

"──That's the end of my report."

"Thank you for the report, Florine Milfonti."

Deep within the Rishburg Magic Academy stood the towering castle. The

symbol of the Rondism Kingdom's prosperity over the centuries still

retained its timeless beauty and majesty.

In a room of the lavish structure where the ruler and his family resided.

Illuminated only by moonlight streaming in through a closed window, so as

not to be noticed, was a man with the dignified air of one growing old yet

still commanding respect.

Arnbald Rondism.

Indeed, this person stands at the pinnacle of this country.

"But… is that so? Did Gordon's son rejoice to the point of fainting?"

"Yes. They must be enjoying their time together now, while being taken

care of."

The entire commotion surrounding Karen Levezenka this time was

beneficial for both Ouga Vellett and me, as well as King Arnbald. It allowed

us to cooperate to advance our respective ambitions.

Ouga Vellett aimed to save his childhood friend, Karen Levezenka, from the

foolish crown prince.

I, on the other hand, sought to engage them and ensure the inheritance of

excellent genes for the future.

And as for Arnbald, it was to rebuild this corrupted country.

"But, were you okay with it? Although the outcome was expected, won't

your son's reputation take a big hit?"

"Though I regret it…I cannot say that is a lie. He needed an experience like

this. I thought getting a fiancée would change him…but by the time I

realized, it was too late. I've caused Miss Levezenka grief as well," he


"So mediating the engagement with Ouga Vellett is your way of making


"If that will serve as atonement, I hope so. I want those two to find

happiness this time."

"At least he doesn't have a promiscuous reputation like your son. You can

rest assured."

"My heart aches. Can't you go a bit easier on him?"

Arnbald gazes into the distance with a sorrowful expression. Even his

laughter sounds feeble.

"My fool son probably learned from some influential nobles. But it's my

fault for neglecting the country and letting things end up like this. I take full

responsibility, and I'll see this through till the end."

"Well, you're going to face challenges as well."

"It's a mutual thing. You've been working hard too."

I smiled in response to his words.

Since leaving the front lines, I've been focusing on nurturing the next

generation. He probably thinks it's all for the future of the country. After

all, we have shared experiences of battles together. That's why he welcomes

me so easily into the royal palace.

…He still hasn't realized my true intentions, it seems. From observing his

expression, there's no hint of suspicion toward me.

I've never lived for the country. Everything is for my own sake.

I use all my time for myself.

Even nurturing these talented young individuals, it's all to combine their

bloodlines and produce excellent offspring, and…

"By the way, I never expected to hear Ouga Vellett's name from Flonne as


My thoughts, which were sinking, were suddenly lifted. That's right. There

was something I needed to ask.

"Did you know about him? About his existence?"

"Yes. Gordon bragged multiple times about his son being a genius who

would bear the country's future burden. It was so amusing to hear him

boasting despite his villainous appearance."

"Hmm… A genius despite having no magical aptitude. I wonder why."

"I didn't ask for the details. I had my doubts, but considering his recent

achievements, I can't outright say it's a lie."

I inwardly clicked my tongue. As expected of Gordon, who excels in

diplomacy and engages in verbal battles with other countries. He knows the

importance of information, hence why he's part of a corrupt noble group.

In reality, he's Arnbald's right-hand man, gathering information and feeding

it to the king.

"He continues to behave unbecoming of a noble. But he embodies what I

expect from a noble. That's probably why she chose him."

"And speaking of her… that attendant…"

"Flonne has probably already noticed, but she was the former commander

of our country's Holy Knights. She was a capable person… though her

sense of justice was too strong."

He recalled Chris Ragunica, the former commander of the Kingdom's Holy

Knights, and chuckled as he took a sip of his wine.

"Fearless, she attempted to confront the darker side of the nobility. But as a

commoner, she had no support. No matter how strong she was, there's a

limit when going solo."

"So, you exiled her before she ended up in a desperate situation?"

"I wanted to help her, honestly. But at the time, I couldn't risk exposing my

plans. All I could do was exile her to protect her."

He was deliberately playing the role of a foolish king.

In order to defeat the corrupt nobles who have grown rich alongside

prosperity, and to punish the decayed noble spirit.

He has loved this country since he was a child, willing to sacrifice his life to

rebuild it.

"…Yet, she's come back like this."

"Fortunes do turn, don't they? And now she's found a master with the same

aspirations as her own. I believe she's more fulfilled than ever."

"Yes, she looks very lively. Happier than serving the country, I'd say."

"It's quite an embarrassing tale."

For someone saying that, he looked quite pleased… no, he must be

genuinely happy.

He must be feeling it in his bones, that she's indeed heading towards a

brighter future.

"But Flonne managed to convince Levezenka to agree to the engagement

annulment. What methods did you use?"

"It was easy. I simply said that if Ouga Vellett lost, I'd give Reina to him."

Upon hearing this, Arnbald was momentarily taken aback, then burst into

uncontrollable laughter.

"Hahaha! That's quite a daring gamble you took!"

"It wasn't a gamble at all. Anyone could see Ouga Vellett was going to


I really wanted to see his 'Magic Cancel,' but I guess I'll have to wait.

I never thought Arnbald's son would be so weak that he couldn't even bring

it out.

…Or perhaps Ouga Vellett was just too strong.

Either way, knowing his true strength, there was no need to hesitate about

which side to bet on.

"Levezenka always wanted a talented heir. He's been marrying and

divorcing multiple times. To offer your disciple to him… that's quite a feat

only you could pull off."

"Even if I knew the outcome, I would still proceed,"

"I have severed ties with the Levezenka family due to this incident. I owe

thanks to Gordon's son."

This would probably make it harder for Levezenka to make any moves.

There had always been a tendency to do whatever they wanted because

their daughter was the king's fiancée.

It looks like things are settling down in a good direction for Arnbaldo too.

"Karen Levezenka also possesses a virtuous nature similar to him. The

situation is likely to change radically in the near future,"

"Indeed. With those two, the country will be rightly cleansed of its filth. If

they can successfully purge all of the rot—I would consider relinquishing

the throne to Ouga Vellett."

His words were not a whim.

There was an air of anticipation as his voice echoed in the quiet room.

"…Even if no one else is listening, that's a rather daring statement,"

"Just one of many possibilities. It's just a thought, while shaking my head at

the absurdity of it all. However, I dream that he can attain it."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


