66.66% The Biggest of Mothers: A One Piece fanfic / Chapter 6: Values

章 6: Values

Chapter 5

AN: Fuck. I have Covid. WTF I'm double vaccinated. Travel plans ruined. Sorry friend…looks like I can't go on that Euro tour after all. At least our rooms are refundable.

AN2: I can't breathe. I can't smell. I can't taste. My head is literally on an internal fire. Covid sucks so much ass. God kill me please agghhhhhhhhdhdhfhjhjbsfllshl. Should have gotten that fucking booster shot or something!!

AN3: Three days after that first mental breakdown. I'm feeling better on the nose situation. Got a friend to buy me a nose congestation thing. I'm running low on Tylenol but that's what friends are for.

AN4: You know how bad things are when the thing you look forward to in a day becomes a bath. I choose to bath over shower simply because now I have the time and literally nothing else. Sad part? I don't even have a bath bomb. I haven't taken a bath in like years and suddenly, bam! covid. Now I love baths.

AN5: I never knew McDonalds tasted so good. Friend ordered and put it in front of my door. Why am I logging…I feel like a crazy person. I obviously do not do well with quarantine/isolation. I'm in college! Give me my parties back!!!

AN6: One day until I am released from my own jail aka my dorm. I'm going to go for a run. There's a nice lake and woods where I live now…I love running and this damn virus has turned me into a sloth.

AN7: …freedom.

TOTTA LAND. Whole Cake Island.

The Queen. The Matriarch. The Biggest of Mothers. Charlotte Linlin was sitting on her couch, leaning back into the soft leather, as she massaged her temples. As she read the reports on what had transpired in the previous hours in what they began to call the 'Special Region'…she knew she had a headache coming her way.

'Charlotte Cracker, the Admiral of the Third Union Fleet, then ordered to open fire on the newly discovered faction.'

'Admiral Cracker proceeded to shoot down several 'flying contraptions' and proceed to lay waste to the city of Italicia'.

… The city was supposed to be a trading card! A Hostage! Or at the very least held by them to cut the Empire from their southern vassals. It wasn't meant to be absolutely steamrolled over and brought to ruin.

Well…then again, she had sent Cracker after all. What had she expected?

She glared at the snail transponder in front of her; the said snail sitting rather uncomfortably on the high stool it was on. The snail had a wild blue hairstyle and a fuse which was lit behind it. In other words…the transponder snail was connected directly to Cracker.

"So Umm…Mama. I can explain. You see-"

"Cracker. Be quiet. I need to think." She cut him off. As much as she adored his antics and fun, sometimes she wondered how one of her children could ever grow as thickheaded and thoughtless as Cracker. Sure, it was one of his qualities…but sometimes it was annoying to deal with.

"Yes Mama… …sorry."

*sigh* She huffed at one of her older son's apologies. As much as she couldn't believe it, Cracker was closer to 50 than 40 in age. Well…call it a mother's love but despite knowing that Cracker was well beyond the age of a 'teenager' or a child, there was always a part of her who wished to just cuddle her children like babies forever.

"It's fine Cracker. But do not antagonize them further. This…new faction seems rather dangerous." She contemplated as she watched over the recorded footage from the scene.

In truth, she recognized these…things right away. Helicopters. Missiles. Tanks. These were modern weaponry from a life long past. The language they spoke…she would bet her hand that it was Japanese. Seeing their weapons, their leader, and their uniform, she would have to assume it was past the 1980s to the early 2000s. She may not have been the greatest expert in Japanese Military (and JSDF) history but she knew enough.

A war between this world and the Modern one…could she win?

Chances were that she could…especially with the Germa technology she now held. But at what cost? Would it even be worth it? Why start a war with such a peace-loving faction to begin with in the first place?

The world she remembered was a peaceful place. A place with little war and violence. A place where diplomacy with words and logic ruled over fear and superstition. A world where the great nations balanced their powers and interlocked their trade and economy so that any war between these powers would be detrimental.

Yet, that was no reason to say it wasn't strong. If anything…they were beyond any mechanical and digital technology in their world. Their weapons flew above the White White Sea and even beyond into the darkness above. She knew their capabilities of a single bomb equal to that of an entire buster call.

Warmongering nations, economically driven powers, nations hungry for resources…and finally the individual factions which housed war-dogs, greed, and detrimental curiosity.

She would win…yes. But at the cost of losing everything.

"Mama! I thought it was the Empire! You know how the Marines are, with their swords one moment and Pacifistas the next! You can never know!" Cracker pleaded with his logic. Though Linlin had to give it to him…his logic was sound.

There was such a large gap in technology in the seas that it was never truly possible to estimate the technological level of an island or faction until you entered total war. The Marines themselves employed the most basics of hand to hand combat while also developing full iron man suits as well as the Pacifistas themselves. Damn Vegapunk.

On the flip-side, the others could say the same thing regarding her. She had most of her clones armed with a rifle or an automated gun although the more powerful ones had spears or swords. Her children and the best of the clones, on the other hand, were genetically augmented to the peak and offered the best Germa had to offer. A technological gap indeed.

"Yes yes, I understand…*sigh* though there are other clues beyond just their weapons to find if their loyalties lay elsewhere." She reprimanded Cracker slightly. "Cracker, you are to await Pudding and Syrup's arrival and them promptly return to 'Queen's Helm' as it's defender."

"What? But Mama!"

"No buts! Regardless of whether you wanted to or not, you have nearly started a war with an unknown faction!"

"We can just burn them and move on!" Cracker complained. His eyebrows scrunching as his mouth began to pout slightly. Quite like a man-child.

"Cracker. *sigh* We aren't the only ones resistant to fire." Linlin scolded. "Now don't cause any trouble until the twins get there."

"…which twins was it again?"

Linlin merely sighed as she cut off the connection. As much as she loved her son, it seemed like she would have to get used to the fact that Cracker would continue to be Cracker.

… …

POV Pudding

Votum nuptiale, or as most of the Charlottes called it, Wedding Vow, was not originally a Union ship nor a bioengineered Germa ship. In fact, it had originally belonged to what the world knew as a 'Supernova'.

Supernovas from the first half of the GrandLine, Paradise, who in their cockiness had crossed over into the New World to try their chances and luck. Most of them failed, obviously, and few were even unluckier than usual to end up in their territory.

Such was the fate awaiting a mobster from West Blue. Capone 'Gang' Bege; an infamous mafia turned pirate and captain of the Fire Tank Pirates. A short stocky man who liked to dress and oil up his hair, trim his mustache, and keep smoking a cigar to match the image of a typical mob boss.

Like most rookies from Paradise, he thought too easy of the New World…the the conquerors who had already laid claim to those seas. He entered the land of Charlotte Linlin ignorant of the strength, the power, and influence the Emperors had over the waters…and like all, he failed.

Lead by the admiral of the 4th Union Fleet, Charlotte Snack outmaneuvered the rookie pirate ship until he had surrounded the Fire Tank Pirates on all sides on sea. For the first time…the 'Castle Man' Bege found himself outgunned and outmanned.

For the first time, he surrendered to the fates and raised the flag of white.

With the one exception of Capone trying to attempt a breakout while in custody and being promptly crushed into the ground by Charlotte Syrup (7 broken bones, concussion, and a spinal fracture. All healed later by the one who inflicted these injuries), it was found that the mob boss found trying to 'resist arrest' was beneath him, or rather…too unruly.

