27% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 27: Buri

章 27: Buri

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07, Ch 36.


The giant man standing in front of her, Buri, was an old man, with grey hair covering his head. He was wearing a white winter cloak, over his armour. The Golden colour of his Asgardian Armour shone visibly on his stomach, and on the arm bands.

Listening to Jord's statement, Buri chuckles, and sits down in front of her, on the chair. His chuckles sound loudly within the room, as he returns, "It's not like you to ignore a guest either, Jord."

"When it's an uninvited guest, I always ignore. Now, why are you here?" Jord asks, finally keeping the book down, and looking up at him.

"What? No refreshments?" Buri asks, chuckling a bit. Without a word, Jord waves her hand, and summons a mug full of apple juice, made from the apples of her own garden, and offers it to him.

Taking it, and downing it in one go, he sighs in content, and says, "Gods above, did I miss this juice. Why don't you send me more barrels of this stuff like you used to anymore?"

Without missing a beat, Jord dryly replies, "Because you kept selling them in exchange for Ale and information."

Buri blinks, letting out a shocked breath, and nods to himself. He says, "Fair enough. That ought to do it."

Sighing, Jord refills the Mug, and annoyed at him, asks, "Now, is there a reason why you're here? Or is it just so you can reminisce?"

Buri becomes serious immediately, and says, "I saw your son today."

Jord freezes for barely a second, but then dismisses it with practice, but not before he notices it, and smirks a bit. She instead looks him right in the eyes, and snarks, "You're going to have to be specific, Buri. I have hundreds of those."

Buri just chuckles, sips his juice, and answers, "You don't have to hide him anymore, Jord. The Demons made sure everyone knows about him anyway. Although, no one knows the specifics. And I'm talking about the one you had with the Celestial broad, what was her name anyway?"

Before Buri can even blink, he finds himself buried in the ground, with only his head visible, and an Adamantine rapier pointed right at his neck. Along with that, there were two vines, glowing a beautiful natural green, pointed at his ear holes, ready to pierce at any moment.

Leaning his head back from the golden sword, Buri exclaims, "What in the Hel, Jord? When did you get an Adamantine sword, and how did you convince the bloody fuckers to grant it to you?"

Still pointing the sword at his neck, Jord answers, "In case you've forgotten, I am one of the Bloody Fuckers, in fact, I am the ancestor to each and every one of the Olympians. Getting a sword was as easy as asking for it. Now, what are you going to do with that information?"

Grinning at her, Buri answers, "What information are you talking about, Jord? I don't recall? Is it the hidden Divine son of yours? Or the fact that he is half Celestial? Or is it that he's already stronger than half the Gods of Midgard?"

"All of it." Jord says, her eyes glinting dangerously, and pushes the sword a bit forward, touching his neck.

As Buri feels Jord's magic spells start binding him, he focuses on the ring on his finger, and activates it.

Almost immediately, a blue glow, the same one that covered the portal that heralded his appearance within the house, appears on his body, and he intangibly glides through the ground, and floats back above it.

Immediately, Jord tries to cut Buri's neck, but the sword just passes through the same way that the giant passed through the ground.

"Calm down, will you? I'm not here to fight you, Jord, nor blackmail you. I'm here to talk." Buri says, still glowing blue.

'Damn. Despite being intangible, the sword still felt uncomfortable. Bloody Divine weapons.' Buri thinks to himself, rubbing his neck in annoyance.

Jord stops attacking and looks Buri over. Despite her Magic, and strength binding spells, he had managed to get out of the ground. She finally notices the glow around his body, and then looks at it's source.

There was a ring on Buri's hand, which had begun glowing in the same blue colour as soon as he had become intangible. Taking a sharp breath, Jord whispers, "An Infinity Stone."

Grinning, Buri lifts the hand up, and shows it to her. He asks, "You like it? I found it on my trip through the Galaxy a few Million years ago. Had to kill a Celestial to make sure he doesn't get it, but well. Didn't feel right, letting the giant fuckers get two Infinity Stones. And no way in Hel, I was trying to take the Power Stone away from them. Alas, I had to keep it hidden for the million years that I stayed in Asgard, and on Midgard to judge the AllFathers."

Jord warily looks at Buri, now taking him seriously. She thinks, 'Without an Infinity Stone, he's barely stronger than Odin, but with it? I might not lose, but I won't win either. Better to be safe.'

She finally asks, "What do you want, Buri? And get to the point this time."

Buri frowns, and deactivates the Infinity Stone in his ring. He says, "That was rude, Jord. You attacked a guest."

"An uninvited guest." Jord interjects.

Buri just waves his hand, dismissively, and says, "Details. Anyway, the reason I'm here, is that I saw a change happening in the future."

Jord blinks, getting a bit confused. The only future he can See, is the one regarding Ragnarok. It was the gift he got from the Well of Mimir, along with a talent in Sorcery.

So she asks, "What did you see before, and what do you see now? Does Ragnarok not happen somehow?"

"Oh no, Ragnarok is still happening. But for the first time in the Billion years of my existence, the next cycle I've been Seeing is different. The next time my Aesir live again, things will be different." Buri says, sounding a bit excited.

And it was understandable. For a Billion years, Buri has seen Asgard fall to the Fimbul Winter, and then to one of Loki's Many schemes, which results in the total annihilation of Asgard, and all the other Realms with it.

Sure, there are always a few differences, but most of the time, things are mostly the same.

