When we arrived at the palace they gave us a tour then showed us to our rooms. First we arrived at Jeantons room.
Jeanton "Looks like you'll have to survive without me for tonight."
MS "Gladly, you know you kick in your sleep."
Jeanton "You know you'll miss me."
MS "Riiight."
Jeanton "Night."
MS "Good night."
Jeanton hugged Harumi and then I picked her up and kept walking.
Butlet "This will be the younge Misses room."
Harumi "Is that mommys room?"
MS "Nope that's your room, silly."
Harumi "Oh I get my own room?"
MS "Of course."
Harumi "But I want to stay with mommy."
MS "Its just for two weeks and plus look how big it is and it's all yours."
Harumi "All of it?"
MS "Yep."
Harumi "Coooool, love you but I'm gonna explore my big room."
Ms "Haha, ok love you Harumi."
Butler "We also put a few toys in there for miss Harumi."
Harumi screams "Mommy mommy theres a big doll house, yay."
MS "Haha, thankyou Seb."
Butler "Of course. Your room is right this way.
He lead me to a open door and inside was a big bed that I didnt have to share. yay.
Butler "Dinner will be held in an hour so when your ready please make your way to the dining hall."
MS "Of course."
When the door closed I went to the big bed and saw my suit case and extra bag on the other side.
MS "Time to unpack."
When I was finally finished I still had thirty minutes until dinner. So I headed to the training deck. There I saw some knights training.
MS "Hello."
Knight "Oh hello what are you doing here little missy?"
MS "I'm Ciara, and back at home we have a much more harsh training. So I wanted to challenge one of you to a duel."
Knight "Haha, you seem confident. I'm Mike, one of the strongest knights here. I'll except your duel, but dont worry I'll go easy on you."
MS "If you dont mind I'll go easy on you as well. But I'd hope you would go full out or you might end up hurt."
Mike "Haha right."
A bunch of Knights surrounded us and I could see OP watching from the side lines. But whatever. One of the knights handed me a sword and I stood in my fighting stance.
Knight "Ready Fight."
I lifted my chin and smiled. I flipped up and landed right behind him. I swooped down and triped him. He collapsed and and I knocked him out.
Knight "Wow, hi I'm Trist and this is Roku. Do you train soldiers?"1
MS "Um... I am only 16, I couldnt possibly train knights."
Owen "Those were some good moves, right Tenol?"
Tenol "Yes, in the next week we are going on a undercover mission into the mountains. We are trying to track down some assasins. We were planning on killing all of them except one."
MS "Which one?"
Owen "Well we dont need to give to much info."
MS "Which mountain?"
Tenol "I think it was the one with the Haunted forest I forgot what it was called."
MS "You mean... Mistik Mountain?"
Tenol "Oh ya, the mountain has four areas. wearywoods, Killerwoods, MurderWoods, and the last one MistyWoods."
MS "If you guys go there your wishing for death. Wearywoods is filled with werewolves, vampires, amd haunted ruins. Killerwoods is crawling with crazy people who love hatchets and knifes. MurderWoods is where you get murdered as soon as you get five feet into the forest. And MistyWoods is filled with mist, and supposedly brimming with monsters. The whole place is a death wish, you wonna die go on and go to Mistik Mountain."
Tenol "My brother General Teros went to a village near Killerwoods and there were sightings of two of the assasins. Rhe girl wore a cloak so noone saw her face. The other always kept his head down. Now that I mention it Mrs. Ciara you kind of sound like that girl."
Owen "Lords and Ladys are too busy with papers and work to go out and assassinate people."
MS "Why are you after the assasins."
Tenol "Apperently about a few weeks ago they burned down a whole village and then killed General Teros."
MS "Who told you that burned down that village."
Tenol "My brother General Teros."
MS "That basterd."
Tenol "Excuse me?"
MS "I mean that's Terrible."
Owen "Yes."
Tenol "Anyways were gonna investigate the mountain. Were starting with Killerwoods."
MS "All I can say is Happy Death day."
I'll have to send a message to Master Kinro.
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