Linlin had plans on killing the man to demonstrate once again on what happens to those who attacked them without provocation, and yet in the strangest twist of fate…

"Mama! Please don't! I love him!" Chiffon, the twin sister of Lola, exclaimed. Proclaiming the magic of Love at First Sight…and obviously Mama did not believe her at first. It took many months and many near-death instances for Bege but in the end…Linlin understood that the love they shared was real.

Even having her first grandson, Capone Pez, she allowed the two to marry. From Linlin's side, she offered her flag as a sign of an alliance between the Union and Fire Tanks. What shocked Linlin, however, was Capone's offering of his one and only ship.

The Nostra Castello…or translated to 'Our Castle'. 46 meters tall (with mast), 60 meters long.

It was an incredibly fortified ship even for New World standards. Sticking to the theme of a 'castle' or in this case a 'fortress stronghold', the ship had a castle in the place of its cabin. Instead of a figurehead, there were two massive dual cannons not to mention the countless contraptions on the ship.

A feature rarely seen in any ships, the Nostra Castello had retractable tank treads on the side in which it could function as a paddle in water to sail without the wind, or tread on land.

To give his only ship to her as a wedding exchange.

Smaller Pirate groups, especially those which followed Roger's footsteps, had strong connections with their ships. While some merely saw the vessel as a means of transportation, others saw a crew mate…a nakama. To give a ship which had been with the mob boss since the very beginning and through thick and thin…*grind* There was love in his offering.

"Welcome to the family Bege." Linlin said with a slight smirk. "Even if you sail under your flag, you're now one of us; a Charlotte."

The mafia father merely grunted in appreciation before taking the hand of his new wife, and with his other holding his newborn child.

"…take good care of him mother-in-law." The mobster grunted out with his back turned. Linlin saw Chiffon take out a handkerchief and dab at the turned face of Capone. "He's a real man."

"You don't have to worry about that son-in-law." Linlin snickered as she emphasized the last part. "Your ship's in good hands. The Nostra's time on the seas has barely begun. In fact, I think I just thought of a good name for its new change."

… …

"Votum nuptiale. Wedding Vows" Pudding mused as she sat the on the starboard of the warship. The said warship was crushing through a path through the trees as it headed straight for the city of Italicia…or rather, the place where the 'problem-child' was currently located.

In the years since the Mafia's ship had been inducted into the fleet, it had gone through numerous repairs, upgrades, and care. While still holding the theme of a fortress, it no longer operated merely standard cannons but were also incorporated with Germa technology. The two front dual cannons were replaced with incredibly powerful laser based cannons as the walls were refurnished with the Germa based steel. The ship, overall, became sleeker in its design while still looking like a medieval fortress. A powerhouse of the like which could stand up to a Fortress ship and come out (half) functional.

"Do you think you're ever going to get married sister?" Pudding asked.

She turned to her side where she saw her twin, Syrup, curled up against the stone walls (steel lined underneath) and looking blankly out into the distance. "No." She replied blankly.

Pudding sighed at the antics of her sister. Her depressed, sad, gloomy, sister. It was as if a teenage girl who experienced her first period way too hard…and never managed to get out of that stage. Sure, she wasn't the brightest of the Charlottes but at least she knew how to joke, party, and overall have a good time when things were bright.

She looked over to her twin who was decked out in her usual attire. A tight fitting black formal suit, a black button down shirt, and a red tie (Eldredge knot). Her demonic black mask loosely covering the lower half of her face. Her tanned, defined, arms showing slightly from the pulled back sleeves and her bored orange eyes. Light, fluffy, pink hair pulled back into a ponytail.

As a family member and especially her twin sister, she couldn't help but see the chunnibyou-ness of her sister…except for perhaps the fact that her enemies would full-heartedly disagree. Syrup, both fortunately and unfortunately, had the strength to back up her words. Her mind-boggling strength and abilities recognized by Mama herself.

"She reminds me a lot of my younger days." Mama had said.

"Come on sis. We're on a new freaking world! Have some optimism! You've got to have your type." Pudding pushed. She rarely got to spend time with her sister ever since she had accepted that damn position as an admiral. She'd be damned if she didn't spend every moment she had trying to do what sisters do; Get every bit of knowledge out of her and humiliate her further down the line when she brings in a boyfriend.

Syrup…boyfriend…or any romantic partner at all…?

'Yeah to be honest I don't see that happening anytime soon.' Pudding thought privately, thought she knew Syrup had caught onto her emotions (through haki) when a sharp glare was sent her way.

Pudding scanned her sister from head to bottom.

I mean she's hot. I can't imagine a guy turning her down but the thing is…

"Pudding." Syrup warned. "Stop your thoughts. You're coming here as a delegate."

"Actually I'm just here to see what their intentions are." Pudding chided.

"You are still the official Ambassador of Totta Land."

"Family first. I'm your twin sister before I'm an ambassador." She pouted as she moved her brown hair out of third eye. "Besides, you're rocking the hot commando girl look sis. Smoothie-nee would approve."

*groan* "Just let me be in peace Pudding." The Devil of the Seas surrendered to the childishness of her twin as she slowly stood up and made her way into the ships, looking for some privacy…and protection from her sister's nagging. The wooden floors on the inside creaked each time she took a step, groaning against the weight of the devil.

" *che* Do we need Adam Wood for the floors as well sis? Who's heart have you stolen this time? Was it a rib? Maybe an additional appendage?"

*tap* *tap* *tap*

Her reply came in the form of morse code for 'Take a Shower…and fix the smokestacks too'.

The fortress of a ship, the Wedding Vow, continued to churn onwards. Steamrolling the trees and wildlife under as it treaded straight for the broken city, spewing up black smoke from the fuel it burned.

It was only natural…while the ship originally ran on hydropower on the bottom of the ship, it no longer had that option as it now treaded on land. Instead, it burned any flammable object which it crushed under.

"Should we have taken a snail instead?" Pudding mused.

… …

POV Bozes. Rose Order of Knights

Upon riding day and night towards Italicia, they had thought they would arrive in the heat of battle.

"Hurry! I see the smoke from the city! The Princess must be fighting against the bandits still. Faster faster!" Bozes yelled at her knights. The remaining road to the city was short and they could begin to make out the faint smoke rising up in the distance, the place where Italicia should be.

The black smoke rising into the blue sky was not one of a signal…no, it was far too unorganized. Smoking up seemingly randomly and from multiple directions, this was the result of a war. A battle.

Perhaps…are we too late? Did Italicia already fall? But then what of the Princess. Would the bandits ransom her? Or did she fall in battle.

"My Lady. If you go any faster, the horses will be too exhausted to fight!" One replied as she galloped by her side.

"That is of no concern! We must ride now to save the princess. There is no time to worry about the horses' wellbeing!" Bozes yelled back as she urged her prized stead to run ever faster. The war horse obeyed his master as its hooves hit the hard dirt harder. It increased its pace as its heart beat faster.

"We ride now to save the city! For the Princess! For the Empire!"

*BRCHHHHH!!!!* *chucka chucka* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch*

"Wait, MY LADY!" Panache Fure Kalgi warned Bozes…but it was too late. Arriving on the top of the small slope they had been scaling, they finally saw the monstrosity that they has mistook as the city of Italicia.

"What in the world…?" Bozes couldn't help but mutter in awe, in shock, as she gazed at the monster rushing towards them.

