72.17% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 83: Chp. 83 You only noticed now?

章 83: Chp. 83 You only noticed now?

"Guys, it seems that we may have to take a detour somewhere Harlem. It is imperative that I be present there with some muscle to help if things go awry." Paul smiled at the driver's seat as he looked back at Gilgamesh, Thena, Kingo and Karun in the backseat.

"Oh we are going to New York? Great I happen to have a nice flat there near Greenwich Village." Kingo said as he wandered about the large interior of the small camper van.

"But seriously dude, how were you able to make this much space in this very small van? I think even Phastos have no idea on what makes this thing work. Where is Phastos even? I lost track where he last lived after Hiroshima, oh and side note never mention Hiroshima and Nagasaki to him later." Kingo looked giddy as he sat down in the sofa while Karun served him and Thena tea.

"Seven Thousand years and the guy never shuts up." Gilgamesh groaned as he sat in the passenger's seat.

"Well that lot of time bores people down so I think it is understandable that when you only meet up a couple of times every few decades then a man would really want to share a lot of things to catch up." Paul smiled as he pressed some buttons on the screen on the dashboard.



"Who are you calling?" Gilgamesh looked at Paul who was driving but the scenery outside was all ocean as the camper van went on hover mode in stealth, so the car is floating a meter above sea level as they flew at mach 4 speed which a force field surrounded the vehicle to create a flow that prevented them getting air resistance.

"An angry black pirate that is currently the director of the largest intelligence organization within Earth that loves to document and find things that is not yet ready to be shown to the world." Paul then looked at the monitor where an angry face was shown.

"Mr. Esteban, it seems you are calling for a reason. Let me guess? Is it about Stark or is it about our angry green friend that has recently emerged near Culver University." Fury was looking a bit tired since recently there had been a spike of powered people appearing left and right.

"New Mexico, the blond guy with good looks is Thor Odinson. He is currently exile and being tested for his worthiness of the throne so do not meddle in too much in the affairs of our planet's Landlord. But you did not ask since Coulson already told you about it anyways, Stark is dying of Palladium Poisoning but it seems he already understood what his father left him…" Paul got distracted as a large Tuna got hit by the camper Van as he drove really fast that he did not expect to hit a large fish.

"Thor? Isn't he that kid that was with Odin ten years after the battle of Tonsberg G? Oh wait, did that count as Road-kill? Uhm! This brew you made is totally great, how did you make this? You know you can earn a lot if we put this with a brand." Kingo asked making Fury realize there were people around Paul.

"Yeah, quite a restless kid he was. He was quite a handful but his brother seems intelligent even though he did a lot of mischief. The brew I got from Odin when he thanked me for helping during the Ice Giant attacks, I made it carefully by chewing the kernels in my mouth and fermenting it to add that extra flavor." Gilgamesh said while Kingo stopped drinking the beverage Gilgamesh made.

"Is there someone with you Mr. Esteban? I should remind you that what we are talking now is classified." Fury squinted his eyes as he looked at Paul but his ears perked up after hearing some interesting bits in the conversation.

"No need to worry Nicholas, things like classified are what describes these people I am with. Since they are technically millions of years old but only have about seven thousand years of memory within their minds." Paul said but his mind was thinking if Kingo said was indeed apt to the Tuna he ran over or more like ran through earlier.

"Damn, this info is gonna cost me a lot isn't it?" Fury said as he just realized that Paul might bill them later for this info alone. "Don't speak anymore or else my pockets will be empty."

"Okay Nick, but regarding Banner, I'll be there as I am currently in the Atlantic driving towards Harlem." Paul said while Fury raised his brow.

"Driving? Atlantic? So your Bus can go on amphibious mode now?" Fury felt jealous as he knew that there were lots of advanced tech within Paul's vehicle.

"Nope, not yet. But this one I'm driving is a camper van Nick, smaller yet still has lots of space inside and could hover above the water while powered with a stable nuclear reactor in the engine. Don't worry though, you'll get yours soon once the world is stable for my tastes." Paul looked at the monitor and saw the slight brightening of Fury's eyes hearing he might be getting one car like Paul has.

