/ Eastern / The Glorious Summoner

The Glorious Summoner

The Glorious Summoner

Eastern 完了 1,223 章 1.0M ビュー
作者: Drunk Tiger翻訳者: Nyoi-Bo Studio編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

4.04 (50 レビュー結果)

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This was a world ruled by summoners. In this world, summoners were the most remarkable existences that took center stage. When the mysterious, higher world was within reach, when the recollection of the glorious Huaxia civilization overlapped with reality, the story of the summoners in Great Flame Republic unfolds...

  1. Bobby_Childs_8522
    Bobby_Childs_8522 貢献した 19550
  2. Ravenor
    Ravenor 貢献した 19548
  3. Ari_Warner
    Ari_Warner 貢献した 19218


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    petition to bring back the world of deities.........................................................................................................................

    5 の返信を表示する

    When a group of tourists visited a crocodile farm, the owner of the place launched a bold proposal; - Whoever dares to jump, swim to the coast and survive, I'll give you $ 1 million. No one dared to move, suddenly, a man jumped into the water and desperately swam to the shore while being chased by all the crocodiles. With enormous luck came, taking everyone's admiration at the scene, then the owner announced; - We have a brave winner. After collecting his reward, the couple returned to the hotel, upon arrival, the manager told him; he was very brave to jump, then the man said; - I didn't jump, someone pushed me! His wife smiled ... Moral: " Behind every successful man, there's a woman who pushes him.

    2 の返信を表示する

    The author of this novel is same one as Castle of Black Iron and Siover Overlord. So, as we can expect good world building and good plot. Drunk Tiger has outdone both of this other works by a good margin. The World building and background is good. The cultivation system is interesting too. MC is very calm and rational guy with lot of hidden secrets and is not afraid to break law and get his hands dirty. As we expect from Drunk Tiger , there is simmering undertone of nationalism but seems to be more subdued than others novels and deosnt look like playing a important role. Overall , clearly the best novel of this lot of trial reads with no stupid system , foolish MCs or arrogant young masters. Strongly recommend to vote for this. The quality of novel is quite clear in the Frist 20 chapters though translation could be better.

    4 の返信を表示する

    real synopsis 1st it's a like bait there ain't a thing about Summoned beats the profession is nothing near typical summoner it's more of a different ability type profession like mind readers ,telepathy , future sight(works like Google Earth) etc then each ability has to merge with some bead which if successful he lives if not then head explodes and there's 2 more beads to merge with, 2nd quite a lot Chinese culture glorification and Nationalism like how some eunich ma discovered American continent and Japan etc countries and how Chinese invented fire which is a bless to rest of the world from them 3rd the whole novel is based of Chinese mythologies so again will be a lot of glorification in future last utterly disappointed in this novel I came for summoner/summoned beasts contract pets sigh but this novel has nothing to do with the word summoner

    6 の返信を表示する

    This one came as a surprise to me...i was shocked that i actually liked this novel..i was expecting another overdone cliche but this is so much better...i was drawn in by the world building ...this universe has history that dates back more than a hundred years...the system that they have in place to respond to monster emergencies is realistic and the magic system seems to be well thought out ....in my opinion this one is the best in the batch

    5 の返信を表示する

    The quality of the translation after chapter 40 is mtl. Paying just to read mtl, like why. cba to struggle to read this. I was enjoying the story so far but 40 isn't enough to recommend.

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    Raw Name: 黄金召唤师 Story is okay. Chapter : 210 Pretty boring..................................................................................

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    LV 13 Badge

    the author of COBI (Castle of the Black Iron) and Silver Overlord has a strong patriotism when it comes to his country (based on the 2 previous novel that i read of his) so expect the Hua (china) is a great country / the most powerful nation / powerful soldier and advance technology thingy. His novel is catered more on Chinese rather than international readers but if you liked COBI and Silver Overlord this will be probably also appeal to you

    0 の返信を表示する

    Welp I only read 5 chapters and it was kinda boring and confusing. The world take place in a modern world where dimensional rifts will appear, basically a portal where monsters will invade the world from. There are multiple grades from G and lower to F and higher (From what I read) Of course mankind can defend against them due people awakening powers. And it seems the mc has awakened clairoyance (Don't if I spelled it right) a long time ago and he is also likes money a lot (The execution is very bad tho) His parents died leaving him with only a sister who is 19 years old. Translation Quality: 3* (3* will be the standard now - sad) SoU: 3* (Each passing year it will only get worse) Story Development: 3* (Although only read 5 chapters, I see no direction) Character Design: 3* (Idk) World Background: 3* (Idk)

    5 の返信を表示する

    I really liked the story, especially since I read the authors previous stories. Up to chapter 40 translation is good, but after chapter 40 translation becomes similar to mtl. I don't have patience to read such translation no matter how much I like the story. If someone knows where I can read this story with good translation please post in comments.

