11.11% The Grimalkin at Sunset Stables / Chapter 1: Dead Horse
The Grimalkin at Sunset Stables The Grimalkin at Sunset Stables original

The Grimalkin at Sunset Stables

作者: Tara_Troop10101

© WebNovel

章 1: Dead Horse

The rain poured down hard; as a, car slushed across the dirt road. River had her head near the window watching the raindrops slide down. She wasn't that excited to go to another barn, she just moved not to long ago and she missed her old home and friends.

"Here we are!" Her mother exclaimed with such happiness she was glowing. Trying to share some of that happiness with River.

River turned and smiled at her mom, she knew her mom wasn't stoked about them moving either.

River grabbed her helmet saying goodbye to her mom before shutting the door and walking to the barn.

She breathed out slow and tried to focus on how her riding boots squished in the wet path. River then tried to focus on controlling her breathing. Crying was not an option on the first day, but she missed everything and seeing the new barn it just brang back memories of the old one back at her home!

She smelled the nice fresh hay as she stepped into the big barn. River missed the smell of the wooden stalls, the fresh set of sawdust and the leather saddles for a long time. The entrance had two big red doors that were kept open.

As River continues to walk in she noticed a girl waiting for her. She was around her height, and looked around her age too. The girl smiled when they met eyes.

"Welcome!" She exclaimed "my name is Jade!" She held out her hand.

River shook it, "I'm River!"

"Pleasure to meet you!" Jade exclaimed letting go of her hand after a little "I am here to give you a tour of Sunset Stables, Follow me."

River walked next to Jade as she examined everything she saw. She noticed that the barn is a horseshoe shape and that it "surrounds" the outer arena.

The entrance of the barn is the "tip" of the horseshoe.  With one side having grooming areas, washing areas, tack room and the indoor arena. On the other are where all of the horses were kept. Their stalls all made of a pretty oak color.

Once the tour ended Jade lead me down the barn till she stopped at one certain stall. Inside was a brown and white Paint, he had two big blue eyes.

River looked at him in awe, she loved paints and couldn't believe how beautiful he was.

"This is St. Petey!" Jade said with a smile as she saw Rivers expression. "You can start out with him! He is really good and skilled. And what I've heard so are you."

River was too busy to acknowledge Jade as she was held out her hand waiting for St.Petey to walk over.

St.Petey noticed her and walked over sniffing her hand and trying to sense fear. When he found none he let her pet him and put a lead on his harness.

When River took St. Petey to the grooming area she shuttered as she felt a weird chill that something was watching her. She looked at St.Petey assuming it was him but he was only watching what was in front of him. River just kept walking trying to ignore it but the cold stare felt like two thin lasers digging in her head.

When she went into a grooming station the feeling disappeared. River started to groom St.Petey and thought it must have been nothing.

River finished grooming and went into the tack room. There were saddles each having a name of a horse. River grabbed St.Peteys saddle, a blue saddle pad and a girth. After bringing that to the grooming station with St. Petey. She ran back and got his bridal and reins.

Jade walked up to River "you ready?"

River turned and Jade was holding the reins to a big deep brown Clydesdale. River finished tacking St.Petey up and then grabbed his reins "yes!"

Jade and River walked to the indoor arena. They didn't really know what to say on the way there so it got awkward quickly.

Once they arrived, the doors were open.

"Close the doors once you are through!" A man called when he saw them.

Jade grabbed a door while River closed the other. "That is our trainer" Jade said quietly.

The indoor arena was a decent size, there were cross rails, jumps, and barrels. The trainer stood in the middle watching the rest of the class ride around the sides.

Jade used a step stool to get up her Clydesdale and River used it too. They rode into the arena together.

"What's your name?" The trainer asked

"R-River" River said nervously.

The trainer nods, "welcome! My name is Mark!"

River nods back and continues to walk around the arena.

"Alright everyone! Take it into a trot!" Mark called

Everyone started to trot, the sound of their feet while the horses trotted nearly went into rhythm with the rain as it clattered on the metal roof.

River closed her eyes at the soothing sound, she could hear a call but couldn't make out the words. She was too trapped in the sound that she didn't even care about holding onto the reins. Memories flooded her mind and she could hear distant yells. River felt like she was now off the ground and flying. She slowly opens her eyes and reality flooded back.

St.Petey was in mid air! St.Petey had jumped off the ground and over a jump! Mark was yelling at her! River forgot she wasn't gripping the reins when she closed her eyes and she flew off St.Petey!

River hit the ground hard and nearly skidded like a stone. She started to sit up slowly and looked around. Jade had jumped off her horse and went to stop St.Petey who was still trotting. Mark was walking over to her lending a hand. Everyone else in the lesson stopped their horses, some were getting down to see if River was ok. Others just watched.

River started to cry, she had made such a fool of herself. She got back up, her knee was nearly purple from the fall.

"Go untack St.Petey." Mark said when he saw River's knee, Jade handed her St. Petey's reins.

River sobbed and took St.Petey walking towards the exit.

But as River got closer to the exit she heard something. It was loud! And it got louder! It was...a horse yelling!

River called "Guys!!! There is a horse!! She sounds in pain!!" River immediately drops St.Petey's reins and ran!

Everyone got off their horses and the horses too became in distress as they realized what was happening.

River slammed the doors open and the sound of a hoarse horse stopped abruptly. All the other horses were winning and bucking in their stalls.

Everyone checked all the stalls for the hurt horse. Until a girl screamed, she was probably only 9 years old. She screamed so loud at one stable and ran back to Mark hugging him tight.

Mark hugged her and said as calm as he could "what is it?"

The girl breathing rapidly and crying "I-it's c-c-cin-cinnamon!" She cried.

Jade came and took her hand as Mark ran to the stall. He puts a hand over his mouth in shock when he reaches Cinnamon's stall. River and the others ran to him except Jade and the little girl.

River and almost everyone screamed as well!

There in the stall was a chestnut thoroughbred lying at the bottom of the stall. There was blood everywhere! The sawdust bedding was soaked in blood making it a crimson color. Blood splattered up on the walls. And then there was the horse. It's spine torn up and was exposed. The stomach was torn at and the intestines were spilling out. One of the back legs were completely gone and the horses bottom jaw was detached.

When everyone looked at Mark for advice the back leg that was missing fell from above...

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


