25% The Gym teacher's Harem / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
The Gym teacher's Harem The Gym teacher's Harem original

The Gym teacher's Harem

作者: GodofDeathDragons

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1

In an office in the gym changing rooms someone is doing paperwork and says "Damn never thought I would be back here and it is only for a year or two." said a voice of the person as he's a tall guy with blonde hair with blue eyes as he's figure is that of a fighter/swimmer as he is not that bulky but has a good build.

He is wearing a workout-style shirt with pants, he picks up a box that has a picture of the man holding a trophy that says "MMA champion Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto then puts it on his desk next to another picture of him and his girlfriend who is the other gym teacher.

The woman is the same age as Naruto as she has blonde hair it has shoulder-length, blue eyes but a bit cooler than Naruto's, as she wears gym clothes that hideaway her figure as Naruto knows why. Under it all, she is busty with Double J-cup breasts with a very curvy body. Like him, she is also an Athlete both were in the Olympics and both had won gold medals.

And now they're going to be gym teachers, Naruto sighs as their old Highschool needed help and their managers understood along with the MMA league and the other fighters supported Naruto as he is a good man and very friendly. So Naruto and Samui went to help their old high school. Both are famous and made a lot of money doing what they do.

But they're going to take things on the down-low as they're sure that most students don't know that Naruto is an MMA champion and the same goes for Samui.

The Teachers know but they are keeping their mouth's shut though Naruto thinks that some kids know him as they might have seen him in the MMA fights on tv.

For now, Naruto is getting his office ready as the door opens up and it's his girlfriend Samui, whose office is in the girls changing room but there are two ways to enter. One from the Gym and the other from the locker room.

Samui smiles "It seems the school is about to start and the new school year. Let's hope these kids are up for this." she carried a box. Naruto nods as he says "do you need help with that?" Samui says "this? Please, it's just a box full of filled dodgeballs, did you know it's been over 10 years since there hasn't been a dodgeball game?"

Naruto sighs "Since our time yeah Dodge ball was so much fun." Samui nods as she says "yeah, we bring it back Naruto..and you're my first target" she laughs as she puts air in them.

Naruto smirks and then sneakily follows her as she is filling it then "SMACK!" Naruto just smacked her ass making her "EEP!" "You know the teacher normally doesn't play games with the kids."

Samui says "who says it will be with the student's Naruto?" Naruto then pulls her to him "Oh my, Icy love don't tease me remember I know how to turn you into a pile of pleasured moans." Naruto then kisses her cheek making her blush as Samui says "oh Naruto" Naruto chuckles and then kisses her on the lips making her moan.

Then they hear "aham" to get their attention. They turn to see another Teacher Hinata Hyuga as she has long, ink blue hair with white eyes which is a trait from her family, she is wearing a long skirt with a dress shirt, she is also the History Teacher.

"Oh Hinata!" says Samui, with Hinata saying "could you two not do this lovey-dovey in front of the students during class?" Naruto chuckles, "No promises at all."

Hinata sighs as she says "you better or else I might be sure that Samui doesn't come home at all, by taking her to the puppy shop!" and Naruto says as he's in 'shock' "no not the puppies! The only thing that Samui loves more than me!" Hinata does her best fake villain laugh, then all three laugh naturally. "Oh it is good to see you again Hinata," said Naruto.

Hinata nods "likewise, cause the town was getting boring without you guys around," Samui says "Yeah I can see that. But with our lives, yeah we are busy." as she smiles.

Hinata nods "true, now then, I should get going as school is starting soon" Naruto nods and lets Samui finish filling the dodgeballs up then heads to his office and finds more dodgeballs but not hard like the ones Samui is filling up.

School had started and after that, 2 period starts

The class walks in and already trouble is starting as there is a perverted boy named Mineta Minoru as he is trying to peek at the girls changing and Naruto comes up and drags him away, and he has him in his office "alright you better explain yourself, Mineta!"

Mineta is looking around for something as he's on a chair with Naruto standing above him, "W-Well s-sensei. Y-You should understand that they are sexy don't you?!"

Naruto's eyes turn blood red, like Hinata and her Family, Naruto's family also has a trait and it only happens if he's angry which he is. Mineta starts to shiver as he sees a vision of a Nine-tailed fox Behind Naruto and it roars at him. This is a trait of the Uzumaki family it shows up every hundred years or so. This is Kyuubi's rage and Naruto is the holder of it now.

Naruto says "The fuck is wrong with you boy" Mineta is scared "You don't peek on a woman when they are changing at all!" said Naruto as he says "and if I caught you doing such things again, I will make sure they would send you off to Boot camp!"

Mineta screams in fear of that "No don't please sensei!" Naruto says "I only give two warnings and that's it as you only have one left, now get out of my office" Mineta runs out and Naruto snorts as his eyes are still red as he's calming down as his eyes turn back to normal.

Naruto sighs as he says "Alright, Alright, I got my cool back" Naruto heads out of his office as he resumes his class.

His class is in front of him "Ok class we are going to be playing a game of Dodgeball with Samui's class." with them saying "yes!" as some are not looking forward to this.

Naruto says "Now remember this is all for fun ok. So no hitting above the shoulders or between the legs at all. Anywhere else is fine." as a student asks "a-and what if some of us don't want to play?"

Naruto says "I am sorry but I can't let you sit out of this as this is part of your grade and I want you kids to keep in shape." the kid sighs.

Soon enough, both teams are standing on their side as they wait for the game to begin, and the balls are in the center and Naruto then blows the whistle.

And what happens next is The kids run for a dodgeball to begin the game, and soon enough, dodge balls begin to be thrown, Naruto and Samui are watching as this is fun as it reminds them of their days.

Then they hear someone shout "DIE!" as he beams someone in the head and Naruto reacts and blows the whistle and Samui goes over to the student who was beamed and he is bleeding and she helps him up as Naruto walks up to the brat as Naruto says "what is your deal hot head" the kid growls "Fuck off shit head!" Then Naruto's eyes turn pure red and everyone but Samui is feeling something dangerous as the rage is active now.

Bakugo sees the Nine-tailed fox who looks at him and roars as Samui says "ok, how about I handle this Naruto, alright?" then Bakugou "what the hell are you going to be about it you hag!"

