46.15% The Golem Adventurer / Chapter 23: The Region Lord

章 23: The Region Lord

Knight-Captain Erzald walked me through the large foyer of the manor. We stopped on the other side with two large wooden doors in front of us. He gave them a loud methodical knock before pausing until we heard the words, "Enter." come from the other side.

The Captain opened both doors, bidding me to enter first. Inside was a finely furbished office, lit by the glow of the morning sun coming from the large window. In front of it sat an elegantly dressed man in front of a desk scribbling into a ledger with a feather pen.

Noticing my presence, he gets up with a smile and slightly bows, "Greetings. You must be Arlan the Golem! I am Selvin Hawthorne, Region Lord of Haldin. Please, take a seat."

He gestures towards the seat in front of his desk and I follow suit. It's feels more like I'm having a meeting with the boss of some company instead of a ruler. Well, there's no prostrating at least.

He turns his attention over to Erzald briefly, "Thank you for bringing him, Knight-Captain. You're dismissed for now. For the moment, I'd like to speak with Arlan alone."

The Knight-Captain bows deeply before leaving, closing the doors behind him. Lord Selvin returns back into his chair and gives me a look over. I hope my eyes aren't doing any weird flashing at the moment. Even moreso, that weird feeling of being watched and probed still lingered about. It was just me and Lord Selvin here. The infamous Lady Halette wasn't here either. Was she watching me somewhere else?

I'll take a stab at being a diplomat for now, "Lord Selvin, what can I do for you?"

"Arlan, I brought you here before me so that I, along with the city, can give you our thanks. Because of your deeds, you've saved countless citizens along with lives of our soldiers and adventurers who would have perished fighting that Orc Sty," he says passionately, like he was being oddly dramatic.

"Oh, uh, think nothing of it, Lord Selvin. I was just doing my duty as an adventurer." I said shyly. I was a bit taken aback by his flowery words.

He scoffs, "Nonsense! No common adventurer would risk his life fighting an entire orc war band on their own! Not anyone under A-Rank at least. Though I've heard you've been promoted to C-rank just a few days ago. Tell me, what do you think of Haldin?"

Huh? He's asking about my opinion of the city? "I think it's a great city. And quite beautiful. Though to tell you the truth, I haven't been outside of the country yet so I can't really compare."

He seemed happy with my answer, "That's wonderful to hear, Arlan. When I took over lordship from my father, the city along with the country was in a terrible state. Corruption ran rampant and our infrastructure was in shambles. It's taken years to turn everything around to what it is now."

His expression became downcast, "The cities fortunes however, is still in disrepair. We lack outstanding individuals in all of our sectors outside of our crafted goods. We currently boast the highest percentage of craftsman golems in our city compared to the rest of the Nation Alliance. But still, it is not enough to give us a stronger standing with our neighbors. We're currently being strong-armed with demands by both Rudelia and Obryia to the north for their war efforts against the Grav Empire. But now, it's starting to effect us here, especially with the lack of available soliders. The Orc Sty is proof of that."

Why is he telling me this? I'm not versed into the politics of this world, and I'm sure enough not very interested in it. This stuff is above my pay grade.

It was then I noticed a gleam in his eye before he continued, "So, the point of the matter. We're currently looking for outstanding individuals. Would you be interested in joining our Knight's Order?" he says with a serious expression of a car salesman.

"I'm afraid not, Lord Selvin," I replied back candidly.

It seems he isn't letting up, "I can guarantee you a competitive salary with a full knightship along with repairs. I'm currently in negotiation to have a magitech specialist live in the city for that. I will also offer you your own personal living quarters in the North District as well."

I wasn't backing down either, "I'm sorry, Lord Selvin. I'll give you the same answer I gave the Knight-Captain. I do not want to join a military force."

Lord Selvin seemed a bit exasperated. Are all Lords like this? "Hmm... so you won't agree? Very well..." He leans back in his chair, thinking to himself before coming to a decision, "Fine. If that is your wish, I shall accept it. For now, of course."