The said monster was bigger than any sort of creature she had encountered or heard of in legends. If her eyes were seeing true, then it must be larger than even the Flame Dragon of legends… A creature in which was tamed, no doubt.

A creature of stone, boulders, and towering rocks in which it crushed everything in its path as it seemingly 'glided' across the land on strange paddles it called its feet. Trees, rocks, poor small creatures, and all in between.

*BRRRCHHHHFF* *crush* *crack* *crack* *crack!* *splat*

"It's heading straight for us! Disperse! Run! Run!" Bozes ordered. The knights did not have to be told twice as they reined their horses and turned head. Yet, the chase did not last long.

*GIIIIEEEEEHHHHH!!!* A shrilling sound bellowed over the area and the Rose Knights immediately clutched their ears in pain.

*GIIIIiieeeee…* *thump*

"My lady…what is that?" Panache asked breathlessly before she choked slightly on the tangy air. The smell of fire and smoke.

"I don't know Panache…but it seems to have stopped." Indeed, the thing had stopped.

As Bozes examined the creature, she could make out the monster with more detail. It was large…incredibly large. Possibly higher than even the walls of the capital and much more elaborately, elegantly placed. The stones in which made up the creature cut into perfect blocks and unscarred from battle and war. Where its head should be, it housed two large empty cylinders instead. On its back, there was seemingly a walled fortress.

If this did not show its capability for war and battle, she didn't know what was.

"Draw your bows! We aim for whatever comes out of this thing!" Bozes ordered as the knights rearranged themselves. The war steeds, from years of training, not running from the life-threatening creature they had just encountered.

"Oh well this is an interesting development." A voice sounded from above. "I didn't expect to meet natives on this road." A language which did not belong to any Saderan dialect or of this land as Bozes knew it. It was a voice that was feminine…soft and noble?

At the top, she saw a single head pop out and look down for just a brief moment. A small brown haired figure…so much like a child too. She had caught the glimpse of round, bubbly, eyes…wait, eyes?

Surely she must have seen wrong. There's no way after all…

Whoever was on that thing was a human.

"*sigh* Just keep driving. They'll probably just move out of their way. Why did we stop in the first place?" Another voice. The voice was slightly rougher, tougher, tone despite being nearly identical to the first one. The dreary tone surely meant something but Bozes couldn't understand anything.

"We can't just be going and killing natives Syrup!" The first voice complained

"You haven't seen a quarter of the things I've done Pudding. Just sit down and let's get this ship back to burning wildlife." The dreary, slow voice reprimanded the first one.

"With all due respect Ms. Pudding, Admiral Syrup is correct. We are in an urgent situation. We must get to Admiral Cracker's aid as fast as possible." A third voice. This was had a slight gurgling sound but the deep baritone nature revealed its owner, a man.

"Very well then Commander. Let us continue on then. Off to Italicia then". The first voice sounded once again…but Bozes had heard enough.


They had stated Italicia…and that was confirmation enough. Whoever this was…whatever this faction was, they were heading towards the place in which the princess desperately required their help.

'The other-worlders are monsters' She remembers the rumors which were spread across the taverns of the empire. Filled with stragglers, deserters, and others who merely saw what had truly happened on those battlefields.

'They had staffs of iron. Ships of steel. Magic which devastates anything in its path. Whales of Steel which steams past it all. Soldiers of Slimy death.'

"Raise your bows! A-Aim towards their deck!" Bozes stammered as she faced the ridiculous reality in which was presented before her. She had to stop whatever they were planning to do with Italicia. No threats would go between her and the princess…even this.

She gathered up whatever courage she had as she forced herself to look up at where the small figure had popped out her head moments prior.

*brrrr….brrrr *rumble* *rumble*….BGGGHHHH!!!!!!!*

*neigh!* *neigh!!* The horses jumped in surprise at the sudden burst of sound, the creature of stone and war growling back to life. The black smoke from its top began to rise again as the earth underneath them began to vibrate once more.

"Halt! Halt!" She yelled as much as possible. The rashness of her voice on the verge of breaking as the fear, the shakiness, seeped through. "In the name of her Majesty, Pina Co Lada, Halt!"

"How interesting. Apparently they are connected with Royalty, sister."

"It matters not."

The voices said little…the sound of the roaring creature began to grow only louder as it rumbled forwards. One step…two steps…until in a rough gliding motion it slid across the earth.

"Fire! Fire!" Bozes ordered. They must stop this monstrosity from reaching Italicia. This thing would undoubtedly raze the city to the ground. Princess Pina was in need of reinforcements, not more enemies. Especially not monsters.

Arrows shot through the sky and towards the stone monster…but as expected, the arrows merely bounced off harmlessly off the creature leaving not a single scratch. They would have had better luck against the castle walls of the Imperial Palace itself.

"No, no!" Bozes screamed as she watched the creature rumble past them…to the direction of Italicia. "After them! After them!"

"Oh dear sis. Looks like they're after us. Whatever should we do?"

"Pudding. I don't know how you got to be a diplomat with that sarcasm. If they're annoying you that much, just get someone to man the rear guns and gun them down."

"Sis! They're natives!"

"Natives who apparently have connection to the Empire, mind you, who are our enemies. Also, didn't you see their arrows fly just now? They're hostiles anyway." Syrup specified. She really couldn't give a damn about weaklings trying to assert their influence over them, kind of like Marine captains trying to demand her surrender.

It was funny up to an extent but afterwards it simply got annoying.

"Get back here! In the name of the Emperor! I order you!" The Rose Order of Knights charged after the castle-sized creature but despite their best efforts, the speed of the creature simply continued to grow faster and faster. To the point their were being left being in the dust.

"If you can't solve your problems, outrun them! Tada~."

"…Let's just hope Cracker didn't start a war."

… …

JSDF Headquarters

General Yagami. Director of Special Region Operatives

The aging general of the Japanese Self Defense Force massaged his temples, no, dug his fingers deep into his temples trying to prevent the incoming headache. A headache he knew was coming…and it wouldn't just be a normal migraine this time.

They had done it…and now his internal doomsday clock was telling him that it was 30 seconds from midnight…against an enemy that they knew shocking little about except for the fact that they were extremely dangerous.

After the confrontation at the city of Italicia, he had received the footage and had reviewed it over, from many different angles and views, with experts and analysts…and the only thing he could feel was a sense of suffocation.

"General Yagami Sir, this isn't First Lieutenant Itami's fault." Yua, the strategist tried to argue. She had been called in for this meeting and had been analyzing the documentation from the 'battle' of Italicia for the past couple of hours.

Major Yua was a middle aged Japanese woman who had joined the JSDF in an early age. Standing at a respectable 170cm (which is tall for a Japanese woman) and thin black rimmed glasses, she gave off the aura of all-business, no chatter.

"With all due respect sir, the cause of the 'fight' between the two factions is a misunderstanding from both sides. The 'Tottas' have fired upon the walls unknowing of our existence and Lieutenant Itami had to reply with something. When someone is under attack, their natural state of response is-"

"Fight or Flight. Yes, I know Major Yua. The only thing I am concerned about now is not blaming which faction began this battle but rather…if the ceasefire we have now will hold." After the first Lieutenants rather interesting method of causing both sides to stop firing at each other, the two sides have been…well…for a lack of a better word simply standing there, staring at each other, for the last couple of hours.

