In the magical kingdom of Thaloria, a young mage named Aldric embarks on a perilous quest to thwart the malevolent sorcerer Morgath, who seeks to plunge the world into darkness. Guided by ancient prophecies and accompanied by his loyal companions—Elysia, a skilled warrior; Thane, a powerful sorcerer; and Lira, a reformed apprentice of Morgath—Aldric's journey is fraught with danger, betrayal, and difficult choices.
レビューを書くJust nine chapters and I already like the story. Somehow it reminds me of ‘Lord of the Rings’.
As of chapter 21: pretty good start. It reminds me of Lord of the Rings like other reviewers have said especially due to the naming in volume 1. Pacing and length seems on track for regular novel length which is a nice change of pace from the typical length of webnovels: appallingly long (which isn’t a bad thing, just hard to get used to). Also volume 1’s ending was pretty surprising! I like the twist. Grammar and writing is pretty good. As for cons: classic case of telling instead of showing; for example in volume 2 instead of saying weird things are happening I want to follow the characters on a day and see them react to the weird things and hear them lampoon ’wow this is getting really old’ and infer myself that this has been becoming a problem before any exposition starts happening… sometimes it feels like I’m reading a summary report rather than a novel. The other thing is in volume 1 everyone repeats the same platitudes every chapter: it will be dangerous but you are not alone… well but a lot of these problems should be resolved as the author gets more writing experience :) enjoying the story.
ネタバレを明かすThe idea was interesting but the progression is to fast and it breaks the immersion into the story.
作者 Danish07
So far, is entertaining, too son to say more about the world building