He's calmed down a bit, at least but I think it's time to go. "Well, Lord Selvin, if that's all you wish to discuss, then you wouldn't mind if I take my lea-"

He interrupts me with motion of his hand, "One moment, Arlan. I do not wish to let you leave here without due compensation for your efforts. At least let me call a specialist to repair you."

"I didn't save those villagers to be compensated, Lord Selvin," I said innocuously, "And I have an automatic <Repair> skill. My body will heal on it's own." And I'd rather not have someone find out about my core.

"You can self-repair!?" Lord Selvin remarked astonishingly before regaining his composure, "Regardless, we owe you a debt, Arlan and I mean to reward you regardless. As long as I sit as Lord of Haldin, I will not let those who act for the benefit of the city be disregarded," his tone was dead serious, like this was a matter of pride for him. Even still, that gleam in his eyes didn't go away at all.

Well... I might as well go along with it. There's no benefit to denying his actions after all, "If you insist, Lord Selvin. I'll accept whatever you deem is appropriate. But please don't worry about my repairs. I'll only need a few more days until I'm back to full health."

Lord Selvin's face lit up, "Splendid! If you'll please follow me..."

We exited the office and headed upstairs into what looked like an armory room. The inside was lined with racks of weapons and heavy armor, presumably meant for the Haldin's Knights. At the very end of the room was a small unassuming display mannequin which hung a deep crimson cloak gilded with gold. The crest of Haldin, an encircled spear with two small prongs, was emblazoned in large gold trim on the back. That self same spear was also hanging on a weapon rack next to the display. Oracle could detect mana softly radiating from within both items.

Lord Selvin walked to the display and gently put a hand on the cloak, "I would like to present you with these articles of equipment. This cloak is the same one used by our Knight's Order. The cloak is enchanted to greatly improved durability and will provide you ample protection from weather or strikes from your foes. Whether it be blade, bludgeon or penetration, it will not waiver."

He then moves over to the spear, gently giving it a heft. He stared at it in deep contemplation before continuing, "This spear... is one of our best. It's high mana conductivity means it can penetrate even steel with enough mana drawn into it and with an aspect favoring lightning, it can greatly harm creatures weak to that element along with ethereal beings. It was commissioned for one of our Knight-Captains long ago. An outstanding warrior who had committed great deeds in his service to Haldin. I feel it deserves to be in your hands now. You will be the best successor for it's legacy."

I stood there awestruck. These seem like high quality items. The cloak was just like the ones the Knights have but that spear seemed special to him oddly enough, "I appreciate the gesture but is it really OK for you to give these to me? That spear has quite the legacy attached to it."

Lord Selvin just smiles earnestly, "Please, I insist. That spear has gone unused for centuries. It deserves to be wielded by someone who can honor that legacy. And do not worry about the Knights-Order. They have also agreed to relinquish this to you as well. This would not be possible without their approval."

Huh. Well. If everyone is in agreement, I should start practicing my spear skills then, "If there's no objection from any parties, I'll accept these gifts. Thank you, Lord Selvin. I'll do my best to honor this spear's previous owner."

He clapped his hands together, "Good, good! I know you will, Arlan. I have no doubt that your deeds will impact the world someday. And with our association, Haldin and it's citizens will benefit as well."

I took hold of the cloak and tried it on. It's feint flow of mana seemed to burst for just a moment before settling down. It was the same with the spear, as if I was plugging an appliance into an electrical socket. This was the first time I had an enchanted item. Were they all like this? I wonder. For now, I put the spear on it's provided holster on my back. Huh, it all seemed... natural when I held it in my hands like it was made for me. It felt like I was driving a new car.

Lord Selvin bows once more, "Thank you for accepting these gifts, Arlan. Once again, the city and myself cannot thank you enough for what you have done. Please, allow me to escort you to the gate."

We walked out of the room to find a large cadre of knights along with Knight-Captain Erzald lined up in two rows by the exit. As we both passed, all of them stood at attention and gave a salute. Must be something they do whenever the Lord leaves the manor. There was a bit of panic on Lord Selvin's face before he noticed I was looking at him. He gives me a bit of a tense smile before we continue outside.

The sun had reached it's peak height as we shook hands in parting, "I wish you good health and fortune, Arlan. Know that you are always welcome in Haldin."