Due to the other faction's common use of the word 'Totta' whenever they they tried to introduce themselves to each other, they decided to call them the 'Tottas' for now.

The JSDF have tried to begin talks under the flag of peace but while the other side seemed to mirror the action, the language barrier and also their obvious distaste of their side had put them in a rather tight place.

On one hand, they were glad that this new faction wasn't the warmongering, savage, faction that they had feared them to be…but on the flip side they were completely capable of it.

"General. Their current actions…well, if I can apply human psychology and body language on these creatures, then it seems as if they are waiting for something." Major Yua said.

"We must not make any sudden moves or changes." Major Haruto replied. "One wrong move and we restart this battle. I mean no disrespect General Yagami, Major Yua, but we all saw how the initial battle had turned out." The short stocky Japanese man said. In his mid fifties, the Major was an old-timer in the military. Despite his short stature and his beer belly, the man still continued to command the respect of his division and even from his superiors.

"Umu. How many casualties again Major Yua?" The General asked grimly.

"…a dozen dead and three dozen more injured sir."

… the general looked down onto his wooden desk as he picked up his cigarette once more. He bit down on the end lightly as he lit the cancer stick and took a puff.

*sigh* The feeling of suffocation did not get any better…

This was the first actual war the JSDF fought. The first armed conflict in which Japan had a chance to prove itself and not even a year in…they had casualties. Perhaps casualties would be natural in a war but this was supposed to be against medieval europeans lookalikes. Soldiers of the JSDF with modern weaponry against old peasants holding spears and shields.

Just a day ago he was wondering if he could he home by Christmas. Have someone place his spot as he go into a peaceful retirement with his plentiful government pensions and live peacefully. Spoiling his grandchildren and annoying his son…but no.

He had seen the new faction and what they were capable of.

As Major Yua had stated earlier it was hard to argue who had really begun the war as while the opposition did technically fire first…it could be argued that the third recon team of the JSDF was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

They had aimed at the wall and the JSDF, in which these Tottas had no idea about simply fired on. Whereas on the chopper when the JSDF reinforcements arrived from Alnus, they had knowingly fired upon the new faction with missiles no less.

What was more important, however, were the mind boggling capabilities of the new faction.

*Bzzt* *bzzzt*

Oh just great. A call from the Prime Minister.

"Get the connection on the screen please Major." Through the months, they had managed to connected a wired internet through the Gate and into the special region. It was reserved only for high ranking officers and in this case…special scenarios such as this one.

The general quickly put on his cap and straightened his collar as he brushed off the dust and other things on his desk.

"Of course general." Major Yua replied as she worked magic on the monitor. "Ready sir?"

"*sigh* Yes. Connect it."

… …

Tokyo. Japan.

Prime Minister Motoi Shinzo

He really felt like he could use a cigarette despite having quit the habit years ago. Shinzo is a sharp featured man with an ashy gray hair in which he kept combed sideways and let it spike out on the sides. His eyes…were tired. He wasn't sure if it were from reading the small letters on the report all day long or because he hadn't gotten much sleep recently although he was beginning to understand why Hojo, his predecessor, had been rather happy to resign.

It seemed as if the world truly just loved to continue throwing curveballs at him over and over. It had barely been a couple of months since he had inherited this position from his predecessor, Shigenori Hojo, and now ironically he seemed to be in the hot seat that Hojo was in months ago.

Hojo was the Prime Minister of Japan when the Gate had materialized in the Ginza district of Tokyo…and the carnage which had followed immediately after by the Saderan Empire. While Hojo had done his best in cleaning up the mess, giving aid to the families who had lost their loved ones, and more…in the end, public opinion and political backlash was the end of him.

In truth, most people knew that it was unfair to point the blame at the former Prime Minister. No person no matter how great expects magic to materialize a cross world dimensional gate in which would spill genocidal medieval knights out of nowhere. Hojo, however, had to accept his fate as the people's pain, hurt, and anger had to be directed somewhere…and they came to him.

To take the pain and responsibility, he resigned and passed on his position to him, Shinzo. It was under the Shinzo administration that the JSDF finally saw action and movement for the first time…since ever. This was the first time that the JSDF has been involved in an armed conflict.

The budget for the JSDF annual plan increased significantly as suddenly the duties of Japan's armed forces involved. From truly self-defending Japan as well as seizing the riches and opportunities which lay bare on the other side of the gate.

Could he truly resist…? He couldn't and he knew nobody else would have been able to either. In truth he didn't agree with the propaganda he was stating.

"Since the Gate had opened in Ginza, the Special Region falls under Japanese jurisdiction."

He knew it was like stating the Arctic Sea belonged solely to Russia or that the International Waters belonged to the United States. Unfair. Ridiculous…but somehow with enough firepower and strength, enough to consider.

He knew the potential it had to save the world they were in just by the reports he had received on his desks. Physically powerful Demi-humans eager for equal rights and willing to work for cheap prices? This alone would solve the low working class problem in Japan. Real magic? Magic which could potential be utilized as a power source alternative to the carbon they were burning? Not to mention their natural resources would lower the price of so many of the things that Japan lacked.

Still…this was exactly why they had to monopolize the gate. Should they open it up to others, where would all of that go?

He knew that America, as their 'ally', would step in and lay claim to the biggest and most valuable portion of them all. Russia and China would no doubt wrestle their way in followed by next powerful Asian powers; India and South Korea. The European Union would not sit idle either as they also 'unify' in their speech for equality and unity.

Let one ant in and it would turn into a hive.

… but now it seemed like there was little choice left if what he had received this morning was true. He looked up towards the large Sony TV on the other end of his room, currently glowing blue as it struggled to connect to the JSDF Special Regions director on the other side.

*bzzt* -Connecting to the Special Region-

-Loading Connection-

-Loading Connection-

-Connection Loaded-

An aging man in a well ironed military uniform and a jacket appeared on the other side. Sitting behind a light oak desk and donning a military cap and uniform.

"General Yagami here. Prime Minister Shinzo, how may I be of service?"

"General Yagami." The Prime Minister nodded to his old colleague through the screen. "I'm afraid we lack the time for pleasantries. Might we get started on what you have found?"

"Of course Prime Minister."

As the General motioned for Major You on his side, she worked something on her laptop which changed the projections on the screen. Their faces were moved to the side as the recording of the battle of Italicia took the center and vast majority of the space.


Thousands of bandits go up in flames as explosions of great scale bombard the entirety of the land outside of the walls. The earth underneath combust as pillars of red and orange burst up from the very ground. Turning any those unfortunate enough to be standing near into dust.

Screams of thousands more fill the air as the burns on their bodies hinder them from moving. The exploding shrapnel and the limbs crushed under the earth bury the fate of the dying bandits as the main force approaches.


"As you can see Prime Minister, this new faction is capable of far range bombardment. They were still a ways off, barely visible with the naked eye, when the bombardment began." Major You stated. "Even through this bombardment, not a single one directly hit the walls of the city which shows their accuracy and aiming system."

"Not to mention their lack of hesitation when firing against an unknown faction" Major Haruto grunted. "Bandits, sure, but why would they fire against someone who's technically on the same side?"

"My god…" Shinzo could only look in obvious shock and awe at the new faction's first demonstration of power.