"Anyways, I'll be sending you a small file later on how to ensure Ross does not go off scot free from the recent stunts he did. Especially on Brazil, the file includes a list of politicians there who could be used to call for repercussions about the recent operation there. I want you to make Noise Fury, things are getting weirder every day and you yourself knows that SHIELD might just need to show itself in public soon to appease the people." Paul said as he saw that Fury was also giving instructions on the side.

"It seems that we do, also if you have the time I would like to consult about certain groups of powered people that had been in SHIELD's index list of things that are foreign to our world. Besides that there are also many things in the FRIDGE that needed some help in categorizing. But please reach out first since you just gave me lot of things to work on so I'll be here preparing to calm people down." Fury then nodded to Paul and closed the monitor.

"Well, it seems I got a clear if I need to make a move later. I do not want some things to appear yet but there are things that needed to be done." Paul turned the van slightly to evade the pod of whales on the way in case some of them might try jumping out of the water while he is passing by.

"Fridge? Did you leave lunch boxes there that they were too afraid to touch or something?" Kingo said as he looked at Paul.

"Nope, FRIDGE is a facility where SHIELD stores various items or people that are too dangerous to be left in public. Some were results of accidents on various experiments while others are just pure weirdness, there was one guy there that was able to successfully graft lion paws in is hands. Just the paws and nothing else." Paul smiled remembering this info he learned when he first hacked in SHIELD's classified files.

"But why?" Karun asked as he was also confused.

"Don't ask me, these guys were supposed to be the ones to guide humans to a better civilization even if they were unknowingly assisting the destruction of the planet so ask them. I'm not the one teaching humans weird things." Paul shrugged his shoulders as he looked at the Eternals in the Van.

"I'm only here to protect the others." Thena said as she washed her hands off the weirdness of humans.

"Must be Gilgamesh, he makes wine out of chewed up corn." Kingo said making the burly eternal besides Paul look back to his fellow Eternal.

"I only punch things, if it's about teaching people weird things it'll be Phastos or Sprite. But maybe Sprite, she likes making stories up and maybe humans picked weird things up from it." Gilgamesh said as he tapped the monitor on the Van making him see that there was internet in it so he passed his time reading things.

"Hey, what are we going to do in Harlem perchance?" Kingo asked Paul as he was curious of their destination.

"To see the extent of how far Science has brought Mankind further…" Paul said while pressing a button on the dashboard making a holographic screen appear in front of Kingo, Thena and Karun showing the various videos of Hulk, recent events of Iron Man and a current fight happening within New Mexico.

"Hey, isn't that the Destroyer?!" Kingo stood up in alarm as he saw the familiar dangerous weapon of Odin.

"How come Odin pulled out such a weapon of mass destruction here in Earth of all places?" Gilgamesh remembered how this enchanted armor reaped thousands of Ice Giant lives within Minutes during the war.

"That is not Odin, more of his mischievous son who followed Thor around when they were little." Paul said as he looked at the reactions of the people behind while Karun was totally clueless standing there finding things to make himself useful.

"Oh, I think his name was somewhat similar to Laufey. Loki is it not?" Thena said as she made another tab in the holo-screen to watch funny cat videos with her serious poker face.

"Why are you even watching that? You don't even react or anything at all." Kingo said as he curiously looked at the rather stable Thena who now no longer has to worry about Mahd-wy'ry.

"I laugh…" Thena said as she looked seriously at Kingo. "…in my mind, so that counts."

"Thank you by the way…" Gilgamesh said softly to Paul who raised his brow in curiosity where this was coming from. "…for helping Thena when even Ajak was not able to help her."

"You're welcome, besides Ajak can only heal your wounds but she could also make you all remember but that will make you all fall into extreme mind shock. Only a being with abilities that is tied to the Soul could ensure you will not lose your mind if you all remember. So she had to erase it every time Mahd-wy'ry resurfaces." Paul looked at the time and found that they were only about an hour away from New York.


"I swear to you mother, that they will pay for what they've done today!" Loki said solemnly to his mother.

"Loki!" Thor arrived just in time then, an few hours earlier just like in the movies the warriors three and Lady Sif went against the orders of Loki and arrived on Earth.

