100% The New Lord Of The Sky / Chapter 8: The spar part 2

章 8: The spar part 2

-Greece- Unknown location

3rd POV

The earth shook, the heavens stormed, and darkness fell upon the land as the three were locked into a power struggle outside of mortal comprehension, each of them pushing against the other two weapons, the earth below their feet shaking and consistently breaking as the crater that formed below them after the impact of their weapons became deeper and bigger as the seconds go by.

As the heavens themselves are crying in worry for their ruler and master, rain starts pouring, soaking the three of them, while also gusts of winds start screeching through the land, as angered and trying to show support to their master while thunder starts to fall from the skies, reflecting their ruler's mood.

On the other hand, the earth hasn't stopped shaking as the earthshaker used all his might into trying to win the strength contest, the seas and the oceans near Greece and farther are raging furiously, all mortals presently sailing through the angry waters desperately trying to exit them, but it proved to be very difficult and unfortunately, some of them will not make it past sunset, reminding them till their last moments and those that will luckily live to tell the tale, why the seas are and always will remain free and unconquerable.

Meanwhile, Hades couldn't help but grunt as he, just like his brother and nephew, used all his strength to break the lock while simultaneously winning the strength contest, an unofficial rite of theirs as the beginning of all their spars.

But even though the oldest son of Kronos tried with all his might, he couldn't, because every time he makes any significant progress it is broken by either one of his two opponents, before the cycle would repeat itself.

And so with a growl, the shadows around him became alive as darkness engulfed his form and everything behind him while the darkness that engulfed the land previously by the raging storm and his own powers became ten times darker, with the sole light being the flashes of light from the thunders every time they fell from the skies and the light caused by Perseus's blade's own lightning.

Simultaneously all the darkest emotions and feelings such as misery, terror, rage, and the cold feeling of death started to manifest and roll off Hades in waves, making his two opponents slightly nervous and slightly feel a chill through their spine. In the underworld meanwhile, the dead and creatures that serve under Hades raged at sensing their ruler and master's present battle.

Indeed, this is where they can certainly let loose. This is where they belong, on the battlefield, and what better opponents than themselves, them, who are equals in every way to each other?

This is a battle between mighty gods, each a personification of unstoppable force. The three of them know that it will be difficult for one of them to win against the other two in a direct strength contest and battle of might when they are so painfully on equal grounds.

In the end, it will be the last one standing that will be considered the winner.

As the struggle continued, Poseidon frowned, understanding that today's power struggle will once again end in a draw between the three of them. It was with this in mind that he decided to finally break the lock their weapons were in. Before Perseus could react, Poseidon brutally kicked his right knee, this caught him by surprise and forced him to lose his balance as he ungracefully dropped to a knee, Hades seeing this took in stride the opportunity before his brother could continue with his deceit, and ruthlessly punched his protected face, Poseidon could only widen his eyes before his brother's fist connected with his helmet, the resulted impact created a shockwave as Poseidon was sent flying at fast speeds before crashing against the ground and sliding backward, leaving behind a long trail of destruction as he dirt himself with the now turned mud.

Hades turned to face his nephew but Perseus was able to recover from the previous stunt from his father as he mercilessly slashed at Hades's throat. Said god deflected the slash to the side with his own dark blade before he and Perseus started a dance of death as each attacked the other and parried or deflected the other attacks.

Suddenly Hades dodged his head to the side as Perseus's blade cut through the air where his head previously stood. Hades's arm moved abruptly and gripped Perseus's wrist which was holding the large blade, and Hades moved to thrust his sword into Perseus's chest.

But Perseus saw a silhouette hurriedly rushing toward them over Hades's shoulders, Perseus grunted and as fast as lightning he gripped the collar of Hades's chest armor before he quickly held him in the air and got a surprised gasp out of Hades before the elder god resumed in his attempt of impaling his nephew at the odd angle he finds himself in, but Perseus was able to spin his body around just in time before throwing his uncle like an arrow toward his incoming father, but not before wincing in pain, he glanced toward his forearm, noticing a long thin superficial wound that quickly healed, leaving only golden ichor to prove of its existence which soon also vanished as it was cleaned by the rain, but he felt as if his entire arm had its skin torn off all at once.

