cool things. These black arrows were one of them. And my sudden growth was also because of that." he lied. He had decided to go with this explanation. He knew he was going to continue doing strange things so he needed an excuse. He couldn't make a new lie every time he did something extraordinary. He wished he could tell them the truth, but Isis had made it clear that he couldn't reveal this sensitive information. Lily gave him a suspicious look, but nodded nonetheless.

"We will talk about it later in detail. But for now, you and Iris will sleep with me tonight. And you are not getting out of it. You are still just my little boy." Lily instructed.

"You don't have to bend my arm to sleep beside you and Iris. I will happily do that." Harry said, rolling his eyes.

Lily smiled softly at him and scooped Iris up in her arms. Iris was already fast asleep. Lily carried her towards her room while Harry followed closely behind her.

When they reached the hallway, Lily gave him another half-exasperated and half-confused look when she saw the third body. She stepped over it and continued to her bedroom.

She gently laid Iris on the bed. Harry climbed up and lied beside Iris.

"Sleep now, Harry. We will talk in the morning. In detail. I have to go and floo to the Ministry to inform them of the attack. I will be back soon." She said, kissing his cheek. Harry nodded and watched her leave the room.

He turned on the game screen.


– Defeat the three Death Eaters and save Lily Potter and Iris Potter.



– 1000 XP

– 10 obedience with Lily Potter

– 10 affection and 10 obedience with Iris Potter.

Perk Gained:

[Inventory] (Active)

– An infinite dimensional space for you to use as your personal bag.

Note: You can't put living things in your inventory.


– Kill the three Death Eaters.



– 3000 XP

Perk Gained:

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

– The superfast healing factor that makes you almost invincible. 10 HP/second regeneration.

Harry smiled ferally. The two perks were a godsend. And it was strange how literal 'godsend' it could be in this.

Inventory was going to be so useful and he couldn't stop himself from laughing at seeing the second perk. 10 HP/second regeneration was legendary. At his current level, he could heal fully from death's bed in just 175 seconds. This game was broken and he wasn't complaining.

In the beginning he was just lvl 10. And after just getting 1000 XP his level had jumped to 15. He guessed what his new level was, but still wanted to see if he was right. He switched to the character sheet screen.

Character Sheet

Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 35(0%)

HP: 1750 (10 per second)

MP: 3500 (10 per minute)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)


[Ray of Light]

[Death Arrow]




Yup, he was powerful. Not at the level of his mother, but still powerful. And the way he had levelled up from 10 to 35 in one day, he was sure he would surpass his mother in a few months. He set a goal for himself. He would cross level 100 before starting Hogwarts next year.


– Reach level 100 before beginning Hogwarts.


– 5000 XP

– Perk: [Increased MP regeneration]

'Good! Now I don't have to waste my limited [Skill Create] on making MP regeneration. I will get it for free when I reach level 100. So I can use that [Skill Create] for another purpose. I will only have two before going to Hogwarts after all.'

His thoughts were stopped abruptly when Iris grabbed him tightly around his waist, pressing her face on his shoulder, mumbling something in her sleep. Harry's happy mood vanished and a grim look appeared on his face. Iris was clearly traumatised by what she saw tonight. How desperately he wished he could share his [Gamer's mind] with hers so she didn't have to go through this. Maybe he could help her in another way. A hopeful smile crossed his face as he made a plan for tomorrow. He closed his eyes and wrapped his own arms around her.


Lily came back half an hour later, after she reported the incident to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Some aurors came and took her statements and carried the dead bodies away. Lily wisely didn't reveal Harry's role in this. She herself took the credit for killing the three men.

Lily smiled warmly at the scene of Harry and Iris cuddling together. She sat beside Harry. She gently caressed their faces as anger burned inside her. She would kill anyone who wished to harm her children. If these three death eaters were the only ones in the attack against the Potter Manor then all was good, since they were dead. But if it was some big conspiracy against her family then she would stand tall and kill anyone who tried anything. She wouldn't lose her children. Not after James sacrificed his life to save them. She wouldn't let it go to waste.

Crimson Witch would rise again if the need arose. It was because of Harry's intervention that she didn't need to use her old methods. Before she could have tried anything, Harry had already saved the day. A proud smile bloomed on her face. Harry was the future of their house. She was so proud of him. He killed them all like the animals they were. She was a bit apprehensive about his lack of guilt in taking human life, but she would talk to him and understand what was going on with her son since this morning.

She lay beside him and spooned him from behind, her arms wrapping around her children loosely.

Percypendragon3 Percypendragon3

Okay, first, this is the original and not the Kitamari's HP: The Magical Gamer. That guy is an asshole who is copying my story from fanfiction.net. That's why I'm reposting this fic here. If you guys want to read this fic than please read it from the original author rather than lazy copycat asshole.

This fic is already completed on fanfiction and ao3. So if you can't wait, then go there to read it. There are total 66 chapters, which I will post here in a row, day by day. So this story will be completed here in two months. Kitamari the asshole, the one copying my story has broken these chapters into small chunks to increase the chapter count, but I won't be doing any of those shenanigans. With that, enjoy.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


