52.63% The Mechanic and the Earthbender / Chapter 20: Earth Queen

章 20: Earth Queen

The Future Industries airship is flying over the Earth Kingdom while Oogi is flying above it and at the platform of the ship Bumi and Kai begin training their new Airbending as Jinora is teaching them while Kota, Asami, Naga, and Pabu watch them.

"Light on your feet, Uncle Bumi. Remember you want to be quick and evasive." Jinora instructed.

"Don't worry about me, little lady. I've been in a scrap or two, you know. Ha, ha, ha." Bumi said, taking a boxing stance. "Oh, you're just a youngster, so I'm gonna go easy on ya. Wouldn't wanna hurt a kid…" Bumi is cut off as Kai slides to the floor and fires an air blast at Bumi's legs knocking him to the ground. "Oh…" Bumi said.

"Uncle Bumi, you've got to work on your stance changes." Jinora said helping her uncle on his feet and Kai helps her. "Kai that was just…" Jinora started to crush on the boy, "Really good."

Kai sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, "Thanks, Jinora. You're such a great teacher."

Jinora started to walk away while blushing and later heard someone chuckling. She looked to see Kota who gave her a smirk and mouthed, 'You like him.' Jinora blushed more and started to glare at him, Asami noticed this and smacked her boyfriend at the back of the head.

"Ow!" Kota cradled his head, "What was that for?"

"For teasing your sister," Asami said.

Jinora smiled that her older brother was getting reprimanded and walked away. Bumi is back on his feet but he feels his body looking for something.

"Hey, did I drop my wallet?" Bumi asked.

Jinora started to laugh and Bumi looked to see Kai with his wallet.

"Get back here you thief!" Bumi yelled, chasing Kai.

Kota later walks up to join Korra and his father.

"Can't believe we're actually going to the Earth Kingdom Capital of Ba Sing Se." Kota said.

"I know, I've heard stories about it from Katara. It's exciting to be on a diplomatic mission there." Korra said. "Hey, Tenzin, what's the Earth Queen like?" Korra asked.

"Well, I've never actually met her in person, but I heard she can be quite…demanding." Tenzin said.

"I can see why you and Mom didn't want to take me to Ba Sing Se," Kota said, bluntly.

Bolin joins them and swings his legs from the railings excited.

"This is it, Mako. This is where Dad grew up! C'mon, Mako! Come look!" Bolin said.

"Okay, calm down. I'm looking." Mako said joining them.

The airship then approaches an earth wall which is the Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se.

"I wonder how many Airbenders are in the city." Kota said.

"We'll find out soon enough." Korra said.

The airship passes the Outer Wall and arrives at the city where they arrive at the Lower Ring full of poor peasants and the group recoil from the stink.

"Uhh, the Lower Ring looks terrible." Korra said.

"Tell me about it." Kota said.

"Yep, I can smell it from here. No wonder Dad left." Bolin said.

"Clearly, the Queen's not doing a good job of doing things for her people." Kota said.

The airship keeps going and arrives at the Inner Wall and makes it to the Middle Ring.

"Hello, Middle Ring!" Bolin called.

The airship later arrives at the Upper Ring and makes it to the Royal Palace.

"Wow, now that's more like it." Kai said.

The airship later lands near the palace entrance and the group leave the airship from the ramp and they find a well-dressed Earth Kingdom man.

"Avatar Korra and Master Tenzin, it's a pleasure to welcome you and your party to the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se. I'm Grand Secretariat, Gun." Gun introduced.

"Thank you." Korra said bowing.

"Aah, it's got that Upper Ring smell." Bolin said with Pabu on his shoulder while Naga, Shorty, and Oogi followed him.

"Oh, no. The Queen hates animals. You'll have to get them out of sight." Gun said.

"Well, I can just stash Pabu in my shirt, but these guys are gonna be a bit tougher." Bolin said.

"Come with me, hurry. I'll escort you to your quarters." Gun said walking off and the group follows him and they walk down a courtyard of the palace. "Now, when you meet the Queen, make sure you bow low enough, that's very important, and don't look at her in the eye, she can't stand that. If any food is served, don't eat before she eats. Well, actually, I have to taste her food first, then she eats, then you can eat. Better yet, just don't eat." Gun explained.

"Seems like an awful lot of rules." Korra said.

"Tell me about it," Kota said.

"Oh, you don't know the half of it and I'm the one who gets in trouble when people don't follow them, so please, for my sake, try not to upset Her Majesty." Gun said.