' Not an enjoyable experience…' Perseus thought with grim amusement.

On the other hand, Poseidon at seeing his brother being thrown like an arrow toward him merely smirked before coming to a stop and positioning his trident in order to skewer him, but Hades simply transformed into a cloud of darkness and shadows, freely and unharmed passing through the weapon that came very close to impale him before reforming himself into his physical body just behind Poseidon. Hades moved to decapitate his brother, but Poseidon was able to turn just in time to block and trap Hades's blade between his trident prongs before twirling in a quick movement his trident and hitting Hades's helm, stunning him for a few seconds before delivering one of his strong kicks right at Hades's chest.

The sound of two ribs breaking sounded loud even through the roars of thunders as Hades grunted in pain and surprise before being launched through the floor in a very similar fashion his brother has done by his hand early, the strength behind the kick being capable to leave nothing but a mess of blood from mortals and demigods alike while other Olympian gods would have suffered their ribs to cave in and damage their internal organs, turning them into mush, possibly leading to a painful reform in the pit.

Suddenly Poseidon's instincts screamed at him to dodge, the god of the seas listened to his war-honed instincts with blinding speed as he jumped to his right, while in the air he felt the bolt of lightning licking at his left arm, burning it partially and frying his nerves before it continued its path and hitting one of the giant boulders far in the distance, exploding at impacting it and leaving only pieces of the boulder with burns marks near the targeted area, the light from the explosion illuminating the land for a brief moment before being consumed by the darkness.

By the time Poseidon landed after jumping away from the prior bolt of lightning, his injured arm was already healed thanks to the rain already speeding and boosting his regeneration. He turned around to face the direction the attack originated, just in time to smack the second bolt of lightning into the skies with his trident, where it exploded in a shower of lightning and light.

At the distance, Perseus slowly lowered the arm he threw the bolt of lightning with a smirk on his face. The son elevated himself high in the air by binding the wind under his control, making himself unreachable to the other two.

Perseus dismissed his blade before starting to create a giant thunderbolt between his hands, filling it with enough energy and lightning to destroy a town.

Poseidon, noticing it, started to run toward Perseus, his steps leaving behind a trail of footsteps deep in the ground, when he gained enough speed and momentum, Poseidon jumped high in the air, seemingly flying even though he held no such power.

Perseus widened his eyes in disbelief at his father's foolishness, but quickly ignored it as the attack he was preparing was ready.

Just when Poseidon was about to reach Perseus, attempting to stab his son with his trident, he widened his eyes at seeing Perseus hurl the thunderbolt, and let out a painful shout as he was hit square on the chest with it.

The large chaotic explosion in the air created gusts of winds accompanied by the roar of thunder while briefly blinding the others two.

Poseidon's silhouette fell from the dark skies, his body smoking and adorned with fourth-degree burns from receiving the attack at point blank, before crushing to the ground and creating a crater.

Perseus, seeing his father vulnerable, prepared to create another thunderbolt, but suddenly he felt something gripping his ankle, when he directed his eyes below, he found a hand of bone connected to a chain composed of bones gripping his ankle and before he could react, his body was suddenly pulled toward the ground at an alarming speed.

" Shiiittt!" Perseus screamed as he was dragged, it wasn't till he was forty feet in the air that he recovered himself, he flew upwards but the bony hand and chain held strong.

Suddenly, more chains of bones with hands at the end shot out of the ground below and shortly reached him before warping around his body while some of the hands gripped his limbs with the purpose of restraining him, Perseus was going to growl in irritation before one of the bone hands abruptly wrapped around his throat, trying to suffocate him.

Perseus internally growled In anger, insulted at such action, the chains were very durable indeed but not strong enough to permanently hold him as he flexed his muscles and fought against the chains, and soon enough one by one the chains snapped, but for every chain the young sky god broke, two more took their place.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Hades was on a knee on the floor with his free hand touching the earth below him, his gaze fixed on his nephew high in the dark sky, he ignored the cold rain that was soaking him from head to toe while also ignoring the gusts of winds loudly screeching through his ears, unfazed after being used to the screams of the dead back in the Underworld.

