41.66% The Life of a ghost across the Multiverse! *Old* *Rework in progress* / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: The Runaway part 1

章 10: Chapter 10: The Runaway part 1

3rd Pov

Genesis: Now Blake....

Sitting down in a chair Genesis was holding a cup of tea while looking towards Blake, yesterday night after Blake had finally calmed down he was able to get her to go to a motel then stay outside. After the morning came Genesis was wanting to know specifically why she was out here, since something had seemed to drive her out here.

Genesis: Would you kindly tell me why you were in a alleyway yesterday?

Blake was just looking towards the Cup of Jasmine tea Genesis had made, she still is confused on he is able to make tea, but was also worried on how he would act if he finds out the reason she was out here in the first place.

Blake: Ha~.... well yesterday Weiss wanted to go visit vale to "view" the sights but we thought she was really just wanting to scout out the competition.

Genesis: Ah yes the Vytal festival is soon isn't it?

Drinking from his cup Genesis thought about the festival they were preparing for, Genesis liked the idea for a festival since it would be fun to watch and learn while giving those who are watching and participating in a fun time.

Blake: And there was this Person who was running away from the police since he stowed away on a ship, but we didn't care too much about that in favor of the crime scene that was close by.

Genesis: Oh?

Blake: For some reason a dust store was robbed but all that was taken was Dust, of course that threw off many but what Weiss said..... made me "upset".

Genesis: Ah..... was it something involving Faunus?

Genesis had a feeling since because of Weiss family her opinion of Faunus are a bit Skewered per say, but he can't blame her for what she may had to deal with before he had arrived. But Genesis felt a bit sad knowing that he at least didn't try to talk with Weiss about Faunus, he honestly loved them since they remind him of those fantasy worlds he use to read and they seem really nice.

Blake: Yes.... though hit was more like she was thinking that the white fang did it, which is a reasonable assumption but when she had said something about the person from before being a member of said group it made me mad.

Genesis: And I am guessing a fight broke out?

Blake: Yes and because of it.... they now know something I wish to keep in the dark.

Genesis: I see.... well I have a feeling I know that secret.

Genesis already knew ahead since that was once of the problems he had wished to fix when he first saw it in the show, but he wished for her to explain in case something different happened. He isn't dumb enough to believe every memory he has since he wasn't there to begin with so the memory may be useless if it wasn't the cause.

Blake: what do you mean?

Genesis: Well for one thing for starters you don't need to keep the ribbon on to hide who you are.

Blake froze when one of her major secrets had just been revealed, she was nervous on how Genesis will act since he is a friend of Weiss but started to relax when all Genesis gave her was a comforting smile.

Blake: You.... how do you-

Genesis: Bows don't twitch for one, also you kinda eat a lot of tuna and I mean a LOT of Tuna.

Blake blushed slightly at the reason why she was caught but she couldn't help the fact she got her love for fish from her mother.

Genesis: Besides like I said before I hate for you to hide who you really are!

Blake just stared at Genesis after she was able to shake away her embarrassment, it was honestly a bit weird to her for a human to be nice to Faunus since she was use to seeing or hearing about the cruelty of Humans.

Genesis: Hmm..... Ah I know!

Confused on what Genesis was doing she watched in awe when Two transparent Wolf ears appeared on his "head". While Blake was just sitting there in shock Genesis was trying to get use to the new appendages he had temporary gained through "bending" his spirit energy.

Genesis: There since I am now a faunus you can-

Blake: How can you do that!?

Genesis looked towards Blake in confusion since he thought she knew he was a spirit and he thought all spirits were able to do this.

Genesis: All I did was just make my energy to become this?

Blake: YES but- Never mind.

Blake had decided to just put what just happened into the back of her mind unless she wanted to get a migraine. She had seen how he was manipulating his aura and what he did was something many huntsman have never been able to do, only those who either had a semblance that allowed them to do that easily or they have so much years into being able to manipulate their Aura like that.

Genesis: Alright then, but you still need to take your ribbon off!

Rolling her eyes Blake had decided to just agree and take it off since they are alone in a hotel room, so just like that Genesis could be considered the first "Human" to have discovered her secret. Though genesis didn't think of that and was more wishing to talk to her about anything that he can help with.

Genesis: Now then, First thing I wish to tell you is that You shouldn't be afraid of what they think.

Blake: But I am a-

Genesis: Faunus? That doesn't matter what matters is the fact you are willing to change, besides even if they wish to hate you for that little thing then I will speak with them to set them straight!

Blake just stared at Genesis in belief at what he was outright yelling for the world to hear, it honestly felt.... nice that someone is at least willing to accept her even if she is different.

