"Don't worry, no one can come in, for now. We have to deal with those ones," Maya said looking at the zombies before them.
"How? They are getting stronger somehow."
Denise answered.
Rose was sure that this was retaliation. The villain knew how to hurt them.
"We have to stop them. But erasing their connection with the outside world."
Asher analyzed.
"Are they connected?"
Madam Denise asked him.
Asher nodded.
"I feel that something is sending them energy. Like how our phones get software updates, the zombies are also being upgraded remotely."
Now that was scary. Scarier than anything. If zombies could be upgraded like smartphones, what else was left?
"We should cut their link. Normally I'd want to remove their power connection. No energy, no phone to work no matter how much good the software is."
Maya punched the wall.
She was no less scary than the commotion zombies. Asher moved away from her.
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