Kai was walking with the group and finds an Earth Kingdom citizen walking past and he has many jewelry making Kai have a sly smile.

'Perfect,' Kai later slides away from the group.

Later the group arrived at the temporary house.

"Here we are." Gun said.

"Ohhh, very swanky." Bolin said.

The group enters the house and examine the inside of it.

"Now, go in and make yourselves and keep those animals and that spirit out of sight in the backyard." Gun said, making Bolin walk away with a huff.

"Avatar Korra, Mr. Beifong, if you'll follow me. We don't want to keep Her Majesty waiting." Gun said.

"Of course," Kota said as he and Korra follow Gun out of the house.

Kota and Korra follow Gun through the palace.

"Are you nervous?" Kota asked.

"A little. We've never met the Queen before and from what Tenzin said earlier about her being demanding, it's not a good sign." Korra said.

"I agree. Who knows what she's like." Kota said.

The trio arrive at a side courtyard where they find a middle-aged woman wearing a royal Earth Kingdom dress with many fancy jewelry, long fingernails with gold rings, and a fancy green headdress with flowers and emeralds.

"Your Majesty, may I present Avatar Korra and her accomplice Kota Beifong." Gun introduced and the two bow but the Queen doesn't pay attention to them.

"You're running the koi pond! It's completely overshadowed by the topiaries!" The Earth Queen yelled at a worker who is in the courtyard below her. "Guards! Take that buffoon away and get me someone, who knows what they're doing!" The Earth Queen ordered as two Dai Li agents grab the offending worker and escort him away. "You! Rip everything out and start over!" The Earth Queen ordered the other worker who Earthbends the ground beneath the topiaries and turns it over leaving a fresh ground in its place. "I am surrounded by idiots." The Earth Queen said bitterly.

"Your Majesty." Kota said from behind making the Queen turn to see the two.

"So, I finally got a visit from the Avatar and her accomplice?" The Earth Queen asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Korra said.

"Hmph, you don't appear anything like how others depicted." The Earth Queen said.

"Wait, what-" Kota was cut off.

"I don't care. Let me guess the real reason why you're here; you want something." The Earth Queen said.

"Well, Your Majesty, I was wondering if you…" Kota was cut off.

"I hardly think you're in a position to ask me for favors after everything your grandfather did to the Earth Kingdom. He and Fire Lord Zuko took advantage of my father's weakness and stole our lands to make their own little empire. The United Republic is Earth Kingdom territory!" The Earth Queen said.

"Well, I'm not sure what I can do about it." Korra said.

"Not that you care, but what's left of my kingdom is falling into ruins. Roving bands of barbarians are raiding villages in the countryside and some of my subjects are refusing to pay their taxes." The Earth Queen said.

"Well, we're sorry, but we need to…" Kota was cut off.

"That topiary is supposed to be an EEL-SWAN, not a turtle-duck!" The Queen yelled, making Gun tremble in fear while Kota and Korra look at each other annoyed.

"This is gonna take a while…" Kota said bluntly.

"Yep." Korra said.

Meanwhile at the house everyone congregates at a table but then Jinora asks a question.

"Hey has anyone seen Kai?" Jinora asks.

"Kai?" Tenzin asked standing up.

"Kai, little bro!" Bolin called coming downstairs.

"He's not over there." Bumi said.

"I'm starting to think we haven't seen him since we've landed." Jinora said.

"Same here." Asami said.

"I knew that kid was no good. He was just waiting for an opportunity to run away again." Mako said.

"We have to find him," Jinora said as she and Tenzin were walking up to Mako and Asami.

"What's the point? He obviously doesn't care about us." Mako said.

"But he's my new little brother. He's probably lost and scared." Bolin said.

"I doubt that." Mako said.

"He's just a little boy and he's our responsibility. Besides, he's the only Airbender we've recruited so far, we can't lose him." Tenzin said and Mako sighs in defeat.

"Fine. Bolin and I will go find him." Mako said as the brothers left the house.

Back at the palace the Earth Queen is giving harsh orders to her workers.

"No, no! To your left! Your OTHER left!" The Earth Queen yelled. "Do you have these problems with your servants?" The Earth Queen asked.

"I don't really have servants." Korra said.

"Now if I'm able to talk, the reason why we're here is because we're trying to gather new Airbenders, who began popping up in the Earth Kingdom and we'd like your help in finding them here." Kota said.

"Airbenders, in Ba Sing Se? Where did you hear that?" The Earth Queen asked.

"Before we left Republic City, we got some reports." Korra said.