Blake: I see..... well then if that is the case then I have to tell you I was-

Genesis: Also a white fang member, Yeah~ um.... I may have gotten bored one night and decided to read a book or two from your shelf. Gotta say though didn't take you for someone of "that" taste but hey we all have things we like.

Blake: ..... shut up.

Laughing at the Embarrassed look on Blake's face Genesis felt happy that he is at least making her a bit more social in his opinion, but he wouldn't think she has fully gotten better yet.

Genesis: But like I said before I will still be there and talk some sense into them if they ever have a shred of doubt in them.

Blake: .... Thank you.

Smiling Softly, Genesis got up before pulling Blake into a hug with her returning it with full force.

Genesis: Though Blake I want you to promise me something.

Blake: And that is?

Genesis: When you go with your friend to look for your ex-organization, please try to stay safe and make sure that you don't do anything that will harm you.

Blake What do you-

But Blake was cut off when a knock had suddenly appeared from the door. Looking towards the door, Blake was confused on who was there but had decided to see who it was, once she opened the door she was a bit surprised to see the Monkey Faunus from before standing in front of her door.

Blake: What are you doing here?

Sun: Oh you know, just wondering if you were wanting to know something about the white fang?

Blake was confused on what he knows about this group but then her eyes widen when she finally processed what Genesis has said, Quickly turning her head she saw that Genesis has disappeared in place of her ribbon allowing her to know he has done his vanishing trick again.

Blake: ..... Yes I think I would.

*With Genesis*

Genesis: Hey Korra, Mrs. Beifong I am ba-Gah!

When Genesis had gotten back to the spirit Realm he had notice he was back to the area he had met them but he was suddenly tackled by a Giant moving object. Feeling something licking his face, Genesis let out a laugh knowing that it was just his partner Lobo.

Genesis: Hey there Lobo, Sorry for leaving ya here bud did you stay safe while I was gone?

Toph: More like loving to torment me.

Turning his head he could see Toph was slowly coming out from the forest making him slowly get up before he stood up straight in order to greet his teacher properly.

Toph: Bah none of that Bowing stuff, just tell me why you are back.

Genesis: Well Mrs.Beifong I was able to help out who had called for me so I thought that since I am done I could be able to get some more training!

Toph just stared at Genesis before shaking her head at what she heard, he seemed like a training junkie but she had a feeling that may be because of the fact he doesn't really have that much else to do but hey she is able to respect that.

Toph: Hmm..... alright then, I have been wanting to beat another Avatar's butt for awhile since Aang and Korra are just wishing to relax.

Genesis: Alright!

Getting into a stance Genesis had waited for a moment before he had suddenly launched himself forward by making fire thrust out of his feet, when he was gettign close Genesis had made small water whip before flinging it towards Toph who just stepped to the side to dodge it.

Genesis: Hmm....!

Genesis had decided to go all out since he was going against someone who has trained his "Ancestors" also since it would seemed disrespectful to not do so. So the battle between Genesis and Toph began, with Genesis trying to get a hit in or dodge when Toph had decided to go on the offensive. Many spirits had turned their head towards their direction to see what was happening but had decided to ignore it since they were not harming anything, though soon the battle was ended when Toph was able to knock Genesis over when he had stepped into a mud puddle.

Toph: Hm, you lasted longer then I thought... also a bit more creative then the previous two.

Looking around the "battlefield" Toph could see the weapons made up of ice, the rocks that were scattered around them, and the scorch marks that are on the ground. Stomping he feet on the ground she made the ground open up before swallowing the destroyed pieces before making it close over it to repair it.

Genesis: R.... Really?

Toph: Yes I will admit that, but your also very inexperienced in fighting but that can be fixed.

Genesis: I see.

Toph: Well then brat, that will be all for today!

Genesis: Eh?

Genesis just watched as Toph had suddenly turned around before disappearing into the forest leaving him and Lobo alone.

Genesis: .... well this sucks, but I guess I could train by myself!

With that Genesis had decided to instead of pouting to just train like he had came here in the first place even if he has to train by himself. He was proud of his work since he was able to last a good decent while against Toph so that was a plus with him, though he still wished to perfect moves.

*With Toph*

Toph: So it seems he is figuring out..... no he may have not figured out just yet, but did so unconsciously.

Toph was leaning down on a tree while closing her eyes in order to think about what has happened in the fight, She had noticed the two Wolf ears on top of his head but had decided to not say anything since that may get him to realize what he could do.

Toph: Tch, sooner or later he will figure it out.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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