Samui says "nevermind, Change of plans which is your plan Naruto, so HAVE AT HIM!" Samui helps the kid to the nurse then Naruto grabs his shirt and the fox returns and Naruto says "Oh you are in DEEP SHIT!" and Bakugo is scared as he has never met someone like Naruto at all before.

Naruto then ties him to a punching bag with the kid's arms tied behind his back and gags him while the kids are standing and then Naruto says "HAVE AT IT!" and then the teens throw the dodgeballs at him hitting him everywhere and this just makes Bakugou angrier by the second. As well as every hit.

Naruto then stops this and walks over to the shit head that is Bakugo as he says "You better shape up or else you will not survive long with me as your teacher. Trust me I am not the one you ever want to piss off." as Bakugo growls, Naruto then says "You will have detention for two weeks." with Bakugou stops growling and is shocked and Naruto lets him go and walks away as Bakugo charges at Naruto and throws a punch but Naruto turns around and grabs the fist and puts the brat into the armbar hold.

Naruto says "Never do that again, understand?" Bakugo screams in pain as he has never felt this before Naruto then asks "UNDERSTOOD!?" Bakugo shouts "YES JUST PLEASE STOP!" and Naruto lets go of the hold and Bakugo falls to the floor.

Naruto says "now that's over with...change up guys or else you will be late for your next class" the students head to the locker rooms with Naruto sigh, Naruto heads to his office and sits down as he wants to punch something. Naruto's eyes return to normal.

Good thing that he had placed a punching bag in his office. Samui walks in as she says "are you ok Naruto?"

"Yeah I am that brat is going to have a hard time here at this school if he keeps that up." Said Naruto as he is hitting the punching bag with Samui nodding to that as Naruto finished, Samui then pulls him into a hug.

A bit later

Naruto is watching a game of dodgeball and Naruto sees as two are left as there's a stand-off. Then one of them steps over the line and hits the other player Naruto then blows the whistle confusing them and Samui knows the look too well.

"You stepped over the line and that means no out. There is one way to deal with it and that is sudden death." Naruto then pulls out two special balls and puts them both in a circle and puts the balls next to them. "Now the rules are simple there is no catching the ball to get them out there but contact with the ball. Now when I blow the whistle you may start and you can't leave the circle."

Naruto steps back and blows the whistle one throws it and the other dodges and then another throws it hitting the other and Naruto blows the whistle "Winner!"

As Naruto goes over to the one that lost and says "You did well but sometimes you win some and you lose some." as the kid sighs as he says "thanks sensei" Naruto pants him on the shoulder.

Time skip after school

Samui watches as she sees a lot of female students coming up to Naruto as they ask him a lot of questions, Naruto is trying to get to Samui as one of the girls asks "are you single sensei!" as other "your very muscle! What's your secret" with Naruto laughing as he tried to make his way out but couldn't with him thinking 'I would like some help Samui!' while Samui is thinking that this is funny, then they hear a sharp whistle and the girls turn to see the principle "Girls I think Naruto has had enough."

Layla Heartfilia is the principal and Naruto's aunt on his father's side as the girl's whine as they make way, finally giving Naruto some air to breathe as he says "thanks" with Layla says "you thank me if you take Lucy out on a date" in joky tone

Naruto says jokingly "I already have one girl I need to punish, don't make yourself one of them auntie." with Layla giggling as she says "oh you never change Naruto"

Naruto and Layla hug each other as Layla says "I'm so glad that you decided to take up my offer" Naruto says "Well my old school needed help so of course, I would come to help. Plus the other fighters understand and so does my manager. They support this."

Layla comes up to Naruko and asks "So about the fighters...do any of them see anyone? And have a thing for milfs? just asking for a friend"

Naruto says "auntie you are fine to trust me you look like you're in your twenties." Layla says "oh but you know the whole Heartfilia curse, the love life can be so hard for us, and you haven't answered my question" as she smiles, Naruto chuckles and pokes her nose "Auntie please calm down ok. The Uzumaki's also have a curse and I showed it twice today."

Layla waves it off "you just need to stay calm, that's all you need to do...although, there are some….troublemakers so I can see why it would be hard" as she thinks of a certain few.

"Bakugou and here is the thing before my punishment Samui was going to punish him then he called her something that he should NOT have said." Explaining Naruto, Layla says "he's just a lot of anger...so yeah I can see that with no doubt. I'm just glad that Uchiha brat has decided not to show up" as she sighs.

Naruto nods then say "Auntie there is something that Samui and I will talk to you about later. We plan to bring something back from our time in this school.", Layla says "please tell me it's Itachi! Or his twin sister Itomi!"

Naruto said, "I said something, not someone but do you have an open position in the teacher ranks?" Layla says "mmm there is a spot, why?" as she looks at Naruto.

Naruto says "I will make the call later but I have a girlfriend to torment." Layla lets him go as she hears them from far away running around the car as Samui shouting 'no Naruto, I'm sorry! No please don't!"

Naruto grabs her and puts her into the car and straps her down with her arms behind her back and Naruto gets in and dives back home. When they get home Naruto pulls into the garage and then gets out and gets his girlfriend out with her over his shoulder.

As Samui says "I'm sorry! It was just very funny as it just reminded me of back then!" as she is being carried by Naruto. Naruto smirks and puts her on the couch then starts to tickle her with her laughing as she begs Naruto to stop.

Naruto keeps tickling her for a good 10 minutes until he stops and says "that I missed doing." Then he kisses her on the lips as Samui kisses back while blushing, Naruto then breaks the kiss and says "Come my love it is time to get changed and make some dinner." Samui says "can we just skip and just have sex?"

Naruto says "Samui you naughty woman go get ready." Samui pouts as she goes but before she leaves the room, she lifts her breasts and shows them toward Naruto, Naruto licks his lips and Samui smiles sexily as she sashays out of the room.

Ten minutes later

Lemon start

Samui sashays back into the room with her wearing Silver Lingerie with stockings on her legs and those stocking gloves. Her panties are crotchless along with her bra missing the nipple area and she has silver lipstick on her lips. "Oh Naruto~," says Samui, and Naruto smirks and removes his clothes, Naruto comes up to her as Samui gets down and removes his pants. She then sees his hard cock and kisses it.

