37.68% The Breaking of Fate [High Quality] / Chapter 26: The Annihilation of the Main Branch (2)

章 26: The Annihilation of the Main Branch (2)

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Neji looked at the giant hole with the ruins inside the Hyuga clan compound, where once the Main Branch residence stood, in satisfaction while laughing a little. Checking over with his Byakugan, dozen of the Main Branch members, young and old, died from the impact and also got turned into stone from natural energy overexposure. His jutsu was now many times more potent than before.

'Only Hinata wasn't there out of those bastards, huh? Was she on a mission? Well, she doesn't matter...', Neji still laughed releasing all of his pent-up emotions from all those years. He remembered all of their faces individually. He was now ecstatic in the same way he was once he awakened the Tenseigan in the first place. The side branch members peeked with their Byakugans not believing the sight in front of their eyes. Did Neji really just single-handedly destroy the whole Main Branch, with that strange Rotation, something they thought wasn't possible even in their wildest fantasies before?

"Oouhghh", However, just then, the shrieks of pain were heard all around the compound, as all of their curse marks started glowing as they all kneeled down in pain. All of their Curse Marks got suddenly activated at the same time, they felt like they were slowly getting drained of their chakra.

And, all of a sudden, Neji jumped high in the air, barely dodging the upcoming chakra blast from down below. Now, with Hashirama's cells, even his non-ocular sensing ability got a major boost.

Suddenly, Hiashi broke through the ruins, in his white full kimono, a mysterious white chakra aura accompanied him as he held the frightened Hanabi in his arms, he levitated in the air oddly. But, the most surprising were his eyes, now looking like they were and weren't Tenseigan at the same time.

A big vein popped on his forehead from anger, he was never been this infuriated in his life before, the whole Main Branch just got annihilated cruelly, and he yelled, "Is this how you repay me, Neji!?"

"Repay you for that, your stupid, occasional pity!? Don't think that I didn't know that you as well also looked at me from high below as I'm just a trapped servant, in the same way, those other bastards, from the main side, did! Even your little daughter Hanabi does that unconsciously, that is all in your blood! That's why I'll even kill her as well, Hiashi! To wash away all of my shame with your lives. Only that useless Hinata didn't look at me like that, but she was an exception, not the rule.", Neji had an even more maddened expression than Hiashi as he spoke looking at him menacingly.

"Kill my daughter...!? Even after killing all of my family as well! Neji it won't happen, I'll end you now! Blame me for being too lenient and doting on you before, you maddened beast!", Hiashi cursed.

"Well, you all killed my only family, my father, before, didn't you? From then on, I also stopped considering you my uncle, but my biggest enemy! It's your stupidity that you underestimated me before. You allowed this all to happen out of some small pity and mostly disregard toward me!", Neji replied in a chilling tone, his arctic blue, celestial-looking dancing slowly moving in circles.

'Damn! Just how did he get those eyes? I can't believe it, only a side branch member...', Hiashi cursed internally. He apparently already knew quite a bit about Tenseigan, so he asked finally, "Who are you working for, Neji?", He still didn't believe that those eyes could be obtained just by Neji alone, 'Maybe those people from the Moon finally acted against us? But why now, why so late!?'

"I'm also curious what's that white-looking chakra energy oozing out of you. But, it's useless to talk, we'll have to fight it out now!", 'I must try to kill him or at least gather some information quickly before the rest of the Konoha come here!', Neji thought as he opened his Fourth Gate once again, he could now last in that form for about ten minutes total thanks to his new Senju Hashirama's cells.

He could now also open the Fifth Gate for five minutes, however, he decided not to do that in this situation. And to open more Gates above that, it was useless in Neji's opinion, as it damaged his body way too much and he didn't know any taijutsu techniques like Guy and Lee so it could pay off.

He immediately, swiftly launched some rocks and rubble from below toward Hiashi and his pale, frightened, and shocked daughter in the air. However, before they could reach him, they suddenly all fell back down toward Neji who stopped them again while thinking, 'Gravitational ability? Is it really Tenseigan? But why did all of those side branch members suddenly get their Curse Marks activated and their chakra drained to somewhere? There is a big conspiracy, I must figure it out!'

'This is bad, I just awakened this thing after hundreds of years for the first time. Moreover, I need to look out for Hanabi too. My best course of action is to just delay time until Konoha's reinforcements come here at any minute!', Hiashi quickly analyzed while repeating everything he knew about their Main Branch's Giant Tenseigan energy vessel. It was secretly hidden somewhere in the Land of Fire, and it could telepathically send chakra anywhere on Earth. Those side branch members' Curse Marks were connected to it, not to him directly. He presently just connected himself to it with the special seal every patriarch of the Hyuga clan gets. Although the other elders were aware of its existence, only he could effectively control it and borrow its powers. But, only during extreme circumstances like this one. It wasn't fired off ever since ancient times, so outsiders forgot about it.