The middle son of Rhea, on the other hand, stumbled as he left the crater he created after his fall, he spits out golden blood to the ground before raising his right hand and with the back of it, cleaning his lips. The previous severe burns and damaged nerves, broken and fractured bones already healed thanks to the rain.

As Poseidon took a deep breath while soaking the rain like a sponge, he narrowed his eyes at the distance, seeing his son still in the air but fighting against the created bone chains of Hades, said brother was not too far away from his position, fifty meters approximately he would guess.

As he started to walk toward his brother, he noticed how his son started to release lightning throughout his body and eyes before thunderbolts from the skies started to stroke his body, no doubt empowering him the same way the rain did to him, it wasn't long before he easily started to break the chains.

He could see his brother struggling as he tried to create as many chains as possible to slow and eventually subdue Perseus, but his son was easily breaking through them like nothing at this point.

" Don't worry brother you are next but for now, I have to repay my son back for that damn stunt from early…" Poseidon murmured to himself, he kept walking till he was fifteen feet from his unaware brother and got into a stance as he brought his trident high in the air and reeled his arm back as if to throw a javelin.

He started to pour the destructive power of earthquakes into his trident, this resulted in said weapon slightly vibrating while also being covered in a sea green light as he also poured his own divinity in it, knowing nothing below extreme and lethal force would injure his son.

Poseidon's sea-green eyes locked into Perseus, and the veins in his arm started to show as his grip on his trident's shaft tightened. Poseidon slowed his heart rate and breathing before he suddenly took two steps forward and hurled his trident with all of his strength.

In the air, Perseus was getting angrier, which made him release more lightning and cause more thunderbolts to fall from the sky striking the ground below and almost hitting Hades himself while the weather got worse due to this. As Perseus broke what could very well be the eighty-ninth chain, he saw something approaching at dangerous speed from the corner of his eyes and as soon as he turned to face it, he felt something impact his chest, and the next thing he knew he was falling through the skies, the previous chains nowhere to be found. When he crashed to the ground he left a trail of destruction before finally coming to a stop.

" *Cough* What in the *cough* name of Kronos just hit me," Perseus mumbled through coughing blood, staining his armor and chin. At last, Perseus felt pain in his chest and as soon as he looked down, he understood what happened.

" That son of a bitc- " Perseus growled before coughing once again. He painfully gripped the shaft of the trident that was piercing his armor and chest with the intention of pulling it out but stopped when immense pain flared to life again. The trident hit the left side of his chest, missing the heart by a large margin but in exchange, it pierced one of his lungs, shoulder bone, and other organs, that's not even mentioning the internal bleeding and shattered bones, he could also feel one of the prongs grazing his spine.

With extreme difficulty and slowness, Perseus got up on one knee and looked up just in time to see Hades at the distance receiving a devastating right hook directly to his head, snapping it sideways as he stumbles disoriented and with most probably a fractured skull, though for how long he couldn't say.

The two brothers kept fighting with Hades evading Poseidon's devastating blows while slashing and delivering quick and powerful blows, and the god of the sea tanking most of them while occasionally deflecting Hades's blade with his wrist guards or simply dodging.

Perseus focused back on the weapon piercing his chest, and frowned as he prepares himself, he gripped the trident with a crushing grip and slowed his breathing down, and with a painful gasp Perseus swiftly removed the trident from his innards before throwing it to the side a couple of feet away as he finally got up to his feet, clumsy and slow at first, but Perseus felt the wounds healing already, slowly but surely as his internal organs and bones healed back to perfect condition.

As Perseus focused back on the two brothers still fighting, he aimed both of his hands toward them, and with a mere thought, the gusts of wind worsened before near the two brothers the gusts of winds took the form of almost invisible compressed wind blades.

" What the-" Hades exclaimed after kicking his brother away directly to the chest and finally gaining breathing room, the fight between them came to a halt for the time being as the two realize what was going on, they both wide their eyes and hastily made to move, but it was too late.

" Ah! Shit!"

" Fuck!"

The two brothers cursed as they clumsily tried to dodge the nearly invisible wind blades, but their bodies were soon covered in many different cuts and gashes, some superficial, while others were so deep that they show their bones and organs, with Hades almost losing his right arm as it was barely connected through tendons and Poseidon getting momentarily blinded due to having received a wind blade directly to his eyes.