This made Loki send the Destroyer towards Thor to finish him once and for all, but thanks to Paul warning Coulson the small town was able to evacuate immediately giving room for the Asgardians to fight the destroyer.

Paul was amazed as he watched because it was totally different from the movies where the fight only lasted a few bouts.

The Warriors three proved themselves formidable as they gave trouble to one of the most dangerous weapon Odin has within his Vault.

With Lady Sif as well helping proving that warriors need a tinge of elegance within their battles.

Their fight alone totaled a few houses in the streets as the Destroyer showed why it was named thus, but Paul ensured no civilians were harmed as he watched over the town.

It was also this time Thor showed his development as he made himself the target for the Destroyer, but his actions proved his worthiness thus the God of Hammers flew towards him and acknowledged his right for the power of Thor.

Paul was also in Asgard when Loki froze Heimdal while bringing in Laufey and a few Ice Giant Elites to assassinate the Allfather.

With a little nudge Heimdal was able to break the Ice earlier this time and was able to bring Thor and the others back.

"Thor!" Frigga was surprised at the arrival of her eldest in the chambers of the Allfather just in time when Loki had just killed Laufey the King of the Ice Giants.

"I knew you'd return to us." Frigga worried about her son went to give him a hug while Thor was glaring towards Loki with rapt attention in case his brother does something in his mischief.

After giving his mother a brief hug Thor was still glaring at Loki with anger visible within his eyes.

"Why don't you tell her…" Thor walked inside the royal chamber with righteous indignation as he and Loki circled each other. "…how you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me?"

"What?!" Frigga was shocked as she heard of this.

"Why, it must have been enforcing Father's last command." Loki said as he stared down his brother across the bed where Odin lay sleeping.

"You're a talented liar, brother. Always have been." Thor rebuked as he still cannot fathom how Loki had tried to kill him and their friends.

"It's good to have you back." Loki said with fake concern and relief but he still did not relent on his plans.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to destroy Jotunheim." Loki said as he suddenly pointed Gugnir towards Thor blasting him towards the Wall of the Royal chamber sending him out falling outside the castle.

Frigga was still stunned as she just processed what just happened while Loki went on his way towards the Bifrost on horseback.

Paul had wondered where Thor was that Loki even had time to get a horse and ride it here in the Bifrost which was at least about fifteen minutes.

He floated there thinking what was happening in the castle but he understood that there were still factions within the royal palace.

Asgardians were split apart fighting each other, one side was loyal to Odin and was led by other Asgardian Bigwigs like Tyr who thought that Ice Giants were indeed attacking and attempted an assassination to the King.

Opposed to him was Bald'r who was told by Frigga not to let any Asgardians leave with Loki to war thus force Loki to leave earlier and keep the Bifrost open.

Thor on the other hand dealt with these for a bit trying to convince the aggressive group of Asgardians to stand down and with the help of Sif and the Warriors Three speaking up that this was all Loki schemes.

But even then there were still a lot who did not believe it instantly and was still consumed by anger that someone wanted to attempt assassinating their Allfather.

This is why Loki had time to go towards the Bifrost, so when Thor cannot find him it took him some time to find where Loki was when the Bifrost opened firing towards Jotunheim.

He twirled his hammer and arrived in time seeing Loki freeze the opened Bifrost with the casket of winters thinking that only Thor will be the one to stop him in his tracks.

"Welp, guess I'll show myself then." Paul said while Thor and Loki start their battle.

He appeared at the special point where the light beam was passing through space to arrive instantly at Jotunheim.

Paul's eyes glowed as he radiated with divine light and opened up to the Eight Gate while using gigantification technique making himself appear as large as Asgard.

His body glowed with ethereal power that made him seem divine as his body took the full burnt of the Bifrost beam.

"Allfather, I think it is time for you to wake up." Paul murmured while Odin who was sleeping suddenly showed the changes within his body that was possible with Paul's help.

"Haargh!!" Odin shouted with power as he felt himself almost close to his prime with even large reserves of Odinforce.

His bellow shook the castle that even Thor and Loki felt it while they gawked at the sudden giant that spawned out of nowhere.

Paul used about 97% of the current psionic powers he can use since he had not fully explored the limits yet and did not attempt for now trying to pry open the next stage.