It was also made during those ancient times. The Hyugas were also aware and got a part of Hamura's heritage, just like those Otsutsuki from the Moon. That's how they got an idea for it.

The Hyuga clan split was also closely connected to its creation. In the past, during those long-forgotten times, some members of the unified Hyuga clan jointly worked on and developed it based on Hamura's heritage which was available to them through the clan archives. They were a group of elders at that time. They became the first ruling caste of the Hyuga clan followed by their descendants. And it was not about power, it was also about practicality, as they devised the Curse Mark to take the chakra out of everyone else as further nourishment toward the Giant Tenseigan.

How exactly was it created, and using what mechanism, even Hiashi wasn't aware of. But, he knew that even today, all Byakugans of the deceased of their clan, go toward that place secretly and are then fed to the Giant Tenseigan. That was another good reason why the Curse Mark was necessary.

Every Byakugan was precious as the supply of chakra that the Giant Tenseigan could give was limited. Therefore, the only way they could lose Byakugan was that someone marry outside their clan, and then give birth to a child that wasn't Hyuga, and that Konoha protected. There were multiple cases like that in the past. One of them even got killed during the war and his one Byakugan eye was stolen by a Kirigakure shinobi. Otherwise, when a Hyuga dies, their Byakugan is automatically sealed for them to take to the Giant Tenseigan covertly later. And if someone attempts to take it out while they were still alive, those eyes were also sealed in the same way.

'Hiashi, he's trying to buy some time! Let's see how good are you at close combat against me then!', Neji thought as he jumped high into the air toward Hiashi who looked at him and his eyes oddly.

Neji already sensed that Hiashi was receiving chakra from somewhere really far away thanks to his newly acquired sensing ability. He immediately speculated that the Hyuga, from the Earth, created something akin to the Giant Tenseigan Hamura created for his descendants on the Moon to live.

'What connections does this kid have with those guys, related to us, from the Moon? The only theoretical way to obtain Tenseigan, from those Hamura's ancient writings, was to mix those two types of blood!', Hiashi also wanted to learn about Neji as much as possible through their battle.

Hanabi nearly passed out in fright, as Neji appeared right in front of them, with his arctic blue eyes. However, just then, Hiashi's free arm suddenly got enlarged many times over while transforming into some kind of flamy white chakra energy, akin to an ordinary Tenseigan Chakra Mode to Neji.

'What on Earth is this!? Selective and enlarged Tenseigan Chakra Mode!? This didn't appear in the original! Or it was at that time, but just on Toneri's palm, while he used Hamura's Giant Tenseigan as he still didn't awaken his personal Teneseigan at that time? Then If it hits me, it could probably drain away my chakra as well!', Neji immediately wanted to dodge, however, Hiashi suddenly changed the gravity field on the other side of Neji, blocking him from escaping, 'No time, I must enter it as well!'

Neji entered his azure blue Tenseigan Chakra Mode as well, before attempting to punch Hiashi in front of him straight in the stomach. Hanabi's whole worldview suddenly collapsed, 'Are they really Hyuga...?', While she, on weekends, usually practiced sealing away someone's pressure points, she now witnessed such a duel of massive chakra energies and quantities between her father and Neji.

And just then, before Neji managed to hit Hiashi, he suddenly saw a large rotation force of white chakra rocketing him all the way back to the ground. However, once he looked there again, Hiashi was nowhere to be seen! Neji chuckled in response, 'Doesn't matter, I read your trick just enough!',

'You're now a peak Kage level but have the potential to enter the low Six Paths level like me later...'

Somewhere in between the Hyuga clan's compound and the village, Hiashi thought critically, 'Was that the real Tenseigan Chakra Mode written in those scrolls? I can't enter it now, only owners of real Tenseigan could awaken it, meaning I can't summon those special orbs like Neji. Moreover, I just activated that thing, so it was still not up to its fullest energy potential. It is still loading up, I also have Hanabi here with me. The best course of action for me now is to join forces with the village...',

Never, in a million years, did he think that Neji would somehow awaken that legendary dojutsu. Even though he was devasted by the loss of the whole Main Branch, and he wanted revenge on Neji, he still kept some rationale a patriarch should have. Now, his daughter, and the preservation and restoration of the Main Branch were his biggest priorities, revenge could wait for later times.

"Where are we going, father?", Hanabi blinked her little eyes and asked unsettledly toward Hiashi.

Hiashi looked at her a little surprised that she didn't collapse due to all those previous scenes, 'Yes, Hanabi, you're the last hope of our Main Branch!', "To the Hokage's office.", Hiashi replied calmly.

And just then, Tsunade and Shizune, and a bunch of Anbu and ordinary shinobi, opened their eyes wide, in shock, as they saw the well-known Hyuga patriarch, with his favorite daughter inside his arms, bursting into the office through the window with the accompanying sound of glass breaking.

Tsunade previously gathered all of them here after some people heard Neji's words near the Hyuga clan compound area and then saw the accompanying chaos caused by a giant purple orb of chakra.