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    Is that gandalf on the picture?///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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    I liked the historical power system and how the MC plays his advantage of a transmigrated historian/archeologist from the origial Earth. The characters are likable and honestly the whole mystery looming on the cult and doomsday arc is exciting. However due to the poor translation, it became really annoying to read this one. At first i overlooked it hoping that it just a temporary thing, but later on it got worst and it became taxing to keep up with the story. Just the gender of the pronouns were left as female for all character and the unmarked dialog makes youe veins pop.

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    DISCLAIMER: this novel is not your average summoner novel. Do not read it expecting one- expect instead, a generally well written Lord of Mysteries inspired novel instead. Though not obvious at first glance, this novel bears great resemblance to one of my (and many others) dearest novels; Lord of Mysteries (formerly Lord of the Mysteries). This, to me, is not a con, since the author of TGS didn't copy the plot of LoM, but instead used it as inspiration. Drunken Tiger manages to inherit many of LoM's strong points- consistent story development, rich background and predictably an interesting plot. However, one thing this novel did not learn from was LoM's immersive character monologuing. The protagonist of this novel is detached from the reader, and character design is something this novel struggles with. The protagonist of TGS is a reincarnator from, presumably, our time. He used to be a historian (just like Klein!) but unlike Klein, he seems well versed in Chinese creation myth rather than Victorian/Tudor stuff. Xian Ping'an is the classic Chinese MC- composed, handsome and emotionless. It doesn't help that we don't get a monologue, nor do we get any hint as to what he thinks, thus contributing to the detachment factor. As for the supporting characters, I have little to say, other than this. They are very 2D. Drunken Tiger tries to have a diversified cast, but ends up with the same-old. Female characters who are all beauties, beefy males and the joker/clown character, whom in other novels is usually the fatty sidekick. Story development is decent. The novel is well paced, but the lack of monologuing and insights is a hit to the development. World background is great. You could, crassly put, call TGS "Lord of Mysteries, but Chinese instead of Victorian". What I mean by this is that while LoM focuses on a world based upon Victorian times, TGS focuses on a world where Chinese culture is widespread instead. Do NOT confuse this with nationalism. There is no nationalism within the first 40 chapters, Huaxia being a major power is a reasonable development and the author does not go out of his way to praise China. Anyway, the author integrates the creation myth of characters like Suiren and Youcha into the power system- something I find irresistibly charming, since other novels rarely dive deep into traditional Chinese culture, save for a rare few. The way summoning is incorporated into the third myth (no spoilers) is unique also, and I must say, those of you expecting anything like your cookie-cutter summoner/pet novel are in for a nasty surprise, since this novel is nothing like those- in a good way. In conclusion, readers of LoM will be constantly be hit with dejavu whilst reading. TGS is a refreshing take of the summoner genre, and is 100% worth the read.

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    Its criminal that this book doesn’t have a full 5-star rating. This is an amazing book which brings you into its world and leaves you wanting more. If (like myself) all you’ve been consuming recently is power-fantyasy system novels this is the thing to restore your faith in webnovels and their ability to make you more than a system novel junkie. Also my favourite part is that the main character has secrets that even we, the readers dont know yet. Serious intrigue.

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    For people that writed a review after 5 chaps.. well this one has a slow start, also what you can expect is a parallel world which other worlds try to invade constantly, people that awaken powers + from the monsters killed they can become summoners and something that is not unexpected, Huaxia is powerful, also it seems that the power of summoners are somehow related to Chinsese Mythology, but well no racsism as of yet, still you have to bear with China being the center of the world eh something normal if you read here.

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    This book is fire, hehe. Very nice and entertaining. I am waiting for it to be picked. 三尺神剑 三尺神剑好看的书,三尺神剑的书,三尺神剑最新连载,三尺 神剑全部作品,我家鱼塘底下通着异界水潭,躲在冷宫苟成大佬,小说阅读,精彩小说尽在起点中文网. 起点中文网 ...

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    Storyline is Ok have some nationalism kinda boring translation Quality is average Give a try to pass time it didn't hook me up..............

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    starting chapter 40 above. . quality drop. kind of better version of mtl. dropping this for now

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    LV 12 Badge

    Its just a boring book you have to fight yourself to read. its just so boring. Unless your really bored dont read and plz dont be picked.

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    作者 Drunk Tiger

    翻訳者 Nyoi-Bo Studio

    Editor Nyoi-Bo Studio