Naruto smirks as his girlfriend is kissing his 16-inch cock as he says "I can never get tired seeing your giant-sized breasts" Samui giggles "Oh you know they are all for you my love." Then she starts to suck his cock and Naruto starts moaning about that.

Naruto is rubbing her head as he feels her sucking his cock more, Naruto groans as Samui is sucking his cock like a pro porn star as Naruto says "That is it my dear keep sucking my cock like a pro you are." Samui does so while moaning it more.

Samui then has his whole cock in her mouth with Naruto moans as he enjoying this more, Samui keeps sucking and Naruto says "Remember when we were in school and we would sneak around and you would do this in the girls changing room" with Samui takes out Naruto's cock from her mouth and wraps it with her breasts. "How could I forget? We would be always late for our next class"

Naruto chuckles "There were days that I would be playing with your breasts while showering together" with Samui giggles, "and let's not forget that we would always get caught by your mom at your family compound"

Naruto chuckles "Yeah we were horny as hell for each other weren't we?" asked Naruto as her breasts are moving on his cock with Samui says "so much so that we invited other girls to join in"

Naruto smirks "I remember when you would have the girls lick me while you fingered them showing where they belong under you." Samui smirks as she says "which reminds me..which ones do you like?"

Naruto says "I think Momo would be a good addition to the group. Also, remember Koyuki I still have her number." Samui looks to the side of that, Naruto says "Samui she loves when you're dominating her what is wrong with her?"

Samui says "she's just showing off I guess." Naruto then cums making Samui moan as she feels Naruto's cum on her skin, breasts, and face as Naruto says "while that is true but you need to let it go"

"Oh, like the time when your little sister was trying to steal me from you?" asked Samui, and then she finds herself with her ass in the air and Naruto says "Yes but you know who you belong to." With his cock rubbing against her pussy with Samui moaning loudly with her saying "you c-cause you had a-pretty much ruined me with your giant cock!"

Naruto smirks, "Then let's hear my busty girlfriend beg for my cock." as he rubs his cock against her pussy with Samui moans as she says "P-Please Naruto fuck your busty girlfriend's pussy she needs it so badly!" and Naruto smirks as he pushes his cock to enter Samui's pussy with her moaning loudly as she says "Naruto jr~~ w-welcome back! My pussy misses you!"

Naruto keeps fucking her pussy and is nibbling on her neck as Samui screams louder with Naruto keeps it more, Samui enjoys when Naruto fucks her.

A few minutes later as Samui has her back against the wall with her legs being held by Naruto as he thrusts more in her, Naruto smirks as her breasts are against his chest while Naruto says "scream for me more Samui, my icy hime!"

Samui does as requested of her as Naruto keeps fucking her as Naruto thinking of something which makes him smirks.

A few seconds later Samui is blushing badly as Naruto is putting whip cream on her breasts which they haven't done since their senior year at high school.

Naruto smirks and says "These breasts look so wonderful." Then he starts to lick the whipped cream off her breasts with Samui moaning as she says "y-you haven't done this since our senior year N-Naruto!"

Naruto keeps licking then starts to suck on her breasts with Samui moans louder as she blushing badly as she moans out "yes like that~~ keep doing that Naruto~~"

Naruto then starts fingering Samui as he sucks her breasts with Samui moaning louder as she losing it badly, Naruto then removes his finger and starts fucking her pussy while sucking her breasts.

Samui moans out "g-gonna cum!" Naruto is close as well and he keeps going until they both cum.

After that, Naruto is sitting with Samui sucking on his cock as he rubs her head enjoying his girl doing this then Samui takes it out of her mouth then she pours chocolate syrup on his cock.

Naruto smirks and says "Oh I remember covering your breasts in that syrup." Samui says "hold on, I need to cover this bad boy first before I do the same with my twins" Naruto smirks as he sees Samui finishing up covering his cock with chocolate syrup as she starts doing the same with her breasts. Samui then takes his whole cock into her mouth while Naruto moans loudly.

Forty minutes later

Naruto is fucking Samui in Full nelson with her moaning loudly with Samui screaming with all her might as she loving this so much, "Scream my Icy Hime who do you belong to!" shouts Naruto as he keeps fucking her with Samui doing so as she getting crossed eyed.

"You Naruto, you are the one I belong to!" shouts Samui with Naruto thrusts more in her as he says "Oh I know! I just love hearing you say it!" Samui moans with her tongue hanging out of her mouth and he keeps fucking her as she saying 'I love you over and over again.

Couple hours later

Naruto is in bed with Samui giving Naruto a lap dance as Naruto says "That is it my Icy Hime keep shaking that ass of yours." with Samui does so as she says "Anything for you baby~"

She shakes her ass even more and enjoys it so much then she turns around and shakes her breasts a bit as Naruto says "You keep this up and I will be fucking your ass soon." Samui says as she has her back at him and bends over as she says "why don't you do it anyway?~"

Then she screams as Naruto shoves his cock into her ass and is fucking it like a wild beast with Naruto says "be careful what you say!"

Samui screams "Yes!" as Naruto keeps fucking her ass as she feels more of Naruto thrust in her ass more. Naruto even smacks her ass and says "I enjoy fucking you so much" as their fuck into the night.

Lemon over

The morning

Naruto is getting dressed and Samui is getting out of the shower as Samui says "couldn't we stay home today?" Naruto smacks her ass making her 'eep' "No can do my Icy Hime." with Samui whines as she says "fine, I hope everything goes well"

Later during in the middle of 1st period

Samui is standing in a corner as she sees a boy with black hair and eyes wearing his school gym clothes as he hits on Samui as his name is Sasuke Uchiha, "Come on I will treat you like you should be treated." said Sasuke.

Samui's eyes twitch at this, then the next thing they hear is "OI YOU BRAT GET OVER HERE!" shouts Naruto, Sasuke isn't listening, then Naruto marches over, grabs him then throws him to where he is supposed to be "Your playing kickball you dumbass not let's hit on the female gym teacher!" said Naruto.

