84.81% The Crafter and The Slug / Chapter 67: The Real Ch.66

章 67: The Real Ch.66

-- Tsunade POV --

Walking arm in arm with Zach is my favorite thing to do. I love to show off my man, making all the women jealous and all the men envious. Currently, we're out front of Kajiya and Zach is addressing the crowd that has shown up for the grand opening. I could help but puff my chest up in pride at all that has been accomplished by him.

Zach: "I like to thank everyone for coming. Looking around I can see a couple of familiar faces, I want to say thank you for the kind words you wrote about us. Also, Gordon shouldn't you be playing with those knives I made for you?"

Gordon: "Just let us in! I'm here to give you money for food tonight, not more knives!"

Zach laughed at that and I chuckled.

Zach: "Fine, fine. If all the guests with reservations please line up at the door behind me, while those without please line up at the door over there. We will open the doors here in a minute, I hope everyone will enjoy it and I'll see you inside!"

There was a round of applause as the people started to make their way towards the lines they were supposed to be in. While me and Zach headed inside and some last-minute adjustments and a quick huddle. After that was over Zach pulled me aside to let me know what I needed to do.

Zach: "I'm going to have you greet the people with reservations, while I greet the ones without. The only thing you have to worry about is Tony Stark, he is a huge womanizer."

I scoffed at him.

Tsunade: "You don't think I can handle him?"

Zach shook his head.

Zach: "I know you can handle him, I just don't want him to end up as paste on the wall. We'll have the guys handle his booth so that way he will not have any girls to harass."

Tsunade: "Got it, now go knock everyone's socks off."

With a kiss, we separated and went to the two doors. Looking over to him to see if he was ready, he just nodded his head. I gave the order to the hostess to open the door and start to let people in. The first one in the door was not a surprise as it was Gordon and his wife, I greeted them with a handshake.

Tsunade: "I swear Gordon, you can't get enough of us."

Gordon: "Damn right, I'm half tempted to apply for a job!"

We both laughed at that and a hostess took the couple to their table right next to Zach's window. The next couple of groups of people were probably people of note, but I had no clue. All I did was greet them kindly and thank them for coming. The next two guests were a bald older gentleman and a middle-aged man with slick backed black hair and goatee. The bald one was pleasant enough, but when I went to shake the goatee man's hand I became repulsed. Instead of a normal handshake, he caressed my hand and looked into my eyes.

???: "Hello Miss, I'm Tony Stark and you by far are the most beautiful woman I've ever met."

That sent shivers down my spine, and not the good kind. I quickly extricated my hand and looked at him in disgust. Before I could say anything the bald man pulled him away and the hostess followed to show them where to go. I wanted to go take a shower to wash off the filth that touched me, but I still had guests to greet.

It didn't take long to get through the people who had reservations. So after I busied myself with walking the room and checking on the guests. Zach had changed and started working in the forge, he was in the process of making a tanto that someone back home had requested. I spent more time with the Ramsay's because they were familiar, and I liked their accents. Come to find out they two are newlyweds and I congratulated them on it. We got to chit-chatting more when I took breaks from talking to other tables.

Gordon: "So if I hypothetically really did want to work for you and your husband, what would it take."

I just laughed at him and replied honestly.

Tsunade: "A god-clad contract with you and your wife to never talk about our secrets."

They both laughed at that and I chuckled along with them. They'd never know that I was actually serious about it.

Gordon: "Well if it's god-clad we'd better think hard on it before we did anything!"

Before I could continue my talks with the couples one of the male servers came and fetched me. I was a little concerned as he took me into the kitchen, once we arrived inside he informed me of what was up.

Server: "Tsunade, can you help me take the food to private room 1? All the guys are busy, and I don't want to put the waitresses near that lecher."

I just sighed and agreed to it. But what I didn't expect was that the two actually bought 1 of everything on the menu. Both of the waiter's hands had trays filled with food while I only had one tray. We made our way to the private room and I was leading, since I had a free hand I knocked then waited a couple of seconds and opened the door then walked in.

The sight that greeted us was nothing out of the ordinary, just Stark and the bald man sitting across from each other chatting. He had a bored look on his face until he saw me, and a slimy grin appeared.