With the loud storm, thunders, rain, and the darkness obscuring the land, they felt hours go by while in reality, it was only half an hour as they tried their best to evade the blades, their respective healing factors working overtime to heal their bodies, their godly blood staining their armors, bodies, the water, and land below their feet.

Hades finally found the opportunity he was waiting for as he dodged a blade that would have decapitated him in exchange for a long and deep slash on his left heel, almost cutting it off. Hades suddenly turned himself into darkness just at the right time as four blades harmlessly passed through him, they would have surely cut his arms off and rendered his other leg useless momentarily if he didn't avoid them in time.

He traveled through the sea of darkness and shadows as he traveled right behind his nephew's shadow. Hades reformed himself as he exited the shadowing realm and quickly thrusts his sword at Perseus's head, only for the younger god to dodge and only suffered a small deep cut on the left side of his neck, making him wince as he felt like his throat got torn open and then smashed with a hammer.

But soon after dodging, Perseus turned on his feet, his right fist covered in lightning with the power of a couple of dozens of thunders, directly flying toward Hades, who at seeing it, knew wasn't going to dodge it in time, so he placed his sword horizontally in front of him with the flat part facing Perseus.

The moment Perseus's fist came into contact with Hades's sword, a shockwave and explosion of lightning and light took place. Perseus's fist-pushed Hades's own blade against his armored chest, almost cutting through his armor.

Hades' eyes widened in shock behind his helm as he threw up gallons of golden blood in the air, the strength behind Perseus's punch broke what he could only assume to be all of his ribs, it also damaged and pierced some of his internal organs. And lastly, he could also not feel his body and muscles as they tightened and were without doubt fried due to the lightning.

As Hades was sent flying to the distance and leaving behind a new trail of destruction, Perseus summoned his symbol of power in its spear form and hurriedly turned to block the trident that would have surely pierced his face and skull, escaping the fate of a painful reform back in Tartarus for who knows how long.

As father and son struggled in their lock, they break it off before Perseus twirled his spear and thrust it toward his father who caught the spear between the prongs of his trident and forcefully move the trapped spear to the side and reached out to grab his son throat only for Perseus to use the bottom of the spear to slap away the hand up in the air.

Such motion and strength behind it unsurprisingly snapped Poseidon's wrist who merely grunted before head butting Perseus. Slightly disoriented Perseus took a step backward before recovering.

The two fought for a couple of minutes before Poseidon suddenly pointed his trident toward Perseus, and suddenly the earth shook even more. Perseus' eyes widened as he realized what his father was going to do, he barely had time to take a step backward before the water from the rain materialized into a giant wave, directly heading toward him.

Perseus could only curse as he was engulfed by the wave, his body crushing against the ground and struggling to breathe as he felt the pressure of the water increase, trying to crush him as he was thrashed around.

After minutes and when he felt he was going to run out of air, the chaotic wave slowed till it calmed down and shortly faded as Poseidon released his control over it.

" *Cough**Cough* Shit…." Perseus murmured after he stopped coughing water as he slowly got up while heavily leaning on his spear, his new injuries from the previous attack slowly healing.

" This time you have recovered faster," Poseidon spoke as he walked toward his son, his trident ready at any sign of attack, merely meters away.

" Go to Hades father," Perseus growled before cursing as he straightened his back and stopped leaning on his spear, and instead pointed his spear toward his father. His words carried through the stormy darkness as lightning started to engulf his spear.

Poseidon ignored his son's words and turned to the right, an action that was quickly followed by Perseus. Their eyes landed on the figure of Hades rising out of the shadows as he spits blood on the ground.

As the three gods stared at each other, their weapons ready for another clash, they slowly grew a smirk. There they stood underneath the heavy and cold rain accompanied by the storm and roaring thunders in the darkness.

Their armors are damaged and dirty with mud and their own blood. But none of them paid any mind to it. Their mind is already preoccupied with their bloodlust. They have already fought for almost three hours and the land it's already been destroyed, changing its landscape once again.

The three gods abruptly rushed toward each other and clashed once more. As they kept fighting, the battle became more brutal and bloody, and the land they battled upon changed as they each used their powers to defeat the others.