Sasuke glares draggers at Naruto with him saying "do you know how the fuck I am! I'm Sasuke Uchiha! And my father's who do-" Naruto says "I am Naruto Uzumaki of the ancient Uzumaki family. Stories from your family that you had to sell your family's compound. Trust me boy I am the wrong person to fuck with." with Sasuke says "like I fucking care! I'll have you fired!"

Naruto laughs and says "Yeah but your father is SCARED OF ME! I am a fighter boy." Sasuke tics at him as he says "as if! Why not I call him and ask him if he knows you"

Naruto gives him a challenging smirk "Go for it." as Sasuke brings out his phone and calls his dad, "What is it Sasuke?" asks his father Fugaku then he hears a voice that he is scared of "Oh it is you Fugaku." said Naruto.

"U-Uzumaki! W-what are you..when did you return to town!" asks Fugaku through the phone as Naruto takes it from Sasuke.

Naruto chuckles "Oh when my aunt Layla needed two gym teachers. You need to teach your son better manners as he was hitting on my girlfriend Samui, his other gym teacher." Naruto could hear Fugaku gulping in fear as he says "y-yes I will do so Uzumaki, p-please just forgive him just this once, he's just a boy"

"Very well, just this once. No more and you better teach him better or else" said Naruto with him handing the phone back to Sasuke. Sasuke's eyes widen in shock as he says "just who is he father! Surely you..y-yes, yes..growl, fine I will do it"

Naruto smirks and says "now you're done GET PLAYING THE GAME!" Sasuke does what Naruto says. Naruto then goes over to Samui as he says "you look like that you were about to murder him"

Samui then pulls Naruto in for a kiss, Naruto smirks as he goes to his group as they begin playing, Samui smiles as she loves that man.

Later after school

Naruto is handing the paper to Samui with her saying to Naruto "are you sure that You want me to go on ahead? I could stay and help you out"

"I am fine Samui. I will be ok." said Naruto, Samui says "if you say so...this is why we need two cars Naruto" as she heading out "call me when you have finished the paperwork"

Naruto nods and gets back to work, within a few minutes as Naruto hears the door knocking, "Come in." said Naruto as a girl walks in as she has black hair with Spiky ponytail. This is Momo Yaoyorozu. "Can I help you?" asked Naruto.

Momo is nervous as she is holding something behind her, Naruto sighs "Miss Yaoyorozu.", Momo blushing badly as she comes up to Naruto and holds up a letter to him while blushing so bad "f-for you!"

Naruto takes the letter and Momo flees as she is blushing, as Naruto looks at it and sees that there's a heart on the front part of the letter. Naruto chuckles and says "Oh Samui will want to see this." as he resumes working on the paperwork.

Thirty minutes later Naruto is done with his paperwork and calls for Samui to pick him up, Samui arrives in the car and Naruto gets in and says "This weekend we are getting you a car." as Samui says "or for you" through the phone as she says "I take it that you are done?"

"Yes and if I remember right, the car is mine." said Naruto with Samui "true...ok I'm getting it"

Naruto says "Darn right you are." as he got his things as he holding the letter as he says "and I got something"

In the house

Samui asks "Oh what is it?" as she lies on the couch as she hears "hold that thought, I have some...guests to deal with so I am going to put you on hold." as Samui looks at her nails as there's the sound of beating, groans of pain, other things as well a voice "no please no not my legs!"

Then a scream of pain as he is kicked where he shouldn't be and more beatings just keeps going until 5 minutes as Samui hears "alright sorry about that, so how about we go over Kakashi's?" said Naruto through the phone.

Samui asks "Are you sure that would be a good idea? I would like to invite another person that we need to hang out with." Naruto says "mm if you want, I don't mind, so I will wait for you to pick me up, meanwhile I have another call to make"

"Ok see you in a few minutes," said Samui who then hangs up as she gets up and puts on clothes as she calls the person in question. It is Samui's sister Shizuka.

Back at School

Naruto is laying against the school wall as he calls the police as there's a group laying on the floor as they were trying to group up on Naruto but that didn't happen. "Yes, Officer? Yes, I would like to report an attack and could you get Fugaku Uchiha? Cause there's someone who is pretty much underage" he turns to his left as there's a tied-up Sasuke Uchiha and there is no scratch on him.

Sasuke is growling and is trying to get free and Naruto smirks as the camera's caught those boys threatening him as he hangs up and says "well it seem that you are in major big trouble kid"

Ten minutes later

Police sirens are heard as they pull up as Naruto hold up his hand, the arrive then the car of Fugaku as he panics and gets out of his car and he sees the boys on the ground groaning with Sasuke tied up, and sees Naruto as he says "fucking damn it" as he walks up to Naruto.

"Let me guess, he did this behind your back?" asked Naruto as he already knows, Fugaku says "I warned him NOT to do something like this and yet he did this." as he has his fingers at the base of his head as Naruto says "well, it seems like he might be going to um what is it called again? Grounded?" Naruto says "no-no, that doesn't sound right?"

As the police say as he puts the handcuffs on the attackers "juvie?" Naruto points to him "That's it." Fugaku now has his hand in his head as he's stressing out as Naruto says "oh relax, he had this coming! And besides it's not like everyone is going to know that your youngest son is disappointed, I mean, after all, you have two wonderful and successful older kids." with Fugaku says "I hate you so much Uzumaki, your fucking lucky that your mother is my boss."

Naruto then has his arm around his shoulder and says "Trust me I am not lucky. At all as when I got in trouble trust me who do you think cleaned out the bathrooms at the company the janitor oh no that was me." Fugaku drops his head as this is too much for him to take.

"Trust me I am not lucky as I know that I am going to get a call from mom about this. Also, you look like you need some time off, so I'm gonna leave you be Fugaku '' as he walks up to the officer, informs him what happened, and heads off, which as in time, Samui arrived and there's someone with her.

Naruto then gets into the shotgun seat and says "Good to see you again Shizuka." with Shizuka asking "the hell happened here?!" as the car drives away.

On the road, as Shizuka is talking with Naruto "ok I haven't seen you two for what? Ten years" as Naruto looks at his sister in law who has long back hair with green eyes as she is just as curvy and busty as her sister but they look so different, due to their father and mother. She is wearing a simple black shirt with white kanjis on the back as she is wearing dark brown pants.

