/ Anime & Comics / The Guardians: Transported in the World of Azur Lane
In the enchanting realm of Azur Lane, Earth's valiant Guardians find themselves mysteriously transported. Warships metamorphosed into charismatic girls, they forge alliances with shipgirls, navigating the unknown. Yet, amidst the camaraderie, hidden motives emerge. Some seek to exploit this world's power for personal gain, while others become trusted allies. As destinies intertwine, a delicate balance is struck between friendship and treachery, shaping the fate of multiple worlds in this thrilling adventure.
作者 ItsAccelDude
Keep up, the excellent work. It's fascinating how you combine Azur Lane with your Original Novel Work, I know some of the Novel will have some spoilers from the Fanfic, but it's still amazing you decided to make it.