I give him a respectful bow and a wave goodbye as I start heading down south on the Avenue. Whoo... I felt a bit tense there. Talking all respectful like that has got me exhausted. But to think he'd give me these items. The cloak was standard issue for knights but this spear is something else. This is a better improvement to using one of those swords from Grigor. But considering I've already invested in practicing swordsmanship, I should at least have one too. I still need to replace the one ruined during the battle at the Sty.

For now, I decided to report back to the Guildmaster. I didn't see Lady Halette though. Maybe I'll ask him about her when I return. I'm sure there's a good story to hear about her over lunch, at least. People like Kurtz always have interesting lives to hear about.


After watching the golem leave down the avenue, Lord Selvin returned back to his office quarters. An old woman awaited his return, however. While dressed elegantly, she was equipped as if a battle would happen at any moment. Ignoring her, he returned to his seat and resumed his paperwork.

Silence filled the room for a while before it was broken by his elderly aide, "To think I've raised a a snake tongued brat. And an idiot as well," she said with venom on her tongue.

Lord Selvin remained unfazed by her attitude as he continued to scribble on his ledger, "I do not know what you mean, Lady Halette. I saw an opportunity and I decided to invest in it."

Her tone of voice increased with intensity, "You did not see what I saw, boy! That was no golem! A Hallowed Spirit given the Blessing of Celecia Herself walked in that metal frame!"

Selvin had nearly tipped over his ink well as he heard Lady Halette's words, "A member of the Righteous Dead, you say!? How is that possible!? I've never heard of one who walked the world of the living. They are only made from mortal champions to guard sacred sites or protect divine items. Why is one walking in the frame of a golem?"

Lady Halette strokes her chin in contemplation, "I cannot say, boy. The Goddess of Light does not usually revel in machinations like the rest in the Pantheon. But my <Mind's Eye> showed me he is Her chosen and has received the blessing of a being who has never bestowed Her power onto anyone."

"He defeated the Orc Sty on his own. Whatever Celecia's Blessing does, it grants him great power. Enough to conquer a war band of orcs on his own." Selvin replied. He started to chuckle under his breath, "This is quite the revelation. I was right to mark him as soon as possible before the other nations can sink their claws into him."

The old woman scoffed, "Marked? Is that what you call it, child!? Do you realize what will happen if the citizens found out you gave national treasures to a common adventurer!? Those are the items wielded by your ancestor Haldin Hawthorne himself! And you played it off as if you were simply giving him common knight gear!"

"Treasures benefit no one if they are just used as display pieces," He replied, "In the hands of worthy heroes like Arlan, they will be used to bring fortune and glory to our country. And now I have complete confidence in being right to do so. And in regards to my deception, I knew he would not agree to accepting the spear and cloak if he knew the truth. The Knights almost exposed me with their salute to the departure of the items along with their new wielder. They are... quite tenacious when it comes to tradition."

Lady Halette sighed at her charge, "I only hope this decision will not come back to haunt you, boy. You've always taken everything you do to their extremes."

Selvin grins nonchalantly at his aide, "Of course! One must be willing to risk it all for their ideals. You taught me that, Lady Halette."

"I don't remember teaching you to apply that to everything in your life, child. Only your shoddy martial skills."

"It's made Haldin to what it is now," Selvin rests his chin on his hands in contemplation, "Do you remember when you first took me on a tour to the city? I saw what my father's decadence made of this country. Even now, I was amazed on how it could still function as a nation back then! And to this day we are still recovering from his disastrous reign."

Lord Selvin slowly stood up and walked behind him, looking out the window and taking in the breadth of the city, "I promised myself I would do whatever it takes to make Haldin as glorious as it was long ago in those stories you told me as a child. People like Arlan are the key to making that a reality. He now carries our treasured symbols of sovereignty. Whether he knows it or not, I have chosen him to be Haldin's Champion."

Lady Halette still wasn't convinced, "Are you sure about this?"

Lord Selvin closes his eyes in thought. Whatever lingering doubts he had before disappeared as he opened his eyes to take in the sight of his beloved city.

"I know I've made the right choice, Halette."

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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