34.52% The Mid Laner Belongs To The Jungler / Chapter 29: Unexpectedly Match Against a Master-Tier Streamer (3)

章 29: Unexpectedly Match Against a Master-Tier Streamer (3)

Sen could not fathom why he was losing so miserably. Even though he was being cautious, the other person seemed to be able to predict his moves easily and kept landing one skillshot after another.

His jungler no longer dared to gank his lane. He said in the chat that he would be back for a gank once he hit level 6 so he needed him to play safe.

Sen angrily roared inside his head: It was easier said than done!

Looking at the huge CS between them, Sen felt like he was a Bronze who did not know how to farm!

Do you know how it feels to know what to do but is unable to do it?!

As Sen's tears were starting to form a river, Fu Yue's mood remained tranquil. Despite being ahead he did not become careless.

Knowing that he was being camped by Bear, Fu Yue treaded carefully while pushing the wave.

On normal days, he would give mercy and go easy on casual players since he was a former pro player after all.

However, Fu Yue had no intention of going easy in this game today.

It was good to entertain the viewers but deliberately wrecking someone's day for your amusement was crossing the line.

Fu Yue had a fan in the past that played the game because he was unable to use his legs due to a car accident.

In the beginning, it lifted his mood but after meeting with a certain toxic player that coincidentally said something about him being unable to walk outside because he was a sore loser he fell back into depression.

It took him a long time to recover. Afterward, he only watched and no longer played the game.

Fu Yue was not responsible for that incident but he still felt bad as he was a part of the game community.

Seeing how others unanimously described Bear, Fu Yue felt that it wouldn't be bad to let loose for a bit today.

The image on the computer screen reflected in his pair of violet eyes that contained a rare moment of earnestness within them.

His lips stretched into a light smile enhancing his handsomeness even more, "Let's see how many kills I can get in this game."

Back to the game, farming against Sen was as easy as last hitting the minions in practice mode.

Had Sen in his shadow form, Fu Yue wouldn't have looked down on him to this extent. But presently, Sen was already two levels behind him so he hasn't hit level 6 yet.

Fu Yue didn't give him any room to breathe so Sen was always stuck farming under his turret.

He couldn't use his W or else the chance of last-hitting minions would be even worse. Sen could only resort to staying close to the wave hoping to kill them with his auto-attack.

But the evil K did not pity this poor Sen and hit him whenever he was given the chance to do so.

Right now, Sen was literally playing as a damsel in distress.

With such peaceful farming, Fu Yue was a bit disappointed that no one came to get him.

[All] K: Shadow, where are you?

Everyone in this game could see K's message and was waiting to see the drama between K and Shadow.

In the previous gank, K amassed two kills on his own. Therefore, it was not hard to figure out that K was taunting Shadow due to his failure.

As everyone was waiting for Shadow's response, a game announcement suddenly sounded out of nowhere saying that K once again killed Sen.

Everyone: "..." Is this killing the chickens, to scare the monkeys?

[A/N: Killing the chickens, to scare the monkeys = Making an example out of someone to threaten others.]

Bear was furious with K who dared to mock him in this humiliating way and idiot Sen who allowed K to be this arrogant.

He hurriedly opened the team chat.

Shadow: You idiot! I told you to play safe. Do you think K is not fed enough?

Sen: Screw you, you came to my lane then fed K a kill and you still dare to talk?

Sen: You know that I have a bad matchup against K but you don't come back to help and now you are blaming me? You no brainer!

Sen: How many times has he been staying in front of my turret? Such an easy gank why don't you come?!

Shadow: I can't kill him before hitting 6, can't you understand?!

Sen: Heh, your champ is designed to kill a glass cannon like him. Don't even mention 6 even Lv 3, if you play it right, K would not be farming this peacefully!

Bear angrily typed swear words in the chat but unfortunately got censored. He irritatedly closed the chat to continue clearing his jungle camps and decided to ignore this mentally-retarded Sen.

Sen was not entirely wrong. It was just that Bear did not want to admit saying he was not confident of not making the same mistake again.

As shameful as it was, Bear realized that he might've met a highly skilled master.

Simply by looking at his CS which should be at least 10 per minute and was considered to be perfect, he realized that he was meeting a smurf while smurfing himself.

All things aside, Bear was currently live streaming. Therefore, he couldn't abandon the game even if he wanted to.

In the end, he could only comfort himself by saying that K was farming against an inting Sen so it was understandable for him not to miss any minions.

This game is still winnable! I will make that cocky K so embarrassed that he is going to uninstall the game! His bounty will be mine sooner or later! Let him laugh for now while he can!

Not knowing he has fueled Bear's desire to win and made him bow down to him Fu Yue, on the other hand, was waiting inside the river bush for his target to arrive.

Since Bear was not coming to him, he should go for him instead.

To be honest, the kill on Sen a while ago was unintentional. Fu Yue was just casually taking one more plate while sneaking another Q on Sen. He turned back to walk away only to find that his Q actually landed a crit and killed Sen in return.

Staring at Sen's corpse, Fu Yue couldn't help but shake his head in sympathy, "I only have 20% crit. Sen is seriously unlucky."

Everyone laughed out loud at his comment.

[Judging by the timing of your message and the kill announcement I think others had already thought that you are killing Sen for Shadow to see! XD]

[Yueyue, you should have said this ever since the moment he locked Sen to play against you!]

[No teammates come to help him either. Sen is going to cry after this game…]

[Yueyue, show mercy and don't kill Bear too much okay? I am going to go bankrupt! QAQ]

Fu Yue turned a blind eye toward the last comment. He busily scoured the entire map looking for his potential targets.