The rest were kept to control the activities of his clones who were doing various things.

It did not change anything since this was all the power he could only use on the clones without even overloading them with his Psionic powers.

Paul felt that he could make more strides in this area but right now it is enough to stop the powerful weapon of the Asgardians.

He watched as how Thor did not attempt anymore to break the bridge while Loki was pinned down with Mjolnir on his chest.

"Look at you." Loki said as he looked at the perplexed face of Thor.

"The mighty Thor, with all your strength, and what good does it do you now, huh?" Loki said with a venomous tone looking at his brother but his eyes still glared at the being that is stopping the powerful planetary weapon of Asgard.

This time Odin arrived on the bridge near the bifrost atop an eight legged steed that did not even slow down for a moment from the push of the massive power surging from the overloading Bifrost.

"Father!" Thor exclaimed while Loki seemed pale and unwilling that his plans fell apart, he wanted to prove himself the better heir but now that his father is awake then all those plans have turned into mist.

He had thought that even as powerful the giant was out there in space, there would be a moment where he can no longer contend with the power of the beam.

"Come!" Odin reached out his hand and his spear came flying towards his hand while he charged inside the chamber where even Thor had trouble walking towards to.

The pull of the Bifrost did not bother Odin at all as he covered himself with dark magic and ensure he will not be dragged in the beam.

This just showed how much of a gap his strength is with his sons who had never thought their father to be this powerful.

"Ughh! Damned hammer, I was so close! Why father!" Loki screamed in indignation as he watched how Odin broke the frozen arcs and stopped the Bifrost that was about to overheat.

Just as the bifrost slowly stopped, Odin was still atop Sliepnir looking over to the new entity that had taken root within Midgard showing a glance of the massive power that is being contained in his body.

"You have my gratitude guest, for helping me reinforce the seal and stopping the deaths of many of my subjects." Odin's voice resounded all over Asgard as he nodded towards Paul who was slowly pulling back his powers as well after experiencing the strength of the Bifrost.

'Damn that thing is a real planet destroyer!' Paul thought as he slowly returned to his normal appearance while his body cooled down and floated in space slowly going towards the Allfather of the Norse Gods.

"It is my honor to help your majesty, I know where this might have ended if I did not intervene. Much death and destruction awaits if Asgard is even to be disconnected to the Nine Realms with you not being able to watch over them and protect them as you have for generations." Paul arrived in front of Odin and bowed slightly.

"Please do not show such courtesy to me my friend, I am not worthy of your praise. Both you and I know that you have reached a level that even I cannot reach unless age catches up to me." Odin smiled as instantly addressed Paul seeing that there seemed to be no malice within his actions.

He had been aware and worried that Paul might have come to his Kingdom with ill intentions but seeing the result he did agree that this was the best seeing Thor becoming a much worthy Heir.

Looking back at the struggling son of his under the hammer he sighed and cannot think of ways on how to punish this wayward son of his.

"Husband!" Frigga arrived this time seeing that the King had awakened and quelled the fight between his people earlier but hurried to the Bifrost atop the fastest steed of the realm.

"Husband?!" Frigga paused as she felt confused pausing in the middle of her action to hug her husband. Her brows were raised as she eyed Odin up and down seeing his rather youthful appearance and visible vigor.

"Father! You're alright!" Thor was glad as he went to Odin but also stopped.

"Is it me or did father ever look this young." Thor looked back at Loki thinking that this was an Illusion but Frigga shook her head indicating this was no illusion.

"Yes, he is younger. But this is as much as I can help in this matter as there are limits to the assistance I can do with what ails the Allfather." This time Paul talked announcing his presence once again since Loki was the only one glaring towards him since he appeared on the bridge.

"He speaks the truth, my Odinsleep this time has been brought by old injuries and our guest here had greatly assisted me in recovering much earlier than I had expected." Odin stepped in front and gave his wife a gentle hug then patted Thor's shoulder with visible pride.

But in the end he stood beside Loki who was now lying there accepting his defeat.

"Go on with it, execute me for the monster that I am!" Loki snarled as he looked at Odin but he was then stunned as he did not saw hate nor anger. It was all disappointment within the Allfather's eyes as he looked at his wayward son.