"Hmm, well, before I even consider helping you, I'll need you to do something for me." The Earth Queen said.

"Uh-oh." Kota said.

"Of course. What is it?" Korra asked.

"I have a vault full of tax money sitting in a town south of here. Barbarians have stolen my past two shipments. Go collect my money and bring it back here." The Earth Queen ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Korra said bowing.

The Earth Queen indicates the trio should leave and Gun tries to escort them but Kota punches Gun sending him to the ground and the two leave.

"That Queen is nothing more than a beast. I already can't stand her." Kota said.

"Tell me about it. Still, if we're gonna find some Airbenders, we'll need her help, whether we like it or not." Korra said.

"I guess. Though, I feel like she's using us for her own selfish reasons." Kota said.

Unknowing to them two Dai Li agents are on pillars watching them.

Meanwhile Mako and Bolin are outside looking for Kai near a bridge.

"Kai, did you go fishing? You under a bridge?" Bolin asked.

"Ugh, where could he be?" Mako asked.

Just then they see an upperclassman walking by but then a gust of wind makes his robes go up for a few seconds and his hat drops and someone picks up the hat and it's a familiar boy which is Kai.

"Here, sir. Let me help you." Kai said, offering the hat.

"Oh, thank you, young man. What a strange sudden breeze that was." The upperclassmen said while Kai goes around to 'fix' the man's robe.

"Yeah, that was really weird." Kai said.

Mako glares at the boy who manages to take something which is the man's wallet.

"Thanks for your help." The upperclassmen said walking off while Kai placed the wallet in his bag.

"Kai!" Mako called.

Kai grins widely while saluting and slides off.

"Get back here!" Mako yelled, running after Kai.

"Kai, it's us! Mako and Bolin, your new family." Bolin said, running after them.

Kai is running through the street with a rickshaw and he turns around into a corner and Mako does the same but Kai slides under the rickshaw and Mako jumps to the side of the wall and over the rickshaw but Kai does a barrel roll to get away from the Firebender and runs off to an alleyway but Bolin squeezes his way past two rickshaws.

"Excuse me, comin' through. Pardon me. Carry on." Bolin said and continued chasing Kai.

At the monorail station Kai runs upstairs to get away from the brothers and gets in one part of a monorail but Mako goes into the other side and he confronts Kai.

"What are you doing running around robbing people?" Mako asked.

"I was just practicing my Airbending." Kai said grinning.

"Yeah, right. Let's go. You're in trouble." Mako said, starting to drag Kai off.

Kai manages to slip himself out of his shirt while Airbending at the brothers to the other side of the monorail and Kai runs out of the monorail and the brothers chase after him but the doors close.

"Hey!" Mako yelled, banging his hands against the doors.

Kai is now outside and smiles and waves at the brothers as the monorail starts to ride off.

"You're little brother, huh?" Mako asked annoyed.

"Yeah, just a loveable little scamp, isn't he?" Bolin said.

"Reminds me of my little brother." Mako said.

"Designated express line to the Lower Ring. Next up, Poh Kong Station." The train conductor announced.

The monorail leaves the Upper Ring wall and later arrives at Poh Kong Station while making a stop and everyone pushes Mako and Bolin off the train.

"Alright, let's see if we can catch a train back to the Upper Ring." Mako said.

Mako and Bolin find a monorail and make their way for it but a ticket master stops them.

"Passports and tickets." The ticket master said.

"We can pay. Hold on." Bolin said as they searched for their money. "Where's my money?" Bolin asked and the brothers realized this. "No, Kai wouldn't… Aww, man…" Bolin said.

"Step aside. Beat it, you two before things get ugly." The ticket master said.

Mako sees two Dai Li agents staring at them and the brothers walk out and later arrive at a messed up Lower Ring street.

"The bad news is we're stuck here. The good news is we can use the bathroom wherever we want." Bolin said, placing his arm around Mako's shoulder and Mako glares at his brother making him let go.

Later Kota and Korra return to the house.

"We're back." Korra said.

"How was your meeting with the Queen?" Tenzin asked.

"As you described, she's VERY demanding. We asked her about Airbenders, but she wants us to collect her tax money first." Kota said.

"That doesn't sound like a very good thing from her." Asami said.

"No, but if we're gonna look for Airbenders, then we have to do what she says." Korra said.

"I'll get the ship ready." Asami said.

"Where are Mako and Bolin?" Kota asked.

"They went off looking for Kai." Jinora said.

"What? Kai left?" Korra asked.