For hours they fought, till at last, sunset came, though one couldn't tell the difference due to the storm and darkness already blocking and darkening the sky.

-New York-

Hera and Sally were in the mall as they looked through the stores. They have been there for a couple of hours by now and have brought some staff, mostly Sally as Hera only brought some books, a dress, and a gift for Perseus.

The pair of women attracted the attention of many men, but mostly Hera as she had to reject and deny many men and women in some cases who had walked up to her with the intent of asking her out for a date or simply flirting.

" So how is everything going between you and Percy?" Sally asked as the two women were resting while eating ice cream seated at a table, Sally waited for Hera to respond while eating her orange ice cream.

Hera, upon hearing the question, stopped eating and faced Sally, her eyes slightly glazed as she mused over the inquiry.

" Everything is going well, as you know the only real and last argument we had so far was the one from two years ago," Hera answered as she leaned back on her seat while crossing her leg over the other one.

"Hmmm." Sally hummed as she studied Hera's face for mere seconds.

" Well, something is troubling him, I haven't asked because I know he won't tell me anything in order to not let me worry, but I think it is time for me to know what's going on," Sally said, her eyes staring through Hera's eyes.

The goddess on the other hand simply raised one of her eyebrows in surprise at Sally's attitude, to this day still surprised at Sally's blunt but honest personality.

" Well, you are right that Percy doesn't want to worry you, but the truth is that a war is nearing, and Olympus is once again the target." At hearing this, Sally frowned as dread filled her heart.

" I see, so that's what has been troubling Percy, this would also explain the spars he and his father along with Hades have been having recently. " At Sally's words, Hera nodded in affirmation, but her eyes narrowed as she glared at Sally, surprising and confusing her.

" What?" Sally confusedly questioned.

" When are you going to tell the others about the new addition to the family?" Hera questioned while glancing toward Sally's stomach. An action that caused said woman to widen her eyes in shock and nervousness.

" How did you…never mind, I won't even ask about how you know that." Sally starts to deny such accusations before suddenly yielding, accepting the fact that her secret has been discovered as she slumps into her seat.

Hera merely nodded as she waited for Sally to explain herself.

Sally took a few seconds to organize her thoughts before she finally met Hera's eyes.

" I haven't found the right time yet, I was planning to surprise the others, and I admit that becoming a mother for a second time wasn't something I have thought of honestly, especially at my current age," Sally explained, slightly ashamed.

Hera at hearing this lessened her glare before sighing. She gently took a hold of Sally's hands into her own, with the intent of comforting the mother of her lover.

" I understand your reason and doubt Sally, but you need to tell them about this, more so Paul as I believe this will be his first child. And think about Percy, he will be happy to have a new sibling." ' One that hopefully wouldn't have to involve themselves with the supernatural, or worst yet, a prophecy.' Hera spoke before privately thinking to herself.

Sally simply stood there, reflecting over Hera's words and the possible reactions of her son and Paul. Finally, she nodded in agreement.

" You're right. I will tell them next time you and Percy come to our house for dinner. " Hera smiled before nodding in acceptance, her main priority was for Sally to inform the others, it didn't have to be right at that moment.

As the two women finished their important conversation, they finished eating the delicious ice cream before leaving their seats and start to walk away, but they stopped once they notice a large crowd not too far away from them, all of them looking up to a large tv screen mounted on a pillar near the wall of the large hallway.

They both looked at each other in confusion, which grew as they noticed how some of the people around them stopped walking as their phones started buzzing with notifications and calls.

Some stopped and appeared to either watch something or read some texts, but all of them had one thing in common, their facial expressions were either shock, horror, curiosity, or fear.

The two women decided to walk to the large crowd of people near the tv. As soon as they reached the crowd, they saw that it was showing the Fox News channel, and in it; they were showing images of ruined ships or those that were sinking with the sailors being rescued with some possessing grave and life-threatening injuries.

It then changed to show the newscasters, two women.