Massive snails approach the walls before they open fire. Slithering over the battlefield full of the recently slaughtered, they reach the walls. Against their artillery, the walls fall like sandcastles as the giant, armored, snails slither through. Some simply push through the walls while others even scale over them.

A cannonball hits the wall and the camera goes black.


"So far that was the footage from the third recon team's head camera." The general said as he motioned for Major Yua to continue.

"This new faction employs live mounts as their armored vehicles, although it could be said that they take it to another level. They have combined their technology…and perhaps biology if these creatures are artificially engineered like we believe." Major Yua addressed the Prime Minister.

"I see" He replied. "And how dangerous are these artificially engineered snails?"

"Very dangerous, unfortunately." The screen switched.


"What the hell? Did that thing just recover from a missile blast?!"

The scene was from above as JSDF choppers opened fire on the enemy forces. It seemed the chopper-based heavy machine gun fire was half-effective at most as some of the soldiers fell…as some simply held their ground as they endured the heavy fire.

A surreal sight for sure…for any creature of organic background to resist and reflect bullets. From a helicopter no less.

Finally having enough, the choppers fired their missiles at their various targets. Despite the precision guided munition, some of them failed to hit their mark as multiple things intercepted their path.

Short burst of lasers from the back of the snails stopped at least half of the shot missiles. Some going further to target the choppers…cutting straight through their iron.

Some were intercepted by the soldiers themselves as they 'self-sacrificed' themselves as they jumped up to meet the missiles midair before exploding into red light and gore.

Some were hit midair by hand thrown projectiles, despite how ridiculous that notion was. One such case showed an extremely large, square shaped, and tall man throw something resembling a frisbee which broke through both missiles…and the frisbee falling down to the earth unharmed.

Yet still, a couple of their missiles hit their mark. On the soldiers below and on the snails. Most of the enemy soldiers close to the explosion seemed to have died…finally showing that they are not immortal or invulnerable. Yet…there were a few which remained standing after the smoke cleared. Obviously burnt and rather injured…but not dead and still able to fight.

Worse still were their snails. The snail was obviously injured as the shrapnel and heat combusted on the side of the snail. Yet instead of succumbing to the pain and falling like most living creatures, the snail merely recovered as slimy mucus covered the burnt area as it trudged onwards.

From the same snail, a shot of bright yellow light came directly towards the camera as screams filled the air and the screen went dark.


"Highly capable, resilient, and not to mention laser technology able to cut cleanly through steel." Major Yua said. "There are also their extremely large wasps and not to mention the capabilities of their soldiers. Each one of them is like a super-soldier! Incredibly strong, bulletproof, seemingly have some kind of sixth sense…not to mention that square commander guy!"

"Major Yua." The General's tone warned the Major.

"*sigh* My apologies General. Prime Minister. It is simply that we have lost good men today…and to those we must not make enemies of. I am not sure if this is all of their capabilities and technology but I, for one, am not eager to test that out."

Shinzo shifted in his seat, no longer feeling the comfort of the expensive leather underneath his butt. When he was sworn into his office, he was not prepared to fight a possibly devastating war…nor was he ready now. Perhaps he should just retire as his predecessor did…?

No. You have to protect Japan.


Persue Peace…but never leave your side unguarded.

"Thank you for this General, Major. This has been greatly insightful." He said as he motioned that the call has ended. This has indeed left him a lot to think about…and the entire situation of the gate.

It was left unsaid but just from seeing the recordings, he knew that this battle of Italicia had been a defeat for the JSDF. One in which would never be officially recorded nor be uttered in public but all of it pointed at so. It was the JSDF which had lost their vehicles of war and weapons. The opposition may have lost a couple of their men but they were ready to continue onwards, facing both the JSDF and whatever remained of the city of Italicia.

As long has he knew such a force existed on the other side…he couldn't possibly let the risk of the JSDF being annihilated stand. He needed help…even if that meant losing much of the benefits of the special region.


"The meeting's over. Make an announcement to the nation that I will be addressing them in an hour…they deserve to know. More importantly, call the UN. Japan cannot stand alone in this time no longer. Not against an otherworldly threat. It seems we are going to Switzerland."

… …

Emperor Molt

"Our only hope to this war…is if the two other-worldly factions wage war against each other." He looked down at his son. "Could you ensure this happens?"

The first prince of the Empire, heir to the throne of the world looked up. His right arm on his knee as he respectfully looked up towards his father.

"Of course father." Zorzal sneered. "Leave it all to me."

This was his chance…his chance of glory. Like the previous conquest in which he had brought the Warrior Bunnies under the foot of the empire, he would do so again.

His father was under the delusion that they needed the outsider's help to win this war. Bah! As if they could fight against the Empire in which was blessed but the gods themselves. They could march into the very capital itself and until the very moment they ripped the crown out of his hands…the Empire would live.

He knew every citizen of Falmart was screaming for the liberation from these monsters. Crying and yelling as they were forced to live under horrible horrible inferior beings.

"Do not worry people." Zorzal drooled as he walked away from the throne room. He was already picturing himself as the savior, the next emperor, the god-king. "Your hero will help you!"

Back in the throne room, the Emperor Molt was looking in confusion at his first son who had quickly arrived and left.

"Father, I understand." His son Diablo, the second prince, replied after he too had a moment of confusion. His elder brother had just barged in and accepted the mission which was meant for him. "I will do as you say. This Empire shall not fall to the otherworlders…but I have but one wish, father."

"Yes. I know *sigh* You want the throne." The Emperor looked with tired eyes at his son. "Very well…should you eliminate the threat against our Empire, then I shall name you my heir."

"Thank you father." The second Prince grinned quietly under his breath, keeping his head down to hide the smile. "I won't disappoint you."

… …


Koji Sugawara. Diplomat from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Negotiator.

What a ridiculous situation he was in…truly.

If someone had told him a year ago that he would be sent force as a diplomat to another world, he would have politely told them to go away and stay quiet. Now…it seems like that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Koji Sugawara. He was a bureaucrat for the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Medium length black hair in which he kept waxed back, keeping a clean and sharp image. Dressed head to toe in an elegant 'Kashiyama' black suit, white button down shirt, and finally a red tie (eldredge knot) to top it off. Combined with his rather tall height for a Japanese man, he was the perfect image of Japan…or what they wanted to show at least.

Due to his unfortunate friendship with a certain Itami, he had been chos-dragged into this situation. If he could, he would cut off any connections he had with the third recon team and have accepted the Special Region Headquarters offer instead.

*sigh* What was done was done…and now things would have to stay this way for a while it seemed.

Outside the walls of the Principality of Italicia, he sat on a rather comfortable soft leather chair. In front of him was a dark marble table, and on the other side sat one of the soldiers from the 'Totta'.

He knew little about them and they knew little about the JSDF in turn. All that was achieved in the last few hours were the following.

Don't Shoot and we won't shoot you.

After Itami's burst of emotion and ranting which stopped both side's firing, they had somehow agreed on a ceasefire for the moment…or at least that's what he thought. It's rather hard to communicate with someone who doesn't speak a common language. It seemed that their highest ranking member (the 4 meter tall guy while 4 arms or more) had little care for what happened until…

"Are you seeing this?" He had to make sure and ask as he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

"I'm afraid so Koji-san. That guy is talking to a snail on his wrist." Itami replied. He was bandaged head to toe now that he wasn't struggling under debris from the crushed walls.

"How does that even work?!"

"I don't know. Different worlds, different technology?"

