Feng Ye brings Chu Feng to the outside where it is quite crowded. The crowd doesn't realize the appearance of Feng Ye and Chu Feng as everyone is busy either lining up to get escorted into the building to see if they can scavenge any belongings, tending to injuries, or just walking away to get a ride back to their residences.
Wu Ya who was previously in a swimming suit was able to put on a shirt and some shorts. She was waiting outside with Haruta and the others who she was able to bump into when exiting. Haruta was the first to notice Feng Ye and Chu Feng and waves while calling out Feng Ye's name.
"Feng Ye! Over here!" Haruta shouts.
Hearing Haruta's call, Feng Ye brings over Chu Feng. The group takes a look at the two. "Feng Ye.. your hair..?" Haruta inquiries.
"Yea.. long story.." Feng Ye shakes his head.
Wu Ya also comments, "Feng Ye.. back then...are you actually -"
Feng Ye interrupts Wu Ya's sentence. "Yes, but we can discuss this later in a more quiet area."
Wu Ya looks around and nods and no longer finishes her sentence. Haruta, Yotsuba, and Akihiko show a confused expression.
Yotsuba who rarely comments takes a look at Chu Feng who is held by Feng Ye. "What happened to him?"
"No clue, but looks like he had a rough day.." Feng Ye replies. At this time, Haruta, Yotsuba, and Akihiko's vibrated. Feng Ye's phone is in his system space as he had immediately put it in there when he had put on his shirt and saw the mutation in the pool area, thus, he wasn't able to know if his phone vibrated. Chu Feng probably had lost his phone as well as it seemed that he didn't have one on him. As for Wu Ya, her phone is probably still in the pool area perhaps not even in one piece.
Yotsuba takes a look at the notification.
"IMPORTANT- Campus Ranking Event Cancelled
Due to a series of premeditated attacks to all five campuses, the scheduled upcoming campus ranking event is cancelled until further notice. Classes will also temporarily be suspended for a period of two weeks as the campus administration, student council, student enforcer team, and board of directors will investigate further into the issue to determine that no subsequent hidden dangers are present within the campuses, classes may resume.
All students should be sure to keep up to date with notifications as any changes will immediately be relayed directly through mobile."
Akihiko and Haruta check their phones and see the same message.
"Well.. that sucks. Was looking forward to the campus ranking event. I guess..now I have to decide what to do with this two week period.." Haruta sighs.
Yotsuba interjects, "I saw an ad online that had stated the Renai series concert event is soon..looking at the date, it is actually next week...Haruta, did you even claim the prize? Check the info on it."
Haruta is suddenly enlightened. "Right, I did claim it. Hold on, let me pull up the follow-up email I got after claiming it."
Haruta pulls up the email and takes a brief look.
"Yeah.. it's the same one. However, there's a slight issue..it's in the middle of next week- yes… but.."
"What's the problem?" Akihiko nearby inquiries.
"We will probably need to get approval to leave the city of Aven. As it seems that this concert is held in Aichi prefecture. Aven city which used to be referred as Tokyo is 258.59 kilometres away from Aichi prefecture which is where the event is held. Attached in the email is also six tickets and QR code which we just scan at the airport and for checking in at the hotel. This QR basically just forwards the expense to the organizers of the giveaway. The package includes a prepaid trip, prepaid concert tickets, and two nights at a 5 star hotel."
Akihiko knits his brows. "This may be troublesome."
"It's fine, I'll try to see if I can pull a few strings." Feng Ye comments.
Yotsuba's eyes light up. "Right, Feng Ye- you are definitely a key training object, perhaps, you can pull a few strings."
At this time, the bookworm girl named Yuka was wandering within the aquatic centre in the lobby. She was still at the scene when Suzi, Watabi, and Honoka had rushed to the pool area to support. At this time, in her hands is a mobile phone. If Haruta and the others were nearby, they would definitely recognize that this phone belongs to Chu Feng.
With a rather frantic look, Yuka holds Chu Feng's phone and tampers with it…
Kotori Miku, Suzi, Mito, Watabi, and Honoka at this time see Feng Ye and the others grouped together. They approach.
Seeing the approaching five individuals, Feng Ye only recognizes Kotori Miku, and Mito.