"And now there's a group of brats laying on the floor with Sasuke tied up! So explain!" said Shizuka as she feels Samui's hand on her head as Samui says while driving "you worry too much Shizuka if I didn't know any better, I think you should be Naruto's girlfriend more than me since you worry about him too much"

Naruto says "Samui the reason you are not worried about me is easy you know that I can handle myself my Icy Hime. Now why that happened is I was on the phone with Samui and they tried to attack me. Plus you worry when I step into the octagon Samui." with Samui giggles.

Shizuka says "more reason to worry! Since I'm the super worried type! While Samui here isn't! You could have gotten hurt or worse!"

Naruto laughs "I am an MMA fighting champion plus I am more afraid of killing you with worry." Shizuka growls lightly which sounds cute, as she mumbling something that Naruto and Samui didn't hear at all.

They arrive and Naruto enters first and Kakashi looks up and says "Oh my it has been a long time Naruto and now you have followed your dream and become an Olympian and an MMA fighter. Welcome back kid." as Naruto says "good to be back" as Kakashi sees Samui and Shizuka walk in.

"Samui welcome back and I must say you look wonderful. Shizuka, good to see you." Said Kakashi, with Samui says "thanks Coach" with Kakashi says "no-no, I'm not a coach anymore, I left that part of my life behind when I opened my diner"

Shizuka says "do you have anything strong Kakashi?" Naruto laughs and says "Well now my Aunt called us back and Samui along with myself is now the gym teacher."

Kakashi says "that's good to hear! And that doesn't explain why Shizuka wants something strong" he gets a strong drink for Shizuka with Shizuka says "they have been back less than a week and there's already trouble."

Naruto has a look of innocence on his face with a halo over his head while Samui laughs with Kakashi says "don't bother, your just making yourself look bad, Naruto"

The halo disappears and devil horns appear on Naruto's head "Ok I might know why Shizuka needs a drink. But Kakashi you remember one of the punishments my mom gave me when I was in deep trouble" Kakashi says "no, you're not going to talk of that, not in here Naruto! You know the rules!"

Naruto says "Oh very and I know that mom will be calling me soon." with Kakashi shaking his head as he says "enough of that, what do you three like?"

"A bacon Cheeseburger please with a sprite." Samui with Kakashi says "So you're not going to ask for a salad?"

Samui says "Nope cause I am not one for diets. You should know that plus look at this body! Do I look like I need salad?" Kakashi says "That is true."

Kakashi nods then turns to Naruto as he says "A double Bacon cheeseburger with a sprite please." with Shizuka says "same as Samui but no sprite"

Kakashi takes the orders and heads back to the chef as Shizuka sits with Naruto and Samui by themselves as Naruto shows the letter, Samui asks "Who is that from?" with starred eyes.

"Momo Yaoyorozu," said Naruto with Samui takes it and opens it, Samui then reads it "Oh she has got it bad, so so bad" as she smiles, "you need to talk with this girl"

Naruto says "I know my hime but I need to wait for things to cool off." Samui says "even though it says 'meet me at the park tonight?"

Naruto says "Remember I used to play with you with letters" with Samui has her tongue out as she sticks it to him, Naruto chuckles and kisses her forehead "Love you to my Hime, and also really are you joking or is it for real?" with Samui says "I'm joking, what it says that she would like to talk to you in your office tomorrow"

Naruto sighs in relief "You have a good poker face my naughty Hime." Samui giggles and says "years of practice." with a proud face, Naruto shakes his head.

Naruto then pokes her forehead, Samui laughs. Then their drinks arrive first as their come up and sit with Shizuka who is drowning in a bottle of booze as she says "you two are fucking hic lucky that" she points at Samui "your my sister" then points at Naruto "and you're fucking handsome as fuck! Or else I would kick both of your ass MMA fighters or not! Hic!"

Naruto and Samui laugh then Naruto says "Hey Kakashi there is one thing Samui and I brought back in the gym."

Kakashi said "that's good to hear! Cause those kids need to learn about pain" Naruto says "I am even planning to bring back the tournament." "even better," said Kakashi.

Naruto laughs "Oh yeah and we are doing the same rules you taught us. But there is ONE brat that broke another kid's nose against the rules." he tells Kakashi what has happened since he and Samui arrived.

A bit later

Naruto and Samui are waving to Kakashi after they paid for their meals. Samui is carrying her sister as she mumbling nonsense as she is drunk with Naruto getting in the car as Samui gets in as she is holding onto her sister.

Naruto drives the car to Shizuka's home as Samui says "be back", Naruto waits in the car, then he gets a call and answers it "Hi Mom." Then he moves the phone away from his ear.

"THE FUCK HAPPENED NARUTO KURAMA UZUMAKI" yelled of Naruto's mother, Kushina as she's not happy, and Naruto sweating "Mom I was at work finishing my grading then I called Samui to pick me up the Uchiha Brat was not happy that he could not get away with shit in my class at all and he had a few of his buddies try to ambush me. The others were beaten and Sasuke tied up. You don't believe me, you can check the damn security cameras at the school."

"I already know about Naruto, I meant for you not to let me know first! Before you called the police," said the voice of Kushina, "then I would have done something to those brats for nearly hitting my baby boy!"

Naruto says "Why not give Sasuke the same punishment you gave me when I was younger."Kushina says "oh I have something worse for him," Naruto says "mom, what are you going to do?"

Kushina says "He will be cleaning EVERYTHING!" with Naruto says "oh so a janitor then" "Yup." said Kushina with Naruto says "here I thought you were going to destroy his future or something"

Kushina says "He is on his first strike. His father is one of the best employees and should have taught his youngest to follow the law but had failed to do" Naruto nods at that "Well I will come by the company one day mom as I would like to see you again."

Kushina said "please do and bring my soon to be daughter in law"

Naruto says "I will try plus we still need to keep in shape. Also, I saw Kakashi tonight." with Kushina "oh Kakashi? How is he doing? I haven't gotten the chance to see him for a month now"

Naruto said, "I meant to ask, what is he to you mom?" Kushina says "what do you mean? Kakashi is like a brother to me. What did you think?"

Naruto says "well, I thought for the longest time since a bit after Dad died, I thought you had...romantic feelings for Kakashi" he laughs and Kushina laughs as well "Sorry sweetie but he is a brother to me. And I'm a sister to him so no way that will happen."