" Indeed Miranda, the Hellenic Coast Guard has been working to the point of exhaustion for the past six hours as they have received numerous SOS Calls via radio throughout the Mediterranean and Aegean seas as navigating ships got caught in storms that they have never seen before. Due to a large number of SOS calls, nearby countries are sending their own respective forces in helping rescue the sailors." The female newscaster said before the two newscasters were interrupted by a scandal outside the camera frame.

The voices spoke all simultaneously but it seems that they were relaying new information to the newscasters as they quickly calmed down and turned back to the live camera. The same woman from before coughed before she started to reveal the new information.

" We have just received information directly from the Greek government sources. Around the country and in cities such as Athens have suffered earthquakes while Volos and Ioannina have also been flooded.

In the northwest of the country, a large part of the land and mountains are supposedly in darkness and the worst thunderstorm that Greece has ever faced. The storm's so bad that the few helicopters and relief forces that have been sent to investigate haven't responded to any inquiries as of yet." The newscaster kept speaking, informing the people that so far the number of deaths is in the thousands, and the injured are twice that. And the number of dead and injured are growing as every hour passes by.

Hera and Sally were shocked, they both looked at each other, already knowing the ones responsible for this. They both turned and left, they walked in silence as they quickly exited the mall. While walking to Sally's car, the mentioned woman turned to Hera.

" What are they thinking?!" Sally whispered in frustration, her eyes met with Hera's own, seeking an answer.

Just like Sally, Hera was also agitated, but mostly because she was worried for Percy and her brothers. They should know by now to keep a tight leash on their powers and not let their domains overtake their rationality.

" While unfortunate, I'm more worried for Percy and my brothers' current mental state, they know better than to not let their domains and battle lust blind their rationality.

Not to mention how pissed Athena will be for the damage Athens suffered. I'm sorry Sally but I have to return to Olympus and start a council meeting with the others before checking if those three haven't completely lost their minds yet." Hera said apologetically as she helped put Sally's bags in the car as they reached it.

Sally's lips thinned for a second without Hera's knowing before she quickly nodded. But in her mind, she reminds herself that Hera has been alive for millennia and the deaths of humans no longer affect her.

Just before entering her car, Hera draws her into a hug, surprised, Sally hesitatingly hugs her back, this being actually the first time that the goddess has hugged her.

As Hera breaks the hug, she studies Sally's eyes for mere seconds before offering a smile of assurance.

" I know that me being apathetic toward the loss of so many mortal lives doesn't fit well with you, I just want you to understand that after you get to live as long as I have, have the power that I hold and the things I have seen with my own eyes, you become indifferent to these… things." Hera slowly explained, having felt the eyes of Sally and her displeasure early.

Sally sighed, not surprised that Hera could seemingly notice her displeasure.

" I know and I understand, it is completely different for you, it's just that because I have got to know you and seen how you interact with me and my son, but then I'm reminded of how…indifferent you can be, and I don't mean to-" but Sally couldn't finish as Hera simply laid her right hand on her shoulder.

" I know Sally, I'm not going to get mad at you when you are simply being sincere, I know what you're trying to say." At Hera's words, Sally mutely nodded. Seeing this, Hera gave her farewell before teleporting away and back to Olympus after Sally closed her eyes.

-Olympus- Throne room.

Hera appeared in the throne room after briefly dropping her bags from the mall back at her and Percy's palace. She wasn't surprised to find all of the council members already there with the exception of her brothers and lover. Some of the Olympian gods on the other hand couldn't help but show their surprise at seeing Hera in her golden armor and her symbol of power, Lazarus, in her right hand.

As she took a seat on her throne, she couldn't help but quickly glance at Perseus's empty throne, she couldn't but sigh in her mind at it. She focused back to the present and shortly slammed the bottom of her spear against the grand floor and the sound loudly echoes throughout the room, the murmuring conversations from mere seconds ago went silent as they all wait for their queen to start talking over the topic of this council meeting.

" As you may very well have noticed, our king and my two brothers aren't being careful enough in their sparring session. Not only that but they aren't controlling their domains and instead let their minds be blinded by their battle lust, and this resulted in catastrophes all around Greece and the surrounding seas." Hera finished speaking, but before she could say more, Athena, adorned in her own gray armor, with Medusa's horrifying face engraved on her shield laying against the side of her throne, slammed the bottom part of her spear very similarly to Hera previously, but much more violently.