"Feng Ye!" Kotori Miku greets.
Mito nods.
"Hello Feng Ye, I've heard about you from Mito-sensei. I am Suzi, a high level instructor like Mito-sensei here." She refers to Honoka and Watabi. "These two are your seniors..two top ranking second years with awakened abilities."
"Hello, I am Honoka." Honoka introduces herself with a rather mysterious tone.
"Watabi." Similar to an individual with few words, Watabi only states his name.
"Hello, I'm Feng Ye. Do you need anything from me?" Feng Ye inquiries. Nearby, besides Wu Ya, Haruta and the others are shocked. These are some pretty big weights. High level instructors are said to extremely rare sightings. They usually don't interact with the typical students but train only the elite top tier students who have awakened their abilities for their smooth transition to either society, to continue their education at Aven Institute of Technology, or to take on other important tasks as Kami Institute Alumni. Thus, the appearance of two high level instructors along with the two elite second year students was a shock. The disparity between the elite of the first years and the elite of second years is huge.
The rankings for first years which only take into account the academic tests and overall performance for the institute year of study only are based solely off of potential for awakening. It is expected that with an overall higher intelligence quotient or extremely high emotional quotient, it is more likely to awaken. Emotional quotient is more difficult to assess, thus, all the campuses focus solely on the intelligence quotient.
Second year elites are completely different from first years. These have already been selected and have gone through awakening as an esper. Each elite stands at the peak of their cohort and has true power rather than simply potential. These elites are the ones who usually continue education at the Aven Institute of Technology as espers. Students who haven't awakened also may attend with high enough marks and obtaining a certain percentile in a written exam which is weighted against all examinees who take it, however, they would only be pursuing the same education and learning as pretty much other universities. The only difference would be that the Aven Institute of Technology has better equipment, classes, lectures, etc.
A lot of graduates from the campuses who aren't able to awaken also transfer to attend other universities.
Mito looks at Feng Ye and replies, "We need you to come with us to discuss with the student council president."
Hearing that he had to meet with Akeno so quickly, Feng Ye wasn't surprised. Most likely Akeno already witnessed all that had occurred. He turns towards Haruta and the others, "Sorry, guys- I'll meet with you all at a restaurant later tonight. I'll text you all. As for Wu Ya- I'll meet you later and knock on your suite."
"Yeah. No worries. We'll meet you then." Akihiko replies. He brings Haruta and the others to leave.
At this time Chu Feng awakens. A peculiar change can be noticed. As he awakens and opens his eyes, he sees Feng Ye with the same silver hair as the loli he had saw earlier.
"Feng Ye?" He asks in a startled tone.
"Yes…long story-" Feng Ye replies, however, he doesn't finish his statement as he also is startled by Chu Feng's change. Within Chu Feng's eyes is an odd pattern. If one looks closely, it seems that the pattern in Chu Feng's pupils closely reflect the yin-yang symbol. Mito, Kotori Miku, and Suzi sees this as well.
"We'll bring your friend along as well." Mito says. A confused Chu Feng follows Feng Ye and the others to a rather armored van which seems to be a high tech militarized transport vehicle.
"This is one of the vehicles we had brought along with others to rush to the scene. We'll be using this to travel quickly to the student council office." Kotori Miku explains.
The group enters and heads on their way.
A silent 30 minute ride takes place as the group travels through traffic and through the city. At this time, the Aven Institute of Technology comes into view. It is a huge campus in which numerous facilities of similar design are nicely organized in a blocky manner. A large gate surrounds the entire campus grounds and only by going through the designated entrance, can one enter. The style of the buildings all have a futuristic look. Numerous sliding doors lead to facilities that seem to be underground as well.
Three towers stand erect in the middle of the campus. Each tower seems to be completely windowed, however, one cannot see into them from the outside. At the peak of each of these three towers are spires which seem to pierce the heavens. Each of these spires are usually covered by the clouds surrounding it which prevent one from looking up and seeing the full height.
The vehicle that Feng Ye is riding on pulls up to the entrance gate. This entrance is a side entrance specifically for the student enforcer team use. At the gate, a small tower is placed at the entrance positioned similar to a McDonalod's drive thru microphone box. However, instead of a microphone- there is a touch screen which hosts a security artificial intelligence.