"Brother watch what you speak to father." Thor frowned at why his brother was like this as he could never piece it within his mind his recent actions.

"Brother?! Am I?! Am I really your brother?!" Loki snapped as his eyes reddened with deep unwillingness as he looked at Thor who he felt to be looking at him with pity.

He hated it, he hated this Thor. The brother he had longed before but never was, the one he knew was not like this and never seems sensible as the one in front of him.

Odin looked sadder as he watched his sons bicker but this time it was Frigga who walked forward an kneeled besides Loki making the God of Mischief quiet down as he did not want his mother to see him like this.

"Loki, what am I to you?" Frigga asked as she wiped the tears forming within Loki's eyes, Thor saw this and recalled Mjolnir to his hands watching this unfold while Paul was reduced to a side character with Odin still not knowing what to say.

"Why does it matter mother? I am not even one bit Asgardian as your prized son." Loki kept lying on the bridge as he did not show any aggressive actions knowing that he could never go far if he tried escaping.

"You still call me mother, so you are still my son. Whom I raised and taught ever since you were a small babe swaddled in my arms. You are my son just as much as Thor, so do not ever think otherwise even if I was not the one that birthed you." Frigga smiled lovingly as she helped Loki sit up and hugged him not even caring of his recent actions.

'Your Majesty, I know this is a bad time to intrude but there are things that needed to be done. Loki has almost killed an entire race, even with my intervention tens of thousands of Ice Giants have died already.' Paul's voice sounded out within Odin's ears.

'I know, thus it will pain me again to punish another son of mine.' Odin replied as he watched his wife do her magic in calming down the situation.

'Just give him the same treatment as Thor, make him mortal and send him to earth. Make it so that he'll be judged by both Asgardians and people of Midgard. How you do it is on your discretion but don't worry as I'll watch over him to prevent him falling from certain death.' Paul said as he did not want Loki to become a pawn for Thanos who surely will sit still again since Odin had regained his strength.

[One Hour later]

"Odin you can't!" Frigga said as she was aghast at Odin, sitting on the Throne, had just announced the exile of another son of theirs.

"It is my will! There is no discussion on this, Loki Odinson you are hereby exiled in Midgard for the crimes you have done to the crown of Asgard and its people!" Odin banged the butt of his spear to the floor as he ferociously used his Dark magic to strip Loki off of his powers.

Loki cannot say a word as a mask was put on his face to silence him but in the whole ordeal he did not make one move as he was rather dazed at how even knowing his real heritage his mother did not treat him any differently.

Even Odin who still called him Odinson was a surprise to him as he thought that he would have been addressed of his real parentage.

"Father, can't we just keep brother here? His recent actions had agitated the humans and surely they would not welcome the ones that sent the Destroyer into their realm." Thor pleaded as he thought that some people might hold ill will towards Loki should they know he was the one that sent one of the most dangerous weapons of Asgard in earth.

"That is not a matter you should trouble with. Heimdal!" Odin shouted making the just recovered gate keeper walk inside the Throne room.

"You have need of me your majesty?" Heimdal asked as he kneeled in front of Odin.

"Take Loki away." Odin only said that as the gatekeeper nodded and walked with large strides towards the Bifrost.

Loki was escorted by the Warriors Three and Lady Sif while Thor went to comfort his mother who was sad at the fact that she will not be able to see her son again.

As soon as the throne room was empty with only Frigga and Thor as well as Odin on the Throne, the King of Asgard looked to the side where Paul was waiting by the shadows.

"I hope you watch over my son Paul of Midgard." Odin's words made Thor and Frigga look at where he was watching and saw Paul nod to Odin and suddenly disappear.

"Who was that father?" Thor asked seemingly confused who Paul was and not understand why he was there.

"You only noticed now?" Odin asked back.

(A/N: Well took a long time to update since I have been busy with my Mid Terms and holy crap was I so close to flunking two of my subjects when I had not reviewed for the test until the day before.

Seems like I have to slow down my time here writing for a bit so I could catch up on my lessons. Anyways here's a chapter and hope you enjoy.)

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C83
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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