He had to leave it at that as they clearly noticed the emotional changes happening within the 4 meter tall man (if they can 'read' a giant's emotions). From the hunched soldiers and the jerky arm motions, it was 'guessed' or assumed that the giant was rather unhappy or at least uncomfortable with however he had been talking to.

"Wait, one of them is coming towards us. No weapon in sight but be wary." Itami warned as something that could only be described as a 'fishman' approached them.

The figure was exactly like how some Mangas would portray if someone mixed the DNAs of a human and a fish. It was obviously humanoid as it stood on its two 'feet' and 'hands' but that was where the similarities ended.

The figure was a deep blue and almost purple in skin-tone…or rather 'scale-tone' as in most parts of its visible 'skin', it was covered in fishlike scales. His neck, now visible without the armor, had gills in which he had no idea how it functioned on land. Its hands were webbed like the fins on a fish. Its face was replaced with that of a rather typical fish. His guess would be on tuna.

The said fish-man made a wide variety of hand gestures in which he and a couple others tried to read and reply…but as usual, they only got themes basic of information.

2. Don't approach Italicia.

Rather an easy one to understand as when they started to make their way to the city, guns were back up and aimed towards them in an instant. Even one of their supersized snails turned its heads towards them; not to mention their cannons.

Although his heart cringed for the suffering people inside those broken walls, he couldn't risk another fight breaking out, and neither could Major Haku nor Itami.

3. Our negotiator is approaching.

It took a while but the final message was hammered in when they brought out two chairs and a table and placed it right in the unofficial 'no-mans-land'. As the other chair remained empty, he took his seat (regular size thankfully)…for a while before he realized it would be a while until the other side arrived.

"You know, all of this technology and we still have yet to see a single vessel capable of flight from them." Itami commented.

"As I said. Different world different technology probably. Maybe…it's just that flight was never an option for them?" He replied.

"Yeah, but what about those massive wasps they have then though? The ones which explode on impact?"

"Who knows. Not my job to figure that out, that's yours 'Third RECON team'. My job is to see if these people are interested in a ceasefire and open diplomatic relationships and stop a potential inter-world war." He replied…only now realizing the pressure which were put on his shoulders.

"Damn…an inter world war. I don't even want to think about it. Against an opponent capable of something like this." The negotiator sighed. Should he fail, there were a lot of lives which would be lost.

… …

The atmosphere around the walls were grim. People had died…from both sides. Yet it was obvious that one side was taking it much better than another.

The JSDF side was having trouble with the terms of their current state. This was, after all, their first true battle since the second world war. Not to mention that this was also their first loss since then as well…the first time a soldier had died in service since nearly seventy years ago.

The bodies were collected carefully and gracefully from all over the city, the fallen helicopters, and the walls. Their bodies carefully placed inside the caskets as they were wrapped and prepared before sent off on trucks.

The soldiers of the JSDF, it was obvious they had not come prepared to say goodbye. Nobody ever is…but who would have expected it would be them? Who would have expected to face off against enemies they had no idea who was who.

The Totta side on the other side, as the JSDF watched, seemed cruel to their own as they were to their enemies. Perhaps it was just a matter of culture but the way they treated their own dead seemed nothing short of disrespect to the JSDF soldiers. Perhaps not as much as the way the Empire treated theirs but…to do it in such a way.

In plain sight of the JSDF soldiers, the Totta soldiers collected their own dead before they were stripped of their gear and clothes before they were placed carefully into a large dug out hole in the ground. Their numbers weren't as many as the casualties the JSDF faced, and the ones that were dead were mostly already charred black.

After all, it seemed as if bullets did not do much so instead it were the missiles and artillery fire which had managed to put down the Totta soldiers.

"Are they making a mass graveyard?" A JSDF soldier asked, barely believing what he was seeing.

"It seems so. Why else. Such savagery…" Another JSDF solider responded.

However, it didn't end there. As the dead were all finally placed into the hole, the other Totta soldiers began to pour a sort of liquid onto their bodies and around the hole.

"No way…"

The disbelief came true as a final soldier approached the hole with what was unmistakable a hose and a tank.

*Sh…Shh….crackle crackle crackle!!*

Fire spewed out of the hose's end as it completely engulfed the dead under the ground. Black smoke wafted up until there was nothing left except for a charred hole. Not even the bones were spared.

"Savages…do they not have a heart?!"

"Poor families…Enemy or not, they must have come from somewhere.

… …

POV Koji Sugawara

He smelled their arrival before anything else. He saw the rising smoke soon after but the unmistakable stench of burning alerted him of their arrival. It was rather strange since what he had seen of the Totta thus far, they did not make use of any fossil fuel powered vehicles.

If anything, they seemed rather biologically and ecologically friendly by literally using live steeds. With the massive snails and their interesting choice of air defense.

Even with that thought, it was rather obvious it was someone from the Totta approaching as the soldiers on the other side were suddenly extremely busy, fast paced, and got into formation.

The snails which had been lounging and napping were wide awake as their massive forms moved to form lines with each other. Their arms and cannons were straightened and finally it seemed the entire legion came out and stood straight.

Those on the ground covered up what remained of their 'mass burn and burial' and got into lines in their pristine uniform as they holstered their rifles or melee weapons. Finally, even the commander who had been identified as a 'Mantis Shrimp' mix came out as he too joined the line.

The massive 4 meter tall man stood at the sight of the approaching…castle? It was definitely no snail or something of the like.

If a massive sea vessel made of stone bricks had a fortress on top of it instead of the usual cabins and ran on land using tracks, it would most likely be what this looked like.

"What the hell…" Itami said as he too caught sight of the approaching 'thing'.

Despite the stone based structure, there was an underlying futuristic theme to the build with the dimmed lights and the curves running down the vessel. The two massive cannons on the front were pointed slightly and the inner workings, obviously a reactor of sorts, made it clear it was not as medieval as it looked.

"I don't think that thing was made for peace Koji." Itami commented as he began counting the number of cannons on the side of the massive vessel. "That's at least forty cannons on the side. That's more than Queen Anne you know?"

"It doesn't look like a vessel transporting a negotiator, true, but we are in enemy territory at the moment." Koji replied. "Even I came here escorted by a fully armed unit for my safety."

The loud noise of the crushing the wildlife underneath became louder as the sound of gears roared only louder and louder…until it stopped.

The massive ship/fortress/tank thing's engine must have cut off as it simply continued to roll on its own momentum as it came to a stop just behind the last massive snail. Comparing the size of the two, it seemed they were about equal in size except the new arrival was slightly bulkier and most certainly more armed.

Two small figures jumped down from the deck…a 30 meter jump at least. They hit the ground on the balls of their feet, seemingly entirely unharmed, as they simply brushed themselves off and walked towards their entourage.

"I'm not liking this Koji. I'm not getting the 'we came here for peace' type of feeling from them." Itami fidgeted as he watched the superhuman feats of their new arrivals. Were all the people from the other side just as powerful as they were?

"It's not my job to care what their stance is now. It's my job to steer them towards peace between our nations while we talk." Despite saying that, the Japanese bureaucrat bit his lips into a thin line. The stress was beginning to pile.

"Can you even communicate?" A critical question that Koji did not have the answer to. He hoped that someone would be able to speak the Empire's dialect at least. It would simply so much.