Naruto sees Samui walking "well I will see you soon mom, have a good night," Kushina says "You as well sweetie." Naruto hangs up as Samui gets in the car.

The next day

Naruto is watching the first period play a game of volleyball as Naruto can feel that he's being glared at and it is Sasuke as Naruto is thinking 'I see that he got balled out'

"Keep your focus Uchiha," said Samui as a ball hit Sasuke right in his face. Sasuke growls as he is holding his nose "I warned you Uchiha keep your fucking head in the game!" said Samui as another ball hit Sasuke and this one came from nowhere.

Naruto along with Samui blink at that as everyone wonders where it comes from.

A/N Zone

Outside of the gym, as Blaze is looking at Dealt who had thrown the volleyball and he has more, Blaze then asks "Why?" Dealt looks at blaze "won't you want to throw one at Sasuke?!"

"I would throw it somewhere that would hurt more," said Blaze then sees a volleyball "then why don't you?" said Dealt as he held the volleyball in front of Blaze.

Blaze takes it and throws it, hitting Sasuke in the balls.

A/N Zone ends

Naruto sees another ball and it hits Sasuke's balls hard, as he shouts "alright who threw it!" The students threw up their hands and said, "Not us." with Sasuke on the floor.

After that, the 2nd period begins. The class begins.

And it's just Samui handling them as Naruto is talking with Momo. Naruto asks "What do you want to talk about Momo?" Momo says "y-you read m-my letter r-right?" blushing badly, Naruto says "I did momo."

Momo says "then you know that I like you very much sensei! Please make me yours!" Naruto says "Later Momo as you have class ok." with Momo says "w-wait y-you don't mean"

"Momo to class with you," said Naruto with Momo smiles as she leaves the room as cheers in her mind, Naruto sighs as his life is going to be fucked up or interesting.

Time skip the weekend

Naruto is at the Archery range after getting Samui her car. Naruto needs to keep up his archery skills as he is hitting bullseye after bullseye as Naruto says "I know you're there Momo." he turns his toward and hiding behind a pole, Momo shows herself, Naruto then turns back and asks "Let me guess you shoot archery as well."

"Y-yes, h-how are you able to g-get bullseyes sensei?" asked Momo and Naruto said "The secret is to follow the wind. As even the slightest of wind can change where your arrow is heading. So you feel the wind that helps."

"That makes sense, s-so sensei um," said Momo having trouble saying something, "I know what you're going to say and I have a challenge for you Momo." said Naruto with momo says "w-what is it?"

Naruto says "A challenge I win you do as I say you win I do as you say the one with the most points wins by hitting the targets." Momo nods to the challenge.

Ten minutes later

Naruto won with 100 points to Momo's 84 points, Momo says "w-what you like, ask me of sensei?"

Naruto says "You're coming with me to my home ok let your parents know that you will be busy studying with me." Momo does call and let her parents know.

After thirty minutes Naruto and Momo are in the car and Naruto is driving to his house, and upon arriving there. Naruto parks into the two-car garage and both get out. "This is your place?" asked Momo and Naruto nods and heads in to see Samui relaxing.

Momo is surprised to see Samui, Naruto says "Yeah Momo Samui is my girlfriend." Samui smiles and waves Momo realizes or rather assumes "d-don't tell me that you bring me here to make a fool out of me!" Naruto flicks her nose "No you silly girl." Naruto says and then shows Momo around then they get to the trophy room and Momo is shocked that their teachers are high-level athletes.

Momo says "t-then" she turns and asks "You're an Olympic Athlete aren't you!" and Naruto nods "Along with Samui. Now she is ready with something."

Momo is a bit lost as Naruto brings her toward a room, then when the door opens Samui is wearing sexy Lingerie and she has a collar in hand with Lingerie for momo with stockings on her legs and Momo is shocked that Samui is so busty.

Momo says "a-am I" with Samui nods. Samui then says "Strip Momo." Naruto waits outside as Momo does so as she says "W-Where is Sensei?" asked Momo then Samui got up and handed her the Lingerie with the stockings, Heels, and the collar "Put them on."

Momo blushing as she does so.

A few minutes later Samui sashays out of the room with a leash in hand that is connected to Momo's collar and says "Oh~ Naruto~ Momo is ready for you." Momo walks out in red lingerie with garter belt stockings and red stiletto heels. Her bra is missing the nipple area and her panties are crotchless. And she was blushing so bad.

Naruto smirks and removes his robe showing her is naked then Samui grabs Momo's breast and says "So soft almost as soft as mine." with Momo blushing badly and she moaning cutely.

Naruto walks over to Momo "Know this Momo from now on you belong to us." Momo blushing badly as she sees Naruto come up to her. Naruto then asks "How big are those twins of yours?" with Momo says "d-double H cup"

Samui says "Oh that is wonderful. We are going to have a lot of fun with you Momo." while she groped Momo's breasts. Momo moans and then Naruto stops in front of her and grabs a hold of her and holds her close.

Making Momo blush is redder as she can feel Naruto's muscle body, Naruto smirks as Momo is about to be joining their small group as they lost touch with others.

But for now, Momo says "w-what are you going to do to me?"

Samui and Naruto smirk and say "We are going to fuck you."

Lemon starts

Momo is licking Naruto's cock as she thinks that it's so massive and Samui is massaging his back with her breasts while Naruto is enjoying this very much, Naruto holding onto Momo's breasts as she licks his cock more.

"Keep licking you will be ours for the weekend." said Samui while Momo does so while blushing more while Samui sets herself next to Momo with her looking as she says "Samui-sensei?"

Samui then plays with Momo's breasts making her moan and she says "How about you take his cock into your mouth" Momo starts moaning loudly, then Samui has her mouth open wide and has her take Naruto's cock in her mouth. Naruto groans as Momo's mouth is on his cock with Momo's eyes widened.

Naruto says "Oh Samui she will make a fine addition" Samui smirks as she has momo sucking Naruto's cock more. Naruto is groaning as he loves this so much Naruto says "Keep going Momo."