"Mako and Bolin should've been back already, but they haven't." Bumi said.

"I think they'll come back," Kota said.

Later the next day Kota and Asami are at the Future Industries ship and it leaves the palace.

"Are you sure we shouldn't have brought more people to collect the tax money?" Asami asked.

"There are royal guards waiting at the vault. I doubt anything will happen. I just think Her Majesty likes ordering us around," Kota said.

"Are you okay?" Asami looked to her boyfriend.

"I feel like the Queen is hiding something," Kota said, "as if she doesn't want us to find any Airbenders in Ba Sing Se."

Asami couldn't help cheer him up as she knew he really wanted to help his dad find new Airbenders. She felt bad and held his hand which Kota didn't fail to notice.

After a moment of silence Kota decided to ask something, "Have you ever thought about being a parent?"

"No, why?" Asami was surprised by the random question.

"Pema said that you and I would be amazing parents," Kota said, "But it kinda scares me. I don't know if I'm ready to be one."

"None of us are ever ready to become a parent."

Kota and Asami looked back to see Tenzin who was approaching them.


"When your mother was pregnant with you, I was scared," Tenzin said, recalling the time Lin was pregnant with Kota. "Lin and I were scared out of our minds, we didn't know what to do. But we had to just go along and look at the end result."

Tenzin smiled as he put a hand on his eldest son's shoulder. "Lin and I, despite being separated," he said the last part under his breath, "have an amazing son who is surrounded by friends who care about him." He later looked to Asami and gave her a smile of approval, "And is with someone who makes him happy." Tenzin later looked to both his son and his son's girlfriend, "If you two ever think you will make mistakes as parents, don't be afraid to ask Lin, Pema, and I for help."

Tenzin later turned around, but before he walked off, "Oh and if you two are going to have a child, make sure Lin and I have a granddaughter."

Kota and Asami started to blush as Tenzin walked off, chuckling at their embarrassed expressions.

Meanwhile at the Lower Ring street with an ostrich-horse running past the alley where Mako and Bolin are sleeping the brothers wake up.

"Ooh, man. Aww, I slipped a disc sleeping here. It's been a while since we spent the night in a trash pile. It's about what I remembered." Bolin said picking up a rotten banana peel before tossing it out.

"I bet everyone's freaking out that we've been gone all night." Mako said.

"I'm worried about Kai; he's just a little kid out there on his own. He's probably scared." Bolin said.

At a fancy inn a bell rings and it's revealed Kai is in a fancy inn room and on a king-sized bed with tons of gold with him and a waiter comes to serve.

"Your breakfast, Master Fong." The waiter said.

"Keep the change." Kai said, flicking a coin to the waiter who walks off. "I love Ba Sing Se." Kai said.

Mako and Bolin are walking down a neighborhood of Lower Ring houses and Bolin's stomach starts growling as they keep walking down the street.

"Fwoo, I'm hungry!" Bolin said and they stop across a fruit stand full of semi-rotten fruit with flies swarming around it. "We might have to settle with the old Fruit Stand Scam. C'mon, you remember how this works, I push you into the stand, you scream, and I pretend to faint." Bolin said.

"I don't want any part of it. Besides, look at this fruit, it's disgusting. Who's wanna steal this?" Mako said.

Just then someone rises from the stand and it's a young man around Bolin's age with black hair, green eyes, and wearing Earth Kingdom clothing that's sleeveless.

"Hey, you tryin' to steal my fruit?" The young man asked.

"No, I just said I don't want any of this rotten fruit." Mako said.

"Oh, so you're too good for my fruit? This is the best fruit on the block." The young man said leaning while resting his hand on a stack of apples which crush into mush due to the pressure.

"So, you want me to steal it?" Mako asked.

"Just try it, buddy. Go ahead." The young man said, showing his fist and kissing his bicep.

"I'm confused. Are we stealing the fruit or not?" Bolin asked.

"I knew it! Thieves!" The young man yelled tackling the brothers to the ground.

"What's going on here?" A voice asks and they see an older man.

"Dad, these fruit thieves are insulting our fruit." The young man said.

The older man takes a look at the brothers and widens his eyes in shock.

"Mako? Bolin?" The older man asked.

"How do you know our names?" Mako asked.

"Yeah, I mean I'm famous so I get that, but how do you know his name?" Bolin asked.

"You look just like San. Tu, you'll never believe who these guys are; they're your cousins! My brother San's kids!" The older man said, shocking the trio.