"Well…something will work out hopefully." If no form of communications work out, they would have to build across that gap…and than in itself was a form of diplomatic activity as well. So it wasn't as hopeless as it seems.

*tap* *tap* … *tap* *tap*

"They're presenting arms." The fish-man soldiers stomped their armored boots onto the dirt floor in a rhythm. Others unsheathed their blades and raised it high in salute for the new arrivals.

Under the bridge of blades, bayonets, and cannons, the two figures walked slowly towards the negotiation table. It was at this distance that they were finally able to make the figures out clearly.

The first figure was a petite girl with shoulder length brown hair. She let her hair fall over her forehead and nearly down to her eyes. If he had to guess, she would be somewhere around 160-165 cm tall.

"A human…?" Itami said.

She was dressed in a formal white and blue dress which went down to her knees. A black jacket across her shoulders in which she did not put her arms through, letting it fly in the wind. Her features were…cutesy and lovely. What stood out the most, however, were her impossibly large and clear eyes. Brown Eyes so large it looked slightly unnatural, like the ones one would see in an animated or a CGI movie.

Behind her was an octopus fishman who was carrying a rather large sack with papers sticking out on the top.

To her right was the other figure which had jumped off the ship along with the first one. While having some familiarity with the first one, the feeling this one gave off was entirely the opposite. She was easily much taller than the first girl, standing at somewhere around 175-180cm by his estimations.

She was dressed head to toe in an intimidating black. While the general black suit hugged her form, the lines in which seemed too unnatural showed that in reality it was a composite armor of some sort. Her face, nose downwards, was covered in a black metallic mask in which glowed neon blue and purple lightly. Her eyes too were the main catch. While it was still large and clear in traditional sense, her eyes were nothing like the first one's. She had piercing orange eyes which looked as if it saw through everything. The ends of the eyes curved upwards slightly and ended up looking slightly pointy, giving the girl an intense look.

Finally, the extremely large 4m tall man had joined them again.

"So these are them, huh. They don't look so impressive." The first girl said in an unknown language.

"Keep your guard up sister. You don't have invincible biscuits like the nutcracker here." The second girl said.

"Hey!" The large man frowned slightly. The facial expression itself looking rather artificial.

"Anyway, let's get this negotiation started. I hope someone speaks Saderan. Otherwise, well, memory extraction." The first girl shrugged before she sat down on the opposite chair.

Finally, the two factions were seeing eye to eye.

"I can start. Peace or War. What will it be?" The soft natured looking girl smiled.

… …

3rd POV

The important players of this discussion were sitting around the new, larger, roundtable. After they had realized that this discussion could not be established with just the two of them, they had expanded.

Koji Sugawara from the JSDF and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs took a seat.

Charlotte Pudding from the Union Pirates and Totta Land took a seat.

Myui Formal, the countess and the former ruler of Italicia took a seat.

Pina Co Lada, the third princess of the Saderan Empire took a seat.

Finally, the person who would translate all of their words, Lelei La Lalena the mage, took a seat…at the insistence of Itami and Koji Sugawara.

"Perhaps we should introduce ourselves?" Koji said as he looked around at each of the representatives. Lelei swiftly translated it to the rest in Saderan.

"I can start, of course." Koji coughed slightly to clear his throat. "My name is Koji Sugawara from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I come from the State of Japan (Nippon Koku) and I am representing the Japanese Self Defense Force as well as the other nations of my world for Peace."

He gave time for the blue mage to translate the introduction before he continued. The He saw the young countess and the princess nodding while the Totta representative remained stoic.

"We are currently operating under a form of alliance known as the 'United Nations'. As the name suggests, it is a union of nations in which has pulled together our resources. Ever since the Empire's attack on our land, Ginza Tokyo of Japan, we have sought but two things."

Koji raised two fingers.

"Harmony and Peace. Japan and her allies seeks harmony and peace with all factions. We believe that all factions can benefit from this. We are even willing to ease your transgressions of inhumane should you also strive for peace." Koji looked directly at the third princess. "However…we implore that you do not mistake our friendliness for weakness. We will retaliate when it is necessary as we have shown. That is all."

As he finished, the princess looked rather uneasy at his words. She realized that there was a chance for peace…but one small misstep from their part would mean that their overwhelming strength would be pointed towards them once again. On the other hand, the Japanese ambassador's words made sense with their actions. It was strange as how the overwhelming force did not seem to march across Alnus Hill; instead choosing the bunker down. In retrospect, it was obvious that they did not come here to conquer.

"Umm…then I shall go next." A meek voice sounded. The heads of the table turned to the young countess and heir of the Principality of Italicia. Myui Formal spoke her stance. "Italicia desires peace and neutrality. We do not want any more bloodshed…please."

The young girl's mask began to crack ever slightly. Even the most trained of noble children were just children in the end.

"This is my family's land…I know my father would seek its peace above all else. Italicia is not independent from the Empire but over the years, it was deteriorated to what you see now." The young countess' eyes became watery as she continued. "We do not have the capabilities of war. I am sorry Princess but I cannot help the Empire in the face of foes like them. Italicia would like to declare neutrality." As the young countess spoke, Lelei translated for the Japanese bureaucrat.

The countess forcefully swallowed back her sob before she returned to her stoic stance. Even when she was only a child, her noble training had allowed her to endure this disadvantageous negotiations.

"I am Princess Pina Co-Lada of the Empire." The princess said haughtily. Even in the face of overwhelming power, she had to show that she wasn't afraid. That the Empire was strong. "Fifth child and the third princess of the Emperor, Augustus Molt."

Despite the name holding so much power anywhere else in this world, to the other-worlders, it seemed it was just that; a name. In fact, the girl from the 'Totta' seemed rather unimpressed as she simply sat on her seat. Not a single eye twitching or a movement from her side.

"The Empire also desires peace with all factions." She would have liked to say more…so much more. To ask them about their origins, where they had come from, the secrets to their magic and weapons. Their people and how they were so strong…but she could not. Even with imperial blood in her veins, she did not have the official power to negotiate on behalf of the Empire.

Still she was sure that after the demonstration of power by the two factions the Empire had made enemies of, any and all people would immediately lower themselves for peace. Except fools…she could only pray that the senators would not back her oldest brother, Prince Zorzal, in their blinded pride and arrogance.

"I am Charlotte Pudding. The ambassador and negotiator for the Sovereignty of Totta Land. I represent the Union Pirates." The final representative on the negotiation table spoke.

"Pirates?" Koji whispered. Was this a mistranslation?

"The Empire had spilled innocent blood on our lands with no former warning of aggression or justifiable reason." The girl, now known as Charlotte Pudding, continued…but she was cut off by the Imperial princess.

"Lies! There is no way the Empire would commit such an act! We bring light to the uncivilized. We…we are the Empire!" Pina spluttered as she desperately sought to protect the reputation of her home. " I'm sure a scouting force would have been sent ahead. To look for representatives to talk to. Only then under both sides' agreement would the fighting ensue! This is War etiquette!"

"Oh, is that so?" Pudding drawled out slowly. "Commander?"

"Yes Ambassador." The octopus looking creature behind her. On one of his tentacles he offered a rather large (compared to normal) snail onto the table. The snail's shell seemed rather…metallic, unnatural, or rather artificial in an mechanical way.

"Thank you." She softly said before she turned back to the Princess. "Let's see, shall we?" She then pressed the back of the snail's shell as light was shone out of the snail's eyes. Functioning like a beam projector, a scene was created in the air.

