25.94% The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher First Class / Chapter 62: Vol. 5 - Chapter 3: Inside the Volcano.

章 62: Vol. 5 - Chapter 3: Inside the Volcano.

Part 1 - 500 Years Ago: Night of the Eclipse

The night begins to turn a reddish tone as the sun begins to cover the moon meaning that a small light illuminates the Volcano Popocaltepec. The light reveals a Golden Temple inside the Volcano surrounded by magma. The group appears outside the volcano and they see the small light falling to the center. As they go inside the temple they find the altar.

"The altar of the Gods" Montezuma says with a frightened face. The light shines and Montezuma continues to explain: "The altar that has been said in the legends that it requires the sacrifice of a believer, this is why we always sacrifice the prisoners of the other tribes."

"So it requires a sacrifice huh" Cortes says looking at Marina. He begins to walk towards her. However, Isabella pulls him away saying:

"You can't sacrifice her, she is important."

"Very well," Cortes says as he pulls out his sword and suddenly stabs Malitze in the back and with great force pulls her heart out killing her instantly. He proceeds in squeezing the heart making blood drop in the altar. The blood begins to form a circle in the center revealing a key that slowly rises.

"The Golden key, one of the seven is here." Isabella says with a great smile. Cortes is about to grab the key, however Montezuma pushes him and says to Marina:

"Marina pull the trigger and stop the key from forming."

Marina pulls the trigger making the blood to spill and avoids the key from forming.

"NNOOOO!!" Isabella screams as she grabs the key but it disintegrates in her hands.

"You bitch!!" Cortes says hitting her causing her to fall to the bottom of the temple. Marina begins to run jumping the magma from rock to rock exiting the volcano. Cortes begins to run after her but Isabella stops him saying: "Let her go, nobody will believe her."

The two men smiled saying: "Well no matter, now we need to concentrate in making this land under the control of Spain, Which is what we were pay for."

"Haha well the key will appear in 500 years so I must kill time." Isabella says as she laughs.

Morning rises and Marina runs back thinking: "Mis niños, they are waiting for me at the house, I told them that if anything happens we would meet at our home."

Marina encounters natives who begin to scream: "Traitor, get out of here you are not welcome!!" They begin throw rocks at her but Marina only runs to see her children.

The moment she closes in, Isabella seals her children along with the Aztec Gods and disappears with them. Marina arrives at her house but her children were not there. She begins to cry her names.

The conquest continues through the Aztec Empire, Cortes imprisoned Montezuma; the two conquistadores continue to lead the army killing everyone who opposes them. Until Spain, colonize the New World. Cortes returns to with Martin Cortes his son to Spain; he never returned to the New World multiple times but never looked for Marina or her children.

Marina walked around asking for them, but she never found them. The natives rejected her calling her "Traitor, La Malinche or La Chingada" she became an outcast and persecuted by those who saw her that night. For one year she walked through the night saying:


People began to call her "la Llorona" (The Wheeping Lady), and began to fear her. Her hair became white, her skin dried as a skeleton because she stop eating. Until the day she died however she never passed on. During the nights she walked around the country for 500 years screaming:


She takes away the children who were abandoning or she feels they need help and puts their souls in dolls so they won't suffer. The island where she lived once with her family became abandon and under the name: Isla de las Muñecas (Island of the Dolls).

Part 2- Present Day: Island of the Dolls

Uriel begins to cry as he heard the story of Marina. He lowers his head thinking about her suffering. He lifts his head with confidence and says: "Marina, I promise you I will take you to your children, you will see them again."

Marina smiles at him saying: "You have a pure heart boy, but such an evil Aura, whatever happened to you must have been tough."

"Believe me life has been difficult Marina but I'm trying to protect the persons I care about." Uriel says to Marina who closes to him and hugs him, with tears coming out of her eyes she says: "Thank you." Light begins to shine out of her and Uriel making it too bright that Marjorie and the kids cover their eyes. The light vanishes, Uriel was standing looking at the sky but Marina was missing. Uriel has her yellow eyes and tears flowing out of him. Marjorie walks slowly towards Uriel saying: "Uriel is everything alright." Uriel rubs his eyes cleaning the tears and turns to see Marjorie saying: "Everything is alright Marjorie." Uriel's eyes return to normal making Marjorie smile saying: "What happen to the ghost?"

"She's gone for the moment, but right now we need to return to the hotel and meet up with Katsumi." Uriel replies grabbing Marjorie's hand and says: "Come out Bella I can hear your soul."

Bella walks from the tree laughing, the white cat walks with her as she says: "Well done muchacho, you mastered the Rhythm Sense."

"Can you please take care of the children over there." Uriel says to Bella who replies:

"I'm not a babysitter you know, but I'll take them to their houses just this once."

"Thank you, now we must go" Uriel says as he begins to walk with Marjorie who is blushing because he is holding her hand.

"Wait Muchacho I can help you with that" Bella says opening a portal beneath them causing them to fall. Bella looks up with a crow and says: "Go and lend them your aid, we will watch from here okay"

The crow passes through the portal as well, Bella looks at the children and says: "Go to your houses" she opens a portal beneath them as well and sends them to their houses.

