Title: "The Heiress Deception"
In the glittering world of the elite, Evelyn "Eve" Sinclair has it all—wealth, status, and a promising future as the heiress to the prestigious Sinclair Fortune. But on the night of her 25th birthday, her world collapses when she is declared illegitimate to the title.
Forced to confront her newfound reality of betrayal, Eve refuses to accept defeat. Determined to uncover the truth behind her identity, she embarks on a perilous journey to reclaim her rightful place. Along the way, she encounters Alexander "Alex" Knight, a powerful and enigmatic businessman with his own secrets and agenda.
Bound by a reluctant partnership to salvage the Sinclair empire from ruin, Eve and Alex navigate a treacherous path of deception, danger, and unexpected attraction. As they delve deeper into the web of lies surrounding Eve's identity, they unearth shocking revelations that threaten not only their lives but also their burgeoning feelings for each other.
作者 Joanie27
I'm just writting this review for the Fp.