/ Anime & Comics / The Chronicles of Ken

The Chronicles of Ken オリジナル

The Chronicles of Ken

Anime & Comics 42 章 725.1K ビュー
作者: Panda_core57

4.6 (19 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


A man who recently died found himself floating in a void when he is visited by an entity that sends him to a world of heroes and villains. The only problem is that he never wanted to go in the first place. Follow along as he traverses this new world and tries to be a decent person through this cruel world.

  1. Tobias_
    Tobias_ 貢献した 37
  2. Justin_King01
    Justin_King01 貢献した 33
  3. ZoraTheDragon
    ZoraTheDragon 貢献した 24


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



How Smart of you Author wrong title it's MHA not DC for f**k sake

4 の返信を表示する

really nice work especially with the character development the quirk itself is good and the direction of the story is great too though I don't understand the reason for antagonising some of the good heroes too but I guess the author has something in his mind for doing so overall a really good piece of work keep it up buddy👍

1 の返信を表示する

Yeah this is just not for me, makes little sense theres a lot to complaint about and little to like for me, for example doing a lot things he doing so young and supposedly mastering his stuff and beating endeavor makes no sense but again just me. Well good luck👍🏼 Hope you like this

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One of the best MHA fanfics that continue with multiverse. How the author left behined Eri made me really sad. But I love how each clone is like character from inside out.

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Very good .............................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................... ........... ...... ........... ...... ........... ......

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man after mha royal gambit and horizon, I didn't think there were any good mha fanfics left!!you've proved me wrong.you just need some editing and grammar corrections and this would be top tier !!!

12 の返信を表示する

Are you dropping this fanfic? Despite the fact that some words are writed wrong the story is good.

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Muy buena historia por lo menos el arco de hero academy MHB, igual el arco de dc era entretenido pero los últimos capítulos 35 en adelante como eso de que pierda el control esta bien se entiende pero que deje que sus clones dicten lo que tiene que hacer ya se ve muy mal y sin sentido ya que el sabe lo que estan haciendo y aun asi los deja como que solo parece que lo esta poniendo para hacer mas capítulos y alargar el arco

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amazing fanfic. I love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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That's the wildest roller coaster I have ever read though.5 stars

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LV 2 Badge

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"Eu viajaria ao inferno... Eu lutaria com os demônios e tomaria o trono do diabo. Acabaria com a tristeza na terra, mataria tudo e todos que lhe entristecem. Eu construiria um castelo para caso você quisesse se isolar, traria mitos à existência para que visse que nem as fantasias te superam, e transformaria coisas reais em contos de fada, afinal... O comum é banal, quando o excepcional existe, tudo isso só para ver o teu sorriso.Eu iria do Japão para o Brasil, eu plantaria o maior canteiro de flores do mundo, e lhe daria todas elas. Eu juntaria todas as músicas de amor e te dedicaria todas elas, aquelas bem clichês que todo mundo ama, kkk. Eu voltaria no tempo para te conhecer antes, eu buscaria a lua se assim desejasse, eu te mostraria todas as estrelas, mas esse último não precisa... você já tem as constelações mais lindas nas entrelinhas do teu rosto.Eu te levaria para ver as nebulosas... Só para que percebesses que mesmo as poeiras estelares mais lindas não chegam aos pés da tua beleza. EU EXPLORARIA TODAS AS FLORESTAS, buscaria os metais mais raros e lindos, desvendaria os mares, traria todo mundo de volta à vida, só para que percebesses que nada vai te superar. Eu traria Van Gogh à vida, até porque... Vai que ele encontra em ti motivo para viver, assim como eu encontrei.Eu faria os deuses existirem, só para que Hera visse que de nada adiantaria toda aquela beleza enquanto você estivesse viva, ou mais fácil... Eu te daria meus olhos para que se visse como eu te vejo, assim entenderias por que eu te amo tanto..."

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It is a really good fan fiction. The only thing I can complain about is that because it is smoothly going fast paced(it isn't really a time consumer) it won't be good for more than 50-80 chapters if it is dragged out it will become boring. [img=recommend] So far I enjoy it.

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Very, very good. All is perfect except the litlle problem that the grammar is a bit derpy at some moments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Me gustó bastante .............................................................................................. ..............................................................................................

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LV 15 Badge

For an ff of MHA, this was straight GAS, it was fun to read, a little wobbly at the start but really great.

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i really like the way you are going with this except for the part where you have made Hawkeye lame again marvel already does that

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作者 Panda_core57