A moment later, he found Bear silently walking out of his bot jungle to get the crab in the river.

[Uh oh am I weird for wanting to warn Bear that K is hiding in the river bush? Lmao]

[Is Yueyue going to yoink it?]

[A/N: Yoink = (A slang) To kill.]

Bear who was ignorant to the fact that he was being watched by numerous pairs of eyes was still doing the crab enthusiastically.

When he was about to smite it, a bullet suddenly strayed out from the river bush and robbed it right in front of his eye.

While Bear was being caught off-guard, the culprit quickly fired his bullets at him non-stop taking 40% of his health in a blink of an eye.

Abruptly coming back to his senses, Bear quickly put a clone inside the bush to gain a vision of the hidden K before placing another one right outside the bush.

His reaction was already fast enough but K was even quicker than him!

The moment his clone placement was done K dashed to the left to dodge all of his attacks thrown at him!

Since Bear missed his W he had no hope of fighting him anymore. He hastily went invisible trying to sneak away.

However, right as he activated it he got locked by K's R.

Bear's fingers trembled upon realizing that he was doomed yet again.

Had he pressed his invisibility just a tiny bit faster, he wouldn't have gotten locked by K's R since he would become untargetable.

However, it was an entirely different matter if K pressed his button before him and he used his invisibility afterward.

The result was that Bear wasted his escaping ability by getting hit which promptly revealed himself in plain sight for K to attack him.

Watching his screen turn gray once more by the same person, Bear's temper flared.

"Where the hell are my teammates?!"

Of course, no one could come to help him. First of all, Sen just spawned in the fountain. Secondly, his top had no global ultimate. Last but not least, his bot lane was busily fighting against the enemy bot lane so they had no time to come into the river.

[A/N: Global ultimate are ultimate champion abilities that have effects or consequences across the map.]

It was his miscalculation to be unaware of K's location and was careless to walk into the river all by himself.

Yet, Bear did not think that it was his fault and began to blame his teammates again.

What's worse was that the Drake was available right in front of K so together with Radanh they secured the Drake with no suspense.

Radanh was simply level 4 and he didn't even gank any lane yet but it looked like his team was winning so hard, especially in the mid lane.

He was initially worried about Shadow kept getting free kills in the mid-lane which ended up impacting the whole map and putting more pressure on him as a jungler.

Truthfully speaking, when Shadow ganked at level 2 Radanh already visualized the worst-case scenario. He was far away from the mid-lane so he could do nothing other than watch K run away from Shadow.

And then he saw a miracle.

K's play was smooth and clean showing that he knew what he was doing which overturned Radanh's impression of him.

Later on, seeing K even provoked Shadow in all chat and casually killed Sen as an example for Shadow to see Radanh decided that he would play around mid-lane.

Not knowing that the jungler was going to be at his beck and call for the rest of the match, Fu Yue pinged the bot after they got the drake.

As a result, the enemy bot duo was besieged under their turret by four people.

With two marksmen on their team, the poke was insane. The support even kindly pulled the turret's aggro before seamlessly switching to Radanh so the murder was done with no casualty as Fu Yue amassed a double kill on his roam.

Taking another turret plate, Fu Yue hit the recall button. But, all of a sudden Shadow abruptly appeared intending to kill both his support and jungler who were low-health.

Fu Yue quickly canceled his recall to immediately W Shadow which caused him to lose sight of his targets.

This brief 2 seconds was enough for the support to flash away and for Radnah to activate his Q. He easily hit Shadow to briefly knock him up as both Fu Yue and ADC swiftly right-click on him to AA.

As an assassin, their health was also not that much better than a glass cannon, especially in the early game. That's why Shadow whose flash hasn't come off cooldown yet, awkwardly tried to walk back.

Unfortunately, Fu Yue accumulated a lot of stacks. As a result, his attack range was huge, and could easily stay on Shadow to kill him.

"Triple Kill!"

As calm as ever, Fu Yue recalled while typing in the team chat, "Bot reset, then come to the Young Saint pit."

A level 7 K with 7 kills had more than enough authority to command others to listen to him so the bot lane did as told after resetting.

Fu Yue also did not forget to mention to the chat, "Our bot wave is being pushed so their bot needs to catch the wave, therefore, we have an advantage in numbers. That's why it is a good opportunity to take the Young Saint and drop mid."

As expected, the enemy bot duo was seen on the other side of the map to catch the wave. Fu Yue had a whole team on the top side river so even if the enemy team knew that they were killing the Young Saint, no one dared to come to contest this objective.

K: Drop mid

Radanh readily dropped the Young Saint after Fu Yue and his ADC cleared the mid-wave.

The enemy bot lane decided to trade the bot turret with the mid turret, therefore, they did not rotate mid letting Sen defend the turret alone.

"Dropping mid garners the best value since Sen is bad at defending without his teammates beside him. With the addition of two marksmen, we should get another charge into the second-tier turret."

Fu Yue intended to merely let the Young Saint crash into the second turret before walking away. Yet, after checking the map he found that there seemed to be no support coming to stop them.

So, his team got another turret for free and walked away with heavy pockets.

While his teammates were recalling, Fu Yue instead walked into the enemy red jungle to steal the red buff before going back to his base.

He then eyed the neglected top lane and inadvertently spotted Shadow who was making his way from his blue jungle.

Instead of telling his top laner to retreat, Fu Yue typed, "Top Bait, I will arrive soon."

[Why do I suddenly feel bad for Bear? XD]

[Instead of warning him, he told his top to bait. What a chad!]

[RIP 🐻]

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