Athena's visage behind her helm was twisted into fury and indignation as she practically growled out her next words.

" We have already noticed this Hera, or have you not noticed the damage Athens suffered due to that cursed bastard of Poseidon and the other two damn fools!" Athena growled before shouting her final words.

Some of the Olympians grimace before glancing toward Hera, and they couldn't help but flinch.

The reason became very much obvious as Hera glared at Athena. Her eyes were full of anger toward the younger goddess as she started to release a red aura, which made the other Olympians feel pressure on their shoulders, but nothing compared to what Athena herself is experiencing as she felt she was being crushed while also feeling the bloodlust of Hera herself.

" Watch your damn tongue Athena, or I will tear it from your bleeding and cracked skull for disrespecting your king and my brothers in my presence, do you understand me?" Hera calmly spoke, though the anger and threat were very much palpable in her voice and eyes.

Athena at hearing such a threat growled as her grip on her spear grew tenfold. But remained silent as she knew it wouldn't end well for her if she and Hera were to battle.

Ares couldn't help but smirk at the sudden silence from Athena, which Athena noticed and focused her glare on him.

" You should calm yourself down Athena, it isn't like Athens has never suffered some damage before, this is nothing comparable to the times that it has been burned and destroyed." Ares snidely said while leaning back on his throne.

Athena's face darkened even more at hearing Ares mocking her and her prized city.

" You fucking dare to insult my city?! If it was Sparta then your words would've been much more different, you bloody fucking mad hound!" Athena shouted while hatefully glaring at her half-brother.

Ares at hearing Athena's words briefly frowned in displeasure at the mere thought that it could easily have been Sparta that could have suffered, but his smirk shortly came back twofold.

" Well then, dear sister of mine, it's a good thing that it wasn't mine, but your city, don't you think?"

Athena would have leaped from her throne and tried to stab Ares through his skull in her fury if it wasn't for Hera interrupting what to her, was a childish and unnecessary argument.

" Enough you two! We have more urgent matters than your petty argument.

Goddess Iris, please show us my brothers and our king." Hera spoke loudly to the empty air, but soon after she finished speaking, the familiar video message that is used by gods and demigods to communicate with others via rainbow appeared in the middle of the throne room above the fireplace that Hestia always tended, for every Olympian to see.

And what they saw surprised some of the Olympians as they were reminded once again of the might of the big three.

In the Iris message, they could only see chaos, it was almost completely dark with the only way to see is the bright flashes of light from the roaring thunders. The next thing they noticed, or better yet, heard, was the heavy rain and the earth-shaking.

Suddenly a thunder fell from the black sky and in the time the bright light from it lasted, they finally were able to see two of the three gods.

Poseidon was standing above Hades who was laying on his back on the muddy ground, his trident piercing his older brother's chest with the dark god trying to pull it out while his dark sword was halfway through Poseidon's right shoulder. Both brothers were bloodied in their own and the other's blood, their armors mostly damaged and dirty with mud that was slowly being washed away by the heavy rain.

Suddenly in the next flash of light, out of nowhere Perseus appeared behind Poseidon and stab him through his stomach with his own spear covered in lightning, burning the insides of Poseidon before raising him up to the skies and throwing him aside meters away before he blasted Hades with a wave of pure lightning.

The darkness engulfed the Iris message once again, but the other Olympians could clearly hear the sounds of battle, explosions, and curses from the three battling gods. But there is one thing they have noticed from the brief images of the battling gods, they were almost lost in their bloodlust and the influence of their domains, having just enough sense to not use their divine forms.

The Iris message suddenly went off, not available to keep the connection with all the destructive energy and powerful divinity from the three gods covering the area. Hera frowned before getting up from her throne, followed by the others as they turned to her.

" We need to step in, if this continues our homeland would suffer much more destruction and death. When we go, I along with Apollo and Hestia will take care of Perseus, while the rest of you will subdue or get the other two to get their heads clear from their bloodlust. Understood?" Hera coldly ordered, she nodded at seeing no one asking any questions.

Right after that, the present Olympian gods flashed away from the throne room and toward Greece, where their most powerful members and young king were battling each other.


next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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