"Welcome, please show your identification." An electronic voice resounds.
Mito who pulls up taps a card. With a beep, the voice responds, "Verified."
The locked doors of the entrance gate opens. Mito brings the vehicle into the building to an underground parking area.
"Alright, we'll have to head to the student council's office. Simply, follow me. However, don't wander around as there are a number of security checks and you may easily get lost." Mito comments while looking at Feng Ye and Chu Feng.
Feng Ye nods. Chu Feng who has recovered looks around obviously intrigued.
After several security checks, Feng Ye and the others ride an elevator up. Arriving in front of the door of an office, Mito knocks.
"Come in." A voice replies. Feng Ye immediately recognizes that it is Akeno's voice.
The door slides open automatically following Akeno's reply.
As Mito leads them into the office. Upon entering, an entirely different environment can be felt. Feng Ye felt the same as if he were entering a library. A solemn quiet peaceful environment with the smell of books. It's weird as he saw no books anywhere. In the office, was simply a large desk and office chair behind it in which Akeno has sat. Around Akeno's desk are a variety of screens which seemed to not have a physical aspect to it.
Each screen was like a projection which could sense touch input or movement. It looked literally like augmented reality that was still being developed in his old world.
Akeno sits with her arms supported on the surface of her desk. "I have seen what had occurred today. Thus, I had called you here as soon we will have to hold a student council meeting to discuss the next steps. As a participant in today's events, it would be necessary to have your report and feedback Mito sensei, and Suzi sensei."
"No problem." Mito replies.
"Sure." Suzi also responds.
Akeno continues, "As for Watabi and Honoka, great work. It seems that Suzi's training with you has shown some good results in regards to your coordination and application of your abilities. Would you be interested in joining Kotori Miku in the student enforcer team?"
"Thanks for your praise Akeno. However, I would like to pass and would match rather prefer to go travelling and have a look at the outside world following the conclusion of my studies at Kami Institute." Honoka replies.
"That's no problem. If you ever change your mind, we can open these opportunities to you with open arms." Akeno smiles and replies. She then looks at Watabi and awaits his answer.
"I will be joining the esper enhancement program as I only wish to pursue strength.." Watabi replies seriously.
The atmosphere becomes somewhat tense as it seems everyone besides Chu Feng understands what that statement refers to. As everyone except Chu Feng is aware of the conflicting camps which exist in the city, this tense atmosphere seems to be as though daggers are drawn.
Ignoring the change in atmosphere, Watabi continues. "Thus, thank you for the offer- however, I'll have to decline. With that, I'll excuse myself." Watabi bows slightly to show respect and immediately turns to head out.
"No problem, Suzi. could you please escort him back to his residence." Akeno replies.
"Sure." Suzi, who's expression had tightened, accepts. She follows Watabi who walked out.
"I would like to speak with Feng Ye, Chu Feng. and Kotori Miku alone. Mito, could you please bring Honoka back to her residence?"
"Alright." Mito pats on Honoka's shoulder and the two also exits. Before exiting, Honoka shows a mysterious smile to Feng Ye. Seeing this, Feng Ye just chooses to ignore it.
Chu Feng who is completely confused by the tense atmosphere looks around. Akeno seeing Chu Feng's nervousness beckons to him.
"You must be Chu Feng. Today, I have seen you run around crazily and to be honest, I'm surprised you made it out in one piece." Akeno comments.
Chu Feng's facial expression darkens.
"Allow me to introduce myself officially. I am Akeno, the current student council president and representative of the Aven Institute of Technology. Feng Ye, who is besides you, you probably already know. Kotori Miku who is Feng Ye's roommate after Akimichi's incident, you also may have met."
"Nice to meet you Akeno. So, why did you call us here today?" Chu Feng inquiries while referring to himself and Feng Ye.
"You may be in the dark, however, Feng Ye today had taken down with Mito a threat with the equivalent strength of a rank A esper. Although the process was quite an odd one.." Akeno replies.
Hearing this, Chu Feng shockingly looks at Feng Ye. Seeing his friend's shocking look, Feng Ye didn't know what to reply with and thus nods.