Momo moans as she keeps it up, Samui giggles and rubs Momo's head as Samui starts nibbling Momo's ear, Momo moans as they are double-teaming her.

In a bit later

Momo is moaning loudly as Naruto licks her breasts while Samui is eating out of Momo's pussy, Momo is moaning loudly as she moans out "oh kami! T-this is too much!"

Naruto then takes her nipple into his mouth while Momo moans louder while Samui eats out of Momo's pussy with her thinking 'oh she tastes pretty good.' as she keeps it up more.

Naruto then grabs Momo's side as he keeps it more with Momo just losing it badly and they haven't gone to the main event yet. Samui's tongue is going deep while she's groping Momo's ass. Momo is losing it.

Until Momo cums from both her breasts being licked as well with Samui eating her pussy, Samui is enjoying this as she removes herself from Momo's pussy, Naruto waits for Samui to get up then kisses her, then Samui kisses Momo.

Momo moans as she tastes herself on Samui while Naruto smirks as he watches this.

After no less than a minute, Naruto has his cock rubbing against Momo's pussy but Samui says "hold on Naruto! You should protection as she's not ready to be pregnant"

Naruto says "Then get the condoms" as he sees Samui hold up her hand as unfold is a long roll of 10 or more condoms as she says "way ahead of you babe" Naruto smirks and says "good" as Samui opens one and put it in her mouth which she uses to put it on Naruto's cock. Naruto smirks and then when the condom is on Naruto's cock her is ready as she takes it out and says "your ready Naruto"

Then Naruto lifts Momo and has her wrap her arms onto his neck as he has his condom-wearing cock to enter her pussy and Momo screams with her pussy leaking out blood as Samui says "how does it feel to have Naruto be your first Momo?"

Momo keeps screaming as Naruto keeps pushing in Momo's pussy more, Naruto says "She will make a fine addition Samui." as Momo screams like crazy. Naruto starts to fuck Momo like crazy by thrusting his cock rough and hard in Momo's pussy.

Momo is losing even more of her mind as she shouts "Oh shit sensei your fucking me so hard!" with Naruto thrusting his cock more in Momo's pussy while Samui is watching as she fingering herself, Naruto then says "Samui get a strap on and fuck Momo's fat ass!" Samui nods and Momo says "no wait! I-I can't handle two!"

Samui returns and has a strap on and smacks Momo's ass "Remember what I said Momo. You belong to us." with Momo gulping as soon enough.

Samui thrusts her strap on into Momo's ass and Momo starts screaming louder.

A few minutes later, Samui is laying on the bed with Momo back against her with Naruto thrusts his cock in her while the strap on is thrust in Momo's ass, Naruto says "Oh yes she is a wonderful addition to the harem and I wonder how she looks in a maid outfit."

Samui says "worry about it later Naruto" They both fuck Momo even more as Momo is losing her mind by the sec, they keep fucking her and Naruto even grabs her breasts as Momo is loving this so much.

Naruto then kisses momo as Samui is licking her neck and Momo just wants more.

A bit later with Samui using the strap-on on herself as she watching Naruto having his way with Momo as their fucking doggy style, Naruto has his chest against Momo's back while fucking her and playing with her breasts with her screaming her heart out as she says "I can't live without you sensei!"

Naruto smirks "Good as you belong to us. We will enjoy you so much." as he thrusts his cock more in her. Momo moans as this is where she belongs.

Naruto thrusts his cock in her more and more until Naruto cums as he is filling the condom, Momo moans. Once Naruko finished cumming, he pulled his cock as well as his condom as it filled with his cum. Momo pants. Naruto says "she's yours Samui"

Samui smirks and puts the strap back on and thrusts into Momo's pussy with Momo moaning loudly as the two are going at it like animals with Naruto getting himself some water, Naruto then comes back in and Samui has her in a full nelson.

Samui shouts as she fucking Momo like crazy "Yes she is a keeper and I think we will have a lot of fun with her this weekend!" Momo screaming/moaning louder with her eyes rolling upward.

Naruto chuckles agreeing with Samui as he sees them go at it more, Naruto wants a shot at her ass soon.

A couple of hours later as Samui is taking a break as she watches Naruto get ready to fuck Momo's ass, Naruto is rubbing lube against Momo's ass with Momo feels the cold feeling of the lube as she says "S-Sensei w-wait I-I want more of my pussy being fucked" with Naruto still pouring.

And says "sorry my busty student, I want to fuck this ass of yours more" Momo is scared as she moans lightly as she feels Naruto's cock entering her ass. Momo then screams as the cock is stretching her ass.

Naruto says "fuck even with lube your tight fit!" Momo screams as she shouts "Your cock is too massive for my poor ass sensei!"

Naruko keeps pushing his cock in Momo's ass as both she and him are groaning/moaning while Samui is thinking 'oh this is so hot~' Samui remember the first time Naruto fucked her ass as she also remembering how she couldn't walk right for a month, Naruto starts fucking Momo's ass even harder.

Momo shouts about how she is losing her mind so much, Naruto just keeps fucking her ass more and more while Momo screams louder as she losing her mind so much.

Later, two in the morning

Momo is out of it as Naruto is fucking Samui as she on top of Naruto as he making her bounce onto his cock as he says "That is it bounces on the cock you love so much!" with Samui screaming as she bounced on her beloved boyfriend more.

"Yes fuck my body with that wonderful cock!" shouts Samui as their went on for the rest of the night with sex.

Lemon over

A bit later noon

Naruko is driving as he, Samui, and Momo are going over somewhere with Samui asking "so we are visiting mom huh?"

"First we have to drop off Momo then go see mom," said Naruto with Momo is sleeping on Samui's shoulder as she still out of it from last night, they reach Momo's house and her parents are at the front door as Naruto gets out and explains that he was teaching Momo how to do better at archery, with that, both Naruto and Samui head over the home of one Kushina Uzumaki aka, Naruto's childhood home. It looks like a mansion, an old mansion as it is the family compound that has been in the family for generations. It has never left the family once.

Samui says "you know, this mansion has never once looked old at all, even now...does it have secrets?"

Naruto sweats "not that I know of" he lied cause he does know but he can't tell her until she is married into the family. Samui pouts at that but sighs.