Meanwhile Zuko's dragon flies for the Northern Water Tribe and Zuko and Tonraq are riding on its back and they later arrive at the Northern palace and enter the throne room where they find Desna and Eska sitting on two thrones and they're as emotionless as ever.

"Lord Zuko. Uncle. This is a surprise." Desna said.

"Finally, something exciting happens. Ruling the tribe is so tedious." Eska said.

"Then, you should enjoy this. We need to check on a secret ice prison in the western tundra." Zuko said making the twins smile.

Back at Ba Sing Se in the Lower Ring there is a rundown building and Mako and Bolin follow the older man named Chow and Tu to their home.

"Your father sent us a letter three years ago with your names, but that was the last we heard from him. Then we saw your pictures in the sports magazine with your bending team. Bolin, we love those Nuktuk movers. They're hilarious." Chow said.

"Yeah, they're not really comedies, but…" Bolin stops talking.

"Yeah, I could probably be a pro-bender or an actor or something if I lived in a mansion in Republic City like you guys. You don't know what it's like on the streets. You have to be tough." Tu said flexing his muscles.

"Oh, Mako and I grew up on the streets. We were homeless, we were kinda in a gang, then we lived in a gym." Bolin said but Chow drags the brothers into the home.

"Hey, everybody! San's kids; Mako and Bolin!" Chow said showing everyone in the home and they're excited.

"No way." One of the family members said.

"Come in!" Another family member said.

"Welcome!" Another family member said.

"Is it true? After all these years?" An elderly woman asked.

"Boys, this is your grandmother, Yin." Chow introduced.

"Aw, it's so wonderful to meet my long-lost grandchildren. Where is San and your mother?" Yin asked.

"Wait, you mean you don't know?" Bolin asked.

"I'm sorry, but they were killed when we were little." Mako informed, making the family members shocked and Yin was both shocked and saddened.

Meanwhile in a desert village the Future Industries ship lands in the village and Korra and Asami leave and approach a building where tax money is stored and while Korra looks around the villagers hide themselves.

"I don't like the looks of this place. Let's hurry and get out of here." Korra said.

"You here to pick up the tax shipment?" One of the Earth Kingdom guards asked.

"Go ahead and load it on the airship." Korra said.

Four Earth Kingdom guards start bringing in tax money to the ship but then a red light appears in the sky and four motorcycles jump a ramp and confront the two girls as the Earth Kingdom guards run away while dropping the gold.

"So much for our escorts." Asami said putting on her glove.

"Maybe we should have brought everyone else." Korra said.

The motorcyclists circle around the girls while holding spears, clubs, and other weapons.

"Step away from the gold, ladies and you won't get hurt." The motorcycle leader said.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but we're taking this gold back to Ba Sing Se." Korra said.

"We love gals with spirit. Suit yourself." The motorcycle leader said as he attacks the girls.

Korra dodges and Earthbends him to her left and then Earthbends at two other motorcyclists throwing them into the air and they try to get away but Korra Earthbends all of the motorcycles and one charges at Asami who charges back and electrocutes them with her glove and sends them down but another motorcyclist charges at the heiress but Korra Earthbends him away.

A motorcyclist picks up one of the sacks of the gold but Korra Airbends them off the motorcycle and Asami charges at one of them and electrocutes him and the motorcyclist tries to attack with his spear but Asami backflips away and stuns them while the motorcycle leader gets up and attacks Korra who Earthbends at him sending him down.

"Retreat! Retreat!" The motorcycle leader said as they drive off on their motorcycles. "You're on the side of this fight, Avatar! That gold belongs to the people, not the Queen!" The leader said driving off.

"Why do I get the feeling he's right?" Korra asked.

Meanwhile at the Northern Water Tribe at the western tundra Tonraq, Zuko, Desna, and Eska arrive at the secret prison and members of the White Lotus open the doors letting them in.

"Why didn't anyone tell us we have a secret prison we could have been throwing people in?" Eska asked.

"I'd like to throw my tailor in here. He never gets my cuffs right. They're so…crease-y." Desna said.

They arrive at a lift which starts going down.

"We built this prison secretly with your father to hold a very special prisoner. She's a powerful Firebender named P'Li, who can create explosions with her mind. Ironically, I hired a guy with the same ability to kill the Avatar myself once." Zuko said earning a glance from Tonraq. "Didn't work." Zuko said.

"Don't feel bad. I tried to kill Korra after she ruined my wedding. It happens." Eska said.

"Let's just focus on keeping this woman in prison." Tonraq said.

