75.67% The Bender of Dimension and Time / Chapter 27: Torture, strange elf and the sword

章 27: Torture, strange elf and the sword

Aton wanted to go to the blacksmith.

Aton realy wanted to go to the blacksmith.

But reality was cruel towords him.

He had thought a dress and jewels where all Valy could buy and hed be set free but he was mistaken.

Valy was draging me threw the town and looking for the second store Madam Lilas gad told her of.

After ten minutes they arived at an flower store which Valyria quickly entered.

An old elfen woman greated them as they entered.

Welcome dear customers how can I help you?

Valyria straight away got hocked on the words and I was told to wait whilst she would chose some flowers to wear with her dress.

One hour later - which was faster then I had expected - both of the returned.

,,What did you get?'' I asked.

,,It's a suprise'' Valy replyed

,,Fine with me, let's go get somthing to eat then'' I tried to say but was Instantly interupted by the old elfen women.

,,How about the gentleman also gets a flower to wear for his suit?'' she asked.

,,Good idea ill pick somthing for you father!''

I agreed as I had already lost my will to resist.

The old elfen woman suddenly apeared beside me and handed me a crimson rose.

,,This rose should fit the young man and it is also very rare so I would highly advise you to take it.''

,,Fine fine I'll take it.''

I was no pushover for shure but this torture I went threw today was taking my will to live and I just wanted to end it by any means.

Valy also seemed to like it so we purchased the rose and her secret and headed of to eat somthing.

The old elfen woman toke out a book and started reading it whilst smiling and mumling somthing to herself about the world greating a new god, but no one heard her.

It wasen't long, but a break was a break and I was glad for it.

I wanted to thank god for the break, but didn't want to say thank you to myself for doing nothing.

Me and Valy ate somthing and returned to browsing diffrent clothe stores.

At about 8pm I was aloud to head to the blacksmith which was the highlight of my day.

We entered the store and were greeted by a dwarv.

Welcome dear customers my name is Nara, how can I help you.

Hi I would like to buy a new weapon a sword to be exact.

A yes yes of course I have some fine swords Nara replyed and brought Aton a few.

I tested them out and was feeling dissatisfied with everyone of them.

After half an hour of testing all of Naras swords I was ready to just buy any new one, but Nara wanted to show me one last sword.

To be exact this sword was not made by Nara but sold to him dirty cheap by a old one handed man.

The sword was shining dark blue and had runes engraved on it but other then that it looked like a normal sword

It was a magical sword the only one Nara had.

Aton tested the sword and he straight away felt that this is the sword he wanted.

Nara and Aton started to haggle whilst Valyria looked at other equipment.

Nara wanted 20 gold coins for the sword, but Aton only wanted to offer 10 after going back and forth they bith agreed on 17 gold coins including the new equipment from Valyria.

She got herself a new white hunting coat with a hoad and a new pair of boots.

Finnaly after a exhausting day I dragged Valy back with me to the inn and instantly went to bed without a second thought unlike yesterday.

Kaeso Kaeso

Hi everyone as I am curently in hospital and have been for the last month I havent had time to write anything nor have I felt well enought to do so. therefore I have finaly gathered enough strenght to continue but It will happen at a slow rate as I am nowhere near to 100 percent fit.

But anyways I hooe you enjoy this chapter and I can with this close the ''shoping arc'' ;)

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C27
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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