Tsunade: "Here is your order, just let me know what you want first so I can serve it first."

Baldy: "I'll take the Miso Ramen."

Tony slid his chair back and slapped his lap.

Tony: "I'll have you first and we can eat together."

Tsunade: "My husband wouldn't like that, and I'm not that kind of woman."

I said rolling my eyes at him, though I am that kind of woman but only with one man. Shrugging off the creep I ignored his existence and took the Miso Ramen from my tray and leaned over to place it in front of Baldy. I don't know if it was because I was ignoring him, I'm getting rusty, or that I didn't see him as a threat. But somehow Tony ended up behind me as I was bending over he pressed himself onto me.

I didn't move for a second because the sheer audacity of the man stunned me. Once I regained myself my anger boiled quicker than it ever had. The only thing that stopped me from making paste of this sexual predator was Zach's warning. But that didn't stop me from dropping the tray full of food on the ground causing a major crashing sound due to all the porcelain breaking on contact. In that same moment, I twirled around, grabbed the rose in my hair that was actually a knife then pressed it against his throat as I forced him to the wall.

-- Zach POV --

I was toiling away in my forge adding more flair to my movements than necessary. The night had been going wonderful and I was thinking that we'd get through this unscathed. But unfortunately, I tempted fate with that last thought. Amongst the murmurs from the crowds I could hear in between pounding the metal I heard a large crashing sound. Broken from the trance I had while forging I looked over to where the sounds came from.

It was easy to spot as all I had to do was follow everyone else's gazes. There I saw one of the waiters coming from the private section as fast as he could without seeming inhuman. The first table that could set the trays down he did and continued swiftly to the forge. I wasn't idle at this time as I made my way out. As I exited the door behind the bar he was there and started to speak quietly to me.

Waiter: "Stark pressed himself against Tsunade from behind, she has him at kunai."

Once I heard that I couldn't hold in my killing intent. The bar had been quiet with murmurs before talking about the crashing, but now it was dead silent. I walked calmly yet quickly towards the private rooms where Stark was, my anger boiling over with each step.

-- Gordon Ramsay POV --

Bloody hell this restaurant was amazing. Both the owner and his wife are so charismatic and loving, it makes me want to try even harder with my wife. Earlier when I asked about a job and Tsunade replied jokingly with a godly-clad contract, I thought it was a joke. But after everything I've seen, I might actually believe that was the case.

After I got my knife set and played with it for hours I brought it to one of my friends who dealt with metals. Funny thing is, the bastard had never seen that type of metal before. After he ran a few tests he started begging me to sell it to him, he even offered me millions for one knife. It was a tempting thought, but Zach had made these for me personally and it didn't feel right to give the masterpieces up.

As me and my wife were watching Zach hammer out what looked like a dagger and katana had a baby when suddenly we heard the sound of plates, bowls and silverware crashing to the ground. Looking around I couldn't see Tsunade anywhere and thought that she might be involved with that. There were the usual murmurs after a waiter or waitress dropped the dishes, but what caught my attention was a waiter walking quickly out of the private dining area towards the bar that was connected to the forge. Putting two and two together I folded my napkin and placed it on the table and started to get up.

Gordon: "Shit, I believe that fucking prat Stark might have done something to Tsunade."

Tana(Ramsay's wife): "You better go help out, who knows what Tony might pull."

I made my way towards the bar to meet up with Zach so that way he'd have some backup. As I was getting closer the waiter reached Zach and whispered something to him. At that moment my whole body froze and the hairs on the back of my neck started to stick up. I was paralyzed by fear, and it was emanating from Zach, as she quickly and calmly walked towards the private dining area. Each step he took echoed through the dead silent building, patrons, waiters, waitresses, bartenders you name it they were frozen staring at Zach.

-- Zach POV --

I came into the room seeing broken porcelain and food everywhere on the floor. When I turned my head I could see Obadiah standing there in shock and then Tsunade who had the piece of shit pinned to the wall with a kunai to his neck.

Zach: "Tsunade put him down and leave this to me."

