50% the beginning of the apocalypse / Chapter 1: New Era!!!
the beginning of the apocalypse the beginning of the apocalypse original

the beginning of the apocalypse

作者: purnsky

© WebNovel

章 1: New Era!!!

"How?.." I was stunned at the sight in front of me

The street that used to be full of lively atmosphere, towering buildings with beauty that I can usually only see from below, and people who are usually busy with their own business on the streets.

Now, what I see is the opposite of all that, destroyed streets filled with corpses and blood, tall buildings that are now destroyed and some of their sides are split, monsters that I don't know are roaming everywhere, and the night sky that is usually just dark now has a bright blue moon. giving beauty and horror to illuminate this city.

"How did this all happen!?, I just closed my eyes to try to sleep for less than 10 minutes!?, how and what happened in just a few minutes!!???"

(Flashback a few minutes ago)

'Another ordinary day' I thought.

While turning off the TV because it was time to go to bed early, walked to the bathroom to clean himself before going to bed.

Looking at the mirror in the bathroom I automatically approached, seeing the Average face in the mirror I just sighed helplessly.

"Now appearance is really important for finding work," I said

It's been a few weeks since I graduated from high school, the money I had from my parents' savings and compensating the person who caused their accident has almost run out.

Yes, you heard that right, they had an accident which caused them to die.

At that time I, who had just come home from school, could only cry lamenting it all, fortunately the person who caused the accident was responsible because he didn't do it on purpose, he called an ambulance and the police to turn himself in, I who saw that was just silent, before he was killed. I took him to the police station and got quite a lot of compensation, but there my mind was in a mess so I ignored it, I don't even know what punishment he got, besides he didn't do it on purpose which means maybe a light sentence.

When the funeral was over, I lamented sadly about what I would do in the future, remembering the money given as compensation and my parents' savings which automatically became mine, I was determined to stick with it until I graduated and could earn my own income.

Thinking about all that I shook my head and started cleaning my face.

Came out of the bathroom and walked to bed, lying on the bed looking at the roof of my apartment.

'I need to get up early to look for work again' I said slowly closing my eyes.

1 minute

2 minutes


5 minutes


8 minutes

The silent room suddenly shook.

I, who was trying to sleep by closing my eyes until I fell asleep, finally couldn't hold back my anxiety and woke up

"Earthquake?..." as soon as those words came out, the room that was shaking now started shaking even more as if the apartment building was going to collapse.

"Damn-, damn! I have to get out of here!"

Got out of bed and looked for my apartment keys which had fallen due to the strong vibrations.

"Damn! Where is the key!? It shouldn't be far from the bed!" I snapped in between the vibrations that occurred

Reaching into the gap under the bed I finally found my apartment key.

"Finally!, I have to get out now otherwise I will be destroyed along with this building!" I said immediately running towards the door.

When I arrived at the door, I immediately put the key in and turned it, but like a miracle, when I only had to turn the door knob, the vibrations that seemed to want to collapse the building stopped.


I sighed because I survived the death vibration.

Feeling relieved, I wondered what happened earlier, opened the door in hopes of getting answers from some passers-by, but-.

(Flashback ends, back to present)

Feeling a feeling of horror caused by the unsightly sight, I tried to calm myself even though it didn't work and suddenly it happened.









"Wait?, what happened!?, what was that sound?"

I looked around me but there was nothing.

As I calmed myself down, from the corner of my vision something shone.


A beautiful ocean blue board appeared before my eyes, an unfamiliar text appeared that I could strangely understand.

Feeling complicated and curious, I read it.

[Every era has its own era/epoch.]

[In the past, humans were just the most hated creatures on this earth, they were creatures who couldn't fight their own desires, that's why higher beings only saw them as a group of disgusting races.]

[When the erasure of eras/epochs occurs, it doesn't matter whether higher or lower beings perish as they are rejected by the world itself.]

[But, the human race that was inferior to the lowest of creatures was unexpectedly able to survive and rise from that disaster.]

[At that time, the human race started their own era, from not being able to walk and having to bend, they took their first steps in a world that was desolate due to disasters, developing ideas, creating technology, etc.]

[It has now been more than 50000+ years since the start of the human era.]

[Now it's time for evaluation, only the strong live in this new world.]

[Now!!! A new era will begin!]

{I don't speak English, this is from Google Translate}

purnsky purnsky

I'm just trying to write, It's a miracle when it's good, and I hope it can be understood when it's bad

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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