Part 3 – 5 Minutes before: Hotel

"Ahide" Xochitl wakes up and sees the others seeping. She begins to walk to the windows and opens it. Katsumi wakes up and sees Xochitl who is standing in the window.

"Xochitl wait" Katsumi says waking Alejandor and Johanna. Xochtils jumps of the window out of the third floor.

"XOOOOCCCHIIITTLLLL" Katsumi screams as she runs trying to grabs her but fails. Xochitls begins to fall but a black aura forms around her and takes shape of jaguar causing her land safely. Katusmi, Johanna and Alejandro run down in order to find her. Xochitl walks around the hotel and a black portal appear. El Muerto walks out of the portal and says:

"Come with me girl, Ahide is waiting for you."

Xochitl begins to walk towards El Muerto but Alejandro grabs her saying:

"No Xochitl wait."

El Muerto sees Alejandro and says: "You again, where is Marjorie."

"That´s none of your business." Alejandro responds, El Muerto with high speed appears in front of Alejandro and punches him causing Alejandro to fly away.


Katsumi appears behind El Muerto with her Katana trying to slash El Muerto, he dodges it again and kicks Katsumi causing he to step back. El Muerto points at Alejandro and begins to forms manna in the tip of his finger.

"You are dead." El Muerto says as he releases a small purple beam towards Alejandro.

"AAALLLLEEJJJAANNNDDDRROOO" Katsumi screams. At that moment Uriel and Marjorie fall off the portal Bella made. Uriel grabs Marjorie and makes his sword appear, with great speed he reflects the beam causing it to fall into the water.


A great explosion appears in the water. "TEACHER" Alejandro screams as he looks at Uriel, Marjorie runs and hugs Alejandro saying: "Thank God you´re alive".

"Great to see you too." Alejandro replies crying. El Muerto extends his arm and says:

"Come with me Marjorie." Uriel and Katsumi stand in front of them with their swords.

El Muerto laughs saying: "No matter, you will come to me eventually." Xochitl grabs El Muerto´s cloak and both of them begin to disappear.

"Uriel I´m sorry" Xochitl says with tears in her eyes. Uriel looks at her and smiles saying:

"Don´t worry, I will come get you, just wait for me." Both of them disappear.

Uriel falls in one knee thinking: "Damn I am not healed yet"

"Uriel are you okay?" Katsumi says holding him causing Marjorie to frown of jealousy and Alejandro to laugh.


Well that was fun Uriel, you sure like to get in trouble. Uriel turns around and sees Alexa getting of the limousine. Uriel with a surprised face says: "Alexa" leaving everyone confused.

Part 4 – Inside a Cell

"Where are we?" Dr Escobar wakes up looking at her six students. The three from France and the three from Spain are in a small cell. The two men from Spain and the two girls from hate are still looking with hate, however Ana and Antoine are looking each other and blushing.

"Don´t you dare cross to this side you salute" (Filth) Marinette says to the Spanish students.

"Well we don´t want you getting near, Sucios come queso" (Dirty cheese eaters) Crespo says to the French.

"What did you say" Marinette screams with anger. "You heard me" Crespo says making fun of her.

"Stop it you two, we need to work together if we want to get out of here." Ana says standing in the middle.

"She´s right we need to work a plan if we want to get out" Antoine says standing behind her.

The four others stare at them making them blush and say: "Don´t tell us you…."

"You can´t escape, if you try you will be burnt alive." Ahide says walking straight at them.

"AND WHO ARE YOU??" Madeleine asks Ahide. Ahide looks at the Spanish students with fury and says:

"My name is Ahide Martin Cortes, son of Hernan Cortes" The Spanish students look surprises saying:

"You liar, Hernan Cortes died five hundred years ago, how can you be his son"

Dr. Escobar walks in front and says: "I believe in you."

"Doctor, are you crazy, he´s lying" Ana says, and continues to speak:

"We are from the Cortes royal family, and the only son our ancestor had was Martin Cortes"

"Ay mija, you three need to understand that history is something that can be changed. There have been stories of Cortes leaving in the Island of the Dolls with two children. I believe that is you and the girl am I right?" Dr. Escobar says to Ahide.

"Yes that man was my father until he betrayed my mother and us 500 years ago and that makes me furious." Ahide replies releasing Quetzalcoatl, now with black feathers in his body, red eyes and feathers red and purple in his head.

"What happen to the Serpent?" Dr. Escobar talks with a worried face.

"This is the "Corrupt" form of a Deity." Ahide says as a portal opens and Xochitl comes out saying: "Brother" and hugs him. Ahide and Xochitl walk away with Quetzalcoatl disappearing. El Muerto comes out of the portal and sees the students and the Doctor. He begins to walk away saying: "Rest you guys, because tomorrow you will be sacrificed."

Ana drops into her knees thinking on what Ahide said. "Are you alright?" Marinette and Madeleine say to her trying to cheer her up.

"We need to get out of here students." Dr. Escobar says with the students nodding agreeing with her. The cage is revealed to be inside the Volcano Popocatepec. Magma sorrounds the place they are located making it impossible for them to escape.

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