… …

Lines upon lines of legionaries marched out of the formed gate. The ocean wind battering their heavy shields and spears. Their numbers seemed endless as the civilians around the area began to run. Run away from the foreign threat which had landed on their soil.

A figure riding upon a horse rode up to the front. His helmet glistening and his armor decorated with medals. It was obvious this figure was a commanding officer.

"Hear this and hear well you Barbarians!" He yelled. "In the name of his highness, Emperor Augustus Molt! This land is to be claimed and is now under the rule of the Great Empire!"

The roaring of fifty thousand men shook the very ground as they continued to march forward.

"Claim these lands! Kill any who resist! Kill the barbarians!" The officer said once again.

With that, the slaughter began. Thousands of soldiers rushed towards, quickly catching up to the untrained, innocent, civilians. They were slain by the blade. Others by arrows while others were caught and dragged back for a fate worse than death.

The recording cut off.

… …

"We lost over 200 lives in that short moment. In merely five minutes your empire has taken two hundred innocent lives." Pudding softly said. "Men were killed. Women were killed…children were killed. You killed our people indiscriminately…for what reason?"

Pina's face was drained of color as she began shuddering. Why did it suddenly feel so much colder?

"We have 14 of our people who are unaccounted for. In other words, you have 14 of our people. Until they are returned safe and sound, we will continue to burn your cities to the ground."

The ambassador continued.

"For every person returned injured, one of those responsible will die. For every found dead…those with your blood will pay the price. Should they not be returned in time? Well…there won't be an Empire to return to." Pudding concluded her talk to the princess.

She instead turned to the Japanese man. "Looking at your face, it seems to be that they have done the same to your lands. How can you seek peace, when they have declared war? How can your country seek forgiveness when the blood is still fresh? Haven't your people been taken as well?"

Koji grimaced as he remembered the day. He knew how much pain this incident had caused…and even now much of Japan was calling for war. The Prime Minister had defended against such by stating that technically they do not have an army. By the principle of their founding law, they cannot invade another nation.

Yet…Pudding's word was true. Japan was seeking peace when there were still those who were 'missing'. It was no secret that the Empire practiced 'slavery' and here they were trying to establish peaceful relations. Trying to overlook the warcrimes which happened right in front of their faces.

In a deeper part of him, he wanted to agree…and yet, he was the bureaucrat for speaking Japan's will…not his.

"Indeed Ambassador. However, Japan is seeking to find them through peaceful means. By establishing diplomatic mentions, we believe that the Empire will return all of our people back to us, correct?" He turned to the princess.

"Of…of course!"

"In addition ambassador, our world is covered in wars. Wars which had lasted so long that compared to the era of peace we are enjoying now, it seems to be just a blink. From what we have learned is that seeking the end of conflict through bloodshed never works. It only births more room of hate." Koji addressed the Totta Land diplomat.

The said girl, however, merely huffed as if she didn't believe his words. "Peace, ambassador? I'm afraid in my world there is no such thing. As long as our history records, there has never been 'peace' in the 'Line'. Our safety is only guaranteed through the elimination of threats and their fear of our power. It seems our worlds are quite different Mr. Sugawara."

" … indeed. But perhaps we can reach an agreement here today. As stated before, Japan would like to persue peaceful relations with all factions. That includes Totta Land…and the Union Organization?"

"Union 'Pirates' Mr. Sugawara." Pudding clarified.

"Pirates… I'm sorry Miss. Could you please clarify what you mean by 'Pirates'?" Koji Sugawara had to know. He was not allowed to make any negotiations with illegal entities, including pirates (and terrorists). Perhaps the rule could be bent as this was extra-worldly group however if the definition remained the same…there may be problems.

"Of course. In reality it serves no purpose to us as we function as a 'nation'. But for the Naval Armed division we keep our original name. After all, we were founded by 'Pirates' after all." Very recent pirates in reality but Pudding kept that to herself. These new people did not have to know so soon.

"Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification." While Koji would have liked to judge, many nations back home had similar backgrounds. After all, many nations were born from illegal risings, rebellions, and other forms of unjustifiable actions when looked from an isolated perspective. So he kept his mouth shut.

"But in terms of our 'ceasefire', I believe we can accept. Our admiral had fired upon the walls of Italicia believing it to be a stronghold of the Empire. We had not known that another faction was involved. We hope there are no hard feelings." Pudding waved off the incident.

"From our side as well. Our firing upon you from our 'Flying machines' were done in retaliation which had turned out to be a misunderstanding." Koji reached over the table put out his right hand.

"A ceasefire then?" He restated.

Pudding stared at the hand for a short while before also standing up and grabbing it. Giving a firm grip, she shook his hand.

"A ceasefire."

On the side a rather relieved Myui let out a breathe of relief knowing that her home would no longer be the war zone between two dragons…but another representative was beginning to sweat at the implications.

The two factions which seemed like the only ones able to take each other out had just formed peace.

The JSDF and Itami's group would no longer be able to provide them with protection from the wrath of the 'Totta Land'.


She knew what she had saw just day earlier. Entire walls being blasted to pieces like nothing. Invulnerable soldiers and invincible commanders with weapons which made their strongest magic look like a wooden sword.

'You have 14 of our people.'

A month ago she may have thought to use them as a negotiating card for leverage. Now, they were her only hope of survival…the Empire's survival.

She would have to call in all her sources to track them all down…and fast. Not a single one could be miscounted for. If there was a mistake, then they would pay in blood.

"We would like to extend a formal invitation to our world." Koji said, completely oblivious to the state the princess was in. "The United Nations are eager to welcome envoys from another world. There, we can continue on our path for a peaceful resolution between our three nations."

"Very well. We accept." Pudding replied. She dusted herself off before giving a small towards the young countess. "As you have declared your wish for peace, we shall accept your surrender. Italicia will remain under Union control for the duration of the war. Have no fear of discrimination or abuse. The Union will treat your people humanely and your people are free to come and go as they please."

Koji looked like he wanted to say something but…in all honesty, the city of Italicia was not the biggest concern at the moment. Just after establishing a ceasefire, negotiating for Italicia and risking their progress was not worth it. What was far more important was that, in some miracle, he had managed to stop an inter-world war. His chest finally relaxed as he began to feel the weight lift off.

"Oh thank god" he whispered under his breath. Perhaps it wouldn't be so terrible after all. He just prayed that he did not jinx it.

"CHARRGEEEE! ROSE KNIGHTS! SAVE THE PRINCESS!!!" A rallying call sounded from the woods as dozens of riders emerged.

On horseback they rode on frighteningly fast speed towards them. Swords raised high and arrows drawn. Their polished armor gleamed silver in the high sun as their horses galloped, equally armored.

It was obvious this was no mere bandit or any group of cavalry. Their practiced formations, the trained war horses and their armor said it all. Not to mention the riders themselves with their groomed looks, as if they had never seen a day of real battle in their lives.

"Nobles…Rose Knights?" Pudding muttered. Unfortunately, the Princess heard it as well as she, in fear, turned her head to see her very own knight order rushing towards them.

"DIE BARBARIANS!" Bozes screamed at the top of her lungs.

Pina wished she could just die there and then.

AN: That's it! Happy New Year! Finals is beginning for me starting tomorrow and the entirety of January so don't expect much please. Hope you enjoyed :)

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