The lift is on the lower floor and the four exit the lift and approach a prison guarded by two White Lotus members and they get on a metal bridge which extends.

"The intense cold prevents her from Firebending." Zuko said.

"There's certainly no way anyone's breaking out of here." Desna said.

"That's what we thought about the other three prisons." Zuko said.

"There must be something exciting going on. Nothing interesting has visited me in thirteen years." A voice said in a shivering voice and it's a female.

"Don't get used to it." Tonraq said.

"He's out, isn't he? I'm feeling warmer already." The female voice said.

Back at the Lower Ring at the family house Mako and Bolin are talking to their relatives.

"This is so great! We never had a family before. Now we've got one, two, five, eleven…a big family!" Bolin said.

"So, why did Dad leave Ba Sing Se?" Mako asked.

"Oh, he always had big dreams. He couldn't wait to get out and see the world. Your grandfather thought that was ridiculous. He wanted San to stay home and work the fruit stand, but San was determined to leave and they had a huge fight and that was the last time they ever spoke." Chow explained but sees Yin's sad face. "Oh, uh…sorry, Mom." Chow said.

"Come with me. I have something to show you." Yin said.

Outside the building Yin, Mako, and Bolin sit on a sofa.

"This is the only letter we got from San. It said he married a beautiful girl from the Fire Nation and had two wonderful sons. He sent this picture of you all on his birthday." Yin explained holding a picture of a younger Mako and Bolin with their parents.

"Look, Mako! Dad's wearing your scarf!" Bolin said.

"I'm so sad that I never got to meet your mother, but you have her eyes. I know from looking at you two that she must have been a wonderful bride for my boy." Yin said.

Mako takes off his scarf.

"I'm sure they would want you to have this." Mako said giving the scarf to Yin who hugs the brothers.

At the Royal Palace in the throne room the Earth Queen is sitting on her throne and Gun is talking to her while Korra is with Gun.

"Your Majesty, the Avatar has returned with the tax payments." Gun informed.

"Finally, secure it in the vault." The Earth Queen ordered.

"It's being done as we speak." Gun said.

"So now, Your Majesty, if I could start meeting some of the Airbenders here in the city." Korra said.

"The Dai Li thoroughly searched the city, but it seems your reports were incorrect. There are no Airbenders in Ba Sing Se, so you can gather your little band and be on your way tomorrow." The Earth Queen said.

"You make me do your dirty work, extorting your citizens for your stupid palaces and topiaries, and then you just want to send me away?! We're not going anywhere until we find some Airbenders! We know there are some here!" Korra yelled.

"Get her out of my sight!" The Earth Queen ordered.

Gun escorts Korra out but Korra turns around to point at the Queen while knocking Gun down.

"This isn't over! I'm going to find the Airbenders!" Korra yelled and walked out.

At the Lower Ring, Mako and Bolin are still with their relatives.

"You know, San would've been so proud of you guys! Traveling the world with the Avatar? He would've loved that!" Chow said.

"You guys also have Kota Beifong with you?" Tu asked.

"Yep, Kota Beifong. He's my Earthbending teacher." Bolin said, "He is one strong dude."

"Speaking of which, we actually need to get back to them in the Upper Ring. We're supposed to be helping them find Airbenders in Ba Sing Se." Mako said, making everyone gasp.

"What? What happened?" Bolin asked.

"One of our neighbors started Airbending about a week ago. A couple days later, Dai Li agents come out of nowhere and snatch him up. No one's seen him since." Chow explained.

"They say the Earth Queen's locking all the Airbenders up somewhere and using them for experiments." Tu said.

"Tu! Don't talk like that about Her Majesty!" Yin said, blowing a kiss at a picture of the Earth Queen. "Long may she reign." Yin said.

"We have to get back to the Upper Ring and tell Korra." Mako said.

"I hope Kai is okay." Bolin said as they left.

Meanwhile somewhere in the Upper Ring it's nighttime and a nobleman is walking through the streets but then a gust of wind knocks his hat on the ground and just then Kai picks up the hat.

"Here, sir. Let me help you." Kai said, offering the hat.

Kai turns a corner and walks down a dark alley while holding a sack of gold with a sly smile.

Just then two Dai Li agents emerge from the shadows of the alley. They fired rock gloves from above getting Kai.

Later a rocky surface reveals and Kai who is now wearing different clothing is thrown into it and finds more people dressed in the same clothes.

"Welcome to Her Majesty's army. First Airbending Regiment. From now on, you live to fight for the Earth Queen." One of the Dai Li agents said.

next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
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