'But if he's purposefully mentioning something different, then it has got to be a significant change.' Jord thinks to herself.

Buri sits back down on the comfortable chair, and motions Jord to do the same. She just gives him a look, which says, 'Are you seriously asking me to sit after what you just revealed?', which he just shrugs to.

As Jord sits down, Buri starts explaining. He says, "Before today, or before 10 minutes ago, the vision I had of Ragnarok, has been the same for the last 3 Million Years, when I began noticing the energy of Asgard start condensing again. Loki summons the Serpent after Fimbul Winter, which kills Thor, he kills Baldur personally this time, and then summons Surtur, which destroys Asgard, and the resultant energy blast destroys the other Realms."

"After which, the Yggdrasil slowly retrieves the energy, most of which goes somewhere I cannot see, nor visit, like always, and the rest of which starts condensing to form a new Asgard. All in all, pretty much similar to the rest of the Cycles."

Getting an excited look on his face, the old man continues, "But ever since I saw your son, and saw him meet Thor and Loki, I saw a change occur in my Vision. It's beautiful, Jord, I tell you, It's beautiful!"

"Are you going to tell me, or should I pluck the memory out of your head, Buri?" Jord asks, as a few more vines join the previous two at his head.

Buri shakes his head, ignoring the Vines, and says, "You don't understand, Jord! Your son, just by meeting my great grandsons, has managed to completely derail Ragnarok! I cannot see the entire details yet, but I did see one thing, and it was wonderful!"

Looking at Jord, with tears in his eyes, Buri smiles widely, and says, "I saw Them, Jord. For the first time in my life, I saw Them, and I saw Them die, screaming in pain. And do you know who caused it? Thor, Loki and your son! And it was a wonderful sight, I tell you!"

(A/N: Those who know, know. Those who don't, keep it a secret for the others, will ya? Don't spoil it for them please.)

Jord sighs, and finally lets the vines go, realizing why he came so suddenly, why he was so excited, and why she was going to curse Theos soon enough.

'What the hell are you going to do, Theos?' Jord thinks to herself, and looks at Buri seriously. She orders, "Give me more details, Buri. And don't leave a single thing out."

Buri just shrugs, and answers, "Nah, that's about it. I haven't tried seeing that far ahead yet. But, don't worry, you will be the first.. well second.. to know when I get the full details."

Jord breathes in deeply, reigning her anger in. She thinks, 'By All the Gods, did I create on stupid God. He could have Seen things through before coming here!'

Shaking her head, she just asks, "And what of my secrets? Will you keep them that, or share them with anyone who offers you ale?"

Buri puts his hand on his chest, feeling insulted, and says, "It hurts, Jord. Right here. You know I won't knowingly harm a Son of yours. I'm not Evil, nor that stupid. I'm not my son, Bor! Besides, he is somehow necessary to stop Ragnarok, so I'm not risking his death by outing him as a Celestial."

'Even if Ragnarok could be stopped, I would have had to beg the other Gods for their help, and there's no way I'm grovelling in front of those children.' Buri thinks, scowling internally at the thought of the other Gods.

They were just a few Million years old at most, the oldest Gods being 10 Million years old, while the Titans of Olympus were a few million years short of Billion Years old, but still younger than him by millions of years. 'And I will die before even looking at the damn Titans.'

Jord nods at Buri, accepting his explanation, and says, "Very well. But, be warned. If I find out that you've broken your word and told a single soul about Theos's heritage, I will castrate you, flay you, kill you, and make sure Asgard never resurfaces."

Buri whistles, impressed at the threat, and says, "Low blow, Jord. A very low blow. You know I care for Asgard more than anything else, and kept it for last. Very well, I, Buri, the Son of Ymir, the first of the Aesir, give you my word that I won't tell a single soul about the Celestial Heritage of Theos Jordson, neither by hints, thought, spoken word, nor written word."

Jord nods at Buri, and smiles, the tension hidden behind thousands of thoughts. She summons a barrel of her apple juice, and another barrel of her own brand of wine.

Waving her hand at the two barrels, which Buri looks at greedily, she says, "Consider it a payment for agreeing to keep my secret."

The Infinity Stone on Buri's ring glows again, and a portal appears, swallowing the two Barrels and taking them away.

He then turns to Jord, makes himself comfortable on the Chair, and asks, "So what else has happened in the last hundred thousand years that I wasn't on Midgard? I smelled the Watcher when I came here, what's with that? And you never told me the Celestial broad's name, Jord. What's the story there?"

Jord sighs, rubbing her forehead just thinking about what to tell him, and what not to.

'Buri is trustworthy, not even a little bit like his son Bor, or his grandson Cul. But, he is a bit greedy for Alcohol, and sweet things. If I dismiss the greed, he's the most valiant, honourable Aesir there is.' Jord thinks to herself, and starts telling a bit about The Watcher's visits, making sure not to tell everything.

Some things are better kept secrets, even from someone as pure hearted as Buri. No way, is she telling him about Donna, the Planet, or the fact that Theos has Visions of the future.


A/N: I won't start Ragnarok yet. This was just to set the Ragnarok plot up. There's another arc in between before Ragnarok happens.

Yes, I know I've said in Ch 2 that Odin has two sons only, Thor and Loki, I'm Changing that. He has 4 now, counting Baldur and Hermod too. Also, again, Hela is not the daughter of Odin, but of Loki.


next chapter
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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