They got out of the car and headed over to the door with Naruto about to knock on it but it was open as Naruto and Samui saw the head maid Grayfia.

Naruto says "hi Grayfia, is mom home?" Grayfia is a beautiful woman with silver hair as she wears the maid outfit as she says "she's here and at the back Master Naruto-sama" She lets them into the house with Samui says "hey Grayfia!" with Grayfia "hello Samui, it's been too long"

Samui giggles as she has always Liked Grayfia as she would watch Naruto a lot even when they were Teens, as their head over to the back of the mansion.

They see Kushina in the back reading a book and she's not alone. There is a big dog with her, and what Samui remembers, the dog has been around since forever and yet it doesn't seem to be 5 years, Naruto sneaks up on Kushina but the dog gives him away.

Kushina puts the book down and turns to see Naruto scowling as he wants to surprise Kushina as she says "hi Naruto" with Naruto groaning as he says as he looks at the dog "Damn it Yusuke!"

Naruto goes up and hugs his mom with Samui could have sworn that Yusuke laughs with a grin as a person would but she shakes her head and sees a normal-looking dog.

Naruto then says "Yusuke, you sneaky animal revealing I was here" Yusuke barks with his tail wagging, Naruto grunts with Samui giggles. Naruto then hugs Kushina. And then they sit and begin their talking.

Kushina then asks "Oh Naruto when are you going to propose to Samui?" Naruto gets choked on the tea that he's drinking.

Naruto then yells "MOM!" and Kushina giggles while Samui blushes as she thinks 'oh my marriage?!' as she hasn't thought of it till now.

"What? You two have been together since high school, and I'm surprised that you two haven't had children yet" said Kushina then Kushina is hit by a pool toy and Naruto says "Enough mom or else." with Kushina says "oh what are you going to do?"

Naruto smirks "do you remember those embarrassing pictures of your childhood that you thought were lost along with embarrassing pictures from your teen years" Kushina looks at him and laughs as she says "do it, I'm already got embarrassed to death by your grandmother, what can you possibly have-

Naruto says "These are from grandma herself and I must say you needed some help with your fashion" with Kushina sweating bullets as she thinks 'damn you, mom!'

Naruto smirks "If you don't want your friends to find out about it dear mother then drop the subject as I will propose when I am ready. I just don't want to mess up and lose Samui from my life." Naruto mutters that last part.

Kushina says "All alright, I will drop it...for now" she utters the last part to herself, Naruto then asks "Hey where is my little sister Hikari?" Kushina "Hikari had gone off to college Naruto, don't you remember?"

Naruto says "It has been a while Mom so forgive me for forgetting" as she adds in "but your cousin is here though," Naruto says "Is it my pain in the ass ones or one of my favorite cousins?" Kushina says "your favorite one, as the other one...yeah"

Naruto then says "Get out here Pyrrha there is someone I want you to meet!" Kushina says "but she's working at the moment." Naruto glares at Kushina "Thanks for getting my hopes up." with Kushina says "sorry, Naruto"

Naruto groans and drinks his tea as Samui says "with that out of the way, what about you Kushina? Haven't you thought of getting remarried?"

Kushina says "Not really unlike Layla she is looking for a new man." she looks to the side, "I think," Naruto says "She is as she is the Headmistress of the school, I don't think she has free time to date" Kushina drinks her tea as she says "fair enough"

Then they hear the door open and they hear "Auntie I am back!" as their turn to see, Pyrrha Uzumaki who is back from work, and she's a very beautiful woman, with red hair and green eyes with a curvy figure and large breasts.

Naruto then says "Pyrrha come over here and give me a hug." Pyrrha's eyes light up as she says "NARUTO!" She runs over and hugs Naruto who hugs her back. While Samui is thinking 'mm I wonder if he has feelings for her?' as she looks at them. Naruto then breaks the hug and says "Pyrrha there is someone I want you to meet."

Pyrrha sees Samui, "Who is this Naruto?" asked Pyrrha, Naruto tells her about Samui, his long-time girlfriend, Pyrrha says "Oh I have heard so much about you and it is nice to finally meet you." as she holds out her hand to Samui. Samui smiles and shakes Pyrrha's hand.

After a while of talking, Naruto asks "So Pyrrha why are you here?" with Pyrrha eating a meatball as they were having lunch, "Oh I am here as auntie offered me a place at the company as I am taking a break from the arena like you, Naruto." Naruto says "I see" as he eats his own.

Pyrrha then asks "So how is being a gym teacher for you both?" as she heard about this from Kushina, Naruto says "Some kids are great and some I just want to use as target practice with dodgeballs." Kushina says "that's good to hear, except for Sasuke having a group attacking my sweet boy!" she stabs the table with the steak knife then realizes "damn it, this is mahogany, it's been with us since grandpa got it" as she is talking to herself. Kushina removes the knife from it.

Naruto is thinking/praying 'please forgive her great grandpa' as he looks upward, as his prayers are answered the table repairs itself, and Samui freaks out as she sees it. Naruto chuckles and mutters to Pyrrha "It is always fun to see the reactions."

Samui says "alright I had enough! What just is this house! It's been 10 years since I last came here and not once did it look like it had aged!"

Naruto says "Sorry baby, that is a clan secret. I can tell you when you marry into the clan." with a smile with Samui pouts at that as she thinking 'dumb rules' Naruto says "You are cute when you pout." Samui looks away as she pouts more.

Naruto walks over and hugs Samui as he says "don't be so mad" with Samui pouting more. Naruto then starts to tickle Samui and she starts laughing.

A bit after as both Naruto and Samui are heading back home, Naruto suggests "Well Samui next weekend is very important to both of us" while Samui says "oh?"

Naruto says "Think about it." and Samui does and says "Oh shit I almost forgot!" Naruto asks "what did you almost forget?" he's testing her, "Our anniversary!" said Samui, and Naruto smiles "Good to hear as it is normally us guys who forget." with Samui teary as she has her face against the glass as she says "I can't believe I was going to forget!" Naruto pulls up into the garage then gets out and then opens the door and picks up his girlfriend.

Samui says "you're a lifesaver Naruto, what did I do to deserve you?" Naruto says "I ask myself about deserving you every day." as he carried her.

Samui snuggles into his chest as they enter the house.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


