33.33% The grey witch / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
The grey witch The grey witch original

The grey witch

作者: Amy_221

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1

After dying you would expect to enter a dark space, or maybe even none at all. What you dont expect, is to wake up in an unfamiliar room. She looked around the room, trying to get a feel for her surroundings.

The room was wooden and old fashioned with only a desk, a chair and the bed that she currently found herself occupying. The sheets were blood red, same as the canopy above her head.

Seeing the unfamiliar place, she suddenly sits up, only to get a bad headache. She quickly put her arm over her eyes and laid back down. She froze however when she noticed one little fact....

"Why the hell is my hand so small!?"

She quickly rose again and inspected both her hands as to get a feel for her new situation. She looked over the rest of her body and noticed that not only had her hands shrunk, her entire body had too.

She got to her feet and ran for the nearby bathroom. She got in front of the mirror to take a good look at herself. She stood at a height of about 137cm. She had platinum blonde hair reaching her mid-back, bright blue eyes, and light skin. She had nearly no fat on her face as well as other marks, however, she does have a scar on her neck, almost as if someone had slit her throat.

She was shocked at what she saw. That wasnt her as a child, and most definetly not as an adult. She kept thinking over her situation as she stumbled through her room and to her desk where she upon arriving, there were two envelopes. One did however have the words "READ ME FIRST!" And so she did.

-Dear Miss Amanda-

-It pains me to tell you about your death and subsequent rebirth. You see, in all worlds, be they normal, more technological or even magical, every person have a certain lifespan. A person may have a lifespan of 60 years, but thats it, no more, no less.

There was an accident however, when it just so happened that you walked next to a person with a waning lifespan. He was meant to be hit by lightning, you however, were meant to live for almost 50 more years. For this accident, you have our apologies.

As an apology, we convened a meeting above and decided for you to get a second chance at life. This letter is so that you get the basic info. Your name is Amanda, just like before. You will find out your last name later, but back on topic. You are currently 10 years old, was raised in an orphanage after your parents death, and is currently staying in `The leaky cauldron´.

You will gain some memories when reading the second letter as to better understand your current situation.

Good luck. - R.O.B. -

She stared blankly at the piece of paper in her hand. She had died? She got a second life? Do those bastards even know what they are doing up there!? Many thoughts flashed through Amanda`s mind. Many thoughts that would make a sailor blush and the devil to write down notes for future use.

She took a slow and calming breath, trying her best to keep her sanity intact. Many things were happening all at once. She took deep breaths, which finally seemed to work to calm her down. She sat down in the nearby chair with a face frozen in a controlled anger. Sitting, she took the second letter and turned the envelope around, to which she froze. She knew the sigil displayed in the wax seal. She hurriedly opened the letter and started reading the text that she probably knew the best.

Ms Amanda Parker.

Silverhome Orphanage, 17 Inglewood Drive.

Dear Ms. Parker, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely, Minerva Mcgonagall. Deputy Headmistress.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore.

(Order of Merlin, first class, Grand Sorc, Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

It was a blasted Hogwarts acceptance letter. A letter that she had often dreamed about in her previous life, but it was just that, a dream, at least back then. Now she had it. She had the opportunity to learn the secrets of magic and even perform it herself.

She spent many hours in her old life just memorizing the wand movements and pronounciation of the different spells. She remembered a lot of the different texts that was shown. She even memorized many of the magical creatures and their weaknesses. All this, simply because she loved the world of mystery and magic.

But having read the letter, she grabbed her head again at the sudden influx of memories. There werent many of them, but they were also mostly from the few days before her take-over. She had lived at an old orphanage.

She had, had her first bout of accidental magic when she was four, causing the others at the orphanage to avoid the `FREAK´ a they would call her. Then a few weeks earlier, she had received the letter via an owl. Then came the last memory, which was the day prior. She had been brought from the orphanage to the leaky cauldron by none other than professor Mcgonagall who then proceeded to tell her what to do next.

- Timeskip.

Having left her room after getting ready, Amanda proceeded to walk downstairs where the pub was located, and walked out the back where she coincidentally ran into another heading for the alley.

Stepping through the previous wall, now gateway, she was taken aback at the sight before her. Like in the movies, Diagon Alley was a place bustling with activity. Some were here shopping, others were on their way to work, or even some heading for the bank. Many different people in one place at once.

Amanda took a deep breath and started to walk forward. She couldnt help however, when she kept looking around. On one side she saw the apothecary, on the other she saw the famous Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. All were like they were shown in the movies.

She eventually reached the end of the street and stood in front of a marble white building with a few letter above the doors, GRINGOTTS BANK.

She took a deep breath, and entered.

Inside was filled on both sides with booths. They were all occupied by smaller creatures about the height of 120cm. They had slicked back hair, pointy ears and a long, hook-like nose.They were the goblins running Gringotts.

She walked up to one.

"Excuse me sir." The goblin looked at her.


"Im here to withdraw from the Hogwarts orphan fund."

"Ah yes. You will need to follow me to perform an inheritance test as to see if you have any magical ancestors that might have left you anything."

"Please lead the way... I never got your name." She scratched the back of her head.

"Indeed. Hookfang, at your service."

"I might as well introduce myself as well. Amanda Parker." She stretched her hand out for the old goblin who seemed to be taken aback. He did however accept the handshake.

"This way please, miss Parker." She nodded and followed.

They entered an office located in the back. There were three couches surrounding a coffee table, a safe in the back corner, and a couple filing cabinets.

They walked in and took a seat.

"So how will this work?"

"Simple." He answered before presenting a small jar with ink.

"Please allow some of your blood to enter the ink which will be used to see your heritage."

"Okay then.... How many drops?"

"Three should suffice."

She just nodded and grabbed the small knife at the side. She just pressed hard enough on her index finger to draw blood before allowing them to fall into the jar. The ink inside went from black, to take up a more red color. The goblin grabbed a sheet of paper and dropped some ink on it. His eyes soon shot up.

"Well, this is certainly interesting."

"What is?" She asked confused.

"It seems the heiress of houses Black, Gaunt and Peverell will need a good account manager."

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