Tsunade looked hard at me, once she saw the rage in my eyes she harrumphed and unceremoniously dropped him. Tony landed flat on his ass and started to cough while Tsunade left the room. I stood there staring at the two with hate in my eyes, Obadiah did the smart thing and kept quiet. But Tony, he opened his mouth and pissed me off even more.

Tony: "You're the owner right? I want the bitch fired for assaulting me! I'll also be calling the police and you will be hearing from my lawyers!"

I reached down and grabbed Tony by the throat and lifted him into the air.

Zach: "That bitch is the mother of my children. You want the police? Call them. You want to send your lawyers after us? Try it, I dare you."

Tony was gasping for air and clawing at my hand trying to release himself. Once he realized it was futile he wrapped his hands on my forearm to lift himself up to help breathe a little more. Before I could do anything else to him I turned around and walked out of the room and towards the front door with Tony still being held up by his neck. I could feel stares and hear the gasps of shock as I passed the table with the piece of shit until I reached the front door where Tsunade was holding the door open.

When I reached the open door I looked out to see the crowd of people staring at the show that had just been presented to them. Without much fanfare, I tossed Tony out the door where he landed in a puddle, and started coughing. Obadiah was quietly following behind us profusely apologizing to their waiter while writing a check to pay for everything.

Zach: "Tony Stark you sick fuck, you're banned from everything I own and the products I make."

Tony: "Y-you! What kind of publicity stunt are you trying to pull?!"

I was genuinely confused at this until I saw the news crews around and put two and two together. The fucking shit was playing the victim. Well fine, I'll give you enough rope to hang yourself then.

Tony: "Assaulting me and physically throwing by the throat out of your restaurant!"

Turning around I ignored him and walked back inside, Tsunade closed the door and caught up with me. I held my hand out to her and she took it. Everyone was staring at us with curious and fearful glances. I needed to say something to put them at ease and not scare them away.

Zach: "The fucker sexually assaulted my wife."

With that sentence the dining area was filled with chatter again, filled with the drama and retellings of what they experienced. I walked with Tsunade to the break room while ignoring everyone around. Once we arrived I closed the fusuma and faced Tsunade who threw herself in my embrace and started to cry. I held her tightly and kissed the top of her head.

Zach: "I'm sorry I put you in that situation, I should have denied his reservation. I knew he was trouble, but I didn't think he'd be this dumb"

Between sniffles, Tsunade managed to get out.

Tsunade: "It's not your fault. I was careless living this carefree life, back in my world he wouldn't have made it a single inch behind me."

I pushed Tsunade to arm's length and stared at her face that was pointed to the ground.

Zach: "Honey look at me."

It took her a second to look up and stare right back at me.

Zach: "This isn't your world, you don't need to be as hyper-focused like before. I'm not going to say these things happen, because they don't. He is just a fucking lech that will get what's coming to him. You did nothing wrong, other than marrying a blockhead like me."

She chuckled at the last statement. Seeing her laugh brought a smile to my face, I hated to see my wife this vulnerable.

Zach: "Learn from this, but keep moving forward. I'll be there next to you every step of the way."

Tsunade: "I love you."

Zach: "I love you too."

We shared a deep kiss, that was interrupted by a knock on the fusuma.

Zach: "Who is it?"

???: "It's me Gordon" (A/N: Just know I fought back the urge for Dio.)

Tsunade wiped her eyes and cleaned up the best she could before nodding her head. I turned around and opened the fusuma to let the chef in. Once he was in I closed the fusuma behind him.

Zach: "How much did you hear?"

Gordon was quiet for a bit, and my stomach started to form knots. He finally spoke up after a minute of contemplating.

Gordon: "So Tsunade, about that god-clad contract? Does it have something to do with you not being from this world?"

(A/N: Love you guys!!! We peaked at number 11 in the power rankings! That is all you guys, I appreciate it deeply! Lets keep it up and try to stay in the top 20 all week. :D

Come hang out in discord with us! I try to bounce ideas off the people in there, so if you want to help and hang out you're welcome! I'll also post chapters early in there.

Discord: https://discord.gg/Eph2esQ


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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C67
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