"Hiashi! Lord Hyuga!", Everyone suddenly opened their eyes wide and explained in concern however they were still wary of his sudden arrival. Hiashi quickly stood up and started speaking,

"Lady Hokage, everyone, I apologize for entering like this! However, you should've all noticed the commotion inside the Hyuga clan compound. I'm really sorrowful, but it's the truth, Neji cracked our Curse Mark, in some way I don't know about, and then killed the whole Main Branch, only I managed to escape with my daughter after catching him off guard. His strength is above all charts!"

'What!?', Lord Hyuga lost so badly?', 'He cracked the Curse Mark', 'The whole main branch done for?', 'Is he the new Itachi Uchiha?', Everyone in the room started whispering quietly in astonishment and trepidation. This was the biggest event for them after the invasion two years ago.

"Silence!", However, Tsunade suddenly cracked the table under her with her fist before speaking solemnly at Hiashi who looked like he hid something from her, though, it was just her personal feeling, like the one she also had when she deemed Neji dangerous, which was proved to be very right at the end judging from the current situation, "Hiashi, on what level is his strength exactly?"

'Tsck, smart woman, though I won't admit anything that is our clan's secret knowledge!', Hiashi thought as he replied still acting in fright, "I-I don't know, however, he apparently has a new dojutsu, that isn't Byakugan! That's the only thing I managed to catch. His overall body metrics probably already surpassed many of the Kage-level shinobi. He also had a weird Rotation that could turn people into stones, that's how killed off all of the Main Branch...", Hiashi clenched his fists, this time not acting. He was sure to plan revenge against Neji as soon as they force him out of the village.

'New dojutsu that isn't Byakugan and it's unknown?', Tsunade and everyone got stunned by this news, "Hiashi, think carefully, Neji previously always had your clan's Byakugan, how could he suddenly get a new dojutsu? Do you know anything more about it!?", Tsunade asked suspiciously.

'Maybe it's some kind of an upgraded version of the Byakugan like the Mangekyo Sharingan was for the base Sharingan...', That thought immediately crossed Tsunade's and the minds of other sharp people there inside the room, like Kakashi and Shikaku were. 'This keeps just getting worse and worse, unidentified new dojutsu is the probably hardest thing to deal with...', Kakashi thought next.

'Troublesome, we just created such an overwhelming enemy out of thin air. I always thought that the Hyuga clan's practice was stupid, and look at where it led them today...', Shikaku analyzed. He had two scars on the right side of his face which were probably his most noticeable feature. Like his son, he had dark hair tied up into a spiky ponytail, dark eyes as well as a goatee. His ears were also pierced.

Choza Akimichi and Inoichi Yamanaka were also standing seriously beside him, they were together called the previous world-famous Ino-Shika-Cho trio. They were also the current patriarchs of the three Konoha pillar clans that have been with this village ever since it was founded. They possessed secret ninjutsu techniques, no one else in the world knew how to use. It was left to them ever since ancient times.

Inoichi had long ash blond hair reaching into his lower back, which he wore spiky on top and ending in a long ponytail, light green eyes, and strong facial features, which included a well-defined jawline. While Choza was a tall, plump man with naturally brown hair, but seemed to wear a long, spiky red hairpiece. He had purple markings on his cheek, a common trait in the Akimichi clan.

To strengthen the unity between the three clans, a member of the Sarutobi clan will give them special earrings to present to each generation head when they are promoted to chunin after which they will swear their oaths. The earrings also symbolize that they are considered adults by their respective clans. They had a very important relationship with the Sarutobi clan even before they all came and inhabited the Konoha village during the Warring States. That's why they always firmly supported Hiruzen, as the Hokage, during his life, and now his disciple, Tsunade Senju, as well. Their unique techniques worked extremely well in combination, that's why they often fought side by side.

Alongside Inuzuka, Aburame, and Hyuga clans, they were the most influential clans in the village. Though, those three clans were always more on the neutral side of things, not fully supporting her, to their fullest, like those three mentioned before them. There were also many other smaller clans like Sarutobi, Shimura, and others, however, they were not so important in the present times, having considerably weakened and lost nearly all of the previous luster they had during the Warring States.

"I don't know anything more about it sadly, Lady Hokage...', Hiashi replied in an honest manner.

"Everyone, split into four groups and immediately go and secure the Hyuga clan compound and capture the wanted fugitive, Neji Hyuga!", Tsunade sighed and then resolutely ordered everyone.

"Choza Akimichi, Inoichi Yamanaka, Shikaku Nara, Kakashi Hatake, you're the captains of them all!", Tsunade appointed those four, currently strongest people under her command. They were all on the peak jonin level of strength now, in her opinion, very close to the Kage level but not quite there yet.

She was not sure if Danzo and his Root would help as she currently had no way of commanding them before consolidating her power inside the village further. And she should remain in the village center and protect the ordinary civilians and Konoha's heart from the Neji's possible sneak attacks.

Hanma_Jack Hanma_Jack

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C26
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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