Akeno continues, "However, what is peculiar is your change."
"My change?" Chu Feng asks.
"Yes. Have you felt anything out of the ordinary- ever since you had recovered from your fainting?" Akeno inquiries.
Hearing Akeno's question, Chu Feng is lost in thought for a few moments. Recalling his past experience, Chu Feng did indeed feel something off. Particularly what he sees, he had initially ignored it as he had thought it may have been due to his mental exhaustion from today's long day. He had classified these strange aspects that he sees as his imagination.
However, now that Akeno had brought it up, Chu Feng realized what he sees may be real. As it was true that before awakening from his fainting, he had never seen anything like this...
"!!" Startled, Chu Feng nods. "Yeah..you may be right. I thought they were merely from my imagination, however, now that I think more about it...these strange wisps and figures I see may be real."
Chu Feng's eyes widen with a look of horror. "Thinking back..I also seen some human forms…GHOSTS!" At this point, Chu Feng had freaked out.
Feng Ye next to Chu Feng was surprised as well. He thought to himself, "Perhaps, he had awakened the yin yang eyes? As usually, those who have can see ghosts and the supernatural. However, now that we are in this world- perhaps his ability is much more than that..I wonder how he had awakened though..."
Akeno exhibits an expression which resembles her to be deep in thought. She then stands up from behind her desk and walks up to Chu Feng and stares into his eyes. Chu Feng at this point felt awkward af.
"Umm.." He says.
"Shhh." Akeno replies.
Analyzing the yin-yang symbol pattern on the Chu Feng's pupils along with comparing it to what Chu Feng had just said, Akeno becomes enlightened.
"Ah. I see. Well, Chu Feng.. it seems be it luck or another factor- you had awakened your ability. Congratulations."
"So, I'm an esper now?" Chu Feng asks in a surprised voice.
"Yes, although I'm not completely sure what ability you may have besides it having to do with your eyes and the ability to see some aspects that cannot be seen by the naked human eye… you have definitely awakened. As an esper, you can slowly uncover the mysteries behind your ability." Akeno responds.
"So..now what?" Chu Feng asks.
"Most likely you should go train and figure out how to properly utilize your ability. Feel free to join Feng Ye and Kotori Miku's training sessions. You do have a lot of time off classes regardless… As for Feng Ye, today you have changed my valuation of you. It seems that your ability is Rank S potential. Thus, I would like to ask if you would like to directly enter into the Aven Institute of Technology? It does seem to me that you already have a grasp of the material taught in the first year at Kami Institute and you value getting stronger rather than accumulating knowledge to become a professor anyways."
This offer came out from out of the blue. Frankly, it had caught Feng Ye off guard. However, after pondering a moment, Feng Ye decide a good answer.
"Thanks for the offer, however, I would like to delay it until this year is over first. Then I'll consider it." Feng Ye replies. This was the decision he had decided upon due to a variety of factors. Right now, if he were to immediately transfer to the Aven Institute of Technology directly from Kami institute it would be way to obvious and make him a target. Feng Ye also figured that the political war between the board of directors and the student council was probably about to begin, thus, it would be best to wait until it passes over.
"Sure. Do consider it." Akeno nods.
"I do have an additional question- Would you be able to grant my group permission to travel to Aichi prefecture for a week. We had won a giveaway?" Feng Ye inquiries.
Chu Feng who had been muttering over his ability immediately had his attention attracted by Feng Ye's question. His eyes became hopeful.
"Normally, we wouldn't allow it for espers. However, it may do you some good to get some time off and destress. Also, going would lower the board of director's expectations about you. As non-espers can come and go pretty much as they like when classes are cancelled or not in session. Go for it, however, I would need you to stay in contact." Akeno replies.
"Will do. Thanks." Feng Ye nods.
"Anyways, you should head back. Enjoy your trip. I have a lot of work to do. Kami Institute may be at a disadvantaged position right now so I do caution you both. Kotori Miku will bring you back."
Following farewells, Kotori Miku brings Feng Ye and Chu Feng back to the suite.
Well.... have fun seeing ghosts Chu Feng. rip.